Chapter 127
Yan Bugui didn't expect the market for this toy car to be so big, and the three mothers earned more than [-] cents in just one day. If it was a month, it would not be more than [-] yuan.

"Old Yan, it's better to collect it when I cook at night, or I can earn more." The third mother said excitedly.

"Well, the calculation just now was wrong."

"What's wrong, I calculated this number twice."

"You forgot, the candy money for the two children hasn't been removed yet, the two pieces of candy also cost two cents. If the two cents are removed, our income today is sixty-one cents." Yan Bugui Forget it and say.

"Oh, if you don't tell me, I really forgot that candy is also money."

While they were counting, Yu Li opened the door and walked in: "Mom and Dad, we have guests today, let me bring over fried river prawns for you to try."

"Ao, Ao, put it on the table." Yan Bugui said awkwardly.

"Yu Li, it's too wasteful to explain how much oil you put in." The third mother said, looking at the crispy fried river prawns on the table.

"Mom, you don't care how much oil my brother puts in, as long as some are not enough to eat." Yan Jiekuang hurriedly stopped the third mother from talking, what if the sister-in-law is in a hurry and doesn't bring it over next time.

"Yes, yes, Yu Li, don't think too much, your mother has no other intentions, we don't care how you live, as long as you have something to eat, just bring us something to eat."

Yu Li was also speechless to the old couple: "Then you guys eat, I'm going back." After speaking, she walked out.

"You too, you don't care how much oil he puts in, let's just live our lives well, I mean, there's still food for us to eat." Yan Bugui picked up a mouthful of shrimp and put it in his mouth. "Xie Kuang go and get my half bottle of wine, I have to drink some of such a good dish."

Yan Jiekuang turned around and took the half-bottle of Erguotou from the cupboard that had been there for an unknown amount of time, and even sniffed it, "Dad, this wine is tasteless, do you still drink it?"

"What do you know, this wine tastes better the more you put it in. Well, I can't tell you, you brat." Yan Bugui took the bottle and poured a glass of wine, and drank it in one gulp, pursing his lips and showing An expression of enjoyment.


Yan Jiecheng saw that the three children liked to eat this crispy small river prawn, so he picked up the plate and shared among the three children.

"Xie Cheng, I heard that you also participated in the meeting of our factory to divide the house today? How is this house divided?" Ding Sen said while eating vegetables.

"I just made soy sauce. Director Li asked us to write out the proposal for room allocation, and then posted it on the bulletin board. He didn't say how to divide it. Didn't you read it when you got off work?"

"I didn't pay attention either. I was in a hurry to go back to the dormitory after get off work." Ding Sen said awkwardly.

He is still living in the single dormitory in the factory, the kind where several people live in one room.The main reason is that his family is in the suburbs. When he was in school, he lived at his aunt's house.

Now that he has moved to the city after going to work, he has no house, so he can only live in the dormitory of the workers in the factory.

"You don't think about the family building in the branch, do you? Let me tell you to give up as soon as possible. You have only been in the factory for more than a year, and it won't be your turn in ten years." Yan Xiecheng saw his idea of ​​building a family building and hurried persuaded.

"Ah, why did it take so long?" Ding Sen said in surprise.What if he had to wait ten years to get married?This marriage cannot live separately.

"Why do you think I bought this house in the first place? I didn't burn too much money. Just how many people in our factory are waiting for housing distribution. This is still the present, and there will be more people in the future."

"Then what should I do? How can I get married and have children if I don't have a house?" Ding Sen said speechlessly.

Originally, I thought that the rolling mill is also a key unit, and the housing problem of employees is easier to solve than ordinary units. Who knew it would be like this.

"You ask Xie Cheng to help you figure out a solution to this matter, he has a lot of ideas." Seeing Ding Sen's anxious look, Ma Lei came up with an idea.

"Xie Cheng, you have to help me, or I'll be a bachelor."

"This matter, it's really hard to handle now, mainly because you are different from me, it's hard to buy a house with a house book now, even if you want to buy a house without a house book, no one dares to sell it to you. "Yan Jiecheng analyzed it for him.

"Then what should I do? I can't live in the staff dormitory all the time, can I?"

"You can rent a house. It's not expensive. Find a small house of more than 20 square meters and it costs three to five yuan a month. Your salary can afford it, or you can find someone who has a house to marry. "Yan Jiecheng said with a smile.
Ma Lei: "It's okay to marry, Lao Ding, think about it, you don't need to spend a penny to have a wife and a house, that's great."

"Get out, I don't want to marry you. If you want to marry me, you can do it yourself. Don't fool me here." Ding Sen said angrily.I thought it would be more reliable to rent a house.

Yan Jiecheng watched Ding Sen thinking about something and didn't bother him, got up and picked up one of the chicken legs from the drool chicken and put it in Xiao Ziwan's bowl.

"Godfather, I want to eat chicken legs too."

"Okay, wait." Yan Jiecheng picked up the last chicken leg, walked to the kitchen, chopped it in half with a knife, and gave half to Xiaopangdun and Ziyang.

"Why can Sister Wanwan eat one, but the two of us can only eat half?" Xiaopangdun said unhappily.

Kid Wan gnawed on the chicken leg and muttered: "Because I am an older sister and you two are younger brothers.

"Oh." Little Fatty nodded his head half understanding.

Ma Lei picked up the wine bottle and filled it up for Yan Jiecheng and Ding Lei, "Don't think about it, old Ding, come and drink."

Yan Jiecheng picked up the wine glass and clinked with them to kill them, taking two mouthfuls of food.


After eating, they stayed for a while before Yan Jiecheng sent Ding Sen and Ma Lei away, mainly because Xiao Pangdun was sleepy and wanted to go home to sleep.

The toy cars were also taken away by them. Ma Lei couldn't take a bicycle, so he asked Ding Sen to help him.

Kid Wan watched her toy car being taken away and refused to do it. Yan Xiecheng tried to calm her down by promising to make her a better one.

When Ma Lei left, he gave Ziwan and Ziyang a red envelope each.

When the people leave, Yu Li will take back the red envelopes of the two of them, "Bring the red envelopes here, and mom will keep them for you. You two are still young and don't know how to spend money and lose it."

"I do not."

"I do not."

"Hand it over quickly, or I'll beat you up." Yu Li said angrily while holding a broom.

The frightened two little ghosts quickly hid behind Yan Jiecheng.

"If you don't pay it, don't pay it. We are not short of this money. I will find Uncle Wang in the backyard tomorrow to make two wooden piggy banks for them."

Yan Jiecheng believes that it is better for children to learn how to manage money from an early age, at least they must have a clear understanding of money.

(End of this chapter)

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