Xiu Xian: I can reincarnate in the heavens

Chapter 241 Succeeded in crossing the tribulation, a gift from heaven and earth

The most common type of catastrophe in the sky is thunder catastrophe, and most monks have a lot of experience in resisting thunder catastrophe.But when it comes to the wind disaster,

This kind of unheard-of catastrophe, most monks, or sects, have no experience in crossing the catastrophe, so the chances of falling into this catastrophe can be imagined.

"Thunder calamity, wind calamity, and Yin fire calamity, these are the three minor disasters in the primordial spirit realm. After passing through this tribulation, you will be a half-immortal body. In the primordial realm, the distinction between strength and weakness is also related to these three calamities "

"After the minor three calamities, there will be the legendary Nine Calamities of Immortality."

Daoist Yuheng took a deep breath, and added to Daoist Tanlang's words.

It was only at this time that he vaguely understood why Daoist Tanlang said that what Xu Xing condensed might be an immortal baby, because only a monk who survived the minor tribulation could have a ray of immortal energy born in his body.

Disasters and catastrophes are also good fortune.

"Then, doesn't it mean that Xu Zhenjun is going to cross the catastrophe at this time?" Hearing this, the head of the room suddenly felt a storm in his chest.

At this moment, although the two Taoist monarchs in the faction did not state the situation of Xu Xing's crossing the catastrophe, it can be inferred how terrifying the aptitude of Xu Xing, a disciple of the Shangjiao and the human emperor body, is based on the degree of difficulty of the catastrophe. How deep.

"Perhaps, it is really possible for him to make Miao'er become a Taoist monarch within 500 years." The head of the room was swaying.

On that day, she agreed with Xu Xing on two of the three conditions. She just followed the practice of the school and didn't think that Xu Xing really had a chance to complete it, but now it seems that it may not be the case.

It is impossible for ordinary Yuanying Daojun to help monks improve to the same level as them within a few hundred years.

However, a Nascent Soul Heavenly Tribulation has a Nascent Soul Tianjiao at the Nascent Soul level, and it is possible to help a female cultivator with good aptitude to reach the Nascent Soul Realm within 500 years.

The top ten masters in Donghuang Prefecture, as long as they are willing, they can encourage the seedlings to grow, and they will not hesitate to spend the cost, so that ordinary monks can reach the Nascent Soul Realm.

There is a precedent for this matter.

The mistress of Huanlong Villa has mediocre qualifications and has not inherited any Dao blood from the previous owner.The outside world speculated that with his aptitude, it would be difficult to reach the Nascent Soul Realm in his lifetime.

However, 800 years ago, the mistress of Huanlong Villa successfully condensed the Nascent Soul, and her life span lasted to [-] years.

Once Wu Miao achieves the Nascent Soul within a thousand years, then there is hope for the Nascent Soul, and he will not be like the predecessors of the Xingyun Sect, who is only short of a step in the realm, looking forward to it and sighing.

"Quickly let the saintess finish her retreat, enter the blessed land, and wait for Xu Xingdu's catastrophe to end. Don't be sloppy."

The head of the room had a pretty face, looked at the elder beside him, and gave instructions in a low voice.Retreat is important.

But it is more important to please Xu Xing, the future Yuan Shengjun and the exiled immortal in the world.Even if Wu Miao and Xu Xing are old.

But now Wu Miao is still only a Huandan real person, even though he is only one step away from the true king, this one step difference can often decide many things.

Daoist Huandan and Daojun Yuanying obviously don't match.

Perhaps Xu Xing, who has achieved Nascent Soul, would not mind this matter, but the Starfall Sect wants to guard against this matter.



"The Calamity of the Wind."

"The eighth catastrophe is actually the wind catastrophe, one of the three minor disasters."

Hearing the sound transmission of Taoist Lord Tanlang, Xu Xing, who was crossing the catastrophe in the blessed land of the Starfall School, immediately showed a dignified expression on his face.

He glanced at the wind and sand blowing up from outside the yellow shield, and his face became more and more serious.

Minor three disasters.

