Xiu Xian: I can reincarnate in the heavens

Chapter 271 The Immortal Scripture 3 Great Immortal Techniques

Chapter 271 The Three Immortal Techniques of the Immortal Scripture
"Yes, Mistress."

Ding Jifeng sighed deeply and stopped persuading.

There may be a method of seizing the body in the magic way, which can achieve the legendary "reincarnation", but there is no such method in the Nanhua sect. Rather than waiting for the soul to die in vain, it is better to engrave the inheritance of the fairy scriptures and pass them on to the younger monks.

"Please head, and Cui Zhangjiao, the two of you will go out for a while."

"I have some matters that I need to explain to Master Xu and Xiaoying."

Ye Hualian said.

When Cui Tong heard these words, a trace of suspicion flashed across his face. He could understand Ye Hualian asking Xu Xing to stay, but why did he ask Zuo Qiuying to stay?
Zuo Qiuying is not a disciple of Feiyu Immortal Palace.

But even though he had doubts in his heart, he still did what he wanted, listened to Ye Hualian's words, left with Ding Jifeng, and stood outside the door.

"Xiaoying, do you know why the old man asked you to stay here?"

After Ye Hualian waited for Cui Tong and Ding Jifeng to go out, she glanced at Zuo Qiuying who was full of doubts, and smiled with kindness on her face.

For Butian Sect, Nanhua Sect will support it.

"However, don't mention Butian Sect anymore. Just like Ruan Baimei, let's practice hard in the future."

"Xu Xing understands."

But in the Nascent Soul Realm, the monk's lifespan suddenly reached 5000 years.

Below the Nascent Soul Realm, there are many side-door secret methods to prolong life, but most of them are evil ways, using the soul life essence.

The voice fell.

"This matter... Xu understands."

"The three major immortal arts, why is the flying immortal art one of the suzerain's inheritance? My disciple cultivated the Feixian Zifu in the Zifu realm. This mysterious technique..."


Especially Xu Xing, the leader of Butian Sect, cannot use common sense to speculate.

at the same time.

The female cultivator surnamed Zuoqiu, Nanhua Sect, is not the only one.

In the Nanhua School, in terms of strength, Xu Xing and Butian Sect have always been dominant.

Since there is Yuan Shengjun in Feiyu Immortal Palace, it is not surprising that there are three major immortal arts in this Inheritance Immortal Sutra.

After saying these words, she raised her hand, and the Dao Fa sent Zuo Qiuying out of the living room.

He said solemnly.

Xu Xing said again.

"After leaving the Nanhua faction, if you are about to die, crush this token, and the Nanhua faction can save your life..."

"Let's go..."

The identity of the leader of Butian Sect is different from the identity of the disciple of Feiyu Immortal Palace.

This is Zuo Qiuying's way of understanding.

This time, the orthodox dispute between the Butian Sect and the Nanhua Sect has come to an end. The Nanhua Sect chose the Butian Sect, but... the big forces often have many concerns....

This sentence spread to the Nanhua School.

Ye Hualian gave Zuo Qiuying a clear path, in fact, she had already made it clear just now.

If he has the capital to fight against Feiyu Immortal Palace, this marriage contract, or diplomatic relationship, will be a matter of smooth sailing.

"This time in the Nanhua faction, if you spoil our faction's diplomatic relations, you can cut it off."

Then, at this moment, the choice of Zuo Qiuying, an important person, is very important.

Feiyu Immortal Palace and Yuhua Immortal Sect do not have a direct master-student relationship. If the Yuhua Palace is the main hall, it is somewhat inappropriate.

The cultivators discussed.

Ye Hualian praised Xu Xing, and said with a smile: "The Nanhua faction is a big force, and they will not end easily until they see the potential of Butian Sect..."

"Do you know why I have arrived at the day of the sitting, and the senior brother is still in his prime?" Ye Hualian smiled and said, "It's not because I am older than the senior brother, but because the senior brother has mastered the flying fairy technique."

