Xiu Xian: I can reincarnate in the heavens

Chapter 233 Stepping on the left foot and stepping on the right foot to upgrade the blood pill)


As soon as he clapped his hands, the door opened, and three nuns walked in from the outside.

Each nun has the same attire, palace attire, holding a lacquered wooden tray in jade hands, on which are placed jade slips, gold books, iron sickles and other things.

"The magic power of the Dao Dan realm, this is the most popular one in the Liukui Demon Realm, called "Tie Sha Luo Gong", it swallows all kinds of evil spirits and promotes the growth of Dao Dan."

The horse-faced steward took off the palm-sized iron sickle, handed it to Xu Xing, and said: "The evil spirit of Iron Shaluo Gong can not only absorb the evil spirit naturally born from the outside world, but also cultivate it with the body of a monk.
"Generally speaking, it only takes 200 years for a monk at the early stage of Taoist alchemy who practices Iron Shaluo Kung Fu to advance to the late stage of Daoelan."

"It's just that Dao Dan will become Sha Dan, and there will be serious troubles in the future." The magic skills that are eager for quick success and quick benefit have more or less flaws.

Xu Xing was not surprised to hear that Dao Dan would be eroded and changed to Sha Dan.If there is no future trouble for the magic skill, it is not a magic skill.

The difference lies in whether he can bear this trouble and try his best to avoid it.

He took the iron sickle, carefully checked the contents of the first half of the exercises contained in it, and the introduction, then shook his head.

This "Tie Sha Luo Gong" needs to devour all kinds of evil spirits to practice, and for him, the speed of cultivation is too slow.

In 200 years, from the early stage of Dao Dan to the late stage of Dao Dan, for ordinary monks, the promotion speed is indeed extremely fast, but for him, it is not as good as practicing his original major skills.

"Since Master Zhenjun is dissatisfied with "Tie Shaluo Kung Fu", there are eight other magic kung fu, such as this "Blood Shadow Golden Body Kung Fu".

The horse-faced steward was not discouraged, and took out another blood-colored jade slip from the lacquered wooden tray held by the nun, and introduced:

""Blood Shadow Golden Body Kung Fu" has a total of nine levels. Every time you succeed in practicing one level, you can use your own blood to create a blood shadow."

"Blood shadows are used to kill, to plunder the monk's blood essence, so as to grow."

"When the blood shadow is complete, you can use this blood slip to absorb the blood essence stored in the blood shadow and condense the blood pill, so as to impact your cultivation."

"Just the flaw is"

The horse-faced steward pondered for a while, then shook his head and said, "If you don't practice this "Blood Shadow Golden Body Kung Fu" to the ninth level, you will build the Blood Shadow Golden Body realm. The energy absorbed is from different sources, and it is very easy to riot. There are countless monks who died due to blood rebellion.”

"Ninth Realm"

Hearing this, Xu Xing felt a little moved by this magic skill.

He has a dungeon world as a support, and it shouldn't take long to cultivate this magic skill to the ninth level.Besides, who said that the blood shadow must absorb the blood essence of other monks?

As long as the mana regeneration can keep up, his blood is almost endless.
The blood shadow produced by this blood shadow magic skill can completely become a place for him to store blood essence. "What about other magic skills?"

There was a trace of dissatisfaction in Xu Xing's eyes looking at the steward of the horse face. He took out a jug of wine, poured himself a glass, shook his head and said.

Although there are quite a lot of regulations in Baibaoge's trading than the street stalls in Fang City, it is common for them to set prices on the floor.He will never reveal his true intentions.

"The rest of the magic power."

The steward with a horse face nodded, and continued to introduce the following seven magic skills to Xu Xing.He couldn't figure out Xu Xing's idea, so he could only try his best to sell it.

Although the value of the magic skills eager for quick success and quick profit is not low, the sale of these skills in Baibao Pavilion is a no-cost business, so the profit is not low, and the commission he gets is not low.

