Chapter 254

Although it is said that the Tian family has no personal affairs, and family affairs are state affairs, but when it comes to empress Xiaozhang's grave relocation, it is more of a private matter of the royal family. Even if Empress Dowager Li is the mother of the country, it is not easy to deal with it, so the royal family of Xu has to set an example...

Empress Dowager Li is in power on behalf of Emperor Xiaochang, and her power comes from Emperor Xiaochang. Unlike Emperor Xu, she has a unique position in the royal family.

on state affairs.

Xu's royal family will let Queen Mother Li some.

After all, Empress Dowager Li is also the spokesperson of the royal family, representing the interests of a part of the Xu royal family.

However, in terms of the royal family's internal affairs, the status of Empress Dowager Li may not be so respected.

Some princes in the imperial court are also powerful factions!

"What the Taoist said makes sense."

"In this matter, the Ai family is really difficult to deal with. It has to be decided by the royal family after discussion..."

Empress Dowager Li carefully pondered what Xu Xing said, and felt that it was extremely reasonable, and her eyes showed admiration.

She nodded approvingly, put down the tea in her hand, and continued: "The Ai family is Xu's daughter-in-law. If this is the case for the country, I am afraid that in the future... you will not be able to be the daughter-in-law of the Xu family..."

Although moving the grave for the country can suppress the fate of the country and continue the life of the country, she will definitely be criticized by the Xu family in the future. When the royal family makes trouble, I am afraid that she will lose both her family and the country...

As for her family, in the early days, she might gain both the family and the country, and the Xu royal family praised her for "knowing the general principle" and respecting filial piety.

However, once the country continues to decline, she, the "old-fashioned" queen mother, may not be popular again.

At that time, she couldn't imagine what the fate of the emperor's lineage from Emperor Jing Jia and her lineage would be.

No matter how to choose.

For her, Queen Mother Li, it was a political crisis.

Therefore, it is most appropriate to hand over the right to choose to the royal family of the Xu family.

"Just do what the Taoist priest said, quickly invite King Xu, King Rui, and King Zheng into the palace, and go to the side hall of Ziwei Hall..."

"Let's call the two clans, Zongzheng and Yong'an Junwang..."

Empress Dowager Li immediately ordered the female officer to go out of the palace to invite the direct descendants of the Xu family to enter the palace.

King Xu, King Rui, and King Zheng are the concubine sons of Emperor Taiwu and brothers of Emperor Jing Jia. In the royal family, their lineage is second only to that of Emperor Jing Jia.

Zongzheng and Prince Yong'an are the two old royal families with the highest status in the Xu family.

Although the king of Yong'an County does not belong to Taizu's lineage, he inherited the title from Taizu's younger brother Xu Jing's lineage, and rested with the country. In the imperial court, he is the leader of Shenjing's nobles along with Kun Guogong.

"It is then passed on that Zaifu Huan Shideng, second assistant Wang Min, and Minister of Rites Mengdu, the three of them entered the palace to have an audience."

Mrs. Li said later.

If only the three princes, Zongzheng, Yong'an Junwang and other powerful figures of the royal family were present in the Ziwei Palace, she would inevitably be constrained.

Huan Shideng, Wang Min, and Meng Du are the leaders of civil servants, and they can be regarded as her "rear party".

The emperor's family affairs are state affairs.

Only by leading these three civil servants into the arena can she gain a certain upper hand in the discussion with Xu's royal family.

An emperor may not understand military affairs, but he must understand the art of balance.



After half an hour.

Xu Xing came to the side hall of Ziwei Hall with the Luanjia of Empress Dowager Li. At this time, the hall was full, and all the officials and princes of the royal family arrived one by one.

Even Emperor Xiaochang, who was weak and had been recuperating from illness, arrived ahead of time, sitting on the dragon chair and waiting for the arrival of Empress Dowager Li.

Seeing Fengjia walking into the hall, the people in the hall stood up one after another, called "Queen Dowager" and began to salute.


