Xiu Xian: I can reincarnate in the heavens

Chapter 297 The Golden Crow Immortal Physique Shows its Power, the Peak of the Nascent Soul Early St

Nascent Soul's self-destruction should not be underestimated.

At this moment, Zesheng Patriarch Yuanying blew himself up, releasing the aura that he had absorbed for 5000 years completely at this moment.

The spiritual pressure generated during the self-explosion is no less powerful than the full blow of the Nascent Soul Great Cultivator.

This is also the reason why the three Nascent Soul Dao Lords, Bai Laogui, Zi Furen, and Jiang Yue Daojun, only wanted to avoid the battle when they faced the provocation of Wuliangzong.

Without it.

Nascent Soul's self-explosion is the killer weapon, which is really difficult to resolve.

In an instant.

The turbulent spiritual power was completely released on the Nine Heavens.

Xu Xing, Yan Luanqing, and Jiang Yuedao are still far away from the place where Zesheng Patriarch blew himself up, but they can still feel the huge pressure coming from that side like the impact of a shell.

All three of them suffered minor injuries.


Seeing this scene, Daoist Jiang Yue pursed his lips tightly, with a look of worry on his face.

She was slightly injured in the corner of the self-detonation range, let alone Bai Laogui in the center of the self-destruction range.

"If the situation is critical..."

She released her consciousness, while watching the movements of Xu Xing and Yan Luanqing closely, while waiting for an opportunity to find an escape route.

Right now, Mrs. Zi died tragically, and only she and Old Bai Bai were left to barely support.

If Old Bai Gui was seriously injured, the odds of winning this battle would undoubtedly be much lower.

The strong wind generated by the explosion hit their faces, and while the three of them propped up their shields to block the strong wind, they also looked at the center of Zesheng's ancestor Yuanying's self-explosion.

I saw that the compressed spiritual liquid quickly and spontaneously ignited within the self-explosion range, and transformed into a fiery light blue spiritual fire, burning everything around it.

"Baby Fire..."

Daoist Jiang Yue turned pale with shock.

She did not expect that after Zesheng Patriarch blew himself up, he would be able to draw out the baby fire that could only be cultivated by a great Nascent Soul cultivator.

Infant fire is the purest mana fire.

Although the level is far inferior to the legendary divine fires such as Taiyang Zhenhuo and Nanming Lihuo, their power is only slightly inferior to them.

The impact of the self-explosive spiritual pressure, the burning of the baby fire... Jiang Yuedao couldn't help worrying about the life of the old ghost.

"This old bastard, before he died, he used this ruthless trick. If I hadn't practiced the technique of substitute death a long time ago..."

"Otherwise, this time, if you don't say anything, you will be assassinated successfully."

In the light blue baby fire, a jet-black grimace suddenly appeared, speaking human words.

Hearing his voice, the three people observing the situation around him immediately concluded that this was the old Baigui just now.

It's just that the old white ghost is in a strange state at this moment, like a human being but not a human being.


Xu Xing and Yan Luanqing, who were waiting at the side, looked at each other, and retreated slightly, as if they were planning to leave at this point.

"Want to escape?"

"Chang Daoyou and Yan Daoyou, you two should stay..."

The old white ghost sneered, and his jet-black grimace suddenly shuttled out of the fire field shrouded in light blue baby fire.

When he finished speaking, Grimace had already caught up with Xu Xing and Xu Xing who were about to escape, and opened his bloody mouth.

This grimace obviously looks like a mask, but the depth of the opened mouth is like an endless bloody abyss.


To Old Ghost Bai's surprise, when he got close to Xu Xing and Xu Xing, the two who had fled just now stopped and looked at him with a smile on their faces.

As if he was the fish that threw himself into the net.

"Did you deliberately deceive me?"

The old ghost Bai was taken aback.

"Now Zesheng, that old man, has already blew himself up. Yan Luanqing and Chang Kun are just juniors. Just now, they used the black fire again, wiping out all their mana..."

He hesitated a few steps and thought to himself.

Thinking of this, he thought of his late wife, Mrs. Zi, who had been defeated and died, so he grimaced and figured, and followed closely.

"The sun is on fire."

At this time, Xu Xing, who turned to run away, stopped in his tracks. He waved his sleeve robe, and a few clusters of golden flames shook out from his sleeves.

This golden flame looks far less powerful than the light blue baby fire burning beside it, but it looks quite miraculous.

Xu Xing's divine sense pulled the real fire of the sun to pounce on the old white ghost who was chasing him, and made a tactic with both hands, slapped his chest and abdomen, and spurted a mouthful of blood from his mouth.

The sun's real fire was poured with blood, and the flames quickly swelled up. The speed of several clusters of golden flames suddenly increased, turning into a miniature formation, trapping Bai Laogui inside.

But the old ghost Bai was eager for revenge, chased Xu Xing too closely, and was seriously injured. He didn't even have time to react, so he fell into Xu Xing's flame formation.

"Senior brother Zesheng's baby fire can't deal with you, so what about my real sun fire..."

Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, Xu Xing sneered and said indifferently.

