Xiu Xian: I can reincarnate in the heavens

Chapter 251 Taizu is the real dragon, and the rest of the emperors are just false dragons

In the world of cultivating immortals, there are many romances.

For example, he practiced the secret method of burning the lifespan of the Shadow Killing Palace, and became an immortal cultivator from a mortal. This should have ended in an early death, or he was killed by someone while performing a mission...

But he happened to have a lot of chances, not only did he not die, but in the past 200 years, his cultivation reached a breakthrough, and he became a small steward in the shadow killing hall.

As long as no bones are seen.

Well, anything can happen.

"My little brother has practiced for so many years, and he has long since disregarded Yunniang's death."

Xu Xing waved his hand, signaling that King Wei Tian doesn't need to calm him down anymore, he shook his head and said: "It's just that this enemy has attacked my wife's tomb, it's really hateful..., this matter, I have a deep heart, and I can't let it go..."

Although he didn't see Zhao Yuniang's death with his own eyes, Nie Shu witnessed all of this with his own eyes, and this was also mentioned in the letter sent to him.

Zhao Yunniang is dead, this is a certainty and cannot be changed.

"Since the tombs of Emperor Jingjia and Emperor Guangwen have not been moved, then this thief should have come to Yanxia Mountain more than 40 years ago..."

King Wei Tian nodded upon hearing this, and began to analyze the information Xu Xing had just provided.

"The fourth brother is only two hundred years old now, but he calls you an old thief, then this person must be younger than you, the fourth brother, who is more than 100 years old."

"The person who dares to avenge this revenge must be a person with outstanding talent, otherwise he would not dare to have such courage..."

He said.

"Second brother knows who did it?"

Xu Xing raised his eyebrows, and secretly thought that he did not find the wrong person. He knew that Wei Tianwang was not an ordinary person just after listening to these few sentences of intelligence analysis.

That's right, before he entered Siming Mountain, Wei Tianwang was the butler who assisted Yao Dang in managing the internal affairs of the cottage.

In terms of ability, although he is slightly inferior to him in the past, after more than 200 years of tempering in the shadow killing hall, the current King Wei Tian is definitely not inferior to him in terms of intelligence analysis.

After all, the profession has a specialization.

"I probably guessed a few people, but I'm not too sure. Although there are not many people in Feiyu Immortal Palace and fourth brother you have Liangzi..."

"This requires me to go back to the Shadow Killing Palace to continue the investigation, to see who has been to Shenjing in Fengxi Kingdom in the past 40 years..."

King Wei Tian sipped the wine lightly, pondered for a while, and said.

The Shadow Killing Palace has always been investigating other Tianjiao, and Xu Xing is precisely the one who was in the limelight in Feiyu Immortal Palace back then.

Less than a few decades after entering Feiyu Immortal Palace, Xu Xing worshiped under Jujian Daojun, and almost became the eighth head of the master-student line... .

Although Ruan Baimei of the Taibai Immortal Body is sixth on the list and Gao Xuxing is the first, it is obviously inseparable from his family background and age of practice....

Facts have proved that Shadow Killing Hall was not mistaken. Now Xu Xing is Yuanying Daojun, and Ruan Baimei, although his status is prominent, is still in Dao Dan territory at this time, which is a big difference from Xu Xing.

"However... there is a doubt about this matter. With your cultivation and spiritual knowledge, fourth brother, it is naturally extremely simple to penetrate the seal of the emperor's mausoleum and reach the coffin..."

"The emperor's mausoleum is tens of feet deep. It is difficult for ordinary monks to have the strength to destroy the coffin without moving the soil..."

Wei Tianwang hesitated for a while, looked at Xu Xing, and pointed out this doubtful point.

The mausoleums of Fengling and the six emperors of the Xu family are all well-sealed, and there is nothing broken on the outside. If Xu Xing did not use his spiritual sense to investigate, otherwise he would not be able to find any internal changes.

However, it would be difficult for an ordinary monk's spiritual consciousness to pass through the sealed soil of tens of feet, let alone use strength to destroy the inner coffin.

