Xiu Xian: I can reincarnate in the heavens

Chapter 263 Loyalty seems traitorous, the choice of the Nanhua faction


"Baimei, you can distinguish between private affairs and public affairs. This is the blessing of my fairy palace. If Xu Xing can think like you, Baimei, you won't cause so many troubles..."

A tall and thin Daoist on the left side of the hall heard the words, nodded slightly, with a hint of admiration in his eyes, and said with a smile.

He was born in the Ruan family and was Ruan Baimei's uncle, so he naturally agreed with Ruan Baimei's handling of affairs and helped Ruan Baimei build momentum in the clan...

But what he said was not a fabrication.

Xu Xing threatens the Hai family.

In other words, it is a threat to all the aristocratic families who are in the same trench as the Hai family, five palaces with surnames, nine mountain rich families, 36 prominent families... .

"Although Hai'an made a big mistake, interfering with the ban on the isolation of immortals, and digging up the tomb of Xu's imperial tomb, but... this is not the reason for Xu Xing to threaten the sect..."

"Also, when Xu Xing was in Tianshengjiao, he also had a cold reception for my envoys..., so where does the sect's dignity go?"

In the hall, Hai Family Taoist heard what Ruan Family Taoist said, a smile instantly appeared on his face, and he echoed Ruan Family Taoist's words.

"Just refuse Butian Sect to participate in our school's grand event. If Xu Xing refuses, our school and Feiyu Immortal Palace can also use this name to eradicate future troubles..."

He doesn't even have the qualifications to attend.

He looked at several Taoist monarchs who were in the line of master and apprentice, and immediately bowed and said solemnly.

"The marriage between the two religions is imminent, and the marriage contract will be finalized... Xu Xing came to my sect, so he didn't come here for blessings..."

Lou Yuee took out a cleansing talisman from her sleeve, and when she was about to cast a spell on her body, she saw three giant building boats appearing in the distant sky, covering the sky and blocking out the sun, and each of them had a spirit beast stretching its fibers, all of which were ancient gods and beasts. descendants.

There are a mixed bag of sects in the world of cultivating immortals, and there are tens of thousands of them at least.

Several Taoists expressed their position and agreed with Tao.

"Master, what sect is that Louzhou behind? It's actually carrying the banner of Butian Sect?"

However, other masters and disciples who were born in the same line as him may not be as proud as he is..., especially those who are neutral and have an ambiguous attitude like Kuimen Taoist.

With this supernatural power, Yuanying Daojun can also discover the secrets of Butianjiao Louzhou, not to mention Zuoqiu Patriarch, the Yuanshenjun.

Not to mention that the Nanhua School also has a supernatural power - the big dream butterfly!
This supernatural power transforms the divine consciousness into a phantom butterfly, which is boundless and ethereal, not restricted by prohibitions or formations, and roams freely within the range of the divine consciousness.

"The Newborn Sect? Has such strength? How is it possible..., Master, this kind of momentum doesn't seem like what the Newborn Sect can have..."

Yet at this moment.

"Xu Xing is a traitor disciple, how can he be compared with us?"

"In this trip, Baimei will live up to the expectations of the uncles, marry the Nanhua faction, and persuade Brother Xu to return to the sect..."

One word at a time, he directly refuted the accusations that Xu Xing'an was charged with by Ruan Family Taoist and Hai Family Taoist Lord just now.

Seeing this, Taoist Kuimen sighed softly, apologized, and returned to his seat to continue drinking to relieve his worries.

"Hai'an's excavation of Xu's imperial tomb is the disciple's digging of the master's grave. If you don't care about it, there are many disciples under Kuimen's command, and you don't mind doing this. I have to ask for your understanding..."

"This time, Butianjiao is also participating in our sect's grand event in the name of righteousness... Xu Xing is not stigmatized in the world of cultivating immortals, and he has a lot of popularity..."

The few words he scolded Taoist Kuimen were also reasonable, and directly blocked the questioning of Taoist Kuimen.