This time he, Patriarch Zesheng and Yan Luanqing were not unprepared to deal with the three Taoist monarchs of Yinhuanzhai.

Although not like Mrs. Zi and Jiangyue Daojun, they borrowed the Zhenpai Daobao from Jixinmen and Phantom Valley.

But not too bad.

The sun true fire array that traps the old ghost at this moment is called the [Red Flame Channeling Array].

It is a spiritual fire formation.

The formation of the formation was directly driven into the spirit fire used.

"The real fire of the sun?" The old ghost Bai was horrified when he heard this. What his ghost body fears the most is the real fire of the sun.

"Junior, don't mess with my Dao heart."

"The real fire of the sun is something that you, a Nascent Soul cultivator, can control..."

The old ghost quickly calmed down, he chanted a few incantations silently, sacrificed a black short blade, and slashed at the [Red Flame Channeling Array] in front of him.

I saw that after the black short blade touched the golden flame that turned into a formation, it lost its spirituality instantly, turned into ordinary iron, and was melted into molten iron.

"Junior Sister, run away, what this kid said is true..."

Seeing this scene, Bai Laogui felt a chill in his heart, knowing that he had fallen into Xu Xing's hands this time, so he quickly sent a voice transmission to Daoist Jiang Yue to let him escape first.

He didn't expect that after transforming into a ghost body, he escaped Zesheng's self-destruction, but failed to escape Xu Xing, the new Daoist's ultimate move, and became a stepping stone on his way to fame.

"Old Bai, take care of yourself first..."

Xu Xing sneered several times.

He continued to make tricks, and a Xu Jinwu was born in the [Red Flame Channeling Array] that trapped the old white ghost, and began to fight with the old white ghost's grimace.

the passage of time—

Only half an hour passed.

More than half of the grimace of the old ghost melted away, and the rest was also in the flames, howling and struggling fiercely.

On the other side, Daoist Jiang Yue, who had received the sound transmission of the old white ghost's consciousness, didn't want to fight anymore, turned into a light and rushed to the gate of Yinhuanzhai with all his strength, trying to avoid this catastrophe.


Yan Luanqing, who had been prepared for a long time, waved his magic sleeve, and used his golden rainbow stab to attack the fleeing Daoist Jiang Yue.

The escape speed of the magic weapon is much faster than that of the monk.

Under this thorn.

Daoist Jiang Yue's arm was instantly broken by the golden rainbow stab, and he fell from the air.

However, Yan Luanqing had been fighting fiercely for so long, and her mana had long been exhausted. After she achieved this step, she had no energy left to chase after Jiang Yuedao.


It was also as the three of Yinhuanzhai said at the beginning.

Two dogs fight, play off.

After Wuliangzong obtained the victory, he also had to preserve his strength to guard against sneak attacks from other sects in the North Vietnam Kingdom.

"Junior Brother Chang, are you okay?" Yan Luanqing returned to the battlefield, and when she saw Xu Xing, who was pale and sluggish, she said with concern with a hint of worry in her eyes.

"It's okay, there's nothing serious about it. After more than ten years of closed-door recuperation, it's estimated that it will recover." Xu Xing coughed lightly, using his mana, and his complexion became rosy again, as if he had returned to normal.

With the ancient bronze mirror, he only needs to re-solidify his immortal life to restore it to its original state.

But in front of Yan Luanqing, he had to pretend to be seriously injured.

After all, Mrs. Zi and Old Bai were all beheaded by him this time, if they weren't seriously injured, it wouldn't be justified.

"When you killed Mrs. Zi, you consumed your essence and blood. You killed the old ghost Bai, and...you consumed your essence and blood..." Yan Luanqing's jade-like catkins stuck to Xu Xing's back, giving Xu Xingdu mana.

"Of course, you can't be indecisive when fighting, but it's not suitable for you to waste your blood like this..."

she advised.

She thinks that Xu Xing's newly promoted Nascent Soul is not long ago, and the conventional methods are limited, so she has no choice but to expend blood and use forbidden techniques.

This time, if Xu Xing hadn't suddenly used the black flame to burn Mrs. Zi to death, the victory or defeat this time is still unknown.

This can be regarded as Xu Xing saved her life in disguise.

"It's just a pity that Senior Brother Zesheng blew himself up and died..."

Xu Xing changed the subject, not wanting Yan Luanqing to be too careful about the "forbidden technique".

"Senior brother Zesheng has already arrived at the day of sitting..., this time he died, and he was well prepared..."

Yan Luanqing raised her eyelids slightly, her words were indifferent, and she didn't care about the life and death of Zesheng Patriarch.

"Junior brother... do you think that senior sister and I are too ruthless?"

She glanced at Xu Xing and smiled.


Xu Xing didn't know why Yan Luanqing said this, but he continued following Yan Luanqing's topic.

"Senior Sister Yan and Senior Brother Zesheng have an age difference of more than 3000 years, and they have no fellowship with Senior Brother Zesheng... It is not surprising for Junior Brother..."

He thought for a moment and replied.

"More than 40 years ago, I told you about Patriarch Wanxia, ​​but I didn't tell you about what happened to me..."