Emperor Xiaochang also got up swayingly, and greeted Empress Dowager Li, but just as he got up, he coughed several times in a row, and hurriedly covered his mouth with a brocade handkerchief.

A sick look.

"Your Majesty has great filial piety, but you still need to pay more attention to the dragon's body, and let Wei Niang and Huan Shoufu handle some political affairs."

Different from the kind face she had when meeting King Zhou, Empress Dowager Li seemed to be a different person when she treated Emperor Xiaochang, with a stern expression and sticky words.

It seemed to be beating Emperor Xiaochang.

"My son understands."

Emperor Xiaochang covered his mouth with a brocade handkerchief and continued to cough several times, bowed slightly, and slowly returned to his seat with the support of the eunuch.

The ministers and the prince remained silent and did not interfere in the power struggle between the mother and son.

After a while.

Everyone sat down and began to discuss business.

"I don't know why my sister-in-law invited the three of me into the palace?"

King Xu glanced at Empress Dowager Li who was sitting beside the dragon chair, his brows were furrowed for a moment, and then he went straight to the point, straight to the point.

The three kings have not been treated very well by the Empress Dowager Li and the court. During the more than ten years that the Empress Dowager Li was in power, they were demoted several times.

If they hadn't controlled the feudal land remotely and had certain soldiers and horses in their hands, the imperial court would not dare to persecute them too much, for fear of forcing them against them....

Maybe they were killed by the poisonous woman Empress Dowager Li long ago.

Therefore, they speak bluntly and are not afraid of offending Queen Mother Li.

The power struggle has long been offended to death.

"Prince Xu, be safe and don't be impatient..."

Seeing that it was King Xu who spoke, Empress Dowager Li looked slightly displeased.

But since she has already invited all the ministers and princes of the royal family into the palace, it is inconvenient for her to keep her secret at this moment.

"Fengling is the tomb of Taizu and Empress Xiaozhang. The fate of our dynasty is closely related to Fengling... The poor health of the late emperor and the emperor is also related to this..."

"This Daoist Yan once received the kindness of Emperor Zhaoshun, and he has a red sun bead in his hand, which also replaced the dragon corpse of the Taizu. I have also found the phoenix corpse of Empress Xiaozhang, and it is in Xu's ancestral house..."

"It's just that Empress Xiaozhang had an order during her lifetime not to move her tomb..."

Empress Dowager Li glanced at the three kings of the royal family and the officials with her phoenix eyes, and slowly revealed this secret matter.

The voice fell.

The responses of the officials and princes were different, some of them remained calm and had a good effort to nourish their spirits, while others looked furious and displeased.

No matter what the reason is, moving the grave of one's ancestors is an unforgivable crime in Fengxi Country, which values ​​loyalty and filial piety.

Not to mention the tomb of Empress Xiaozhang, the wife of Taizu, who moved.

"Is the Queen Mother bullying me that Mrs. Xu has no one?"

The three kings of the royal family looked at each other, patted the table next to them, stood up at the same time, and said angrily.

If Empress Dowager Li succeeded in moving the ancestral graves of their Xu family, wouldn't it be telling the outside world that their Xu family has succumbed to the power of Empress Dowager Li since then?

The impact of such measures on the hearts of the people.

They dare not ignore.

Zongzheng, who knew the inside story, saw this scene, his eyes flickered, he remained silent, and did not speak to support Queen Mother Li.

Compared with Guoyun.

The foundation of Xu's royal family is more important.

In addition, this may also be an opportunity to attack Queen Mother Li.

It works.

The royal family can use this to regain power.

Seeing this, Empress Dowager Li frowned slightly, looked at the civil servants sitting in the right hall, and coughed lightly, indicating that these civil servants could speak.

"Several princes, the importance of the ancestral grave is understood by all the people in the world, but... you are the nobles of the sky, and you are supported by the country and the people. How can you ignore the well-being of the people because of your own self-interest..."