In his current state, it is indeed a bit embarrassing.

"The shield propped up by Xu Tianyu should be able to resist for half an hour. The half an hour I won is the time for me to think about how to break the situation."

Xu Xing took a deep breath and thought to himself.

Half a quarter of an hour, to a monk, is just a blink of an eye.But at this moment, it is of great use.

When a monk is going through the catastrophe, if he can win a little bit of respite, he will have a chance to turn around and successfully go through the catastrophe.


Xu Tianyu is worthy of being the relic of the founder of the Starfall Sect, it can buy me half a quarter of an hour, but..." Xu Xing pondered for a moment, then removed the yellow shield formed by Xu Tianyu with a flick of his sleeves, and greeted the boy alone with his body The catastrophe of the wind.

At this time, he was not trying to be brave.

But in every catastrophe, it is easy at the beginning and difficult later.

If he had lost the treasure of Xu Tianyu at the beginning of the catastrophe, how would he face it when the ninth catastrophe happened.

To cross the next two catastrophes, he needs to calculate step by step.

"Although the evil king's legal body and physical body are not damaged, his mana has lost about [-]% in the previous [Dao Fruit] solidification."

"Only [-]% of the mana is left."

"However, my physical body is the eight-pole immortal [blood shadow golden body], and when the nine-light immortal [heterogeneous golden body] lives, there will be immortality in the body. This calamity of wind and wind may not be able to obliterate my physical body.
"My physical body is not weak at all." "Besides."

"Essence and Blood God Treasure!"

"On the road of Yuanxiu, I have also reached the realm of the seven gods. The realm of the seven gods is equivalent to the Yuanying realm. I have also opened the essence and blood gods."

Xu Xing looked at the wind and sand in front of him, and a trace of determination flashed in his eyes.next.

He closed his seven orifices tightly, letting the wind blow away his body.

The yellow sand was like a scraper, scraping off his skin inch by inch, golden sticky blood leaked from the wound, and the scabs healed.

However, the wind and calamity were endless, when his golden body was cut open, it penetrated into his body like a gangrene, torturing his limbs, bones, and every inch of flesh and blood.

The skin breaks open and heals.

Blown away again by the wind and sand
Xu Xing did not know how many times he had gone through this process, his sense of pain had long been numb, and his whole body was like an old monk on the verge of death, sitting withered in the void.
The catastrophe of the wind came to the middle.

Finally, every inch of Xu Xing's flesh and blood was detached from his body and disintegrated, leaving only a golden skeleton.

"Spirit and blood hide away!"

The golden skull's eyes were full of divine light, he gave a soft drink, and a little golden blood began to condense on the surface of his body, turning into flesh and blood, rebuilding the divine body, and returning to the original.

When the "he and I" in the dungeon world broke through the Jingshenshenzang of the realm of the Seven Gods, the Jingshenshenzang also evolved into the innate supernatural powers of his own body, just like the previous realm of supernatural powers.

And this supernatural power, once used, can make his body continuously produce blood essence, blood and physique to achieve a great bonus, almost immortal.

It's just that the corresponding supernatural power also has shortcomings, which consumes one's own mana.

"Yuanxiu, explore the source of yourself. Although I only practice immortality in the main world, the reason is similar to the realm of supernatural powers."

"My body is destroyed once, and I am reborn from Nirvana, and my body will become stronger!"

Xu Xing opened his eyes and looked directly at Feng Jie through his eyes, without any trace of fear.

His eye apertures were empty, no eyeballs, only flesh and blood.

In the wind calamity just now, his eyes were destroyed by the wind calamity, leaving only a layer of skin, which firmly protected the eye openings.

But at this moment, a brilliance flashed across his body, and the white jade-like eyeballs were reborn in the eye openings.

And this newly born eyeball is completely unafraid of the wind.

"The great saint in the myths and legends has a pair of golden eyes, which can probe into the 33 heavens and descend into the nine worlds of the underworld."

"It's just that these fiery eyes are a pair of sick eyes. When encountering the real fire of three flavors, the eyes will be sore and weep. But I am different. Although the eyes are not divine eyes, I don't have such worries."

