Chapter 136

In the afternoon, the old man and the others brought back the ashes of the old lady and placed them in the mourning hall.

I don't know where to find the photo of the old lady when she was young, and put it on the urn.Everyone gathered at the gate of the old lady's house in the backyard, and the old man read the eulogy in front.

Silly Zhu knelt in front of the old lady's urn and wept uncontrollably, with a lot of snot and tears. He always treated the deaf old lady like a grandmother, especially after his father He Daqing left.

The old lady died suddenly, and he still couldn't accept it. Thinking of the old lady's protection of him before, he cried even louder.

The big mother was pulling silly Zhu by the side and said with a choked voice: "Zhu Zi, don't be too sad, the old lady is going to enjoy a blessing."

"Yes, as the saying goes, life at seventy is rare, and there is nothing regrettable for an old lady to live to eighty. Besides, it is a relief for the old lady to leave like this. After all, she can't speak when she lies in bed every day. Uncomfortable." The second uncle was also showing off the newly learned words and phrases.

Xu Damao listened to the second uncle's words from behind, and the kid almost didn't laugh out loud. He was uneducated and always wanted to be a cultural person, and he didn't know where he saw a few words so he dared to say them.

He was the one who was happiest when the old lady passed away. When he and Sha Zhu had conflicts before, the old lady would always stand by Sha Zhu's side, thinking that the old man had finally left, and who would defend Sha Zhu in the future.

After the uncle finished his memorial speech, everyone took turns to kowtow four times to the old lady.

Then the suona sounded.

The old lady's urn was successfully buried.


After returning, the uncle set up six tables in the courtyard, and everyone gathered together.In the whole compound, Silly Zhu didn't serve the table because of sadness, and went back to the room directly after returning.

Yan Jiecheng followed Yan Bugui, took the third mother Yan Jiekuang, Yan Jiedi and the second uncle's family to sit at the same table.

Yan Bugui and the second uncle were drinking, while the third mother and the second aunt were talking and laughing while eating.

Although Sha Zhu's family Sha Zhu didn't come, Qin Huairu took Jia Zhang's and Bang Geng's three brothers and sisters to compete with Xu Damao's family for a table.

As long as there are meat and vegetables on the table, Jia Zhang will pour them into his own bowl, and stuff the sticks into his mouth desperately.

Xu Damao's family was dumbfounded, how could they eat the food with their saliva on it.

Yan Jiecheng looked at the whole courtyard's mouth full of greasy food, and he didn't feel sad at all because of the old lady's death.


In the blink of an eye, a Sunday passed, and the matter of the old lady seemed to be turned over, as if no one mentioned it.

Everyone went to work and rest as usual.

This day after get off work, Yan Jiecheng came home, parked his bicycle, turned around and went to the house of the first man in the middle courtyard.He knocked on the door, "Who is it, come in." Hearing the old man's voice, Yan Xiecheng pushed the door open and walked in.

"Xiecheng, what's the matter?" the uncle asked.

"Grandpa, the old lady has been away for a week. I want to clean up the house. See if there is anything else in it that you want. If you have anything, you can take it away, otherwise I will throw it away for you. Then it will be hard to find." Yan Jiecheng said dully.

Originally, the house could have been taken back a long time ago, but the old lady's things inside and the uncle and the others have not been taken away.I don't know what the uncle and the others are thinking, so I have to let myself say it.

The uncle knew that he didn't stand up for this matter, but he couldn't help it. The old lady left this thing for Shazhu, so he couldn't just move it.

When the old lady was buried, he told Qin Huairu to let her move the things, but she didn't move, and she didn't know what Qin Huairu was thinking.

Uncle: "I'm going to tell Silly Zhu right now and ask him to move the things away."

"Okay, I'll go with you. Don't procrastinate again. I'll just wait for this house to be vacant and exchange it with someone else." Yan Xiecheng was afraid that the old man would go by himself and be delayed.What is the head of this day.

"Okay, then you follow." After finishing speaking, the uncle brought Yan Jiecheng to the silly pillar house.

Silly Zhu saw that Yan Jiecheng came with the uncle and didn't know what happened, so he asked suspiciously: "Master, what's the matter, you brought Yan Jiecheng here?"

The uncle said with an ugly face: "Zhuzi, I asked you to put away the old lady's things. Why haven't you confiscated them until now?"

"Ah, what, when did you tell me?" Silly Zhu said with a blank face, he really didn't know about it, Qin Huairu never told him at all.

The old man looked at Sha Zhu's expression and didn't seem to know, thinking that Qin Huairu didn't tell him what the hell was going on.

"Where's Huairu? You call Huairu out." Seeing that Sha Zhu didn't know anything, the old man was afraid that Yan Jie would misunderstand his nonsense, so he wanted to call Qin Huairu out to ask, but he didn't know what was going on in Qin Huairu's mind. Pillar.

Silly Zhu: "Qin Huairu has gone back to her mother's house, can you tell me something different? There is nothing wrong with us."

The old man's heart is like a dog. If he doesn't come back sooner or later, he will go back at this time. Any fool knows that there is something wrong.

"Grandpa, don't call me Qin Huairu anymore, you'd better clean up the things in the room quickly, if you don't clean up, I'll just throw it to the waste station, then don't say I'm not being sympathetic."

Yan Jiecheng doesn't care about the affairs, Qin Huairu is still a uncle.Anyway, he came here today to collect the house, and besides, they have been given a week, so they can't blame him if they don't move.

"Xie Cheng, if you wait, there is no place to put it even if you move it now." The old man persuaded.

Yan Jiecheng said speechlessly: "It's not that I don't give you time, sir. It's been a week, so don't say anything else. If you don't move, I'll find a few carts and haul all the things to waste later." Stand up, since your family can't put it down, then you can put the waste products on the stand, so that you can save your place."

Yan Jiecheng doesn't know what the old lady left behind. Anyway, it looks like old furniture on the surface, but it's not an antique.Anyway, they can't sell for much money in this era, after all, no one has a few things from the Republic of China.Even at the end of the Qing Dynasty, it has only been a few decades, and it is far less scarce than funeral affairs.

Silly Zhu stopped doing it as soon as he heard that he was going to take it to the waste station: "How can this work, I still want to keep the things left by the old lady. Besides, your house is not short of a place to live. It’s still on it, what’s wrong with lending it to me for two days, it’s not like I won’t move it.”

The uncle also said: "Xie Cheng, why don't you give it a few days and move when we find a place. You won't be reluctant to leave. Don't worry about it, uncle."

"Since you said so, I'll give you a day's grace. I'll come to collect the house tomorrow night. Then don't make excuses." Yan Jiecheng thought for a while and said.

(End of this chapter)

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