Xiu Xian: I can reincarnate in the heavens

Chapter 301 Friends of Chang Dao, Rao Poor Dao 1 Life

Chapter 301 Friends of Chang Dao, spare the life of the poor Daoist

He was able to achieve great fame in the world of cultivating immortals in Nanyanzhou, thanks to his tacit cooperation with the nine-headed lions, and his reputation as a beast master.

Today he provoked Xu Xing and wanted to try Xu Xing's black spiritual flame spell with the nine-headed lion. This was not because he underestimated the life of the nine-headed lion, but because he had enough confidence in the defensive power of the nine-headed lion's leather armor.

"But this time..."

Master Jiuling clenched his palms tightly, with a worried and unbearable look on his face.

The moment the phantom of the fairy in feathers approached him, he felt a sense of fear from the depths of his soul, like an ant facing the high sky.

This is the huge difference between humans and immortals.

"How could he...have such a backhand, the black spirit flame, the feathered fairy...how many secrets does he have..."

For a while, Master Jiuling regretted it.

Strange people and strangers emerge in endlessly in the world of cultivating immortals. When he had not yet attained the Nascent Soul Realm, he had been trembling in the world of cultivating immortals.

But since he became a Taoist monarch, his previous caution and prudence gradually turned into arrogance and domineering, so that he suffered a big loss today.

Just when Master Jiuling repented.

The Feather Clothes Immortal finally stabbed the Nine-Headed Lion after being replaced.

The nine-headed lion roared, and the other eight heads came out with the roar, biting at the fairy sword of Yuyi Immortal.

At the same time, the third eye between its brows also opened wide suddenly, shooting out a beam of green light.

He began to block the attack of Yuyi Immortal with all his strength.

The spiritual sense of monsters is far stronger than that of humans.

Not to mention a fourth-order monster with extraordinary blood.

all of these.

All done in an instant.

The verdant beam of light was as thick as a beam, and it hit the head of the Yuyi Immortal, while the remaining eight heads of the nine-headed lion surrounded the Yuyi Immortal like tree vines.

Nine lion heads opened their bloody mouths together.


The next moment, the nine-headed lion was stunned.

He defended with all his strength for the first time, but all his defenses were as fragile as paper, easily torn apart by the Yuyi Immortal.

Even the green beam of light shot out.

Also beheaded by one of his swords!
The Immortal in Feather Clothes waved the fairy sword in his hand, and its head kept falling from the sky, like a meteor falling to the ground.

A line of blood spread across its sturdiest lion head, and the demon baby in the sea of ​​consciousness showed fear in its eyes, wanting to escape from its skull.

The nine-headed lion roared again, and the hair on its whole body began to burst, and bloodstains appeared on the lion's body.

Exuding the majesty of the ancient blood.

Immediately afterwards, the blue mane on its body faded and turned into pure gold, shining brightly under the sun and stars.

The attacks of the Yuyi Immortal kept falling on the nine-headed lion.

The sound of gold and iron continues!

"Nine-headed lions of ancient blood..."

"Friend Daoist Chang's supernatural power is too powerful for the Nine-Headed Lion to stop, so he can only save his life by destroying his own bloodline with the power of returning to his ancestors."

"It's a pity, this nine-headed lion of ancient blood."

In front of the Wuliangzong Hall, many Taoist monarchs were discussing.

Originally, they thought that the victory or defeat between Master Jiuling and Xu Xing would be determined soon, but unexpectedly, Xu Xing, who had just entered the realm of Daojun, made it difficult for Master Jiuling, a veteran Taoist...

Even the beast Nine-Headed Lion may die in this battle.

"The nine-headed lion has rough skin and thick flesh. Under normal conditions, even a full-strength blow from Yuanying Daxiu can withstand several times."

"The attack of this Immortal in Feather Clothes has surpassed the late stage of Nascent Soul Realm and reached the level of Nascent Soul..."

"Even if it is achieved by secret techniques..."

"This is not to be underestimated."