Yan Luanqing sighed softly, "The juxtaposition of Jinhong Valley and Zeshenglin is not a day or two. It started more than 2000 years ago."

"Ancestor Wanxia is also surnamed Yan!"

Hearing this, Xu Xing probably understood why Yan Luanqing was placed high hopes by the Yan family to let her break through the Nascent Soul as soon as possible.

It turned out that Wan Xia's ancestor rebelled against the sect and left, which greatly affected the survival of the Yan family in the Wuliang sect.

"The person who is close to my younger generation Yan Xiling... Kang Yu, that is the grandson of Senior Brother Zesheng..."

"Zesheng's patriarch loves sex. More than 700 years ago, when I was still Dao Dan, I was valued by Zesheng's brother, and he wanted to marry me as a concubine..."

"If I hadn't been lucky enough to become a Nascent Soul one step earlier, I might have been adopted by Brother Zesheng at this time."

Yan Luanqing sighed quietly.

"Unexpectedly, Senior Brother Zesheng behaved like this, and in his later years, he was willing to sacrifice himself for the sake of the sect..." Hearing this, Xu Xing was also filled with emotion.

He didn't doubt what Yan Luanqing said.

He had been to Zesheng Forest as a guest, and he knew how many descendants of the Kang family in Zesheng Forest, and among them, how many of them were the sons and grandsons of Zesheng Patriarch.

In addition to having many offspring.

In Wuliangzong, there is also a lot of "support" for the Kang family.

Kang Hong is no more than a middle-class person, but he was identified by Wuliangzong as the seed of the Nascent Soul. Among them, if there is no support from the ancestor Zesheng, who would believe it.

"More than half of Wuliangzong belongs to his Kang family... Of course he is willing to die for it..."

Yan Luanqing sneered.

"Forget it, it's meaningless to pursue these past events. Brother Zesheng is dead, and I won't settle the case with the Kang family."

She shook her head and ended the topic.

"But... just now you exposed the real fire of the sun, and Daoist Jiang Yue is still alive..."

Yan Luanqing frowned slightly and said.

She had tried her best to prevent Jiangyue Taoist from returning to Yinhuanzhai Mountain Gate just now, but unfortunately, her Taoist deeds were far from enough to stop a fellow Taoist.

"The person who possesses the real fire of the sun is not necessarily the Golden Crow Immortal Physique." Xu Xing shook his head and said disapprovingly: "Besides, Chang has now reached the Nascent Soul Realm... There is no cultivator who dares to covet my physique. Several people."

Immortal bodies under the Dao Dan realm may still be taken away by senior monks.

He is now a Nascent Soul cultivator, and unless an immortal descends to earth, no one can take away his physique.

In addition, although immortal body qualifications are rare, but after careful searching, there are still quite a few in a continent...

Even if he exposes the Golden Crow Immortal Body, there won't be any serious troubles in Nanyan Continent.

Of course, this time he exposed that he has mastered the real fire of the sun, and he also intentionally laid bait in Nanyanzhou.

The people fishing for the Emperor's Pavilion were looking for him.

The Emperor's Pavilion recruits monks into the pavilion.

Qualifications are also part of its focus.

During the second simulation of the Dao Alchemy Realm, even though he was marked as a slave by the Princess Changle of the Chiming Dynasty because of the "Golden Crow Immortal Physique", he was accepted as a male favorite and ravaged in every possible way.

But in fact, this is not the fault of his Golden Crow Immortal Body.

But it happened to coincide with the meeting, and because of the scarcity of celestial bodies, this was remembered by Princess Changle.

If it were Taibai Immortal Physique, Tongtian Spirit Physique, etc., they would also be targeted by Princess Changle.

Besides, his Golden Crow Immortal Physique had already been exposed when he was in Donghuang State.At this moment, I don't mind having one more Nanyanzhou.


"There are not many people in the world who dare to covet the physique of the younger brother."

After Yan Luanqing heard this, she nodded slightly, deeply convinced.



After a short breath adjustment.

Xu Xing returned to the sect together with Yan Luanqing, and began to retreat to heal his injuries.

As for the attack on Yinhuanzhai, the two handed it over to the head, Gu Chengbin, to be responsible.

Yuan Ying Patriarch was not a thug.

This time, if it wasn't for special circumstances, Patriarch Zesheng wanted to take a Taoist Lord of Yinhuanzhai away before he died.

Otherwise, the Taoists of the two factions would not easily fight.

According to the normal procedure, the Yuanying Patriarch stood still, and the real kings and real people under his hands would fight first, and then they would go out to fight.

"It's faster than I imagined. In just four years, I've reached the peak of the Nascent Soul Stage, and I'm only one step away from entering the Nascent Soul Stage..."

In Wuliangzong's blessed land, Xu Xing, who was meditating in the cave, opened his eyes, glanced at the mother, mother and twin babies in his dantian, with a smile on his mouth, and thought to himself.

"Dai Ji's practice of "Yin Yang Can Tong Qi" is probably about the same..."

Thinking of this, Xu Xing's heart moved, he waved his sleeve robe and opened the gate of the cave master, turned into a ray of light and left the blessed land, heading for his old residence in Jinhong Valley.

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