Most of the seals of imperial mausoleums are rammed earth, which is not inferior to gold and iron in terms of hardness.

Extremely strong.

In addition, it is obviously not easy to steal a corpse from the tomb without sealing the soil.

The reason why the murderer didn't move outside the imperial mausoleum is easy to explain.

Today's Fengxi Kingdom is ruled by the Xu family. If the imperial mausoleum changes, the court will naturally not sit idly by, and "abandoning the corpse" will become useless.

"Second brother is right."

"It's not easy for monks in the Dao Dan realm to move the emperor's coffin, which weighs a thousand tons, without moving the emperor's mausoleum."

When Xu Xing heard this, he instantly noticed something strange.

As a master of spiritual consciousness, monk Xianji can do this easily.

But it is not an easy task for monks in the late stage of the Taoist realm to move the extremely heavy emperor's coffin across the tens of feet of soil.

Not to mention stealing a corpse in the secret room by taking things from the air.

Think about it.

Xu Xing felt relieved and breathed a sigh of relief.

It is true that the murderer who destroyed the emperor's mausoleum disturbed the rest of the dead, but it may not be true that he stole Zhao Yunniang's body and scattered it.

Using some methods, monks can strengthen their spiritual consciousness in a short period of time and move the emperor's coffin, but if they want to "fetch things from a distance", no one can do it unless they are legendary immortals.

"It's my little brother. I was in a hurry. I saw the imperial mausoleum was destroyed. I didn't think about it for a while..."

"Thank you for reminding me, brother."

Xu Xing picked up the jug, with a look of gratitude on his face.After he poured a glass of wine for himself and King Wei Tian each, he held up the wine cups with both hands and said.

The two touched each other, covered their faces with their sleeves, and drank the glass of wine into their throats.

"Secret treasures that enhance spiritual consciousness are rare in the world. Brother Yu will go back to the sect to investigate, and there will probably be news..."

"Five days later, it's still here."

King Wei Tian stood up, cupped his hands to Xu Xing, and said.

He is in charge of the Shadow Killing Palace, and Xu Xing is a "casual cultivator" of the righteous way. Water and fire are incompatible. If they have been in contact for a long time, if they are bumped into by others, it will be bad.

"Second brother, don't worry..."

Seeing this, Xu Xing quickly stretched out his hand to stop King Wei Tian. He took off the storage bag from his waist that he had killed the three demon cultivators last time.

Opening the storage bag, he took out a bunch of magical materials, jade slips, pills, magic weapons, utensils and so on.

"The things of the devil way are useless to my little brother. These are the spiritual things I got from the three sects of the Gathering Soul Sect, Zhansheng Mountain, and Broken Blood Cliff that I killed in Beihuang..."

"Second brother chooses a few pieces, it is my younger brother's thank you to second brother."

Xu Xing stood up, with a sincere look on his face, bowed slightly to King Wei Tian, ​​and said.

Relationships need to be maintained.

Even though King Wei Tian met him this time and promised to help him with his affairs, he didn't ask for payment.

But Wei Tianwang didn't want it, it doesn't mean he can turn a blind eye to Wei Tianwang's due reward with peace of mind...

"The fairy road is long..."

"Of the four brothers who became sworn brothers back then, the third brother died of old age, and the eldest brother was trained as a corpse puppet to survive and survive in the world..."

"Only you and I are left to climb this road together."

After speaking, Xu Xing took a look at Wei Tianwang's expression, saw that his heart was moving, and he hesitated, so he continued to say such words.

These words of his are not all hypocrisy, but with sincerity.

On the way to climb the immortal way, if all the old people withered and he was the only one left, the way of longevity would inevitably become much more desolate.

"Since it is a demon spirit..."

"Then Brother Yu has the audacity to take a few."

When King Wei Tian heard the words, his heart was a little more moved instantly, his cold face suddenly melted away, his tiger eyes were full of tears, just like the leader of the rebel army back then, not the magic cultivator who specializes in assassination today.

