Xiu Xian: I can reincarnate in the heavens

Chapter 294 Cicada Palace 7 Laws, Ask for Secret Art

Patriarch Wanxia is a taboo of Wuliangzong.

In the past, Wuliangzong was not as weak as it is now.

After Patriarch Zesheng, Patriarch Wanxia conceived a baby and became the second Yuanying Patriarch of Wuliangzong.

Yan Luanqing, the Jinhong Patriarch, is the third Nascent Soul Patriarch of Wuliangzong.

But 500 years ago, the ancestor Wanxia left the Wuliangzong for "selfishness", which caused the current Wuliangzong to almost fail in its top combat power.

If it weren't for this, I'm afraid Patriarch Zesheng wouldn't have been procrastinating for the sitting time.

At this moment, when Xu Xing mentioned Patriarch Wanxia, ​​he was warning Patriarch Zesheng and Yan Luanqing that it is okay to try, but not to go too far.


He could have imitated Wan Xia's ancestor and walked away.

An Infinite Sect, Patriarch Wanxia, ​​who was carefully cultivated and born and bred, can still give up, not to mention him, a Nascent Soul Daoist who came from a casual cultivator... .

Give up, there will be no psychological pressure.

"Sometimes, when the conversation is open, there will be fewer quarrels in the future..." Yan Luanqing smiled, as if she didn't care about the "quarrel" just now.

"In the future, when Patriarch Zesheng is enthroned, Wuliangzong will be guarded by my concubine and Junior Brother Chang, so we can't leave any grudges behind."

She pondered for a moment, then explained another sentence.

"That's why."

"Thank you, Senior Sister Yan, for explaining..."

Xu Xing got off the donkey along the slope, his face suddenly enlightened, and he nodded.

"It's good to resolve disputes, but if you talk too much, it will hurt the friendship of the same family..."

Patriarch Zesheng looked at the two of them and didn't care at all about Yan Luanqing saying that he didn't have much lifespan.

He coughed lightly, changed the subject and said, "Now that my sect has junior brother Chang joining, there are as many as three Daojun Yuanying, which is equal to Yinhuanzhai."

"The old man is about to die, and he can last for 20 years at most... In these 20 years, the old man will let Master Gu take the initiative to provoke a war with Yinhuanzhai. At that time, the old man will use his magical powers to drag a Taoist of Yinhuanzhai and seriously injure him." Even if you die, you will not lose the favor of the sect's nurturing."

Ancestor Zesheng was outspoken and expressed his plan.

Anyway, Sitting is death.

To die in battle is to die.

It's better to take the life of Yinhuanzhai, the Taoist sect of the world-enemy sect, when he is dying.

"Junior Brother Chang is a new Daoist Lord. Although his mana has reached the Nascent Soul level, his supernatural powers and magic weapons... are still at the Dao Dan level..."

"In the next 20 years, I hope Junior Brother Chang will make up for this shortcoming as soon as possible, in case there is no means of protection when there are repeated wars."

Ancestor Zesheng looked at Xu Xing, swung his sleeves and said.

"It's natural."

Faced with this request, Xu Xing had no reason to refuse, but after he agreed, he showed embarrassment.

"Brother Chang, is there a problem?"

Ancestor Zesheng understood, smiled slightly, and asked at the right time.

It is debatable how much affection Xu Xing, who was born as a casual cultivator, has for Wuliangzong.

In the past, Wuliangzong used benefits to lure casual practitioners like Xu Xing to join the sect, but now that Xu Xing is a big one, he will naturally ask for benefits.

"Senior brother Zesheng should know that Chang had obtained the inheritance of the ancient sect before he joined the Wuliangzong..."

"It's a pity that there is only one volume of exercises in this sect's inheritance. When you reach the Nascent Soul Realm, there are no magical powers and secrets for you to practice."

Xu Xing sighed.

The real head of Wuliangzong is not Gu Chengbin, but the two ancestors of Yuanying.

The top skills and supernatural powers in his sect also belong to these two Yuanying ancestors, not in the sect.

"I have the Seven Laws of the Cicada Palace here, all of which are secret transmissions from my school, so I gave them to my junior brother." Ancestor Zesheng pondered for a while, took out seven jade slips from his sleeve, and sent them to Xu Xing with mana.

After sending them off, he reminded him again: "The seven methods of the Cicada Palace, each of which has a great use. Although Junior Brother Chang is extremely talented, he will inevitably suffer big losses if he practices it as a whole..."

"You can choose to focus on the art of cicada sloughing and the art of feather palace. The former is used to save life, and the latter is used to fight against the enemy."

"Thank you for the instruction, Brother Zesheng." Xu Xing accepted the seven jade slips and put them in his arms, planning to practice carefully after returning to the cave.

Although the supernatural powers such as Xuanzhen technique and Nirvana technique recorded in "The Sutra of Feathering Immortals" and "Sacred Art of Dispelling Evil" are far superior to the seven methods of the Cicada Palace given to him by the ancestor Zesheng at this moment, these magical powers all come from Donghuang Prefecture Light.

