Xiu Xian: I can reincarnate in the heavens

Chapter 273 The Destiny of the Immortal [Son, Mother and Twin Babies], Opening the World of Lanke

Chapter 273 The Destiny of the Immortal [Son, Mother and Twin Babies], Opening the World of Lanke

The voice fell.

Xu Xing didn't talk nonsense, he told Zuo Qiuying not to resist through the sound transmission of his spiritual sense, and then used the innate supernatural power of Huoyun Dun, turned into a rainbow light, and led Zuo Qiuying straight to Zuoqiu's clan.

The Zuoqiu family was originally just an ordinary cultivating family, not considered an aristocratic family. After Zuoqiu Patriarch, the primordial holy monarch, gradually evolved into one of the aristocratic families of the Nanhua School.

Aristocratic families and disciples of Han Su,
Not necessarily contradictory.

Not long after, Xu Xing lowered the cloud head and came to the Spring and Autumn Mountain Clan of the Zuoqiu Clan.

The Nanhua Sect is one of the Shangjiao, and the territory under its jurisdiction is similar to that of the Feiyu Immortal Palace. Chunqiu Mountain is not in the headquarters of the Nanhua Sect, but is about two thousand miles away from the Nanhua Sect.

"Why are there so many Taoist auras suddenly? Is it an enemy attack?"

"Or is it because of the minerals of Blood Sun Valley..."

On the Spring and Autumn Mountains, Zuo Qiulin, the patriarch of the Zuoqiu Clan, sensed the six powerful auras in the air, his face changed instantly, and there was more worry in his eyes.

[World: Emperor Jin (Huandan·Sheng), Lanke (Yuanying·Death). 】

Zuo Qiulin sighed.

Zuo Qiulin frowned.

"If that's the case, we should have said it earlier. Master Xu is also a good son-in-law, how could the clan disagree..."

Zuo Qiulin laughed.

Not long after, Xu Xing, another clan elder of the Zuoqiu Clan, and the five Taoist monarchs of the Butian Sect left the Spring and Autumn Palace and went to the Yuanying Cave Mansion in the back mountain.

"Fellow Daoist Chongtai is reasonable."

After taking his seat, Xu Xing's eyes flickered a few times, he cupped his hands at Zuo Qiulin, and got straight to the point.

"Zuoqiuying, you are bold!"

Xu Xing looked at the secondary page of [Son, Mother, Twin Babies], the fairy life.

After walking out of Changze Dongtian, she also vaguely guessed the bright way Ye Hualian pointed out to her, that is to take the new power of Butianjiao.

【Fruit of Dao: Great Sun Emperor (Six Division), Fengdu Tiancao (Eight Extremes), Golden Crow Immortal Physique (Seven Yuan)...】

Zuo Qiuying knelt in the hall, lowered her head slightly, her eyes were weeping, she looked as if I felt pity for her.

"This time, Hierarch Xu ruined the grand event of the Nanhua Sect. Although the Nanhua Sect does not blame Hierarch Xu, Hierarch Xu is not a shameless person. How can he bother the Nanhua Sect..."

Signing a marriage contract is not something that happens overnight.

It's just that they now have very few options.

The culprit who ruined Zuo Qiuying's marriage this time was undoubtedly Xu Xing. Not only did Zuo Qiuying not hate Xu Xing, but he stood with him.

"This matter..."

"It's just an idea. Three thousand ways, all come together. No matter how powerful this supernatural power is, it will be a direct way of life and death. At that time, there will be no need for children, mothers and babies."

Zuo Qiulin's face softened a little, "Families also have their own difficulties. This time, you did not care about the consequences and acted without authorization, which made the family very passive..."

"Get up."

After Zuo Qiulin saw clearly the appearance of Xu Xing and the others, he first breathed a sigh of relief, but followed by doubts.

The place where the Taoist monarchs of Feiyu Immortal Palace set up their formations.

"Even if Zuo Qiuying marries Xu Xing, it has nothing to do with me."