Time flies.

Although he has never had any brotherhood towards Xu Xing, the four younger brothers, but it was true that they sworn blood to form an alliance back then...

"Dao Dan Magic Treasure, Nascent Soul Magic Treasure, third-level and fourth-level magic symbols, this is... Fallen Soul Pill, Seven Demon Pills..."

After calming down, King Wei Tian began to look at nearly a hundred magical treasures placed on the table.

Seeing this, he was almost taken aback.

They are all high-end goods.

The best among magic treasures.

"What the fourth brother Shicai was talking about...was the demon spirits that were seized after killing the Taoist monarchs of the three sects of Gathering Soul Sect, Broken Blood Cliff, and Zhansheng Mountain?"

"Treasures of Daojun..."

Wei Tianwang instantly became a little terrified.

Not long after he married Yuanying, he killed three Daojuns of the Demonic Dao sect. As the fourth younger brother, he was a bit too terrifying.

Although the monks of the evil way are not as good as the monks of the right way in terms of foundation, but the monks of the right way are far inferior to the monks of the way of magic in terms of cunning and combat experience.

And the monks who can become the Daoist Lord of the Devil Dao Yuanying, without exception, are all scumbags.

It is much more difficult to kill three demon monks than to kill righteous monks in the same realm.

"Brother Yu chose these."

King Wei Tian didn't get greedy after seeing these magical artifacts. Instead, he carefully considered and picked a few treasures that were suitable for his own path.

"Evil spirits, fourth brother, although you can't use them, you can still sell the stolen goods in Fangshi. Many chambers of commerce will accept these demonic spirits..."

Wei Tianwang raised Xu Xingdao.

It's just that after saying this sentence, he suddenly regretted it. Xu Xing was able to come to this day as a "casual cultivator".

The reason why he said it was "useless" to him and did not sell the stolen goods was probably to make him feel at ease.

"Pick up a few more for eldest brother."

Xu Xing waved his hands to take a few magic weapons and spiritual objects that were good for the corpse puppets, and stuffed them into the hands of King Wei Tian, ​​without a trace of regret on his face.

At the level of Daojun.

Ordinary spiritual objects are useless to him.

Just like the origin of the blessed land of Chongzhen Temple, it is a priceless thing, which is difficult to measure with spiritual shells...

Little loss.

There are hundreds of millions of Lingbei at every turn.

Therefore, he didn't bother to go to the chamber of commerce to sell these magical artifacts.

It's better to be a favor.



After Wei Tianwang left.

Xu Xing left the box of the inn, thought for a moment, and then drove the cloud to Yanxia Mountain outside Shenjing City.

"Fengling and the six emperor's tombs are all intact, and there are no robbery holes..."

"Second brother is also right. If you test my physique and cast spells on me, Zhang Er's descendant's bones are better than Yun Niang's, then Yun Niang's bones..."

He lowered his head, stood on the platform of Fengling again, and probed inward with his spiritual sense, and came to the auxiliary tomb again.

He opened the gold-painted coffin again, and the funerary objects inside were placed neatly outside the coffin one by one under the control of his divine sense.

"There is no corpse smell on the phoenix robe... If this phoenix robe was Yunniang's clothes when she was buried, after the corpse rots, the phoenix robe will also be stained with traces of corpse decay..."

Xu Xing pondered.

Seven days ago, when he came to pay homage to his late wife Zhao Yuniang, he saw that the coffin was broken and he was furious, so he had no time to think about these details.

If King Wei Tian hadn't discovered the clues, I'm afraid he would never have discovered that Fengling's vice-tomb was also a clothes tomb for the rest of his life.

"Nie Shu sent a letter to Fengmo Island to inform me of Yunniang's death. Whether her death is true or not, only those back then know..."

"200 years have passed, and mortals have long since died out. After several generations...but Nie Shu should still be alive, serving as the steward of Lushi Pavilion in Feiyu Immortal Palace..."

Xu Xing touched his chin.

