The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 102 The Return of the King

Chapter 102 The Return of the King

After get off work, Yan Jiecheng rode his bicycle to the vegetable market first, bought the vegetables for tomorrow, and then rode his bicycle back to the courtyard.

As soon as I arrived at the courtyard, I saw a lot of people surrounded by the gate, not only the people in my own courtyard, but also many people from nearby courtyards.

Going to the front and pulling Liu Guangfu who was watching the fun at the side: "Guangfu, what's the matter, why are you all surrounded here?"

Liu Guangfu looked back and saw that it was Yan Jiecheng: "Brother Cheng is back. Don't mention it, this Jiazhang family somehow heard that Qin Huairu and Shazhu got married. If they don't come back, they will make trouble. Where is my dad trying to persuade me?" It doesn't work anymore."

"Where's the uncle?" Yan Jiecheng asked suspiciously.

"Hey, the old lady fainted after being scolded by Mrs. Jia Zhang. It's not like the uncle sent the old lady to the hospital."

After hearing what Liu Guangfu said, Yan Jiecheng parked his bicycle aside and prepared to watch a play. This Jia Zhang family has been in the countryside for a year, and it seems that he is good at it. Even the deaf old lady scolded the hospital. This courtyard will be lively in the future. .

The second uncle saw that Yan Jiecheng had returned, but Jia and Zhang didn't listen to his own words.So he said: "Xie Cheng, don't stand there anymore, come here and help persuade me."

"Second uncle, I don't think you should persuade me anymore. Let's talk about it after the first uncle comes back. After all, this matter is the family affairs of the first uncle and Shazhu, and it's hard for us outsiders to say anything."

"Then we can't just let Mrs. Jia and Zhang scold the street at the gate of our courtyard. If it gets out, shouldn't we be ashamed as well?" The second uncle hesitated and said.He doesn't want to take care of this matter, but he is the second uncle in the courtyard. No matter what other people can do, if he doesn't let others spread the word, he will think that he is not capable. How can the leaders promote him in the future.

"Second uncle, it's not our idea to marry Qin Huairu and Sha Zhu who we lost. It's not our idea that the first uncle would marry Banggan. They are not afraid of embarrassment. What are we afraid of? Besides, Jia Zhang Shi also has reason to make a fuss."

Yan Jiecheng didn't move where he stood after speaking, he wasn't going to take care of this matter.Besides, what the uncle and the others have done is indeed too much.

Qin Huairu is still the daughter-in-law of the old Jia family. Even if she wants to remarry, she has to notify Jia Zhang. You can't turn her daughter-in-law upside down, so don't let her scold her.

"Then let's just look at it like this?" The second uncle asked helplessly.

"Look, I won't care anyway." After speaking, Yan Jiecheng ignored the second uncle, and directly found a step and sat down.

After waiting for a while, Shazhu and Qin Huairu walked back slowly.

"Silly Zhu, come here quickly, Grandma Ni is back." Someone in the crowd shouted.

These words made Sha Zhu dumbfounded, he is not the mother-in-law where the woman came from.Curiously, he squeezed into the crowd and saw Jia Zhang sitting on the ground, swearing non-stop, Sha Zhu frowned, and wanted to beat her but didn't dare.

After all, he slept with his daughter-in-law. Although he got a marriage certificate later, he was still a little apprehensive when facing Jia Zhang. "Aunt Zhang, stop scolding, let's go back and talk about anything."

Jiazhang stood up from the ground, taking advantage of Shazhu's inattention, grabbed Shazhu's face with a trick of Jiuyin White Bone Claw, opened his mouth and sprayed at Shazhu.

Qin Huairu saw that Shazhu suffered a loss, and hurried forward to pull Jiazhang away.

Jia Zhang didn't care whether she was his daughter-in-law or not, so he went up and slapped Qin Huairu to the ground, and took off the cloth shoes he was wearing, and slapped Qin Huairu in the face with the sole of the shoe.She has been doing farm work in the countryside for a year, and her strength is much stronger than before.

Qin Huairu was beaten and screamed by her.

Not to mention the people around, even Shazhu was dumbfounded. It was the first time they saw someone beating someone like this, and he beat him so hard. After a meal, how can I see people in the future.

Others don't care, but Sha Zhu has to care, this is her daughter-in-law, usually he is reluctant to hit her, but Sha Zhu just went up to pull Jia Zhang away.

What greeted him was a shoe sole, it was the first time that Shazhu was slapped in the face, the whole person was stunned and his mind was in chaos, Jia Zhang took the opportunity to face Shazhu as if the shoe sole didn't want money call.

Everyone wanted to go up and pull them away, but they were afraid of being accidentally injured by Jia Zhang's soles, and they were in a dilemma.

Stick is back, he thought it was some excitement when he saw so many people around, but he squeezed in and found out that his grandma was back and beat his parents.Hastened to shout:
"Grandma, stop beating, stop, why did my dad mess with you?"

Mrs. Jia Zhang was fighting vigorously, when suddenly he heard the words of the stick, his body shook twice involuntarily, and he didn't care about hitting the silly pillar, so he went up and grabbed the stick.

"How can you call silly Zhu Dad, your dad is Jia Dongxu, and you are a child of our old Jia family."

"Grandma, don't talk about it, my mother is married to my silly uncle, who is my father, let's go home, don't make such a fuss, I'll lose my face, and I'll just mess around when I go out in the future."

After the stick finished speaking, he dragged Mrs. Jia Zhang to the yard.And Qin Huairu and Shazhu looked at the strange eyes cast by the neighbors, they had no face to stay here, they slapped the dust on their bodies a few times and followed into the yard.

In the evening, when the old man and the deaf old lady came back, they didn't know how to discuss it. In the end, Sha Zhu and Qin Huairu each gave Jia Zhang a pension of three yuan a month, and they had to take care of Jia Zhang's board and lodging as a condition. This made Jia Zhang stop making trouble.


Xu Damao's house in the backyard,

Wang Dani looked at Xu Damao who was drinking a little wine and eating peanuts, and knew that Xu Damao's work must be the work of Jia Zhang's return this time.

"Da Mao, did you do it to Mrs. Zhang's return?"

"That's necessary. He foolishly provoked me, and I can let him live in peace." Xu Damao said triumphantly.

"That silly Zhu knows, so he still has to trouble us?" Wang Dani said a little worriedly, this silly Zhu is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and he will definitely come back with revenge in the future.

"What else can he do if he knows, at most he will shake the spoon for us when cooking." Xu Damao said nonchalantly.

"What should I do? How can I work if I can't eat enough?" Wang Dani said with some blame.

"Don't worry, I've already thought about it. Let's bring food from home like Yan Jiecheng did. It's better to eat this way. What's so delicious about this big pot of rice? There's no oil or water at all. It's not like our family doesn't have that condition, by the way , I went to the commune to show a movie this time, and brought back a big goose, don’t you want to eat it? Let my mother give it a ton tomorrow.”

As soon as Wang Dani heard that the big goose was brought back, she didn't care if Shazhu retaliated or not, so she followed Aunt Wang to discuss how to stew the big goose tomorrow.

 The next chapter skips directly to sixty-five years

(End of this chapter)

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