All the cultivators took a deep look at the green-robed scholar standing above the clouds, and their fear of him rose to another level.

Yuanying Daxiu refers to the Dzogchen monks in the late Yuanying period.

Only people of this level.

It can be called an overhaul!

"Infinite Sect, don't mess with it!"

They communicated in private and reached a consensus.

Even if Xu Xing's attack was only a flash in the pan, they didn't dare to gamble, and there was no need to risk their lives for it.

"It's difficult now..."

"Fortunately, Phantom Valley did not completely offend Wuliangzong like Jixinmen, and there is still room for redemption."

Hua Niangzi felt a little sad.

As long as Xu Xing and Yan Luanqing were not stupid, they would both understand the purpose of her and Master Jiuling's visit to Wuliangzong.

Fortunately, she is the one who sings the red face.

It's not like Master Nine Spirits, singing bad faces.

"Yan Luanqing is easier to talk to than Chang Kun, test her..."

Hua Niangzi has been paying attention to observing Xu Xing's state, and seeing that his breath is still stable after using the forbidden, she is suddenly very jealous.

So she glanced back with her consciousness, glanced at Yan Luanqing who was paying attention to the battlefield, and came up with Yan Luanqing's idea.

"Friend Yan Dao..."

"This time, Fellow Daoist Chang showed his supernatural powers and stole the limelight. And Fellow Daoist Yan is the leader of Wuliangzong, could it be that between you..."

Hua Niangzi squinted her eyes and said via voice transmission.

She planned to use Yan Luanqing to constrain Xu Xing, thereby suppressing the momentum of Wuliangzong's rise.

Just now she also saw that Wuliang Ruler, Wuliangzong's suppressing Taoist treasure, is controlled by Yan Luanqing, who is much weaker than Xu Xing...

After a long time, how can Xu Xing not feel resentment in his heart?

After all, she was overwhelmed by Yan Luanqing.

"Ms. Hua, it's better not to say such provocative words again. Junior brother and I are short-sighted people..."

Yan Luanqing snorted coldly and replied.

Hearing this, Hua Niangzi sighed secretly and closed her mouth.

She almost forgot.

One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers.

But if there is one male and one female, it may not be too much.

"The outcome will be decided."

At this time, the sloppy old man who had ridiculed Master Jiuling just now in the hall suddenly spoke.

"Nine-headed lions did not hesitate to destroy their own bloodlines, and used their ancestors to fight against fellow Taoists. How could the outcome be so easily determined..."

Some Nascent Soul Taoist Monarchs on the side showed puzzled expressions after hearing the sloppy old man's words.

Just now, Xu Xing's "forbidden technique" really made the Nine-headed Lion and Master Nine-headed Spirit into a mess, but now that the Nine-headed Lion has also used the "forbidden technique", the outcome may not be so easy to tell.

After all, Xu Xing is one against two.

The fact that the Nine-Headed Lions are weak in succession does not mean that Master Nine-Headed Spirits is dead.



on the battlefield.

After returning to the ancestors, the nine-headed lions are covered in pure gold, just like copper cast iron.

Although the breath is much weaker than before.

The realm has also dropped to the level of a third-order monster.

But it did indeed block the attack of the Feathered Immortal.

"It's a bit careless."

"In order to conceal my strength, I only used [-]% of my strength to use the Xuanzhen Technique. I never thought that the Nine-Headed Lion would help him block this Master Nine Spirits using the technique of substitute death..."

Above the Nine Layers of Clouds, Xu Xing glanced at the phantom of the Immortal in Feather Clothes, which was gradually fading, and thought silently.

"It's not that the North Vietnamese country is without capable people..."

He shook his head.

In his opinion, the combined power of Master Nine Spirits and Nine Headed Lions is comparable to that of Chongtai Daojun who does not perform the three major immortal arts of "Eternal Transformation Immortal Sutra", and is weaker than Donghuang at the level of Nascent Soul Daxiu. Nascent Soul Daojun at the state head teacher level.


