Chapter 106 Oolong Incident
In the early morning of the next day, Xu Damao was still tied to the chair, feeling a little cold in the haze, and couldn't help shivering.Ahhh, I woke up with a shiver.

Just when I was about to get up, I realized that I was being helped on a chair, and I didn't know when my pants were taken off. I was stunned for a while, and I couldn't remember what happened yesterday.Just instinctively shouted: "Is there anyone, is there anyone."

"Ah, ah, what's your name, stop it, it's affecting my sleep." Silly Zhu who was lying on the long bench next to him woke up slowly and said to Xu Damao.

"Silly Zhu, why are you here? Did you bring me to the back kitchen? Where are my clothes?"

Seeing Shazhu here, Xu Damao was stunned for a moment, then he thought it was him who was fooled by Shazhu, and shouted at Shazhu.

"Stop shouting, let me sleep for a while, and then talk to you later." After finishing speaking, Xu Damao picked up his clothes and covered him, closed his eyes, and was about to fall asleep.Anyway, today is the National Day holiday, no one will come to the factory, and I am not afraid of being seen.

"Silly Zhu, silly Zhu, first untie the rope on my body." Xu Damao hurriedly shouted when he saw that Silly Zhu was going to sleep again.After being tied up with a rope all night, my arms felt a little numb, my whole body was uncomfortable, my lower body was also blue from the cold, my head was dizzy, and I wanted to go home quickly and have a good sleep.

"It's Grandpa." Sha Zhu said in a hoarse voice.

"Silly Zhu, don't go too far, I tell you to let me go quickly, or I will go to the security department to sue you."

Hearing Xu Damao's threat, Silly Zhu turned over slowly, looked at Xu Damao and said:
"Xu Damao, you, I don't even know what to say about you, do you know why I tied you here?"

Hearing this, Xu Damao thought about what happened yesterday, except that he didn't seem to have offended Sha Zhu.

"Is it a stick thing? I really don't blame me, he asked for it." Xu Damao hurriedly explained.

"Xu Damao, don't talk nonsense. If you call me grandpa three times, I will let you go. Otherwise, you can just stay here. No one will come over today anyway."

No matter what the reason is, Sha Zhu knows that Xu Damao has beaten the stick, and that's enough, otherwise he won't be overwhelmed after Xu Damao is subdued.

When Xu Damao heard this, he planned to give in to Shazhu first, to see if it worked. "Brother, Brother Zhu, I was wrong for playing sticks yesterday, but I really don't blame me. You said that he has no eyesight at all and insisted on sitting where the leader sits. I was helping you educate the child and let him grow up. Remember, you said you didn't thank me and still punished me like this..." As he spoke, he went astray, and what was supposed to be soft, somehow turned into preaching.

"Shut up, my son uses you to teach me, stop talking nonsense here, I'll ask you if you want to call me, or I'll go back if you don't." Saying that, Sha Zhu was about to leave the back kitchen.

Seeing that silly Zhu was about to leave, Xu Damao was in a hurry, "Master, Master Zhu, I was wrong, please let me go, all my mistakes are my fault, just treat me as a fart and let me go .”

Hearing that Xu Damao gave in,

Silly Zhu came back again, "You asked me to tell you what's good about you, it would have been better if it had been like this earlier, I have to talk nonsense, and, let me tell you, if you dare to move a finger in the future, you won't be here That's it, I'll strip you naked and tie you up in our yard, I'll see if you don't feel ashamed." He knelt down and untied the rope on Xu Damao's body.

Xu Damao moved his hands and feet, looked at his naked lower body and said, "Where are my pants? Where did you put my pants?"

Sha Zhu pointed to the railing next to him, "Hey, here, where are you looking? You, Bai has big eyes, and your eyesight is not good enough."

Xu Damao went to take the pants back and found that there were no pants inside and shouted at Sha Zhu: "Si Zhu, where are my pants? Where did you put my pants?"

"Your underpants are too smelly. I'll reheat them for you, and they're in here." Sha Zhu pointed to Zaotang and said.

After hearing this, Xu Damao put on his pants directly, "Silly Zhu, you will be a fool when you step on the horse, just wait for me, or I will kill you, I will take your surname." Said and ran out of the back kitchen.

Silly Zhu looked at the figure of Xu Damao running out, "Hey, this bastard, he ran pretty fast. He killed me, no pants, I see how you will explain to your tigress when you go back." Silly Zhu laughed .


Quadrangle courtyard courtyard, not going to work today Qin Huairu got up early to wash clothes by the sink, when she saw Sha Zhu walking in leisurely.

"Silly Zhu, what did you do last night? Why didn't you come back all night? I saw Xu Damao running over in a panic just now. Were you together with Xu Damao last night?"

"Hey, didn't Xu Damao hit a stick yesterday, can I not punish him?"

"How did you punish him? Tell me about it and I'll listen to it." Qin Huairu asked curiously, she really couldn't figure out what kind of punishment could last one night.

"It's nothing, I took off his trousers, tied him in our back kitchen, and tied him up all night." Silly Zhu couldn't help laughing when he thought of this.

"You are not afraid that he will go to the factory to fuck you, just tie him up."

"Hey, it's okay. Xu Damao's film will be broken after drinking. He doesn't even know when the show ends. If I don't admit it at that time, what can he do." Silly Zhu said triumphantly.

"Okay, you should go back and sleep for a while, you must have not slept well this night."

"By the way, Sister Qin, did you hear the two of them quarreling in the backyard when Xu Damao came back?"

"Why are they arguing?"

"I forgot to tell you, I took off Xu Damao's underpants yesterday and threw them in the stove and burned them, heh, heh." Silly Zhu laughed after finishing speaking.

Qin Huairu gave silly eyes angrily: "What's there to fight about? Yesterday Xu Damao showed a movie, and their family's big tiger followed. Doesn't Wang Dani know that he drank with the leaders? You know it when you think about it You did it."

"Hey, it's such a mess. He burned his underpants for nothing. Why don't Wang Dani come over and let us pay for it? No, when Wang Dani comes over, you can say that I'm out." After speaking, Silly Zhu hurried away When I got home and closed the door, I fell asleep on the bed without taking off my clothes.

Xu Damao's house in the backyard.

"You say you, why do you have to provoke silly Zhu for nothing, now it's over, and you have to spend money to buy a pair of underpants." Wang Dani complained.

"How can you blame me, this little bastard has no eyesight at all, he just sits on the seat I left for the leader, and he plays tricks on me when I tell him to get lost, can I not teach him a lesson?"

"Then it's okay if you can't talk to his family. You have to ask them to pay for your underpants anyway. Yes, that's it. I'll go find them later." Wang Dani said eagerly.

Xu Damao's head is full of black lines, this, I'm talking about the underpants.

(End of this chapter)

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