The "Bending Heaven Sect" came to disrupt the situation, if it was said that Xu Xing was not even prepared for the royal body, he would not believe it at all.

All the cultivators in the hall were not surprised to see this young Taoist come out, and they saluted the young Taoist one after another, calling him "Old Ancestor".

"However, Tianshengjiao has restrained itself a lot since the saints in the church died one by one. They have always been careful in their daily lives, lest they will be missed by other teachers..."

Each of the two major sects has a sage living in the world.

"It's a rare thing to be so public this time."

After the civil strife in the sect.


He spoke coldly, and he didn't look like a drunk man at all.

"Tao Daojun's words are reasonable, we can't shut out Butian Sect and force him to turn against Butian Sect..."

Spring, April.

"If my faction refuses the Butian Sect to participate in this grand event, then it will be cut off from the righteous sects. The other factions are afraid that my faction is the Shangjiao. They dare not speak out and violate it easily. But in the future, it is inevitable to renounce morality. It's..."


Ruan Baimei smiled, rolled up his sleeves, stood between the two Taoist monarchs, and persuaded him as a peacemaker.

There was a disharmonious voice in the hall. Although this voice was gentle, it was extremely harsh after falling on everyone's ears.

Compared with the lineage of the aristocratic family that has already grasped the power of the sect, Xu Xing... There are also some high-level masters and apprentices who have been squeezed out of Feiyu Immortal Palace. They know which side they should stand on, which is more suitable....

"Although what fellow Taoists said is reasonable, but... people are different. In the past, Xu Xing was just a mere disciple. He has no dignity at all. Everything must be arranged by the sect..."

Hear this.

Apart from the big sect, the other small and medium sects are unable to afford the high price of buildings...

"Kuimen, be bold!"

The head of the Yinyue Sect is a beautiful woman. After hearing the doubts of the disciples, she was also surprised.

"Those who don't plan for the whole world are not enough to plan for a moment, and those who don't plan for the overall situation are not enough to plan for a domain!"

All the cultivators in the temple do not doubt that they have it.

"The old man already knows."


Several Taoist monarchs in the hall heard this, hesitated to speak, and showed expressions of intolerance.

"It's Kuimen talking too much."

But if judging good and evil based on facts, Ruan Baimei is definitely a good "suzerain".

Ding Jifeng, head of the Nanhua sect, heard Zuoqiu Patriarch's words, not only did not let go of his burden, but on the contrary, there were several sorrowful clouds on his brows.

"On that day, I followed Master to participate in the 3-year birthday of the Purple Heart Sage of the Tiansheng Sect. At the beginning of the birthday, the twelve towers and boats of the Tiansheng Sect came out together. They were famous in the world and aroused the envy of all factions..."

From the twelfth lunar month of last year to the present, there has been an endless stream of building boats, flying boats, and cloud carts coming from all directions, shining with all kinds of brilliance, gathering in front of the gate of the Nanhua School.

"Baimei, you are the young suzerain..."

"Mending Heaven Sect?"

"Although Hai'an made a big mistake, this is not the reason for Xu Xing to threaten the Hai family..."

Although Lou Yue'e and the disciples in the sect were puzzled, they could only let it go, their almond eyes widened, watching the building boat pass over their heads.


However, there are very few sects capable of bringing three buildings to participate in the grand event of the Nanhua School, less than a hundred.

There are less than three days left before the signing of the marriage contract between the two high priests.

Loyalty is like traitor, and treachery is like loyalty. The difference between "hypocrisy" and "supreme goodness" has always been a difficult problem for the world....

It's just that he couldn't bear the fact that the disciple of his good friend Jujian Daojun was "forced" to embark on the road of being an enemy of Feiyu Xiangong.Let the Zongmen make a big enemy for nothing.


Since the existence of Tianshengjiao, the orthodoxy has not been cut off. In addition to its certain strength, there is no small reason because Tianshengjiao has always had a good reputation among the righteous schools.