Xu Xingduan would not easily use magical powers such as Xuanzhen Technique and Nirvana Technique unless he encountered the position of life.


Xu Xing swung his sleeves and looked at Yan Luanqing beside him with burning eyes.

"I don't know what kind of magical powers and secrets that Junior Brother Chang has taken a fancy to in Senior Sister?"

Yan Luanqing frowned slightly, feeling displeasure in her heart.

Just now Xu Xing violated the promise, and now she is thinking of taking advantage from her, she is inevitably a little reluctant in her heart.

"Senior Sister Yan has the double-cultivation method of "Yin Yang Can Tong Qi", why not ask my younger brother to borrow it..."

"Of course, Chang did not borrow it in vain. This is a true panacea, which Chang obtained in his early years, and it is also useful in increasing the cultivation base of Nascent Soul Realm..."

Xu Xing laughed, took out a pill bottle from the storage bag, and handed it to Yan Luanqing with mana.

The True Spirit Pill is a Nascent Soul-level elixir he got from the Nanhua Sect.

After proposing a diplomatic contract with the Nanhua faction, the Nanhua faction will provide corresponding support to the Butian Church, and this true panacea is a resource for the Nanhua faction to support the Butian Church.

Of course, he didn't have many such pills, only a bottle of nine pills.

"This pill... can actually increase the cultivation base of the Nascent Soul Realm?"

Yan Luanqing was slightly surprised, stretched out her catkin and poured out the true spirit pill from the pill bottle, and put it in her palm to observe.

She opened the elixir wax seal, scraped off a layer of elixir powder, carefully put it in her mouth, and tasted it.

"This is a true panacea, it can indeed increase the mana of Nascent Soul monks."

Realizing that her Nascent Soul had received a lot of nourishment, Yan Luanqing's snowy face lit up with joy, and she nodded slightly.

Take this panacea.

Although she is still a long way from the mid-Yuanying period, this pill is at least as good as her 50 years of hard work.

"This "Yin Yang Can Tong Qi"...Since Junior Brother Chang wants to borrow it, let Junior Brother borrow it..."

Yan Luanqing glanced at the pill bottle in her palm reluctantly, hesitated for a moment, and finally made a decision, took out an ancient book from her sleeve, and handed it to Xu Xing.

Wuliangzong is just a small sect, and it is not capable of refining Nascent Soul-level pills. These Nascent Soul-level pills are usually purchased from the Chu State Danding Sect.

In 200 years, if you can get one grain, you are considered to be rich and powerful.

Of course, it is not Wuliangzong's fault. After all, the pills of Yuanying and Yuanshen are scarce, and the Danding faction does not necessarily open the furnace once every 50 years to refine the pills of Yuanying.

"Thank you, Senior Sister Yan." Xu Xing took the ancient book, swept it away with his spiritual sense, and put it in his bag, and thanked Yan Luanqing.

In order to borrow this secret book of double cultivation, he gave Yan Luanqing a true panacea, which seemed a little worthless.

But in fact, he still took advantage of this matter.

Dual-cultivation skills are not as common as ordinary skills. Except for the brothel-like sects like Hongchen Pavilion, other sects and sects are extremely rare in this kind of skills...

If he and Yan Luanqing hadn't come from the same family, the price to replace "Yin Yang Can Tong Qi" would be more than just a true panacea.

"Junior Sister Yan, Junior Brother Chang, this old man will take a step first and return to the cave."

Patriarch Zesheng waited for a long time, seeing that Xu Xing didn't mean another "true panacea", he cursed inwardly, then found an excuse and left directly.

People take tea to cool off.

Before he died, Yan Luanqing and "Chang Kun" were a little disrespectful to him.

But he has nothing to do about it, after all, Zesheng's lineage will still need the protection of these two people after he sits down.

As for the Seven Laws of the Toad Palace, this is the inheritance of the Wuliang Sect, Xu Xing does not use it to benefit him, but it makes sense.



Seeing that Patriarch Zesheng left, Xu Xing and Yan Luanqing had no intention of staying in the hall any longer, they saluted each other and left instantly.



East Huangzhou.

Forget Chuanhai Haihai.

On an unnamed island, Chi Yuan slowly fell from the clouds and landed on the reef, with a look of surprise on his face.

"How is it possible... that his aura disappeared after arriving at Wangchuanhai Sea?"

He frowned deeply, uncertain in surprise.

In order to kill Xu Xing this time, he paid a high price.

Yuan Shengjun walked out of the cave, and every moment in the outside world was consuming his own lifespan.

In addition, when fighting Xu Xing, he even gave up his 500 years of Taoism.

"Could it be..."

"Can he get out of the maze overseas?"

Chi Yuan looked at the edge of Wangchuan sea.

All the monks in Donghuang state know that the sea outside Wangchuan is dozens of times wider than the sea inside, and the range cannot be seen.

However, in fact, with Yuan Shengjun's escape speed, it would take less than a day to cross the sea of ​​Wangchuan and reach the edge.

It's just that after reaching the sea of ​​Wangchuan, the emperors of the Yuan Dynasty couldn't set foot in the farther places.

Because there is a natural maze in the outer sea, which prevents Yuan Shengjun from exploring the outside world.

