Chapter 118
Sticking looked at Xiaohuaihua's longing eyes, and couldn't bear to refuse and said, "Don't worry, I'll ask my godfather to make one for us, and I'll push you two to play with it too."

"Really, brother is the best."

Xiao Dang looked at Xiao Huaihua bragging about sticks and said in a low voice: "Sycophant."

"I'm not, I'm telling the truth." Xiao Huaihua retorted.

"Okay, okay, you two stop arguing, come with me to find the god-grandpa and ask the god-grandpa to make us a car too." Bang Gan said quickly when he saw the two of them quarreling.

After speaking, he led Xiaodang and Huaihua to the house of Da Ye, and when he entered the door, he shouted: "Grandpa, please make me a car."

The uncle was thinking about the old lady's affairs, when he heard that the stick wanted a car, he didn't realize it. "What car?"

"It's a small car that can be pushed around." BangGou explained.

"Pushing a car? This grandpa has never seen it before." The old man said in a daze.

I thought to return the car, I don’t have a bicycle, where can I find a car for you.This lousy grandson can't take it anymore, he just asks himself for a car, even if he sells himself, he can't afford it.

"Grandpa, it's not a real car, it's made of wood, just like my three grandpas' house in the front yard." Sticking saw that the old man misunderstood and continued.

When did Lao Yan buy a car?How come I don't know about this.The old man was full of question marks.

Sticking to see that the old man still didn't understand, he dragged the old man outside and said, "Grandpa, I'll take you over there to have a look and you'll know."

Stick led the old man to the front yard and pointed to the toy car that Ziyang and the others were playing with and said, "Grandpa, this is the one. See if this is a car."

The uncle looked at the toy car that Yu Haitang was pushing back and running, and was speechless in shock. If he didn't look carefully, he would think it was a real car.

He has also seen the newly equipped 212 car of Director Yang in the factory. Not only has he seen it, but as one of the few eighth-level fitters in the factory, he has even sat in it. When the factory helps.

Even if he has seen it before, if he is asked to make an identical one, he will not be able to do it.

After all, he hasn't dismantled it before. To make one, he has to dismantle the car several times and mark the ten inches of each part.

He was also curious about how Yan Jiecheng could calculate the size of each part just by looking at it a few times, and how he could make it smaller at will.

Could it be that ordinary people really don't understand the world of geniuses?He used to think that Yan Jiecheng was better than ordinary people.

Later, Yan Xiecheng passed the seventh-level electrician exam in a few years, so he felt that Yan Xiecheng was really a talent.

After all, it took him more than ten years to pass the seventh-level fitter exam.

And Liu Haizhong is over 50 and still a seventh-level worker.He was on the same level as Yan Jie, who was in his early twenties.

It is not difficult to see how powerful Yan Jiecheng is. If there is no limit, he estimates that Yan Jiecheng can pass the eighth level.

"Grandpa, grandpa, please make me one, Huaihua wants to play when she sees Ziwan and the others." Banggen said, pulling the uncle's trouser leg.

The old man was very happy when he heard the cries of Grandpa Stick, Grandpa, that is, the more you have nothing, the more you need.

The uncle thought that it would not cost much to make a piece of wood, and it would not take a minute to make one with the craftsmanship of an eighth-level worker.

But I don't have any blueprints myself. After thinking about it, since Yan Jiecheng has done it, I will definitely keep a copy, so I came to Yan Jiecheng's house and said, "Xie Cheng, I have something to do with you when you come out."

Yan Jiecheng was in the room thinking about what dishes to copy when cooking. Suddenly he heard the old man calling himself, but he couldn't figure out what was going on, so he came out and asked, "What's the matter, old man? Could it be the old lady's house, you don't want to sell it?"

"No, I just came here to ask, did you make this car in your family?" The uncle asked, pointing to the toy car.

"Ao, Ao, you said that car was made by Uncle Wang in the backyard." Yan Jiecheng replied.

"Do you have the blueprint of that car?"

"It's gone, I'll leave it to Uncle Wang when I'm done, what's the matter?" Yan Jiecheng asked in bewilderment.

"It's not like sticking to watching your family's Zi Wan Ziyang play with cars, and he also wants me to make one for Sophora japonica." The uncle said angrily.

"You have to go to Uncle Wang, I don't have any blueprints here." Even if I have, I can't give it to Uncle Wang, after all, Uncle Wang is also paid, and he didn't ask for wages to build this car.

"Alright then, I'll go to the backyard to look for Wang Dazhi, you should be busy." After speaking, the uncle led the stick and the three of them to the backyard.

Yan Jiecheng watched the old man leave, turned his head and went back to the house.

"What do you want, Master?" Yu Li asked curiously.

"It's okay, isn't this just watching Ziwan Ziyang play with toy cars, and I want to make one for BangGong too." Yan Jiecheng replied.

"The sticks are so big and still play this?"

"Bang Geng is getting big, isn't there Sophora japonica and Xiao Dang here? Only the elder has no children, so he can still refuse to say something nice to him?"

"That's right, leave them alone, do you want to eat anything? It's almost noon, so you can't go out to eat." Yu Li urged.

"Don't tell me, it's better to go out to eat. Our family doesn't have any preparations, and we can't do anything even if we cook. Your brother and sister finally came here, so we have to give them something good to eat."

Yu Li thought about it for a while, so she said, "Where shall we go to eat? Are there enough tickets?"

She was also worried about not having enough tickets, so she didn't think about going to the restaurant at first. Although Yan Jiecheng had handed in all his salary, there were not many tickets and so on. Usually, Yan Jiecheng would buy things.

"That's enough. I just changed places with Ghost Market a few days ago. It's okay to have a meal. I didn't tell you because you didn't have something to say." Yan Jiecheng explained, taking out a meal from his pocket while talking. A dozen bills came out and handed to Yu Li, but they were actually taken from the space.

"So many?" Yu Li counted and said.

"Hey, it's hard to go there and not change more."

"Tell me, where did you get the money? Didn't you give me all your salary?" Yu Li said while looking at Yan Jiecheng, with both hands ready to check what he said was wrong.

"Don't look at me like that. It's all the pocket money I saved before I got married. It's not like you don't know how much my salary is, and it's not like you don't know how much I pay every time I get paid." Yan Xiecheng Said angrily.

"Okay, you've passed the test, then you can take out the money." Yu Li said and stretched out her hand.

"Ah, ah, you can do it, and you still want to confiscate my small amount of money? Why don't I have any money in my hand?" Yan Jieguo resolutely refused.

(End of this chapter)

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