Inside Fengling, there are only two clothes tombs, and if they are broken, they will be broken.

As for his son Kaiming Emperor Xu Zhang, although his bones were thrown out of the emperor's coffin, he had already been reburied, so he didn't care too much about it.

Of course, it is still necessary to kill the murderer and cut the grass and roots, but compared to seven days ago, his mood is much more relaxed now.

It is not uncommon for emperors, generals and ministers to be exhumed and dissected.

Just look it up.

"However, Nie Shu is in charge of the sect, not a monk stationed on the island. It is not easy to meet her..."

Xu Xing frowned and thought.

He does not mean that.

King Wei Tian said that Zhao Yunniang's body was missing, maybe she didn't die, but because of another chance, she also stepped on the fairy road...

Although he thought that the possibility of this happening was very small, he didn't dare to be too sure without seeing the bones with his own eyes.

When he left Feiyu Immortal Palace, he asked Nie Shu, Jiang Yan's subordinate, to wait for Zhao Yunniang in the mortal world for 20 years, and when Zhao Yunniang changed her mind, she was willing to embark on the immortal journey...

If Zhao Yunniang refuses, then until Zhao Yunniang dies of old age, the mission will be over.

If Nie Shu lied...

"First investigate in Fengxi Country. The Empress Dowager Zhao was buried with only her clothes on. This matter may be recorded..."

Xu Xing took a deep breath.

Then, with a flick of his sleeves, he used his spiritual sense to close the coffin in Fengling's deputy tomb and arrange the funerary objects one by one.

After everything was restored, he turned into a light and returned to Shenjing.



Two days later.

Shenjing, the residence of King Zhou.

With the reputation gained by pretending to be a fortune teller last time, Xu Xing easily sneaked into the residence of Prince Xu.

King Zhou is the third son of Empress Dowager Li and the brother of Emperor Xiaochang.

"His Royal Highness Yintang has turned black, and recently he has been unable to sleep all day long. The symptoms are similar to those of the late Emperor Guangwen when he passed away..."

"According to the view of the poor, it should be that the fate of the Fengxi Kingdom went wrong, which caused the death of the king... and His Highness, who is one of the successors of the imperial line, also suffered from this disaster..."

After reading the portrait for King Zhou in the master bedroom, Xu Xing shook his head and said in a deep voice.

The voice fell.

The faces of King Zhou's attendants suddenly changed slightly. After looking at each other, they all drew out their swords and pointed at each other slowly.

"You demon, you dare to deceive the public with your demonic words in front of His Highness..."

"What changes in the fate of the country?"

"If the fate of the country changes, the current emperor doesn't know? The Zaifu doesn't know? The Queen Mother doesn't know?"

The guards scolded.

But after the reprimand, these guards did not continue to attack, but looked at Xu Xing with a look of fear, and the arm holding the knife trembled slightly.

They have seen this Taoist method before.

Walk in the air!

Broken gold with one finger!
These legendary immortal supernatural powers have all appeared in the hands of this Taoist priest.

"You can't wait for a fool, it doesn't matter if you believe it or not. As long as His Royal Highness Zhou Wang believes it, it will be fine..."

Xu Xing smiled slightly.

In the past few days, he has used Taoism to make King Zhou have several nightmares, all of which are scenes of the destruction of the country and the destruction of the family.

At this time, he said the four words "the fate of the country has changed", and the king of Zhou couldn't help but believe it.

"Master..., what is the reason for this change in the fate of the country? Is there a solution?"

Hearing this, King Zhou waved his hand, told the left and right guards to step back, and asked.

"Your Highness, do you know that the current founding emperor is buried in clothes?"

"The founder of the country is a real dragon, and the rest of the emperors are just fake dragons. Because of real dragons, all flood dragons can transform into dragons and dominate the world..."

"And the emperor and empress are just clothes, and the fate of the country is difficult to suppress, and it is under the backlash, so... the first emperor died early, and now he is critically ill, and His Highness is also the appearance of an early death..."

Xu Xing pondered for a while and said.

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