The rest of the magic skills are not as expected by Xu Xing, just like "Tie Sha Luo Kung Fu" and "Blood Shadow Golden Body Kung Fu", basically they are all kung fu skills that harm others and benefit oneself.

Either the blood path absorbs the essence of others, or the dual cultivation collects yin and replenishes yang, or the ghost path absorbs the soul of monks...
"These nine magic arts are considered good in the outside world, but the Baibao Pavilion only collects these? Could it be that you are deceiving me?"

After Xu Xing listened to the introduction of the last magic art, his brows were slightly frowned, and he looked at Ma Mian's managerial expression, feeling a little unkind.

Yan Mo Island is close to Mingquan to teach this great sect of the Dao of Dao, Dao Dan level of magic,

How could there be only nine.

Although "Blood Shadow Golden Body Kung Fu", "Heavenly Yin Evil Kung Fu", and "Youlong Playing Phoenix Kung Fu" among the nine magic arts are quite suitable for him, but at the moment he is playing the Dao Dan demon cultivator. He is well-informed, so he will not easily say the words of buying these three magic arts.

"If these nine magic arts are not satisfied with the wishes of Lord Zhenjun."

The horse-faced steward hesitated for a moment, and clapped his hands to make the three female cultivators in the room retreat, then took out three jade slips from his sleeve.

Of the three jade slips, one is black, one is green, and the other is blood-colored.

"Master Zhenjun, just now are the exercises treasured in the cabinet. Now these three kinds of magic skills are my private collection." The steward with a horse face chuckled, "Speaking of magic skills, what are the magic skills scattered in the outside world? Where it is cultivated, the truly powerful magic skills are all taught by the Mingquan Sect."

"The magic power taught by Mingquan."
There was a flash of light in Xu Xing's eyes, and then he sneered and said: "Selling the magic skills taught by you, you are not small."

Inheritance of skills is the most important thing in a teaching.

No faction will tolerate their own cultivation techniques being scattered outside and sold.

The Nether Spring Sect is a big sect of demons nearby, and he is pretending to be the True Monarch of Demon Cultivator. To mention this at this time, he is intentionally or unintentionally linking his identity with the Nether Spring Sect
"Of course villains don't dare to sell the skills taught by Mingquan. But villains have the guts to teach other skills taught by the devil."

Ma Lian said: "These three jade slips, two are from Yinfengmen, and one is from Yanluo Shrine." There are ten religions in Donghuang Prefecture, three sects, two palaces, one sect, one religion, one pavilion and one villa.

Yinfengmen belongs to one of the ten religions.

This faction is located in the Northern Wilderness, and it is hostile to the Seven Star Sect, which is also one of the top ten religions, and belongs to the Great Sect of Demonic Dao.Beihuang and Wangchuanhai are one north and one south, so of course the horse-faced steward dared to sell Yinfengmen's magic skills in private.

"Oh? Since these three magic skills are hidden by you, there should be a place worth collecting."

Xu Xing showed seriousness, glanced at the three jade slips on the table, and then said with a smile, "However, I said beforehand that what I want is quick success and instant benefits, and a quick breakthrough in cultivation. If it is not worth it, I will It’s not going to be bought lightly.”

"Of course."

The horse-faced steward withdrew his complacent expression, his smile faded away, and he glanced at the three jade slips, took out the green jade slips, and handed them to Xu Xing.

"Yinfengmen has a secret technique, which can also be called a cultivation method. By breeding ghost-faced flowers, let them parasitize in your body, and when they mature, you can refine the flowers with mana and break through your cultivation."

"And the ghost face flower devours the life essence of the monk, and it does not affect its own strength." He said.

Xu Xing put the green jade slip close to the center of his eyebrows, read the content inside, and soon his face showed a solemn expression.

The exercise recorded in this jade slip is called "Zheshou Tiancan Gong".It is almost not magic power, but belongs to the category of evil power.

As the horse-faced steward said, this technique sacrifices one's lifespan to support a ghost-faced flower in an all-round way, and then uses the ghost-faced flower to break through the cultivation base
It sounds like this evil skill is not bad.