The avenue is ruthless.

"Flying Immortal Art may not be as good as the other two Immortal Art in terms of power and actual combat, but this Immortal Art... can take a shortcut and prolong life."

The red wind is sweeping, and the stars are shining.

With the words falling, the momentum on his body gradually rose, and just one breath affected the weather changes in a radius of thousands of miles.

Her face began to age, and soon she became an old woman on crutches, which was very different from the beautiful woman just now.

"The Flying Immortal Art can only be practiced by monks who practice Feixian Zifu. This art is also one of the suzerain's inheritance. The Ascension Art and the Mysterious Art are the arts practiced by other Yuanying Taoist Lords."

Although the mistake she committed this time would not cause her death, it is predictable that her treatment in the sect will definitely decrease a lot in the future.

All the cultivators present were in an uproar.

"Set up a majestic formation, if Master Xu avoids the battle, the previous efforts will be in vain."

"Master, Xiaoying doesn't know."

The longevity of Xianji is [-], the longevity of Huandan is [-], and the lifespan of Daodan is [-]. These three realms, the improvement of each realm, the increase of lifespan is very limited.

Each of the top ten sects has soul-level kung fu techniques that exist in the world.

The whole courtyard suddenly became cold several degrees.

Ding Jifeng looked in the direction of the courtyard, a trace of sadness rose in his heart.

Based on this relationship alone,

"After Islam, the younger generation will send someone to the Nanhua Sect to marry Fairy Ying."

If the disciple is defeated and escapes, no one will comment on it.

She added another sentence.

Xu Xing's expression remained the same.

The human world does not have these three realms.


Xu Xing hesitated for a moment, and expressed the doubts in his heart.

"Three Immortal Techniques?"

The Immortal Scripture of Feiyu Immortal Palace is the "Eternal Transformation Immortal Scripture".

"In other words, only if you are still alive after leaving the Nanhua faction... will the Nanhua faction really enter..."

Seeing this, Ye Hualian was not surprised either.

After the ice paper was separated from her Taoist body, her spirit suddenly weakened more than a bit, and her body disintegrated faster and faster.

But monks are affectionate.

"If you can survive three days in the formation."

After cultivating to the realm of transcending tribulations, the strength of a monk can even be comparable to that of a true immortal in the fairy world.


Ye Hualian pondered for a while, and beckoned Zuo Qiuying to come up to her.

"Xu Xing's founding of Butian Sect is an act of splitting our sect. If we don't stop it, our sect will become the laughing stock of other orthodox sects."

After she finished speaking, without waiting for Xu Xing to reply, she took out a page of ice paper from her sleeve and handed it to Xu Xing.

"There are only you and me left here..."

Ding Jifeng took a token from his waist, hesitated for a while, stuffed it into Xu Xing's hand, and said.

"These three major spells are all immortal spells."

"Don't eat this banquet for now, go to Chongtai Daojun's formation to have a look."

"Brother chose you, I hope you don't let him down."

Zuo Qiuying shook her head.

Plan before you seek yourself!
"The Book of Feathering Immortals has three techniques, which correspond to the three purple mansions in the Purple Mansion Realm.

"Flying Immortal, Ascension, and Xuanzhen are the three major celestial arts, each with its own uniqueness. Flying Immortal is more important than spirit, Emerging is more about transformation, and Xuanzhen is more about refining..."

"This realm is called the Ziyin Realm. In ancient times, there was no sect of mine. At that time, there were ten sects of immortals, one of which was named Yuhua Immortal Gate. The immortal scriptures inherited by it are the "Sutra of Feathering Immortals" of our sect. "..."

"You are very smart."

"The ten great immortal sects connect the immortal world, and there are many people who have ascended... In ancient times, the Yuhua immortal sect raised its teachings and ascended to the immortal world, leaving only one ruin. Later, I sent the ancestor to discover the "Yuhua Xianjing" in a secret place. 》, according to which the Immortal Scripture established Feiyu Immortal Palace..."