"If the imperial court dies, how can the people survive? If the father dies, the whole country will wear filial piety, labor the people and waste money, and the complaints come from the people... Isn't it more sad than the Xu family?"

Meng Du, Minister of Rites who was sitting at the end of the table, glanced at the chief assistant, Huan Shideng, and saw that his right hand tapped the armrest of the seat with parallel fingers. Then he stood up and bowed to the royals on the left side of the hall, and took the lead in refuting the words of the three kings just now. .

What he said was well-founded.

Although the Xu family's ancestral tomb is important, the Xu family is not a commoner, but a royal family, and the common people cannot be ignored for selfish reasons.

The people are the most precious, the society is second, and the monarch is the light.

"Master Meng is right, but I have heard that Master Meng's ancestral home is from Qingyuan County? In the third year of Guangwen, he invaded and occupied people's land to expand the ancestral grave, and there was a lot of trouble at that time?"

At this time, the king of Yong'an County chuckled, interrupted Meng Du's words, and talked about the misdeeds of Meng Du, Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, when he was an official.

In the morning he was Tian Shelang, and in the evening he ascended to the Hall of the Son of Heaven.

Civil servants have changed from a white body to an official of the court, and there are not many people who can keep their integrity in the middle and late dynasties.

The expansion of ancestral graves and ancestral houses is a matter in Xuanhe Township. If you don't do these things, it's like walking at night in brocade clothes, and your heart itch.

Although Mengdu, Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, is the last seat here, he is the chief official of the six ministries in the imperial court, second only to the first assistant and the second assistant.


Meng Du, Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, suddenly broke out in cold sweat when he heard the words, and fell silent.

No matter how beautiful the article was in his chest, the ironclad evidence, which was as factual, was not easy to refute.

Going on, it is not worthwhile for the royal family to force him to dig his own family's ancestral grave, or to dismiss him from office.

Seeing Meng Du sitting down resentfully, Huan Shideng smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth. He stroked the three strands of beard under his chin, and said: "Master Meng also forgets his selfishness for the sake of public affairs. If the King of Yong'an thinks it's inappropriate, It's not a bad idea to dig up the Meng family's ancestral grave..."

"Anyway, Fengling is going to be ground-breaking. As a meritorious minister, the Meng family is buried with Fengling. I think it is very suitable."

After he finished speaking, his eyes showed a sharp edge, and he stared at Yong'an County King covetously.

There are honors and nobility, the county king is the first rank, the prince is the super rank, the Yongan county king is the leader of the honor, and the status is even more respected...

In the court, other than Xu's vassal, the people who hindered him from taking power were the honorable King Yong'an and Duke Kun.

"It is the glory of my Meng family to be buried in Fengling, and Meng Mou seconded it..."

When Meng Du heard the sharp words of Chief Assistant Huan Shideng, his face immediately flushed, and he said with a smile.

It's not a punishment, but a great honor to be buried in the Fengling Mausoleum of the Taizu.

For this reason, no one in the Meng family would object to moving Meng's ancestral grave.


"Fengling is the mausoleum of the great grandfather, is it your plaything?"

Zongzheng held a cane in his hand and punched the ground a few times with a hint of anger on his face.

Although it is beneficial for the country and the country to maintain the stability of the court and fill the gap in power, it may not be a good thing for the Xu royal family...

After all, the ultimate power minister is to usurp power and seize the throne, and add a yellow robe to his body.

Power ministers are not loyal ministers!

"President Huan is so frivolous, it's unseemly..."

As soon as Zongzheng finished speaking, amidst a coughing sound, an unexpected person spoke up, and when he spoke, he pointed the finger at Chief Assistant Huan Shideng.

When everyone looked up, they saw the pale young emperor, removed the brocade handkerchief from his face, and looked directly at Huan Shideng with a bit of dissatisfaction.