After all, according to common sense, after a monk's cultivation base breaks through, his lifespan will increase to a certain extent, and breaking through with ghost face flowers is equivalent to a no-cost business
However, once the ghost-faced flower is planted in the body, from then on, the monk will not be able to get rid of the entanglement of the ghost-faced flower for the rest of his life. The seeds of the ghost-faced flower will remain deep in the soul, and his cultivation will be swallowed by the ghost-faced flower. In the end, he can only become a ghost-faced flower. nourishment.

This is where the evil of evil power lies.

Demonic skills can at least be controlled, while evil skills are completely out of control.

"This kung fu is an evil kung fu, which will ruin the future of a monk. Steward Lu, although Kang is looking for a magic kung fu, he doesn't want to become the nourishment of the ghost face flower."
Xu Xing handed the green jade slip back to Steward Ma Lian, and snorted dissatisfied. "Your Majesty, you're missing something."

Steward Ma Lian shook his head, "This exercise is so flawed, how could Lu sell this exercise to you, Master Zhenjun."

"Since there is
There is a method of planting ghost-faced flowers, so naturally there is also a method of picking ghost-faced flowers. This method is another method of the Yinfengmen. Master Zhenjun, please take a look. "

He took out the black jade slip and handed it to Xu Xing. "This technique"

Hearing this, Xu Xing glanced at the contents of the black jade slips with his spiritual sense, and looked at the horse-faced steward in surprise, "Guard Lu, could there be a monk who practiced "Zhou Shou Tian Can Gong" to sell to Kang?"

The technique of this black jade slip is the second half of "Zheshoutian Residual Kungfu", which is dedicated to harvesting the ghost face flower planted in the monk's body.

The picked ghost face flower can improve the cultivator's cultivation level without damage.

In other words, a monk who grows ghost face flowers in his body is equivalent to a furnace.The mature ghost face flowers are pills that increase the cultivation level one by one.

"Hundreds of years ago, after obtaining this skill, villains secretly spread this skill to the outside world, and there are many demon cultivators who took risks to practice this skill."

"This is the list of monks who practiced "Zhou Shou Tian Can Gong". There are three Dao Dan Zhenjun monks. The strength of the Dao Dan monks who have been promoted through this skill is mostly weak, and they are only equivalent to the late stage of returning alchemy."

The horse-faced steward took out a roster and put it on the table, putting it together with the three jade slips just now, with a smile on his face.

Killing, breaking through, and cultivating... are common things in magic cultivation.

He believed that Xu Xing would be tempted to improve his cultivation base without damage.

"Kang is not good at fighting, so it's better to avoid the secret technique of Yinfengmen."

Xu Xing's eyes flashed, and he pointed to the remaining blood-colored jade slips, "This should be the skill of Yan Luo Shrine. I wonder what kind of skill this magic skill is?"

"Zhou Shou Tian Can Gong" is too evil, he dare not touch it, who knows if the second half of this skill has been tampered with by this horse-faced steward, or by Yin Fengmen.

"It's easy to say, this skill is a magic skill of Yan Luo Shrine, called "Shen Ling Gong"."

Hearing Xu Xing's words, the horse-faced steward's smile froze slightly, but he was the steward of Baibao Pavilion after all, so he quickly recovered and began to introduce the use of "Shen Ling Gong".

Although the name of the magic skill "Shen Ling Gong" is common, its cultivation method is the same as most of the magic skills. It is extremely bloody. Various kinds of spiritual ginseng are planted in the corpses of monks to cultivate, and the corpse ginseng is obtained, and the corpse ginseng is used to break through.
"This "Shen Ling Gong" is really good, and there are also the previous "Blood Shadow Golden Body Dafa", "Heavenly Yin Evil Art", "Youlong and Phoenix Art"."

After Xu Xing finished watching "Shen Ling Gong", he pondered for a moment, and said to Ma Lian.