Cave House.

[World: Lanke (Yuanying). 】

Nanhua sect is one of the upper sects, there are caves and blessed places inside the gate, there are countless caves suitable for Yuanying monks to retreat, but Xu Xing went to the Zuoqiu clan to retreat, which meant something different immediately.

After hearing what Cui Tong said, Daoist Chongtai narrowed his eyes slightly, and after a short pause, he sneered a few times and said.

With a thought, he chose to use [Tao Fruit] to solidify the column of [Children, Mother, Twin Babies] in the column of immortal life.

In an instant, the mother, mother and baby in his dantian began to change. The two white and fat babies originally became lifeless at this moment, while the other was like a white jade carving, much more alive than before.

About half an hour passed.

This time, the two major sects re-signed the marriage contract and resumed diplomatic relations. No matter it was within the Feiyu Immortal Palace or within the Nanhua Sect, a lot of efforts were made to bring this matter together.

"Take a step back, even if he is punished by the sect and deprived of all his status, but...with his immortal body alone, Feiyu Immortal Palace will not give up on him, but you...you are different..."

Zuo Qiulin said earnestly.

Nanhua sent foreigners.

Time is too sensitive!

"What? Zuoqiu Clan Land?"

Normally, he wouldn't have the slightest hesitation and would agree immediately, but today is different....

"How did they get together?"

In his opinion, this so-called retreat should be that Xu Xing wanted to discuss with the Taoists of Butian Sect to see how to break through the formation.

With the supernatural power of [Dao Fruit], he doesn't need to kill monks at all to practice the "Mother and Ghost Embryo Dafa", he only needs to use his own flesh and blood to practice with flesh and blood.

"This elder, I will go to the clan to have a look. If there is a suitable cave, I will report to the patriarch and ask the patriarch to arrange for Xu Jiao..."

Compared to Feiyu Immortal Palace, Butian Sect has little power, but the Zuoqiu family has the ancestors of Yuanshen alive, and there is no external threat. It may be better than Feiyu Immortal Palace to marry Butian Sect.

lean less.

Xu Xing looked at the ancient bronze mirror again, and found that the panel had begun to change.

At the same time as the words fell, the clan elder left the Spring and Autumn Palace in an instant, and disappeared without a trace.

Zuo Qiuying, who was standing in the hall, nodded and said yes. After a while, after she left the Spring and Autumn Hall, she wiped away the tears from her eyes, and her face gradually became more indifferent.

The Butian Sect hid in their Zuoqiu Clan's Spring and Autumn Mountain, although it was in the name of retreat, but in the eyes of outsiders, the relationship between their Zuoqiu Clan and Butian Sect was unusual.

"Five years? Five years is not a long time. Since Master Xu has realized the profound truth in Changze Dongtian, he wants to retreat..."

Renting a cave to Daoist Yuan Ying who is a guest is just a trivial matter, not a big trouble.

In Feiyu Immortal Palace's information about Xu Xing, it also mentioned Xu Xing's good formation technique....

The fertile land of Blood Yang Valley has also become the coveted object of some people.

He has practiced abroad for 200 years, although he does not think that Xu Xing has also minored in martial arts in addition to improving his cultivation, but he has to be on his guard against this matter.

Cui Tong was tactful and tried his best not to let Daojun Chongtai and others get caught in his words.

The wall fell and everyone pushed.

Xu Xing shook his head.

As for Zuo Qiuying who married into Feiyu Immortal Palace, even though he didn't have a deep relationship with her, he had already regarded her as his wife...

"Then as an elder, I can't be too aggressive..."

[Immortal life: human emperor body (disabled), Tianfeng Dao body (disabled), son, mother and twin babies (seven yuan). 】

[Arrival: Soul. 】

Xu Xing looked at the brief introduction of [Son, Mother, Twin Babies] Immortal Life, and thought to himself.

Ruan Baimei's face paled a lot after hearing this sentence.