"Patriarch Xuancheng ascended to break the situation, but he couldn't solve this problem..."

Chi Yuan sighed.

"I can only try to figure out Dai Ji who was kidnapped by him..."

He pondered for a moment, and took out a jade box from his sleeve.

Open the jade box.

Inside is a sapphire tortoise shell.

Then, he painted the tortoise shell with vermilion ink, and set fire to the palm of his hand, and began to burn it.

"Strategy determines the number, the scorching tortoise sees the omen..."

"This is divination!"

Chi Yuan thought.

After a while.

The sapphire tortoise shell painted with red ink cracked slowly, revealing the character "South".

"What does that mean?"


"Could it be that he walked out of Donghuang State and went to the outer continent?"

Chi Yuan frowned, thinking.

Feiyu Immortal Palace inherited from the ancient Yuhua Immortal Sect. In the ancient books kept by Yuhua Immortal Sect, it is recorded that there are continents other than Donghuangzhou.

As a sect that occupies a part of the inner sea of ​​the Wangchuan Sea, Feiyu Immortal Palace has been trying to get out of East Huangzhou and find the outside land continent... for these years.

"Time is fate."

"If he returns to East Phoenix State next time, maybe we can talk to him."

"It can't be killed!"

Chi Yuan sighed.



South Yanzhou.

North Vietnam, Wuliangzong.

At this time, Xu Xing, who had just finished preaching to his disciples, did not know that Chi Yuan used the sky divination technique again in order to find him.

"Uncle Chang, during this lecture, have you found any disciples you like?"

"If there is, you can speak up."

Gu Chengbin was by Xu Xing's side, walked half a step behind Xu Xing, and said with a smile.

He didn't expect that Xu Xing, who was only half his age in practice, actually understood the way of practice far beyond him, even better than the ancestor Zesheng who was about to pass away.

When he was preaching just now, the ancestor Zesheng, who was hiding in the dark, personally transmitted to him that he was not as good as "Chang Kun".

"Master is polite."

"Chang has no intention of accepting disciples recently..."

Xu Xing shook his head and rejected Gu Chengbin's proposal.

With his aptitude, he may have already become an immortal, while the disciple is still struggling at the bottom of the immortal world.

It is better not to accept such an apprentice.

He didn't have the idea of ​​being a father and mother to his disciples.

"Yes, also..."

"Uncle Chang has just become a Nascent Soul and is still young, so it's normal that he doesn't have the idea of ​​accepting apprentices..."

Gu Chengbin nodded approvingly.

If there is no urging from the monks in the sect, he doesn't want to bother Xu Xing about this matter and make Xu Xing bored.

But helplessly, Xu Xing, the Yuanying patriarch who newly joined the sect, had too many interests behind him.

Moreover, Xu Xing didn't have his own relatives like Zesheng Patriarch and Jin Hong Patriarch to share these benefits.

"However, in the cave, there are still few disciples who sweep..."

"If there is a suitable person, the head nephew can recommend one or two."

Xu Xing was as careful as a hair, and soon noticed some abnormalities in Gu Chengbin's behavior. After thinking for a while, he said.

The best way to integrate into the sect is to join an interest group.

He can accept no apprentices, but he can't be spotless and continue to be a "casual cultivator".

"Sweeping boy?"

Gu Chengbin heard the strings and knew the elegant meaning, and immediately understood Xu Xing's meaning.

"In a few days, Martial Nephew will arrange for several direct descendants to enter Martial Uncle Chang's cave and act as sweeping boys."

he replied.

"That's fine, but you don't need to send disciples with too high aptitude, otherwise it will be useless to the sect if you encounter rejection at my place..."

Xu Xing smiled and nodded.

"By the way, how are the preparations for the Nascent Soul Ceremony going? Is there any movement from the sect of the North Vietnam Kingdom?"

He asked about it.

The Beiyue Kingdom is only a small country, and the addition of a Yuanying Patriarch will definitely disrupt the power structure of the previous sects.

Must guard against!

"Yinhuanzhai's sphere of influence has shrunk, and the disciples have been continuously recalled. The other sects... have not acted abnormally."

Gu Chengbin thought for a moment, then replied.

Except that Yinhuanzhai is Wuliangzong's feud, the other sects and Wuliangzong are neither friends nor enemies, so naturally there is no need to go to war too much.

"It seems that Yinhuanzhai also guessed the plan of ancestor Zesheng, so he shrank his power and dealt with the pressure."

Xu Xing's reaction to Yinhuanzhai was already expected, and he said something casually, but he didn't care anymore.

"Pay attention to the two sects of Jixinmen and Phantom Valley...these two sects are always close to Yinhuanzhai..."

He made a point to Gu Chengbin.

These two sects, in the deduction of fate, besieged Wuliangzong Mountain Gate together.

Now that times have changed, Jixinmen and Phantom Valley may no longer help Yinhuanzhai, but they must be guarded against.

"Yes, Uncle Chang."

Hearing this, Gu Chengbin nodded quickly and agreed.

At the same time, his doubts about Xu Xing gradually dissipated.

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