Xu Xing looked relaxed, shaking his head and talking to himself.

The momentum of the eighth catastrophe, the catastrophe of the wind, has gradually diminished. If there is no accident, he has passed this catastrophe safely.

As for Xu Tianyu, the magic weapon, his spirituality has not faded at this moment, he has enough confidence to deal with the next catastrophe.


I don't know what is the next Ninth Heavenly Tribulation?Could it be the calamity of Yinhuo caused by the minor three calamities? "Xu Xingchao stuffed a handful of elixir into his mouth to recover his mana, and sat in meditation to wait for the final catastrophe to come.Overcoming the last catastrophe.

It's the end of all hardships.

"Fairy bones and jade muscles."

"This is the power of the fairy body."

Outside the blessed land, Daoist Tanlang and Daoist Yuheng said with emotion in their hearts after watching the scene of Xu Xingdu's tribulation.

No matter how poor their eyesight was, they could see how extraordinary Xu Xing's physique was just by looking at the methods Xu Xing used when he crossed the catastrophe.

"Yinhuo Tribulation." "Here we come."

As soon as the two finished speaking, they felt a burning karmic fire, rushing straight to the dantian from the Yongquan point on the soles of their feet, intending to burn their Nascent Soul to nothingness and turn them into ashes.

"Rewind! You cannot watch this calamity."

Taoist Lord Greedy Wolf flicked his big sleeves, led the cultivators of the Starfall Sect with his mana, and hurriedly retreated to a range about a hundred miles away from the entrance of the blessed land, and then stopped.

"The catastrophe of yin fire is neither sky fire nor earth fire. It is produced in the body and burns from the Yongquan point on the sole of the foot to the dantian."

This time, Taoist Lord Tanlang began to explain the general content of the Yinhuo Tribulation without waiting for the cultivators to ask.

After finishing speaking, he shook his head, "The catastrophe of Yinhuo, this catastrophe is difficult to overcome, I don't know if Fellow Daoist Xu can survive this catastrophe safely, even if he holds Xu Tianyu, facing this catastrophe, there are many dangers."

To cross the tribulation in the Yuanshen realm, one needs to overcome the minor tribulations.

This time, Xu Xingdu's Nascent Soul Realm Heavenly Tribulation was complete.

Of course, Xu Xingdu's minor tribulation disaster was far from being able to compare with the minor tribulation catastrophe in Yuanshen realm, and could only be regarded as a semi-primordial god-level catastrophe.

If it is really a tribulation, even if Daoist Tanlang has a positive attitude towards Xu Xing's strength and thinks that he has the strength equivalent to that of a veteran Daoist in this realm when he first entered the Nascent Soul Realm, he does not doubt that he will face Xu Xing's strength. When the real mistress suffered a catastrophe, Xu Xing died as a result of the catastrophe.

"Xu Tianyu?"

"Master Greedy Wolf, isn't this. Xu Tianyu can only form a shield? Since the Yinhuo Calamity was born from the body."

After hearing the words of Daoist Tanlang, a true king of the Xingyun faction showed doubts and asked.How could the shield of the Xutian jade knot resist the Yin fire born from the body.

"The magic weapon of the primordial spirit level" "is it such a cheap thing?
"The golden elixir formed by the true king contains the principles of Taoism, so it is called the Taoist elixir. The monks in the Nascent Soul Realm are called the Taoist Lord because they control part of the Taoism."

"A magic weapon that can be called a magic weapon in the primordial spirit realm has at least one way in it. Although Xutianyu is a remnant jade, this way still exists."

Taoist Lord Greedy Wolf said in a deep voice.

The yellow shield propped up on the body surface is just a superficial application of Xu Tianyu.

Xutianyu can also strengthen the monk's defense in the body, so as to resist the catastrophe of Yinhuo. "Such a treasure."

The eyes of all the cultivators flickered, recalling the scene in the blessed land, a trace of greed arose in their hearts.If they hold the Xutian Jade in their hands, they will definitely be invincible in the same realm.