"Xu Xing took advantage of the power of the Heavenly Sacred Sect to make such a publicity, so one can imagine that he must have made peace with Feiyu Immortal Palace..."

Parliament today.

"You don't need to worry about this matter. When you arrive at the Nanhua faction, you can ask your colleagues and you will know. Now you and I can hardly find the answer."

All the Taoist monarchs frowned, their faces were slightly cold, and they looked in the direction of the speaker.

"But today's Xu Xing is different. It is enough to discuss the Dao with you and my peers, and win a sword fight..."

Even if this young Taoist has never been to the building of the "Bending Heaven Sect", but he has heard some news from it, it is not difficult for him to think about it.

"Why do you have to go to war for such a trivial matter? If brother Xu has a heart for the sect, my nephew will definitely persuade him to return to the sect... and take over the important position I sent, and I will definitely not wrong brother Xu..."

This can't be tolerated, and it's not because they are cheating.

Inside the hall, an old man with white hair shook his head, stood up, and retorted loudly.

The Nanhua School is three hundred miles away to the northwest.

Liu Mei, head of the Yinyue Sect, frowned slightly, and after thinking for a while, said.

He guessed that in Xu Xing's hands, there must be countermeasures against the two great masters of Nanhua Sect and Feiyu Immortal Palace...

In a main hall inside the Nanhua Sect, a young Taoist quietly appeared on the main seat amidst the discussions of the crowd, and spoke.

The other cultivators who came to participate in the grand event of the Nanhua Sect were also stunned for a moment when they saw this scene. They didn't know where the Butian Sect came from, whether it was the righteous way or the evil way...

Tiande 210 six years.

All of a sudden, the Nanhua School became the place that the cultivators of East Huangzhou talked about the most.

help Xu Xing,

To the left of the head of the Nanhua School, a middle-aged female cultivator in palace attire instantly raised her brows when she heard the words. She sneered a few times and said.

Not only the Yinyuemen sect was surprised.

"Is it a new sect?"

It can decline, but if any sect dares to destroy the Heavenly Sacred Sect, it is risking the disgrace of the world.

Lou Yuee replied.

At first, the lineage of the aristocratic family would still try to win over people like Kuimen Daojun, but as the sect gradually stabilized, people like Kuimen Daojun gradually lost their value in wooing.

But Daojun has [-] lifespans, living to his age... No matter how stupid he is, under the baptism of time, in terms of scheming and means, ordinary people cannot compare...

If it weren't for Kuimen Daojun being a rare formation master among the sects, his status would be much higher than ordinary Yuanying Daojun....

"Kuimen Daojun, you are drunk!"

The supernatural powers of Yuan Shengjun cannot be understood by the monks below.

"The two uncles..."

"As for the origin of Butian Sect..."

"The position of suzerain?"

The head of Yinyue Sect waved his hand and ended the topic.

Ruan Family Taoist immediately refuted.

"Elder Lan, don't..."

Since Ruan Baimei became the young suzerain, the situation of master and apprentice has indeed improved a lot compared to before...

The sects in the world of cultivating immortals can't go far by relying solely on their strength. Even the way of magic has its own set of rules and regulations inside.

But sincerely.

Seeing that Taoist Kuimen retreated, Ruan Baimei secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and felt a little more self-confident.

This grand event attracted many factions that had good relations with Nanhua Sect and Feiyu Immortal Palace.

Three building boats.

After all, Ruan Baimei was also recognized by Ren Yuanrui as the next generation suzerain.

For example, in their Yinyue Sect, there are thousands of disciples in the sect, and she is even a real monarch, but she doesn't even have the money to rent a flying boat, so she can only rely on escape methods to get on the road.


"That's it."

A strange sect called the Butian Sect came to the territory ruled by the Nanhua Sect. The news soon reached the ears of the host Nanhua Sect.