Those who can be buried with Fengling are all important officials of the founding of the country, such as the founder of the country, Gong Yangyi, and the one-word prince Chang Kun.

Although Meng Du's status is not low, he is a minister of the Ministry of Rites, but he is not qualified to be buried in Fengling, let alone the ancestors of the Meng family.

Making fun of the number of places to be buried with Fengling, this is Huan Shideng's contempt for the royal family!

"It was Huan who made a slip of the tongue. I hope His Majesty will not blame you. After Huan returns home... write another memorial to His Majesty to make amends..."

"If Your Majesty is still angry, Huan will also reach the end of his life, and I would like to beg for the bones to return home..."

After Huan Shideng heard Emperor Xiaochang's reprimand, his face was calm, without any expression on his face, he raised his eyelids, paused for a while, and said slowly.

The center of the imperial court, local counties and counties, his party members, disciples and old officials are all over the world. Without him as the chief assistant, this court cannot function at all.

The world cannot do without him, Huan Shideng!

Seeing him trembling, Emperor Guangwen didn't dare to take a breath. Since Emperor Xiaochang ascended the throne for several years, he has avoided him like a tiger.

Today, Emperor Xiaochang has the confidence of Xu's royal family to say that he is "frivolous". If he is not handled properly, how will all the officials think of him tomorrow?

Afraid of royalty?Afraid of the young emperor?
The word "frivolous" is a declaration of war by the young emperor on his position as chief assistant!
"Emperor, why don't you apologize to Prime Minister Huan quickly? What Prime Minister Huan said are all old-fashioned words to seek the country, are they frivolous words?"

Empress Dowager Li's complexion changed slightly, she gestured to Emperor Xiaochang frequently with her eyes, and hurriedly said.

"Emperor, family and country are the most important thing!"

"You can't be impulsive!"

Seeing that Emperor Xiaochang refused to apologize, Empress Dowager Li's phoenix eyes were slightly cold, and her words could not help but aggravate.

With the support of the civil servants headed by Huan Shideng, she was able to take charge of the state affairs as the empress dowager behind the curtain.

Master Ruohuan left as soon as he left.

How to maintain her... power?

See here.

Xu Xing shook his head, his impression of Empress Dowager Li was a bit worse.

He thought that although Empress Dowager Li was obsessed with power and refused to let the young emperor take charge, but in other ways, she was still sober, and there was something worth mentioning.

But now it seems that it may not be.

At least in the handling of the government, Queen Mother Li's methods were much worse.

At this time, Empress Dowager Li reprimanded Emperor Xiaochang, which was inappropriate.

In the imperial court, Empress Dowager Li and Huan Shideng united to complement each other in power, so that they could overwhelm the royal family, civil servants and other party members.

With Emperor Xiaochang, because of the struggle for imperial power, they are enemies....

But this is just appearance.

The root of Empress Dowager Li's power actually comes from Emperor Xiaochang, and belittling Emperor Xiaochang is actually belittling the legitimacy of her power...

"If I hadn't intervened, I'm afraid that in another 20 years, without the threat of Yong'an County King and Fan King, the court would change its surname to Huan..."

Xu Xing's eyes flickered a few times.

No matter how shrewd people are, they will be as stupid as pigs when facing the temptation of power.

In his opinion, Empress Dowager Li is not exempt.

"Hehe, your discussion really opened up the eyes of the poor, like gambling..."

"The ordinary power struggle is so interesting."

Xu Xing took another look at Emperor Xiaochang, seeing that he was stubborn and still refused to apologize, so he nodded secretly in his heart.

For this descendant of the Xu family, I keep it in mind.

But right now Huan Shideng and Empress Dowager Li are putting pressure, and the atmosphere is stagnant. It is unrealistic to rely on Emperor Xiaochang alone for support.

Xu Xing thought for a moment, no longer hesitated, immediately transported Daofa to laugh, relieved the deadlock for Emperor Xiaochang, and said these words.

(End of this chapter)

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