Chapter 110 212 Toy Cars

When Yan Jiecheng and the others had just finished eating, the two little guys were arguing to go home.

Yan Jiecheng has nothing to do with them, he can come and go if he wants to, and he has to blow their butts open if he wants to change. , "Dad, let's go back, I want to play with wooden guns." Kid Wan said while pulling Yan Jiecheng's trouser leg.

"Okay, okay, okay, let's go back if you say go back, Dad, don't go fishing and go back, you can't catch it anyway."

"Hey, what are you talking about, you didn't eat the grilled fish just now?" Yan Bugui said angrily.

"It's the one that's not enough to fit between the teeth. That's fine, let's go home. I'm in a hurry without seeing your precious granddaughter."

After finishing talking, Yan Bugui saw that the two children were going home and had no choice but to put away the fishing rods and follow them back, otherwise Yan Xiecheng would not be able to bring so many people back with a single bicycle.

Yan Jiecheng and Yan Bugui took Yu Li and the others on bicycles and walked back. They met a car on the way, and the kid yelled excitedly and was scolded twice by Yu Li before stopping. Yan Jiecheng wanted to play with cars.

Yan Jiecheng's head is getting bigger, where can I buy this car for you, this little girl's head is so long, how can she think that every time she comes out, she just comes out, she just wanted to play with a wooden gun, now she wants to play with a car when she sees a car.

It's not like later generations of toy cars are everywhere.It's really useless to be quarreled by the two of them, "Okay, you two stop arguing, and Dad will make a log for you later."

"I, I, Dad is the best."

"I still want to be able to run, I want to sit and run."

"You have to be able to run, why don't you two want someone who can fly." Yu Li looked at the side and couldn't help but said.

Kid Wan blinked her big eyes: "Mom, what is flying?"

Yu Li couldn't fix it now, and she didn't know how to explain it.Yan Xiecheng had to rely on Yan Xiecheng at the critical moment.

"It's flying, just like a kite, it whizzes up as soon as the wind blows." He said and gestured a few times with his hands.

"Then I don't want to fly, I want to run."

"I don't want to fly, Dad, just make me and my sister something that can run." Xiao Ziyang also said.

They both thought paper kites were the only thing that could fly, they didn't play with that stuff, it wasn't fun at all.

Yu Li looked at Yan Xiecheng with the expression that if you caused trouble, you will solve it.

"Okay, if you can run, I'll make it for you right now. You can play with the wooden gun first, and it will be ready when you have dinner at night." He said and handed the wooden gun to the two of them.

This matter is still not difficult for Yan Jiecheng, after all, he never drove any toy car when he was young in later generations.Just like the toy cars of the later generations, just make one out of wood. Although there is no motor and controller, it can be pushed by human power. Anyway, Yan Jiekuang and Yan Jiedi are fine when they are idle. The task of pushing the car will be handed over to her in the future. Two.

This wooden cart is a big project, and Yan Xiecheng may not be able to make it by himself for half a day, even if it is made, it is definitely not as good as a professional carpenter.

So Yan Xiecheng planned to draw a good picture, and asked the carpenter Wang in the backyard to do it together, and he would just pay him some wages when the time came.It just so happens that today's National Day holiday also has time.

Thinking of it, Yan Xiecheng went to the room, took out a pen and paper, and started to draw.After a while, the painting was finished, and I drew it according to the appearance of BAIC 212.

The production of 212 also started this year. The director of the rolling mill, Mr. Yang, has one equipped. It is often parked in front of the office, and it is easy to explain when someone asks.

Carpenter Wang came to the house of Carpenter Wang in the backyard with the drawings. Carpenter Wang is Wang Dazhi, who is in his 40s. There are only a couple and a son in the family, and two girls are also married.

Now both father and son work in a Beijing furniture factory, and they usually help neighbors make tables and benches to earn some manual money.

He knocked on the door and heard Carpenter Wang's voice from inside, pushed the door and walked in: "Uncle Wang, stay here, come on, can you see if you can make this thing?" He said and handed over the blueprint.

Wang Dazhi thought that Yan Xiecheng would only make a desk, chair, bench or something when he was looking for him, so he took a look at the blueprints and found that this, this, this is actually a car.

"Xie Cheng, is this a car?
No wonder he was surprised that the current 212 has just been produced, and there are not many cars in the whole of Beijing.

"Yeah, it's not like the two little guys at home clamored for the car to play with when they saw the car when they came back. I thought about it and thought about making a wooden one, so that they can play for a few years."

Wang Dazhi didn't know what to say after hearing this, other people's children would just take a New Year picture, throw a sandbag, or roll a hoop if it didn't work out. Your family is good, and the two-year-old child still needs to drive a car.

"If you can do it, you can do it, but isn't your size a bit small? I suggest you make it bigger, so that you can play for a few more years. After all, it doesn't cost money to make such a thing. I see that even the steering wheel, There are steering wheels, this has to be done carefully, or it will fall apart after a long time of playing."

Yan Jiecheng thought about it and listened to the professional, after all he can draw pictures and asked him to do it, but he really couldn't do it.

"Okay, then listen to you, how long do you think it will take to make it?"

"Well, if you are not in a hurry, you can make it tomorrow afternoon. If you are in a hurry, your brother and I will work overtime. It will be almost ready before ten o'clock." Wang Dazhi calculated and said, he had never done this before, and he also said Do not try to leave some free time.

"Okay, then I'll trouble you. By the way, you can make a groove on the wheel. I'll go to the car repair shop to buy two scrap tires to put on it." Yan Xiecheng thought for a while and said.

The wooden wheel rubbed too quickly for a long time, it is better to install tires, and it will be convenient to replace when it wears out.

"By the way, Uncle Wang will also give you the wood, and you will calculate how much it will be at that time."

"Uncle Wang doesn't want your money anymore, you can just keep the drawings, and then Uncle Wang will also make a living, how about it?"

Although he has built one, he can make the second one, but no matter what, the blueprint was sent by Yan Xiecheng, and he couldn't do it secretly because of the neighbors in the neighborhood, so he couldn't help explaining it to him directly.

Yan Xiecheng thought it would be okay, anyway, he didn't design the 212, so he just drew a picture according to it.So he said, "Okay, then I thank Uncle Wang."

"Hi, you're welcome, uncle has to thank you."

"Then I'm leaving uncle, I'll come over in the evening." Saying that, Yan Jiecheng left Wang Dazhi's house and walked towards the front yard.

Watching Yan Jiecheng walk away, Wang Dazhi went to the hut to wake up his sleeping son Wang Jun.Hand him the blueprint "Come on, let me make this."

Wang Jun, who had just woken up and hadn't figured out the situation, took a look at the blueprint given by Wang Dazhi, and said excitedly, "Dad, are we going to work in the automobile factory? When did you do this? How did you do it?" Are you even hiding it from me?"

Wang Dazhi went up and slapped Wang Jun with a black line on his head: "If you are like this, what does the car factory want you to do? Do you want to make wooden models?"

(End of this chapter)

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