Chapter 104 Playing Movies

The office of the electrician group in the rolling mill.

Yan Jiecheng tidied up the items on the table, and followed Yan Jiefang out of the half-office.

"Brother-in-law, are my sisters coming to watch the movie tonight?" Yu Haitang walked over and asked.

Yu Haitang graduated last year and joined the rolling mill. Now she is an announcer in the rolling mill. She earns more than 20 yuan a month. Although the salary is not high, she has nothing to do to write manuscripts. Reading about the radio is [-] points for a girl. nice job.This is not something that just anyone can do. Those who can be recruited as broadcasters after graduating from high school are talents.

"Why, you want to help your sister take care of the child?" Yan Jiecheng joked.

"Don't, the clothes I just bought, if your kid pees on them, I'm afraid I can't help spanking him." Yu Haitang said angrily.

When she went to Yan Xiecheng's house last time, she saw that the child was so playful that she insisted on hugging it. If you say you can hug it, you can hug it well. No, she just curiously grabbed Ziyang's dick to play with, and she can still get used to it. Looking at her, a soak of boy's urine chilled her heart.

"Hey, why do you still remember? It's been a long time. Besides, you are not wronged, you are wronged." Yan Jiecheng said speechlessly.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, let's go there quickly, don't make my sister wait in a hurry."

Yu Haitang didn't wait for Yan Xiecheng to speak and pulled him out, and didn't care about Yan Jiefang who was next to him, for fear that she would talk about her grabbing Ziyang's little brother again after talking.She didn't want to mention it all her life, it was too embarrassing.Let others know about this, she doesn't want to lose face when she's a dignified woman.

A few people came to the square, "Xie Cheng, here." Yu Li waved at them.Yan Jiecheng hurried over.

"Yu Li, where's Ziwan? Why did you bring Ziyang here?" Yan Jiecheng looked at Yu Li with a child and asked suspiciously.He reached out and hugged the child in Yu Li's arms.

"Ziwan is at my mother's place, and she's reading comic books with her sister-in-law, and she's working hard, so she doesn't want to come here. Besides, I can't hold two children by myself."

The little Ziyang in Yan Jiecheng's arms held onto Yan Jiecheng's clothes with both hands, and looked at Yu Haitang with his eyes wide open. He probably hasn't forgotten about Yu Haitang grabbing his little brother.

Embarrassed by Xiao Ziyang's look, Yu Haitang walked over and said, "Xiao Yangzi, what do you keep watching me for? Do you miss my aunt? Let me pet her head." Then she stretched out her hand.

Little Ziyang twisted his body in Yan Jiecheng's arms, pointing at Yu Haitang with a little finger, "Bad guy, big bad guy, daddy hits the bad guy." Amused several people laughed.

Yu Haitang's face turned green from anger, didn't she just grab you a few times, and besides, you pissed all over me, I haven't settled with you yet, and you still refuse to forgive me.Originally planning to touch Xiao Ziyang's hand, he went to the boy's buttocks, causing Xiao Ziyang to jump up and down in Yan Jiecheng's arms to hide desperately.

"Okay, Haitang, stop making trouble. Let's find a seat and sit down. When there are too many people, all the good places will be taken up." Yu Li said, holding Yu Haitang who was about to beat her son.

Only then did Yu Haitang stop and the others sat down at the back where they could see the curtain clearly.It's not impossible to do the front, but generally the projectionist reserves that place for the factory leaders, and generally no one is so blind to go and sit in the front.

Oh yes, Bang Geng ran over with Xiao Dang and Huai Hua, and sat down in the front seat.

This kid doesn't care who is the leader or not. He sees that the seat is good and no one directly takes it.

"Hey, hello, who is it, get out of the way quickly, the seat over there is occupied, go to the back." Xu Damao said loudly when he saw that the seat left by him to fawn on the leader was taken.Because he was too far away, he didn't see who it was.

Bang Geng ignored him when he heard it, and just sat and talked with Xiao Dang and Huai Hua.

"Brother, why don't we go to the back?" Xiao Dang whispered in fear, because she was really frightened by the three children of Xu Damao's family. In the past two years, she has not rarely seen sticks being bullied by Dug and the others.

"What are you afraid of? There are so many people here and he can still fight with us here. Besides, the silly dad will come over in a while, so don't be afraid of them." Stick said stubbornly.

Xu Damao saw that he put down the film and walked over, "Hey, are you deaf when I speak? Can't you hear me? Alas! It's you boy, get out of here, this is where you sit .I don’t have any doubts about my identity.”

Seeing that it was Bang Geng, Xu Damao was so angry that his own children were not allowed to take this position. The three cubs were very good, but they didn't find a good position when they came late, so they took the seat that he reserved to curry favor with the leader.He even wondered if Sha Zhu ordered him to destroy his relationship with the leader.

"This is not your house. I can sit if I want. Let me tell you, my stupid dad will come in a while. If you dare to beat me, I will let my stupid dad clean you up."

Xu Damao could bear to hear Bang Geng say that, so many people watched him, if he was threatened by Bang Geng's words, how could he hang around in the factory in the future.

Go up and grab the collar of the stick, slap, slap, two slaps, "Get out, if you don't get out, I'll hit you again." Xu Damao said fiercely.

The worker next to him didn't stop him either. After all, everyone had heard what he said just now, so he would have beaten him too. Besides, this is indeed the seat where the leader sits.I didn't see so many people, so I just sat there with three sticks. Such a big child has no eyesight at all.

Stick was stunned by Xu Damao's two slaps, he didn't expect Xu Damao to hit him a child, he was stunned for a while before he realized that he covered his face and ran to the back kitchen.Xiao Dang and Huaihua also followed behind crying, they were scared to cry by Xu Damao.

Xu Damao watched the stick go away, turned his head and walked back to the projector with an unrecognizable pace, opened his heart, and began to prepare for the movie.

"Dad, BangGou must have gone to find Shazhu, so be careful when you go back." Duhu said beside him.

"Hey, it's okay, I'm afraid he's a fool. You don't have to worry about it, you just have to learn how to play movies well. After all, it's a handed down skill from our family." Xu Damao said nonchalantly.

Later, he was going to drink with the leader, so he didn't believe that Sha Zhu dared to come and find fault.If Shazhu really dares to come over, there will be leaders to clean him up.

After the leaders of the factory came and sat down, Xu Damao began to concentrate on playing the movie.

The movie shown today is called "Ashima". This is the first time Yan Jiecheng has watched a romance movie of this era. Not to mention, it is quite interesting, especially the heroine in the movie, who fascinates the young men of this era. Yes, or if the silly Zhu said that after watching this movie, he was watching other girls, all of them were Zhu Bajie and his second aunt.

(End of this chapter)

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