"If brother Xu refuses, it is also feasible for the position of suzerain to be passed on to brother Xu by suzerain Ren. With brother Xu's prestige, taking this suzerain position will not damage the reputation of our sect..."

"never mind."

Some people are proud, such as him, because he was born in the line of master and apprentice, he joined the family early, so he got a good opportunity to become the suzerain, and he was very famous for a while.

But when the Nanhua sect is like the current Tiansheng sect, when it is out of reach, it is not certain whether the righteous sects will be so easy to talk about....

Taoist Kuimen put down his wine cup, slapped the ebony table, and said with a sneer: "To become a Taoist monarch is to be a senior member of the sect... and the treatment is different from that of disciples in the sect..."

Near the building boat, there are many monks riding clouds and fog to accompany them, the mysterious light shines together, and the momentum is extremely frightening.

Strange sect.

It seems to have known the origin of the Butian Sect for a long time.

Whether Ruan Baimei is good or bad, he doesn't know.

However, unlike the doubts of other factions, the reaction of the Nanhua faction was much more flat.

It's not that... he really has any expectations for Xu Xing to replace Ruan Baimei as the suzerain of Feiyu Immortal Palace....

With a few words, he easily put Xu Xing in the position of opposing Feiyu Immortal Palace.

In the middle seat on the right side of the hall, a big man in golden robe sat cross-legged behind the ebony table, and said with a sarcastic smile.

"Zongmennian didn't want Xu Xing to arrest him because of the fact that Xu Xing had sent a personal successor for me and didn't do anything harmful to my sect..."

Although he was born in a family, and his practice has always been smooth, in terms of tempering, he may not be as good as a humble monk like Kuimen Daojun.

"Could it be that Kuimen was wrong?"

The young Taoist lifted his eyelids slightly, and there was a smile in his eyes, "This Butian Sect was created by a junior named Xu Xing from Feiyu Immortal Palace. This time, he persuaded the Tiansheng Sect to make him famous."

She stopped washing and dressing up, and put back the precious spirit ornaments she took out from the storage bag, then looked at the three buildings, and began to think about where the Butian Sect belonged in her mind.

The Nanhua Sect is an orthodox sect, if they are eager to benefit for a while and practice the magic way, the various sects may not dare to speak out because of the current strength of the Nanhua Sect.

Daoist Chongtai frowned, glanced at the big man in golden robe, then at the silver wine jug clenched tightly in his hand, and the light brown liquor remaining at the corner of his mouth, shook his head, and said in a deep voice.

"These three building boats are owned by Tiansheng Sect. I saw them when I was young, about 6000 years ago..."

The cultivators at Yinyuemen who were on their way stopped in the twilight of the clouds and searched for an uninhabited mountain top, preparing to stop for a while, wash away the dust, and then join the Nanhua Sect, so as not to lose their etiquette.

On top of the building boat, a gray flag was hung on the mast, with three golden characters of "Bending Heaven Sect" written on it.

He spoke in an extremely low voice, but every word and every word resounded loudly, resounding like rings ringing softly in the hall.

"Now that Xu Xing is full-fledged, if he wants to do something harmful to the sect, should we just sit back and wait until the butcher's knife kills his neck before we start to discuss and deal with him?"

"Also, Butian Sect is against Feiyu Immortal Palace, not our faction."

Ding Jifeng, the head of the Nanhua School, quickly made a decision. He gave the middle-aged female cultivator in palace costume a warning look, and then said.

A female cultivator surnamed Lan was born in one of the 36 prominent families of Feiyu Immortal Palace. She married into the Nanhua faction in the early years, and became a member of the high-level members of the Nanhua faction because she broke through the Nascent Soul Realm.

The marriage of the two great masters this time was brought together by the female cultivator surnamed Lan.

Ding Jifeng didn't mind that the female cultivator surnamed Lan was the platform of Feiyu Immortal Palace, but if the fundamental interests of the Nanhua faction were involved, if the female cultivator surnamed Lan made a "foolish" suggestion, he, the leader, would have to punish her.

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