"Since one trick can't fix the world, then let's do it one more time."

At the moment when the Yuyi Immortal disappeared, Xu Xing waved his sleeve robe, and behind him instantly appeared a pure gold golden black figure as high as a hundred feet in size.

The body of the nine-headed lion, tens of feet tall, looks like a young animal under the golden crow.

The Golden Crow fluttered its wings, swung the wind blade containing the true fire of the sun, and rushed towards the nine-headed lion who was defending the Yuyi Immortal, and the Nine-headed Master who was hiding behind.

One blow was not eliminated, and another blow was struck again.

The wind blade containing the power of Dharma and the real fire of the sun that burned everything immediately began to tear and burn the vajra body of the nine-headed lion.

Different from the assassination of the Yuyi Immortal just now, the Golden Crow's attack at this time is a frontal attack, but it is also more aggressive.

The nine-headed lion whimpered and wailed.

The aura of choosing people and devouring them gradually faded away.

The vitality also died with it.

"Just now, the golden flames after the white feather cicadas were split by the technique of Feather Palace, what are these flames..."

Master Jiuling frowned.

After evading the fatal blow, his nine-headed lion has been crippled. Not only will he not be able to advance to the next level, but it is even difficult to maintain the Nascent Soul state at this time.

paid such a high price.

He didn't want to surrender easily.

Thinking of this, he flicked his sleeve robe and looked at the nine-headed lion. After a brief communication with the nine-headed lion, he rushed out of the blazing formation formed by the real fire of the sun, turned into three phantoms, and directly used the three flying swords Stab at Xu Xing.

Xu Xing's eyes flickered slightly, and he commanded his natal magic weapon Kurong Erjian to block Master Jiuling.


It happened unexpectedly.

When the Kurong twin swords were blocking Master Jiuling, Master Jiuling switched positions with the nine-headed lion as soon as he pinched the formula.

The Kurong twin swords pierced straight into the body of the nine-headed lion.

The phantom formed by Master Three Paths and Nine Spirits continued to approach Xu Xing.

"Blood Shadow Magic Art..."

Xu Xing raised his eyebrows, and used the nine blood shadows formed by the blood shadow magic skill to stop Master Nine Spirits.

And at this moment, the Master Jiuling made another trick.

And exchanged positions with the nine-headed lion.

"Want to use the nine-headed lion as a surrogate to approach me?"

Xu Xing immediately understood Master Jiuling's thoughts.

He guessed that Master Nine Spirits should have mastered a method to get close to him and kill him immediately.

"A son of a thousand pieces of gold cannot sit still."

"Although I have innate immortal energy, how can I let you get close to me easily..."

When Master Nine Spirits approached, Xu Xing sneered and directly caused the blood to escape, turning into blood and disappearing on the spot.

He minored in Yuan Xiuyi from another world.

The Essence and Blood Divine Treasure has been opened.

Essence and blood are much more than ordinary monks.

Not to mention that there is a plug-in of [Dao Fruit].


After three breaths, Xu Xing instantly appeared on the side of the nine-headed lion, and the two swords of Kurong merged into one, turning into a giant sword that shook the sky, and directly slashed at the neck of the nine-headed lion.

The lineage of the giant sword is one of the inheritances of Feiyu Immortal Palace's Nascent Soul.

Although its Taoism is not as good as the two immortal scriptures in his hand, "The Immortal Sutra of Feather Transformation" and "Sacred Art of Dispelling Evil", in fact, the Taoism of the giant sword is not weak, but it is much weaker than these Xeons.

The Nine-Headed Lion was "substituted to death" three times by Master Nine Spirits, and his body was already severely injured. When the turquoise giant sword slashed in front of it, it reacted when it was dying.

The mane was cut by the blade.

The leather armor is broken.

"No, I am willing to surrender..." Nine-headed lion begged Xu Xing for mercy regardless of the slave mark in his mind.

But it was all too late.

In the next moment, the real head of the nine-headed lion split from the demon body and was cut off by the giant sword.

