Be the emperor from the postman

Chapter 91 I'm Young

Chapter 91 I'm Young

After hearing He Jinzhao's words, He Huchen, the general of Ningxia, frowned even deeper.

"Hey, you've already tasted the delicacies of mountains and seas. I'm afraid I'm not happy to let you go back to eat bran swallowed vegetables?"

He Jinzhao took a step forward, and said calmly, "To be honest, I really hope you can kill their whole family, hehe."

He Huchen's eyes widened suddenly upon hearing this.

Sure enough, the rebels are all fucking ruthless people!

As long as he killed the family members of these people, those guards would definitely work for He Jinzhao, and they would be supported by the hatred of revenge.

He Jinzhao will lead them to find revenge on him!
It turned out that He Jinzhao wished he could kill the guard's family.

Before, I thought that he didn't kill innocent people indiscriminately because he had a good heart, but I never thought that he was also a rotten person!

It's a pity that this city is too small, so I shouldn't say it first.

"Your thoughts are vicious!" He Huchen scolded angrily.

He Jinzhao snorted and said, "We are right, let alone the second brother."

He Huchen really didn't care about the lives of the guards' family members.

It's just that he didn't want He Jinzhao's plan to succeed, so he stopped talking about this topic.

This son is indeed Linglong's mind, and he can't blame his stupid son for being fooled by him into becoming a traitor.

The point is that he did his fucking best and almost killed Hong Chengchou, governor of Yansui.

In fact, most of the guards who didn't run away had families, and He Huchen knew that.

Since the change of Tumubao, the number of soldiers in the National Guard has dropped from more than 300 million to more than 100 million, a loss of more than half.

Of course, there are natural losses such as the extermination of military households, deaths in battle, and mergers of heavy service, most of which are fled.

After the officials of the Ministry of War sorted out and discovered this pattern, they asked the sergeants with families to be placed in key or remote areas.

It's a pity that in the past so many years, many military households can't marry a wife, and they can't support themselves.

Military households with girls are unwilling to marry military households even if there are old rules.

Because marrying you not only faces starvation and lack of good nutrition, but also makes it more dangerous for the daughter-in-law to give birth, and then she can't survive and is sold by you.

As a result, many of the soldiers in the guard were unable to marry a wife, and then they fled even more.

If the poor have no offspring, they will naturally become extinct.

In the same guard, there are guard officers and a small number of wealthy soldiers, most of whom are poor soldiers. These people have degenerated from the roles established at the beginning of the country.

The impoverished soldiers of the guards turned to the occupation of personal servants or handymen.

These soldiers in the guards were "selling arrows in Dianyi" at the beginning, and then Zhao Bancheng and others were able to purchase all kinds of equipment.

Then it developed to "sell your wife by your son", selling your son as a slave, and selling your wife to others as a daughter-in-law to carry on the family line.

When the guards could bear it, they "begged along the street".

In the end, he was forced to "leave the army and abscond".

Even more violent "open clamor and mutiny", even desperate and began to collude with foreign enemies.

This is the fate of the soldiers of the Nine Border Guards today.

The fate of the guard soldiers in the hinterland is a little better than them.

Even if they don't practice martial arts and are lazy, they are members of the court after all, He Huchen glared at He Jinzhao.

Damn, I thought I could threaten him, but instead he took advantage of it.

"He Zongbing, I hope we will have opportunities to cooperate in the future."

When He Jinzhao saw that Dang Shousu had finally inspected the goods, he smiled.

"Business is business, anti-thief is anti-thief." He Huchen said coldly: "Don't think that if you do business with me, you won't be killed in the future."

"Heh, don't worry, even if it's the son of your subordinate He Zan, if he dares to fight against me on the battlefield, he will still kill you!"

He Jinzhao confronted each other, leaving little room for words.

Now it is only driven by short-term interests, which makes everyone stand together.

In the future, they will have to fight each other because of their respective interests, which cannot be reconciled.

"A word to you, young people, don't be too arrogant." He Huchen snorted.

He Jinzhao also snorted and said, "At a young age, I can support ten thousand people within a month. Why can't I be arrogant?"

"Some people take bragging as truth, and that's not good."

"At a young age, relying on myself, I can support a stall of 200 people a month. Can you?"

After He Jinzhao finished questioning, he obviously felt that the eyes of his surroundings had changed.

"Leaving aside, the governor of Yansui, Hong Chengchou, let most of the rebels not fight, but came to fight me, which is enough to show my personal charm. Who can you?"

He Huchen's chest obviously rose and fell.

He Jinzhao saw that something was wrong with He Huchen, so he said to him directly: "If you don't accept it, call your teammates and keep hitting me!"

He Huchen pointed at He Jinzhao with his finger, "Don't be too crazy!"

"Ha ha."

He Jinchao waved his hand, clearly seeing that He Huchen was feeling jealous.

Although it is not within a month to support a stall of 1 people, it does not prevent me from bragging.

If a man doesn't brag, is he still called a man?

Besides, I am young, this is true!

He Huchen is incomparable!

As for the dozens of craftsmen on the side, most of them were yellow and thin, and they were not fully clothed.

One by one is like a beggar.

"Are you sure these are craftsmen?"

He Jinzhao looked at the craftsmen who were slowly walking past. These people didn't look like they could start production immediately.

"Take care of them, they are very skilled."

After He Huchen finished speaking, he was carried away without looking back.

Because he not only has to support his family, but also raises pacesetters. These people are vanguards in combat.

At the same time, He Huchen secretly decided to recruit more servants.

Damn, young and amazing!

Who is still young?
Don't look at how many people he leads in He Jinchao, but he's just a bunch of chickens and dogs, how can he compare with me, He Huchen?
From the bottom of his heart, warriors feel that they are not weaker than others.

Not to mention being ridiculed by a traitor, being able to hold back shows that He Huchen is still determined!
For Yinzi's sake, swallow this bad breath for now.

He Huchen stopped and pointed his head back: "He Jinchao, don't let me see you on the battlefield, I didn't discuss hacking you to death."

"Hehe." He Jinchao roared with a half-smile: "I know that the strong are always envied by others, He Huchen, I don't care about your ants' eyes."

He Huchen walked away with his fists clenched, you kid is worthy of being called a strong man, and let you go wild for a few days first.

He Jinchao raised his eyebrows, it seemed that aggressive tactics didn't work very well against He Huchen, he was indeed a veteran.

"Captain, let's go back to the city too, it's getting hotter."


He Jinzhao nodded, and led a lot of materials bought with money into Ganquan County.

"Treat these craftsmen well, and the five of them will guarantee each other, understand?"

Dang Shousu has long been familiar with dealing with personnel matters.

"Captain, don't worry."

(End of this chapter)

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