"Borrowing the Nirvana technique contained in the Holy Art of Dispelling Evil, I have comprehended some principles of life and death..."

Xu Xing bowed his thanks.

"Master Xu doesn't know, the patriarch has been running around for Ying's niece's marriage recently, and has neglected a lot of affairs in the clan. I don't know if there is still a vacancy in the Nascent Soul Cave..."

"Ziying Yun died?"


"Thank you, Patriarch Zuoqiu."

Those who come are not good!
He didn't believe that Xu Xing brought these Taoists of Butian Sect to Zuoqiu's Chunqiu Mountain to make friends with Zuoqiu....

[Arrival: Soul. 】

"Yes, Yinger understands."

"Daoist Chongtai set up a formation and invited Xu Xing to break the formation... You bring him to my Zuoqiu clan, do you know what this means?"

He didn't want to be harsh anymore, so he informed the elders of the Zuoqiu clan through sound transmission to prepare a banquet for the six Taoist monarchs of Butian Sect.

"I have decided to clean up from now on, not to care about world affairs, marriage, and I ruined it..."

Xu Xing, Taoist Tanlang, Buxuzi and others came to Zuoqiu's Spring and Autumn Hall.

Zuo Qiulin looked at Zuo Qiuying carefully for a while, and seeing that his appearance did not seem to be fake, he nodded and walked on the steps of the palace for a while.


"No, no, with this appearance, is it Xu Xing from Butian Sect? And niece Ying?"

Although the Zuoqiu Clan has Zuoqiu Patriarch, Yuan Shengjun, as their backer, which faction of the Nanhua School is not related to Zuoqiu Patriarch.

Xu Xing looked at the ancient bronze mirror again, and felt that the world of [Lanke] seemed to have loosened a bit, and he could travel through it immediately with just a move of his mind.

He got up and said.

Just now when the clan elders of the Zuoqiu Clan came out of the Spring and Autumn Palace, they didn't really go to see if there was a vacant Yuanying Cave Mansion in the clan, but went to the headquarters of the Nanhua faction to inquire about information.

In the storybook novels, there are men and women who make a private decision for life, and when the day of marriage comes, the man comes to snatch the marriage.

His words were full of questioning meaning.

When Cui Tong heard this, a smile appeared on his face. He stroked his clear beard under his chin, "After five years, Master Xu will definitely come here to enter the battle and eliminate the grievances between the two factions..."

He beamed.

The layout of this formation has been seen by monks of various sects, and Butianjiao is no exception.

However, the magic method and the righteous way are different after all, and there are great differences in concept.

"After this incident, Feiyu Immortal Palace will definitely hate my Zuoqiu clan..."

"The child, mother, and twin babies were born out of Nanling's "Mother and Ghost Embryo Dafa". Although I practiced it, this demonic practice became an orthodox practice, but after becoming a supernatural power, the idea...is still from the demonic..."

It's really weird.

At this time, only the Zuoqiu family members were left.

Xu Xing lowered his eyes, and his consciousness was immersed in the ancient bronze mirror in the mind space.

Ruan Baimei repented of the marriage, Zuoqiuying cut off the red silk with a sword, and their Zuoqiu family was not only equivalent to emptying a bamboo basket, but they would also be held accountable by the sect...

[Time ratio: one to ten. 】

"That's all." Zuo Qiulin walked three or four steps in front of Zuo Qiuying and stopped. He looked down at Zuo Qiuying and shook his head, "Now I don't blame the past, since Xu Xing is you If you brought in Chunqiu Mountain, then marrying Xu Xing is the only way for you to make up for your family."

Of course, if Zuo Qiulin and the Zuo Qiu family were allowed to choose, they would still choose Feiyu Immortal Palace.

When Butianjiao comes to the door, he can't be turned away and make a new enemy.

In terms of relationship, it is not necessarily worse than their blood descendants.

Inside the Hall of Spring and Autumn.