But soon, they gave up their greed.

The cultivator holding Xu Tianyu is not a weak person, but a Nascent Soul cultivator who was taught, a Nascent Soul Tianjiao who can overcome the tribulations and catastrophes as soon as he is born.

The Ninth Heavenly Tribulation is coming.

In an instant, Xu Xing saw clusters of black flames rising from the Yongquan point on the bottom of his feet, and began to spread towards his whole body.

The internal organs were reduced to ashes.Limbs gradually began to wither.

The mind and soul are disordered, the thoughts are violent, the mind is unsteady, and all kinds of distracting thoughts come to my heart. "The catastrophe of Yinhuo can also stir up people's inner demons"

Seeing this scene, Xu Xing quickly bit the tip of his tongue, the tingling sensation made him wake up instantly, and began to suppress the distracting thoughts in his body.

The words [Ming Wang Style] on the panel flashed slightly, and a sense of Zen came to my heart.

His chaotic state of mind gradually cleared up. Although the lake water was slightly rippling, it was not
Deadly enough.

"There is not a small gap with the legendary Heart Demon Tribulation, but the Yinhuo Tribulation, the most important thing is to resist the Yinhuo
Xu Xing frowned, and began to use Xu Tianyu's spirituality to resist the clusters of black flames in his body.

Xu Tianyu turned into a yellow carp, constantly shuttling through the black flames, fighting against the Yin fire, thus buying time for him.

The breath of time keeps passing.

Not only did the black flame not wear out, but it became more and more prosperous.After half a quarter of an hour.

Xu Tianyu wailed, and the yellow carp that turned into fell from the air, returning to the previous form of remnant jade.

Without Xu Tianyu's protection, Xu Xing began to face the catastrophe of Yinhuo again, but his foundation was no small matter, under the burning of Yinhuo, he would not be exhausted.

"Come on! Come on!"

"In a little while, the catastrophe of Yinhuo will be over."

Xu Xing gritted his teeth, desperately squeezing the mana in his body to transform the [Blood Shadow Golden Body] to resist the burning of Yinhuo.

The Nascent Soul in his body gradually withered, from white and fat to wrinkled.But fortunately.

When Nascent Soul was dying, the sky finally cleared up after the rain. Drops of spiritual liquid, like rain from heaven, poured on his head, allowing him to overcome this difficult time.

"Is it Thunder Spirit Liquid?"

Xu Xing raised his head, looked at the drops of milky white liquid on the top of his head, and thought to himself.

After passing through the nine heavenly tribulations, the heavens will send down the thunder spirit liquid to help the monks recover their original origin and reshape their Taoist body.

At this moment, the thunder liquid descended from the sky and the earth, which indicated that he had successfully survived the Nine Tribulations and became a real Nascent Soul cultivator.

Under the watering of drops of Thunder Spirit Liquid, Xu Xing's body recovered as before, and his mana filled his meridians, almost overflowing.

"The Thunder Spirit Liquid is a gift from heaven and earth, it cannot be received, it must be."

Xu Xing frowned.

No matter how difficult it is for his body to absorb the Thunder Spirit Liquid at this moment, there are still many gifts from heaven and earth to him.

At this moment, before he finished speaking, the interior view of Longtan Tiger Cave in his Dantian Purple Mansion began to accept the Thunder Spirit Liquid and stored it in the pool of Longtan.

"My internal scene is innate, so it has the effect of collecting thunder spirit liquid?"

Seeing this, Xu Xing showed joy.

The value of Thunder Spirit Liquid is incalculable, just because it can make up for the origin of a monk, it is worth fighting for.

Longtan gradually filled with water.

Stored about half of the Thunder Spirit Liquid that Xu Xing had just received.

But at this moment, the gift from heaven and earth of Lei Lingye gradually disappeared and began to dry up. "

This is a gift after the thunder calamity, what about the calamity of wind and fire? "Xu Xing looked at Jieyun.

It seemed that Jie Yun had also sensed his thoughts, and two golden rays of light burst out from the dark clouds in an instant, one of which pierced his eye openings.

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