Although this method of planting spiritual ginseng with monk corpses is cruel, it has been slightly evolved, and it may be useful to him.

""Shen Ling Gong" is privately kept by the villain. Master Zhenjun can give 50 shells, and the remaining few magic skills are worth 20 shells each."

The horse-faced steward asked the price.

Compared with the value of orthodox skills, the value of magic skills is more than one notch, and these magic skills are more inclined to minors than majors, and the price is lower.

"The price is okay."

Xu Xing thought about it for a moment, and felt that the price was not inflated, so he nodded, took out a box of Lingzhu, and handed it over.

Lean less.The transaction between the two is completed.

Xu Xing carefully looked at the content of the magic skills in the jade slips, and after checking, he was about to get up and leave, and leave the Baibao Pavilion on Yan Mo Island.

"My lord Zhenjun, please stay. The horse-faced steward called Xu Xing to stop.

"What is it?"

Xu Xing frowned.

"This is "Shou Shou Tian Can Gong", the villain will give it to Master Zhenjun."

The steward Ma Lian looked hesitant, sighed and said: "My lord Zhenjun won't buy this exercise, once my deeds of disseminating this exercise are exposed, the villain will die without a place to bury him."

"The exercises are bought and sold without money, so it's no big deal to give them to Lord Zhenjun." He explained the reason why he gave the exercises.

"These are the three true monarchs who practiced the "Shoushoutian Remnant Art". The true monarchs can punish themselves to see if they

pick them

The horse-faced monk handed the directory that he just took out to Xu Xing and said. "I have accepted the gift."

Seeing this, Xu Xing was not polite. He reached out and put the two jade slips and the directory into the storage bag, then flung his sleeves and left the room.


Only the horse-faced steward was left in the room.

"If you are interested in the magic power that is eager for quick success, then...the ghost face pill that can improve your cultivation base without damage, you can resist it for a while, but after a long time, no one can resist it."

He muttered to himself with a sneer.

The fate of Devouring Ghost Face Pill was not written on paper.

Since it's not written on paper, there will be some magic cultivators who take chances.This is inevitable.

Leave the Baibao Pavilion on Yan Mo Island.

After Xu Xing glanced at the list given to him by the horse-face steward, he threw it to the bottom of his storage bag, and didn't bother to read it again.

He has a bright future, so how could he practice such a sinister technique with such serious disadvantages. "Go back to Nanyan Continent first."

"The identity of the Danding faction cannot be easily given up."

Clouds formed under Xu Xing's feet, turned into a ray of light, and galloped towards the island where the cross-state teleportation array was located. ---

copy world.fire area.Western Emperor Divine Mansion, Yao Chi.

"A few magic skills obtained in the main world, "You Long Xi Feng Gong" is a method of collecting yin and nourishing yang, let's not mention it for now
""Tian Yin Xie Gong" cultivates the extreme yin demon head, you need to find special spiritual materials in order to practice successfully, let's not mention it for now.
""Spiritual Ginseng Kung Fu" is a kind of spiritual ginseng kung fu method, which is temporarily useless to improve one's cultivation, so "Blood Shadow Golden Body Kung Fu" is the only kung fu method that can be practiced for the time being."

In the Dongfu Abode, Xu Xing looked at the several magic arts that had just been recorded on the desk, with a look of deep thought on his face.

He took out the blood-colored jade slip, stuck it between his eyebrows, and began to ponder the profound meaning of the "Blood Shadow Golden Body Technique".This is a secondary magic skill of Dao Dan level, and it has a lot of uses when it reaches the Nascent Soul Realm. "Divided Blood Shadow."

After watching the exercises for three days and three nights, Xu Xing silently recited the mantra, only to see that half of his body began to shrink gradually, and his jade-like complexion was wrinkled, like an old man's chicken skin.

With the passage of time, a bloody shadow separated from his body and stood beside him.

At the same time, the words "Jiu Yao Xian Ming [Heterogeneous Golden Body]" on his panel became blurred. "Use [Dao Fruit] to re-solidify the Nine Luminaries Immortal Life Heretics Golden Body]."

