The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 112 The old lady fainted

Chapter 112 The old lady fainted

Silly Zhu was relieved when he heard what the doctor said. Just now he raised his heart to his throat nervously, for fear that the doctor would say that there was something wrong with his body.

"Xiao Sun, there is nothing wrong with the pillar, so why can't you give birth to a child?" the old lady said hastily.

"Old lady, it's not all about the man's problem, it may also be about the woman." Dr. Sun replied.

"Zhong Hai, why don't you call Qin Huairu over and let Xiao Sun take a look?" the old lady said to Yi Zhonghai after Dr. Sun finished speaking.

She has long suspected that Qin Huairu deliberately did not give birth to Shazhu's children. After all, Qin Huairu already had three children before her. If she gave birth to Shazhu, she was afraid that Shazhu would be bad for the children in front of her. Qin Huairu would definitely do it. , but she can't say anything to Shazhu without evidence. Now that the doctor says there is nothing wrong with Shazhu, it must be Qin Huairu who has the problem.

At this moment, Silly Zhu also understood that since she was fine, then Qin Huairu must be fine too, otherwise how would the children in front of her have been born.Both of them are in good health and can't have children. The only possibility is that Qin Huairu doesn't want to give birth to him, although I don't know what method Qin Huairu used.

Thinking of this, Silly Zhu's face immediately turned pale. How could I treat her so well, how could I even say that I like myself, that if I like myself, I won't even have a child for myself?
Seeing the change of silly Zhu's face, the uncle knew that it was going to be bad, so he hurriedly said: "This doesn't explain anything, it may be that Qin Huairu hurt his body when he gave birth to Sophora japonica. I'll call Huairu here and let Dr. Let her see."

Seeing that the old lady nodded, the old man hurried out to Shazhu's house in the middle courtyard: "Huairu, the old lady brought a doctor over to show Shazhu that there is nothing wrong with him."

Qin Huairu was stunned for a moment, what did the uncle mean by this? Isn't it good that Shazhu is fine, what do you tell me?

Seeing that Qin Huairu didn't understand, the uncle said, "Don't you understand? Regarding the matter of having children, if Shazhu can have children, you can also have children. Then why haven't you had children in the past two years?"

The uncle actually didn't know this Dr. Sun, it was the address given to him by the old lady, he just went to invite Dr. Sun over.

Qin Huairu also remembered when she heard this, and she also wondered why the matter of having a child was brought up after such a long time.It turned out to be the old lady.

"Grandpa, why is this old lady thinking of this so badly?"

"Didn't your mother-in-law make trouble?" The uncle said angrily.

"What's wrong with my mother-in-law? She hasn't done anything during this time?" Qin Huairu asked suspiciously.

"Didn't your mother-in-law put the old lady in the hospital angrily when she first came back? Her health hasn't been very good, and now it's getting worse. I just want to see that Shazhu has her own child before she dies, so that the family will not be wiped out. You have two stomachs. There has been no movement in the past year, can the old lady not be in a hurry?"

The uncle was also angry with Jia Zhang, if not for Qin Huairu, he would have dared to send Jia Zhang back, so that she would never be able to return to the city, and let her die of old age in the countryside.

"Master, what should we do with this matter?" Qin Huairu was walking up and down the room, she was afraid that if Sha Zhu knew about the divorce, he might not take care of their family anymore.

"Huairu, don't worry, tell me how you didn't give birth to silly Zhu."

Qin Huairu looked at the appearance of the uncle and couldn't help but say nothing, so he said: "It wasn't long after I gave birth to Sophora japonica, my mother-in-law was afraid that I would remarry and have children in the future, so they forced me to have a ring. I can't help it." Then he burst into tears.

The uncle was speechless for a while, this old hag really dared to do it.Thinking of the current situation, this matter must not be hidden, even if Sha Zhu is stupid, he can figure it out with the old lady beside him.

"Huairu, you can only tell the truth to Shazhu about this matter, and don't try to hide it, you can't hide it even with the old lady around. At that time, I will try to persuade Shazhu that you are under the ring, silly Zhu will definitely forgive you." The uncle thought for a while and had to do this.

"My mother-in-law definitely can't agree, what if there is a quarrel?" Qin Huairu said worriedly.

"If she makes trouble, send her to the countryside. Besides, you are not her daughter-in-law now, so you don't have to be afraid of her. If she dares to threaten you with sticks, send sticks away with her. I don't believe it." Sticking a good life in the city, but follow her to the countryside to suffer." The old man said fiercely.

It was the past to let her go, now Qin Huairu has been married to Sha Zhu for more than two years, so she doesn't need to look at her face anymore.

Qin Huairu was relieved after hearing what your uncle said.As for whether it would be bad for the stick to give birth to a child for Sha Zhu.He is still sure, after all, she is in charge of the family's money, so it doesn't matter if Shazhu's attitude is good or bad as long as he has money.

"My lord, I will trouble you with this matter."

"Okay, I'll go and call Sha Zhu over, you'd better not discuss this matter in front of the old lady."

After speaking, the uncle returned to the backyard.

"Zhong Hai, where's Qin Huairu? Why doesn't she come over?" The old lady asked Yi Zhonghai when she saw Yi Zhonghai coming alone.

"Huairu has something to tell Zhuzi, Zhuzi, you go back first, I will go to find you later, don't show the old lady to Huairu today, let Dr. Sun go back."

Seeing what Yi Zhonghai said, the old lady understood that this was exactly what she thought.

Silly Zhu heard that the old man asked him to go back, just as he also wanted to hear what Qin Huairu had to say to him, so he opened the door and left.

The uncle gave Dr. Sun's consultation fee and sent Dr. Sun to the gate of the hospital.Back to the backyard again. "Old lady, Qin Huairu has already told me that it was Jia Zhang who forced her not to give birth to Zhuzi, and she also promised me that she will definitely not do this in the future. Let's leave this matter alone. ?”

The old lady heard that Qin Huairu did it on purpose, her body trembled with anger, she threw her crutches on the ground and said: "No, this time I must let Zhuzi divorce her, I don't believe Qin Huairu's words."

The uncle frowned: "Let's see what Shazhu has to say about the old lady, after all, they are a couple."

"If Zhuzi doesn't divorce her, I'll beat him with a cane." The old lady said angrily.

The old man saw that he couldn't persuade the old lady, so he said, "Then I'll go and have a look first, and I'll come over and talk to you later."

The old lady watched Yi Zhonghai leave the house, and the more she thought about it, the more angry she became. She knew that there must be Yi Zhonghai involved in this matter.Thinking of this, he didn't come up in one breath, fell straight to the ground, and passed out.

By the time the uncle rushed back from Sha Zhu's house, the old lady had been lying on the ground for more than an hour.

(End of this chapter)

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