The demon baby of the nine-headed lion escaped from the head.

Just within half a breath, the demon baby was captured alive by Xu Xing, and was stuffed into a small suet vial using a secret method.

"Chang Daoyou, you and I are just competing..."

"There is no need to make such a heavy hand."

Seeing the "death" of the nine-headed lion, Master Jiuling hurried away from Xu Xing for more than ten miles, looked at Xu Xing from a distance, and said hurriedly.

Losing the Nine-Headed Lions was not only a loss of an arm for him.

Basically, half a life was lost.

His means of fighting the enemy are all coordinated with the spirit beast of the nine-headed lion.

"Don't you think it's a bit late for Fellow Daoist Jiuling to say these words now?"

Xu Xing smiled disdainfully.

"Fellow Daoist often arrested my pet demon baby, presumably for the sake of the impoverished Taoist and the pet demon baby. As long as fellow daoists let the past go, and return the nine-headed lion demon baby, I can copy a copy of this magical power and give it to fellow daoist. "

"In addition, the poor Taoist can also swear that after today, if he sees a fellow Taoist, he will back away and dare not think of revenge."

"If there is any disobedience, the devil will mess with me, and the thunder will kill me!"

Master Jiuling is also a ruthless person, seeing that his situation is over, he hastily swore an oath to the sky, and begged for surrender under the eyes of everyone.

"The Jixin Gate Foundation..."

"A poor Taoist can also give it to fellow Taoists."

Seeing that Xu Xing was not moved, he gritted his teeth and said again.

"Fellow Daoist Chang, you should know why the supernatural powers and mysteries in the world of cultivating immortals have been lost so often? Vendetta can take away the skills of low-level monks, but it will definitely not take away the skills of Nascent Soul monks?"

"With this skill, it is equivalent to a few more lives."

"Fellow Daoist, won't the journey to immortality be everlasting?"

Master Jiuling understands it with emotion and moves it with reason.

listen to this.

Xu Xing's face was slightly moved, and he seemed to have some hesitation.

Indeed, as Master Jiuling said, he was very interested in Master Jiuling and the nine-headed lion's method of surrogate death, otherwise he would not have banned the nine-headed lion's demon baby on his body.

It should be noted that the self-destruction of the Nascent Soul is no small matter!
And although his spiritual consciousness is much stronger than that of the nine-headed lion, it is not safe to search for the soul. As long as there is a chance, the demon baby of the nine-headed lion will immediately release itself and erase its own memory.

"Friend Daoist Chang is worried that the poor Taoist will hold grudges? For a powerful person like you, even if the poor Taoist holds grudges, he will not take his life against him."

"Besides, Fellow Daoist is young enough to see the poor Daoist die in a vacuum..."

Seeing Xu Xing stop, Master Jiuling heaved a sigh of relief and said.

He also didn't expect that Xu Xing would pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, with so many strange tricks.

If only I knew one day earlier.

He didn't even come to Wuliangzong's trip today.

"Since Fellow Daoist Nine Spirits has such a powerful spiritual pet as the nine-headed lion, it is not difficult to find one for Xu..."

Xu Xing touched his chin, and looked at Master Jiuling with a half-smile.

The sworn Master Jiuling is like a toothless tiger and will not pose a threat to him.

And he doesn't have any relatives in Nanyan Continent.

I am not afraid that Master Jiuling will trouble his relatives.

As for Dai Ji, Dai Ji is also a disciple of Shangjiao. In the mid-Yuanying period, with the strength of Master Nine Spirits today, Dai Ji may not be able to win well in the hands of Dai Ji.

Besides, today is his baby congealing ceremony, killing Master Nine Spirits will not be good for his reputation, and it will easily arouse the fear of his fellow practitioners.

It's better to accept it when you see it.

"Like a nine-headed lion, a monster of ancient blood..."

"Not impossible!"

"As long as the friends of Chang Dao spare the poor Dao's life."

Master Jiuling heard Xu Xing's request, gritted his teeth and nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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