Yuanshen Realm is the last realm of monks' practice.And the following three realms of practicing emptiness, fitting together, and crossing the catastrophe are actually three other realms created by the monks of Daozhou in Middle Earth.

However, the Nanhua faction would take advantage of Butianjiao's "marriage proposal" to make a big fuss and agree with Zuo Qiuying to have a private relationship with him.

"The reason why Donghuangzhou follows the order of the top ten masters is because of this."

Regarding Feiyu Immortal Palace, the Nanhua faction would not be so stupid as to make enemies and cut off diplomatic relations directly.

Strategy can only serve as a supplement.

Ye Hualian paid attention to Xu Xing's expression, glanced at it, and said in a deep voice: "As for what you said just now, you have repaired the Feiyu Zifu... don't worry about it. The three major immortal arts are born out of the Yuhua Immortal Sutra, as long as you learn this Sutra , you can turn Feixian Zifu into any Zifu..."

"It seems that you have been prepared for a long time. Also, how can a person with your mind not be prepared at all."

She pointed out the scruples in Zuo Qiuying's heart.

Then, the shielding circle was raised.

"This time, Feiyu Immortal Palace will not come to Yin, and will directly put on a majestic formation. If Xu Daojun still wants to gain a foothold in East Huangzhou, he will definitely not avoid the battle..."

In the realm of cultivating immortals, strength is the most important thing.

"Sure enough, Feiyu Immortal Palace is not a soft persimmon, and will not let Master Xu and Butianjiao pinch it. This revenge will come immediately."

Seemingly aware of Xu Xing's shock when he heard the three post-mortems, Ye Hualian thought for a while, and directly told the origin of the fairy scriptures.

The marriage contract with Zuo Qiuying, the Nanhua Sect would not teach Butian.At least for now, the Nanhua faction will not make this determination.

It is also an inevitable step in the development of Butian Sect.

Ye Hualian explained.

This time, all the Taoist monarchs of Feiyu Immortal Palace set up formations and invited Xu Xing to break the formation. If Xu Xing didn't go, the consequences could be imagined.

Xu Xing's heart trembled instantly.

"Three days ago, you must have known that the old man had an unpleasant quarrel with the head of the sect and the elders in the sect, so he came to this cave and chose to sit down..."

After reaching the Nascent Soul Realm, the shortcut to increase the monk's lifespan has since disappeared, and it is extremely difficult to increase the lifespan of the Daoist Yuanying.

"Brothers, brothers, success or failure depends on today."

"Resources from all over the place will also be deprived one by one by the Butian Sect."

Like a bright day!
"Xu Xing, this seat is the seat of the acting suzerain of Feiyu Immortal Palace. Today, I will come here with all the Taoist lords in the faction to set up a formation..."

Hearing this, Xu Xing suddenly realized why the main hall of Feiyu Immortal Palace is Feixian Hall, not Yuhua Hall.

Then, he straightened his clothes, bowed slightly, and saluted in the direction of the courtyard.

Willfulness is taboo!
"I'm dying, and it won't be long. I can't help you point out this clear path."

In an instant, Xu Xing, who was sitting on the red sandalwood chair, and Ding Jifeng, Cui Tong, and Zuo Qiuying who were standing outside the courtyard were sent to an open space thirty miles away by her magic power.

But one faction of the leader will not work.

After Xu Xing was seated, she said, "For you, old age is nothing to worry about. Zuoqiuying is a disciple of the Nanhua sect. After becoming the marriage partner of the two great masters, she will become an important point in your struggle. figure……"

"Ruan Baimei is headstrong. When he returns to Feiyu Immortal Palace, there will be someone who will deal with him. On the contrary, you will be the same."

Zuo Qiuying bowed her knees, with a look of panic on her face.

