The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 120 Liu Guangtian Falls in Love with Yu Haitang

Chapter 120 Liu Guangtian Falls in Love with Yu Haitang
Yan Jiecheng and others came to the state-run commercial store to pick out a Fenghuang brand inclined beam 26 ladies' bicycle for Yu Li. When Yu Li heard that the bike cost 170 yuan, she was so distressed that she didn't want to buy it. Yan Jiecheng persuaded her for a long time. Pay the money.

A group of people rode bicycles back to the courtyard. Yu Haitao and his brother played with the two little guys for a while before they were ready to leave. Yan Jiecheng sent them out of the courtyard and went back to the house. They were about to take a nap when they heard someone knocking. Door.

"Who, come in." Yan Jiecheng wondered, when did the people in this courtyard become so civilized and know how to knock on the door when visiting.

Liu Guangtian pushed the door and walked in with a smile on his face: "Brother Cheng, I am Guangtian."

"Sit down, what's the matter?" Yan Jiecheng asked suspiciously.

"Brother Cheng, is the girl who came to your house today a relative?" Liu Guangtian said with a smile. He was shocked when he saw Yu Haitang today. The girl's situation.

Yan Jiecheng looked at Liu Guangtian's appearance, and knew that he was attracted to Yu Haitang. Also, this Liu Guangtian had also reached the age of marriage, and the second uncle and second aunt didn't give him any attention, no wonder he was so anxious.

"Yes, what happened to Yu Li's sister? Do you have an idea?" Yan Jiecheng said with a smile.

"Ao, Ao, so it's sister-in-law's younger sister, brother Cheng, let me ask you, is this girl dating?" Liu Huantian said with bright eyes when he heard that it was Yu Li's sister, thinking that this is also a In the courtyard, if Yan Jiecheng can help, maybe it can be done.

"I really don't know." Yan Jiecheng shook his head and said, Yu Haitang and Yang Weimin dated in the TV series for six or six years, and now I don't know if they are together, even if there is no Yan Jiecheng, I don't like Liu Guangtian.As far as Yu Haitang can do, ordinary men really can't beat her.

"Then you ask my sister-in-law to help me ask, if there is no one, how about asking my sister-in-law to introduce me? Don't worry, if we become brothers, I will never forget the great kindness of you and sister-in-law." Liu Guangtian said emotionally He was almost knocked out by Yan Jiecheng.

"I advise you to give up on this idea as soon as possible. She doesn't necessarily have a crush on you even if she doesn't have a date. Yu Haitang is now an announcer in our factory. You can go back and ask your father, do you think he can fancy you? "Yan Jiecheng persuaded earnestly.

He really doesn't like Liu Guangtian because his current salary can't afford to support Yu Haitang, and the second uncle doesn't care about him. Originally, Liu Guangtian and Yan Jiecheng worked together. Go to the rolling mill and teach me well, and now I can become a third-level blacksmith.

But the second uncle just ignored him, and finally helped Liu Guangtian find a job in a machine repair factory. Although he is still a regular worker now, the salary is far worse, and no one takes him. He has been a first-class worker for several years, and his salary is monthly. It's only thirty yuan.

With this little salary, Yu Haitang doesn't earn much. How can someone as powerful as Yu Haitang like him?Unless he is blind, Yan Jiecheng can't just say it directly, he can only persuade him to listen or not.

"Brother Cheng, what you said is still a regular worker. My dad is also a level [-] blacksmith in your factory. Although my qualifications are a bit poor, I am better than ordinary people. If she and I Now that I'm married, I'll listen to her about family affairs, and if she tells me to go east, I will definitely not go west." Liu Guangtian promised.

He also knew that apart from his elder brother Liu Guangqi, Guangfu and he had no status in their family.He has already made up his mind to move out of the house when he gets married, and if the house is too big, he will rent it first, and move out later.

Seeing that Liu Guangtian still didn't give up, Yan Jiecheng didn't know what to say, so he agreed to ask Yu Li to ask him.

"Brother Cheng, thank you very much. If you have something to say, I will never be vague." Liu Guangtian said happily.

"That's fine, you don't have to thank me, it's up to you to say whether or not this will work out. Don't blame me if it doesn't work out then." Yan Jiecheng said speechlessly.

Liu Guangtian has already talked about this point, if he doesn't help, it won't make sense, anyway, it's enough to let Yu Liyu Haitang talk about the matter when the time comes.


During dinner at night, Yan Jiecheng told Yu Li about Liu Guangtian asking her for help in the afternoon.

"Ah, Liu Guangtian has taken a fancy to my sister?" Yu Li asked in surprise.

She watched the two children playing in the yard in the afternoon, and didn't know about Liu Guangtian's visit to the house.

"What's new about this? Your sister is also a famous figure in our factory. She became a factory flower when she first came to visit our factory. She is deeply loved by single young men in Everbright."

"It's just her, and return your factory flowers? Then your factory is so short of women."

"Cough, cough, why do you say that Haitang is also your sister, why do you say that about her? Could it be that you two didn't deal with each other when you were at home?" Yan Xiecheng gossiped.

It’s not enough to say how good-looking Yu Haitang is. The factory spends a lot of water. After all, the work in the rolling mill is almost all heavy manual labor. There are few female workers and fewer unmarried single young women. Those who are particularly ugly or those like Liu Yuhua can be awarded the title of factory flower.

"No, I'll tell you the truth, except for her appearance, she looks a bit like a woman. I wonder if the men in your factory have bad eyesight."

"Hey, hey, Yu Li, let's digress and let's talk about Liu Guangtian." Yan Jiecheng quickly reminded that this topic can't be talked about and it will be brought on to him, after all, he also works in the rolling mill.

"I already knew that Liu Guangtian was a child of the second uncle's family. I don't know what else you want me to tell Haitang?" Yu Li said angrily.

"I'm not optimistic about Liu Guangtian's relationship with your sister, but he has come to our house, so it's not easy to refuse directly. You can just talk to Haitang for him. It has nothing to do with us." Yan Xiecheng finished speaking He told Yu Li again about Liu Guangtian's situation and his relationship with his family.

"Those things can't be done, Haitang is very high-minded, she definitely doesn't like Liu Guangtian." Yu Li said affirmatively.

"That's not certain, in case your sister is blind."

Because of Yu Haitang's carefree temper, even Shazhu and Xu Damao could fall in love with him in the TV series. At that time, Xu Damao was married to Shazhu and the widow was still unclear, but he didn't marry someone else in the end, and he would leave when the turmoil was over. married.

"You're blind, you're the one who said that about my sister-in-law." Yu Libai said with a dissatisfied look at Yan Jiecheng.

"Then remember to mention it to Haitang when you go back next time. It's more convenient for you to say this."

Yu Li: "Got it, I'll tell Haitang next time I go home."

(End of this chapter)

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