Xu Xing immediately moved his mind and used Dao Fruit to re-solidify the immortal life.In the dantian, mana was consumed rapidly.

Less than a moment's time.

His Heretic Golden Body] once again stood in the column of [Dao Fruit], and the lost blood essence was reborn.

"Continue." "Split Blood Shadow."

Xu Xing suppressed the excitement in his heart, continued to read the description of the blood shadow magic art, and began to squeeze out the blood essence from his body, using the blood essence to practice the blood shadow clone that belonged to him.

A blood shadow was quickly split by him, reaching as many as three.

"Ordinary monks, if a blood shadow is split, their vitality will be severely injured. At least decades of cultivation will be required to restore their vitality. Unlike me, as long as the mana is not exhausted, I can continue to split the blood shadow."

From it, Xu Xing vaguely saw a path to promotion.

Although this road is a bit like the ladder Yunzong of the Wudang sect, stepping on the right foot with the left foot, thus spiraling up to the sky.
But in fact, what he really relied on was the power of the [Dao Fruit] of the ancient bronze mirror, which can be proved forever.Ten days passed by.

Xu Xing glanced at the five blood shadow clones around him, nodded, and stopped continuing to split the blood shadows.

Every blood shadow is his unconscious avatar, controlled by his consciousness.

With his powerful spiritual consciousness, it is more than enough to control five or even nine blood shadows of ordinary monks.

But the blood shadow that he splits out is related to his own strength.Unless he has cultivated this skill to the ninth stage [Blood Shadow Golden Body]
Otherwise, every time one more blood shadow is split, his control over the other blood shadows will drop by one level.

"Nourishing blood pills."

Xu Xing took a deep breath, cut his wrist with a sharp blade, released his own blood, and began to feed the five blood shadow clones.

"Plundering other people's blood, this method is too cruel, I will not take it." "Absorbing my blood is enough."

A smile appeared on his lips.After a month and a half.

Following Xu Xing's bloodletting, the first blood shadow gradually took on a solid appearance.

"It's a golden body, I'm afraid everyone will believe it. Demonic skills? I forcibly practiced it into a righteous way?"

Xu Xing glanced at the appearance of the first blood shadow and was a little speechless.This blood shadow is full of golden light, like a golden statue in a Buddhist temple.

It's just this appearance, anyone who looks at it will think that he is practicing some kind of supernatural power of the righteous way, not the cheap blood shadow magic skill.

"Try this blood pill."

Xu Xing walked up to Xue Yi, stretched out his right hand, and dug out a golden pill from Xue Yi's lower abdomen.

This pill is the size of a fist, with a strong fragrance, like a rare pill.Swallow the blood pill.

Xu Xing suddenly felt a warm itch gushing out from all his limbs, and his cultivation base also began to loosen, faintly showing signs of a breakthrough.

He immediately began to retreat.Prepare to break through. "Dao Dan turned seven?"

A few days later, Xu Xing, who was sitting cross-legged on the jade floor, had a flash of light in his eyes, and looked at Dao Dan spinning in the dantian, full of surprises.

Because the "self" in the main world is limited by the short training time, the cultivation level is still at the fourth rank of Dao Dan.

And "he and I" have practiced for four to five hundred years in the Jindi world, even without the help of elixir and Wumiao's pure yin energy, they have advanced to the sixth rank of Dao Dan.

"Although Dao Dan's sixth-rank cultivation base is approaching the time of breakthrough, the help of blood pills should not be underestimated.
"By swallowing more than 100 blood pills, you will be able to cultivate your 'self' and push it to the ninth rank of Dao Dan. "And 'he and I need eighty or ninety blood pills."

Xu Xing estimated.

The more you reach the later stage of cultivation, the more energy you need.And the blood pill is not a panacea, and it will be resistant to medicines.Xueying's blood pill is roughly equivalent to a kind of strange medicine refined with magic skills.

