The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 116 Taking Care of the Old Lady and Hiring a Nursing Worker

Chapter 116 Taking Care of the Old Lady and Hiring a Nursing Worker
Seeing that the donation was over, the second uncle said, "Since there is no need for everyone to donate, let's all break up. I still have something to do at home, so I'll leave first."

The uncle quickly stopped him: "Old Liu, wait a minute, don't rush to leave, you have other things to do."

"What's the matter? Is this not over?" The second uncle asked doubtfully.

"You forgot, the old lady is still in the hospital, so she can't be left alone to take care of her?" The old man said with a depressed face.

"Yes, yes, I forgot about it, everyone, don't leave later, the old lady doesn't know how long she will stay in the hospital, let's discuss how the big guys take turns to take care of the old lady." The second uncle slapped his forehead Only then did I remember that I really forgot that I was only concerned about money just now.

The big guy didn't want to take care of the old lady when he heard it, and he couldn't object aloud, so he stayed there and didn't speak.

After hearing this, Yan Bugui said directly: "Old Yi, you also know the situation of our family. Those who go to work go to work, those who go to school go to school, and your siblings have to look after the two children at home. There is really no time to take care of the old lady."

"Old Yi, our family's situation is the same as that of Lao Yan. Guangfu is still in school, and your siblings have to cook for him at home." Seeing Yi Zhonghai looking towards him, Liu Haizhong quickly answered.I'm afraid it's too late to let their family take care of the old lady.

"Old Liu, what you said is wrong. You have no children in your family. Besides, how old is Guangfu and still employ someone to cook for him? He can't do it himself? How about taking care of the old lady as his second aunt?" portion." The elder said, frowning.

This old Yan's family really has no one idle, he can't pick out faults even if he wants to, this Liu Haizhong's family is different, Guang Tian has already gone to work, and Guang Fu can take care of himself by himself at fifteen.

After the uncle finished speaking, Liu Haizhong's family turned their eyes to the neighbors in the compound.

"Master, don't look at me. There is no one in our family. My wife and I still have to go to work. Dahu and the three of them are still watched by my mother-in-law." Xu Damao quickly expressed his opinion as he glanced over at the elder.He didn't want to take care of that old woman, who had nothing to do with their family.

The first uncle watched for a long time, but he couldn't find a suitable person except the second aunt.Either the couple have to go to work, or there are children at home to take care of.

"Why don't two people in the family go to work and ask one person to take a day off, and we take turns taking care of the old lady, otherwise his first mother and his second aunt can't take care of her." Yi Zhonghai really had no choice but to use this Method.

"Oh, grandpa, this is not acceptable, we don't have such a high salary as you. If someone in our family asks for leave, we can eat and drink as a whole family." Just after the grandpa finished speaking, someone came out to object.

Uncle: "Then what if everyone says not to ask for leave? Can't he just take care of the old lady with his second aunt and first mother?"

Seeing that everyone was silent, the uncle said again. "There are about [-] families in our hospital. It takes almost a month for one family to take one day off. It won't deduct much money. If no one objects to this matter, it will be settled like this."

Yan Jiecheng saw that the old man was going to be so determined and hurriedly stood up and said, "Master, isn't this selling the old lady's house for more than 300 yuan? Why do we still let the neighbors take care of the old lady?"

"It's fine to just pay the old lady to hire a nurse. Although I don't know how much it costs to hire a nurse, how can it not exceed two yuan a day? It's not even 60 yuan a month.

You have to deduct wages even if you ask everyone to take leave. It’s better to spend some money to hire a nurse. After all, they are professional and have more experience than us. "

Hearing what Yan Xiecheng said, the big guy finally realized, yes, it’s enough to hire a nurse, and the house was sold for more than 300, and it’s not that there is no money.Besides, if you save this money, you won't get it into your own hands.

Seeing that the good situation was ruined by Yan Jiecheng again, the uncle was so angry that he asked everyone to take care of the old lady so that everyone could develop a habit, so that when he was old, everyone could take care of him.

The second uncle: "Old Yi, I think Xie Cheng is right. You can keep the money. Why don't we hire a nurse for the old lady, so we can rest assured." The main reason is that he doesn't want his wife to serve others. If the second aunt went to take care of the old lady, wouldn't all the housework be left to him.

Yan Bugui: "Old Yi, I also think it is appropriate to hire a nurse for the old lady. It is really unreasonable for everyone to ask for leave to take care of the old lady because they are not related to the old lady."

The uncle saw that everyone supported hiring a nurse for the old lady, and he couldn't object even if he didn't want to. Seeing everyone looking at him, he said:
"Then it's settled." After speaking, the old man took the tea mug and went back directly.

Seeing that everyone had dispersed, Yan Jiecheng followed Yu Li home to get the money, went to the uncle's house and handed it to the uncle, and returned home with the written note written by the uncle.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Yan Bugui sitting in the room waiting for him.

"Dad, what's the matter with you?
Yan Bugui: "Xie Cheng, let me tell you what's good about you. Why did you buy a house again? Or the backyard you bought is so far away, it's not convenient to live in."

"At that time, we can exchange that house with the residents in our front yard, so we will be closer." Yan Jiecheng explained.

Yan Bugui didn't ask any more after hearing what Yan Jiecheng said. He thought about what Yan Jiefang said a few days ago that their factory was going to build a family building again, so he asked again:
"Xie Cheng, I heard that Jiefang said that your factory is going to build a family building again? Is this true?"

Yan Jiecheng knew about this, and Yan Jiefang told Lao Ke that he must be thinking of selling the current house to himself, and then he can divide the family building in the factory.

"It's true, why, Jiefang wants to sell the house and wait for the building to be divided?"

Yan Bugui: "A house that doesn't cost money should make me want to divide it."

Yan Jiecheng is also speechless, wanting to take advantage and wanting to be crazy. This is, and he is also worthy of subdividing the building. Not to mention Yan Jiefang, even if Yan Jiecheng himself has no house to wait for the subdivision, he will have to wait for more than ten years, let alone Yan Jiefang .

"Don't let him dream. With his working experience of less than a year, he will have to wait for more than ten years even if he is assigned a house."

"The person in our factory who is waiting for housing distribution may not be able to get it in ten years, let alone him."

"Where has he lived for more than ten years? Is he still married?" Yan Jiecheng said angrily.

"Hey, it seems that it's really hard to take advantage of this bargain." Yan Bugui said disappointedly.

"If you have time, you'd better find a matchmaker for him. He's not young anymore."

Yan Bugui: "It's up to you to say, your mother has already told him, didn't you see that he hasn't been home these days?"

"How does the woman look like? When will they get married?" Yan Xiecheng asked gossipingly.

"Why are you asking so many questions? You'll know when you see me. As for when you'll get married, you have to ask Jiefang. That's fine, you guys stay here, I have to go back." After Yan Bugui finished speaking, he immediately said If you want to leave, since he can't take advantage of it, it doesn't make any sense for him to be here.

(End of this chapter)

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