This time, in order to let the Zuoqiu clan's daughter become the wife of the young master of Feiyu Immortal Palace, their Zuoqiu clan gave up a lot of benefits to the various factions in the Nanhua faction.

[Time ratio: one to ten. 】

Zuoqiu clan land.


He said sadly.

"Easy to say, easy to say."

"This time Xu was invited by the head of Ding to go to the Changze Cave, and he learned some mysteries in the cave. He wants to borrow the aristocratic cave..."

he asked tentatively.

As he expected, various factions in the outside world were discussing about his lease of the Zuoqiu Clan's cave, thinking that Butian Sect and Zuoqiu Clan were united together.

If it weren't for the year when Daoist Jujian was about to sit down and lack a mantle disciple, otherwise... Xu Xing, who had broken through the Tianmen Formation, would have been accepted as a disciple by the master of the formation, Daojun Kuimen....

Jiuyanglihuo Stanley formation!

"Now, it's time to open the world of Lanke."

"Is this the arrangement of the head?"

[Son, mother and twin babies (seven yuan): Born from birth, two lives are one.The birth of mother and baby, and the death of child and baby are of great help to the understanding of the way of life and death. 】


Zuo Qiuying's delicate body trembled slightly.

It has been more than ten years.

"A few days ago, Chang Daoyou from Shangze Temple just left Chunqiu Mountain and vacated a Nascent Soul Cave. Let Master Xu live in this cave."

at this point.

[Mirror owner: Xu Xing. 】

【Fruit of Dao: Great Sun Emperor (Six Division), Fengdu Tiancao (Eight Extremes), Golden Crow Immortal Physique (Seven Yuan)...】

Although he practiced with his own flesh and blood and did not slaughter the monks, he took a shortcut, but in fact, he was still the way of the devil, and could not change the essence.

At this moment, an elder from the Zuoqiu clan in the hall did not hesitate at all, and immediately spoke, alleviating Zuoqiu Lin's embarrassment.

Xu Xing tidied up his robes, sat cross-legged on the jade floor, read the sound transmission symbols sent from the outside world one by one, and received them in his sleeves.


This clan elder entered the hall, walked to Zuo Qiulin's side, and whispered a few words.


"My sect is teaching on the righteous way, not the way of magic. How can we disregard the contract?"


Daoist Chongtai interrupted Cui Tong's words, his expression was serious, and his face was a little displeased, "However, I have heard that... the retreat location chosen by Master Xu is in Chunqiu Mountain, Zuoqiu clan?"

After Xu Xing and the others walked away, the smile on Zuo Qiulin's face faded one by one, his eyes were cold, he looked at Zuo Qiuying seriously, and shouted loudly.

"Before doing anything, think about it first. Ruan Baimei dared to tear up the marriage contract because he is the young master of Feiyu Immortal Palace, Taibai Immortal Physique."

"However, after breaking the formation this time, I don't know if your faction will really fulfill the contract, and stop making troubles with Butianjiao and Xujiao..."

"Zuo Qiuying?"

"Sure enough!"

"Could it be because..."

"Uncle, this matter... Ying'er understands, but... this is a matter ordered by the head of the sect, and Ying'er is powerless to resist..."

"It's natural!"

Zuo Qiulin frowned, thinking of something bad.

Ruan Baimei calmed down.

"I wonder if Patriarch Zuoqiu agrees?"

"Forget it……"

"As I guessed, if you want to condense the life of the child, mother and twin babies, you must have a certain understanding of the principles of life and death..."

A few days ago, the incident at the Wedding Hall had dealt a severe blow to the Zuoqiu clan.

"[Son, Mother, Twin Babies] Immortal life has solidified, I don't know..."

[Immortal Life: Human Sovereign Body (disabled), Tianfeng Taoist Body (disabled). 】

"Five years, one to ten, that means 50 years..."

"I hope that in 50 years, a new deputy immortal will be condensed..."

With a thought, Xu Xing began to put Ziying's consciousness into the world of Lanke.

(End of this chapter)

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