"In about a month, if one blood pill can be produced, it means that in about ten years, I may reach the peak of Dao Dan."

When Xu Xing thought about it, he was shocked.

But he quickly shook his head.

Frequent consumption of essence and blood, although it does not consume his origin, will not cause any harm to his body, but he needs the elixir to restore mana.

The elixir is not available!

A elixir of Dao elixir level would cost tens of thousands of spirit shells, and the elixir he took was top grade.

"Look for some elixir from the Queen Mother of the West, first push the cultivation base of my body to the peak of Dao Dan, and even Nascent Soul"

Xu Xing waved his sleeves, opened the Broken Dragon Stone in the cave, and walked out.

He is the Taoist son of the Western Emperor's Divine Palace, so he came to the Golden Palace of Yaochi with almost no effort, and met the Queen Mother of the West in person.

"Yao Dang?"

"The Daoist of the Western Emperor's Palace?"

Not long after Xu Xing came to sit in the hall, an arrogant and frivolous voice came from outside the hall.

Following the sound came a handsome young man in luxurious clothes, wearing a Nine Suns scarf and cloud-climbing shoes.

There are several old men behind him, each of them has a strong aura, and just looking forward, there is a strong sense of oppression.

"Who is this person?"

Hearing this, Xu Xing frowned, looked at Queen Mother Xi, and said curiously.

He has always lived in seclusion in the Western Emperor Divine Mansion, but he has never offended anyone.

"Zilang Shengzi, the next successor of Zilang Divine Palace, is also your enemy, Daozi."

"Because of Meng Yao, he has been in Yaochi for two years and wanted to compete with you. But I

stopped. "The Queen Mother of the West has an ethereal temperament, raised her eyelids slightly, looked at Zilang Shengzi, and then said to Xu Xing.

"So that's how it is." Xu Xing looked relieved.

He had peeked into the fate of Meng Yao, the Saintess of Yaochi, and knew that Meng Yao might be abolished by the Son of Zilang in the future, so he had mentioned a few words to Meng Yao, telling him to be careful of the Son of Zilang.

Of course, his words should not be leaked to Zilang Shengzi's ears.Zilang Shengzi came to Yaochi only to provoke him, his rival in love.

"Son of Zilang, I don't know what grievances I have between you and me? Can't you just smile away?" Xu Xing smiled at the corner of his mouth, walked towards the Son of Zilang, and talked with him.Reach out and don't hit the smiling face.

What's more, dealing with it is still the Taoist of Yishenfu.

Zilang Shengzi's tone froze slightly, he saluted each other with Xu Xing, and started talking, refusing to be at a disadvantage.

"Since the Holy Son wants to compete with Yao, it's easy. How about you and I compete with spells?" Xu Xing said after a few words, then changed the subject.


Son Zilang was startled when he heard the words, he didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Xu Xing's gourd, but he refused to be defeated, "Okay, let's compete with spells, no matter whether we win or lose, we must not make trouble for others."

He is Yuanxiu who was born as a ghost, and now he has reached the realm of fate, his cultivation is first-class among his peers.As for Xu Xing's realm, he sensed its aura and found that it was only the realm of Fate Spring, so he was confident in his heart.

In addition, the competition was also the first thing he mentioned, since Xu Xing proposed the content of the competition, he naturally couldn't back down easily.

"This is a strand of Yao's hair."

"Son of Zilang, where's yours?"

Xu Xing took off a strand of hair from the bun, entrusted it with mana, and handed it to Son Zilang. "This is my hood."

Zilang Shengzi took off the Nine Suns Scarf and threw it to Xu Xing, not to be outdone.The two asked the Queen Mother of the West to be the referee.

Then sit in the hall.

"how is this possible?"

Zilang Shengzi cast the evil curse for a while, and looked at Xu Xing with his magic eyes, and saw that although his luck was full of purple energy, it was the qualifications for becoming a fairy, but it didn't make him unable to even cast the curse.

There are many monks who are qualified to become immortals.

Xu Xing is not the only one.

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