Hearing what Ye Hualian said, Xu Xing was shocked for a moment, but soon he was relieved and regained his composure.

If he dies in the middle of the journey, his acquaintance with Zuo Qiuying is just a private matter, even if he becomes a Taoist couple, it will not affect the relationship between the two great masters in the slightest.

It is not impossible for a teacher-level Yuanying Daoist to escape quietly from Yuanshengshengjun's eyes and ears...

Ruan Baimei and others did not have the strength to overwhelm Butian Sect, so they could only be forced to fight with words.

He couldn't just sit back and watch Xu Xing die.

Daoist Chongtai held a fairy sword and brought more than a dozen Taoist priests to an unnamed hill.

After Ye Hualian passed away, Xu Xing became the only heir of Ye Hualian.

"Please Master Ye...show me a clear path..."

If Xu Xing hadn't been the teacher-level Nascent Soul Daoist Lord, who had an impressive record in Donghuang State, killed three demon cultivators in the same realm in one battle, and defeated Cui Tong, the head teacher of the Tiansheng Sect..., today's Feiyu Immortal Palace is basically I will not lose or lose....

Running away before the battle will lose the face of Butian Sect as a whole, and no sect will be willing to associate with Butian Sect in the future.

Several monks were itchy.

Daoist Chongtai used his spiritual consciousness to spread the words to the ears of the cultivators in the Shangyang Palace who were visiting in the Nanhua School.

Although Yuan Shengjun couldn't leave the cave easily, he couldn't leave easily, which didn't mean he couldn't leave. Facing the disaster of Xu Xing, Feiyu Immortal Palace would definitely send Shengjun to clean up the sect.

Ye Hualian shook her head.

Nanhua faction, two hundred miles away.

Then, she continued to speak softly: "This time you cut the red silk with your sword and ruined the marriage contract between the two sects. For the sect, you have made a big mistake."

This is because the monk's soul is stored in the soul, and the life of the soul is the life of the soul.

Ye Hualian stepped into the topic and began to teach Xu Xing the supreme inheritance of Feiyu Immortal Palace - "The Sutra of Immortal Transformation".

"After marrying into the Nanhua Sect, I broke through to the Nascent Soul Realm, and only inherited the fairy art of Xuanzhen Art in the sect..."

"Master... passed away!"

Flying Immortal Art, a fairy art, can actually increase the lifespan of Nascent Soul cultivators. This alone is enough to be included in the suzerain's inheritance...

The sect monks, while enjoying the resources, also have to accept the restrictions of the sect's rules and regulations.

After Xu Xing "betrayed the sect", he is still alive and well until now, and his cultivation level has reached the Daoist Yuanying, and he founded the Butian Sect. From this point alone, we can know his ability.

Ye Hualian closed her eyes.

Yuan Shengjun cannot decide everything.

Along with him, Xu Xing, Zuo Qiuying and Cui Tong were also present.

Ye Hualian glanced at Xu Xing, and waved her hand to signal him to sit on the red sandalwood chair beside her.

Xu Xing nodded.

Seeing this scene, Ding Jifeng looked at Xu Xing with a more friendly gaze.

Ye Hualian sighed.

The formation formed by Feiyu Immortal Palace is definitely not an unknown formation. This time, the acting suzerain Daojun Chongtai personally led the formation, which is absolutely extraordinary.

"Xu is willing to cooperate with the Nanhua faction and accompany the Nanhua faction in this scene..."

But if the Nanhua faction came out, it would be different, and the situation would be reversed instantly.

Even if you can't comprehend some legal principles and improve your cultivation base from this battle, it is still enough to increase your knowledge...

"Walk around..."

"Look at the formation of Daojun Chongtai."

With the departure of one or two monks, all the monks in Shangyang Hall were also very excited. After apologizing to the deacons of the Nanhua School, they turned into evasions and went to set up positions.

(End of this chapter)

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