Chapter 143
Liu Haizhong bent over and covered his stomach with one hand and his face with the other. It was the first time in so many years that someone slapped him, and it was a junior who slapped him in front of so many neighbors in the compound.

He felt that he had lost all face in his life, and now he didn't care if he was the second uncle of this courtyard, and today he wanted to beat Sha Zhu to death to get his face back.

Xu Damao also struggled to get up from the ground, staring at Silly Zhu with fiery eyes.

At this time, Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu also ran over when they heard the movement in Xu Damao's house. They saw Sha Zhu when he came to the backyard just now, and thought he was going to Xu Damao's house for dinner.Only when the sound came out did I realize that this was not the case at all, Sha Zhu was here to mess things up.

Seeing Liu Guangfu and Liu Guangtian running in, Xu Damao's eyes lit up. He couldn't beat Shazhu and the two of them alone, and there was a second uncle beside him, so he said, "Guangtian, Guangfu, Shazhu put the two together." Uncle can't just let him go after beating today."

Silly Zhu heard Xu Damao's words and turned his head to look at Guangtian Guangfu, thinking that they were among the people who kicked him yesterday. He was punched in the face.

The second uncle and Xu Damao rushed forward to join the battle group after seeing each other, both wanting to save face because they were KO'd too quickly by Sha Zhu just now.Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to go out to meet people after beating up Shazhu, so he couldn't afford to lose face.

The neighbors who came to eat in the room watched them fight again, and left the room without eating, for fear of being accidentally injured by them.

When Jia Zhang saw Shazhu coming to make trouble, he didn't say anything about going up to fight. He picked up the uneaten food and ran out and slipped back home to give it to Bangjong.

Where did Yan Bugui stand and watch them fight again, his old arms and legs didn't help rushing up, so he hurriedly asked someone to go to the middle courtyard to call the uncle, only the uncle in this courtyard can hold down the stupid Zhu , others are not good.

The second uncle was beaten by Sha Zhu just now because he drank too much alcohol and reacted a little slowly. He was kicked by Sha Zhu and spit it out, but his mind became clearer. Coming and going still has a slight upper hand.

Several people fought from the house to the outside, and even the yelling and yelling was heard not only in this courtyard but also in the nearby courtyard, and people in other courtyards were lying on the wall to watch them fight.

The first uncle was called over, and seeing Sha Zhu, Xu Damao, and the second uncle who were in a ball, he quickly organized people to pull them away.

Looking at Sha Zhu with a bruised nose and swollen face from the beating, and Liu Guangtian with a bloody nose, the condition of the second uncle and Xu Damao is a bit better, but there is a footprint on the body that was first kicked by Sha Zhu.

Among them, Shazhu was the most injured, after all, even a tiger can't hold back a pack of wolves.What's more, Shazhu is not a tiger, and the second uncle is not as weak as imagined.

"Grandpa, today's incident was caused by a fool. We were eating, and he ran over and kicked my dining table over. Why do you think he did that?" Xu Damao said indignantly. He didn't go to provoke Sha Zhu for a while, and he actually came to make trouble for himself.

Seeing this situation, the uncle also has a severe headache. This idiot also hit Xu Damao if you hit Xu Damao. Why did you even hit Liu Haizhong? It's really worrying.

Uncle: "Da Mao, Lao Liu, Zhu Zi did this wrong, but you also know that Zhu Zi is in a bad mood today, please understand."

"He's in a bad mood and doesn't care about our affairs. We can't let this matter go easily. He must teach him a lesson." Xu Damao said stubbornly.

Silly Zhu glared at Xu Damao and said mockingly: "Then what do you want to do, no, we are fighting." After speaking, he waved his fist at Xu Damao. One-on-one, he is not afraid of anyone in this courtyard.

"Grandpa, look at this silly Zhu who still doesn't know how to repent. This matter must be dealt with seriously, or we will call the police. He has to compensate me for the dishes, bowls and meals that were broken by the silly Zhu in our house. Anything less will be fine." No way." Xu Damao felt that he was justified in this matter, after all, it was Sha Zhu who came to his house to cause trouble.

Liu Guangtian heard that Xu Damao wanted compensation, so he followed suit and said, "Master, Sha Zhu even beat my dad. If he doesn't give our family an explanation for this matter, let the police take him away."

"If you say take it away, you will take it away. Who do you think you are? You really use your own family as a cadre's family." Silly Zhu said disdainfully.

He had been involved in the police when he stole the wheels of Yan Bugui's house. In their situation, the police would adjust it when they came. Isn't it just a conflict between neighbors and a fight? Who hasn't had a fight in this day and age.Besides, if you didn't even move a stick or anything, the police wouldn't take it seriously.

The second uncle was not ashamed to mention that he was slapped by a silly Zhu, after all, it would be embarrassing to say it.

Seeing that Xu Damao and Liu Guangtian refused to let it go, the uncle planned to appease Xu Damao first, after all, Sha Zhu really caused trouble at his house.

"Xu Damao, let him pay you for the things that Shazhu damaged at your house, so forget it."

When Xu Damao heard that Yi Zhonghai was so biased, he stopped doing it immediately: "That's not good, you are too biased towards the idiot, he came to my house for no reason to make trouble, just pay for something and be done with it?"

The uncle smiled and said: "Why is it for no reason? You forgot how you kicked the pillar yesterday. At most, he is retaliation. If you didn't kick the pillar yesterday, he would go to your house to make trouble today?"

He just remembered this. Yesterday when Shazhu and Yan Jiecheng were fighting, Xu Damao took advantage of the opportunity to kick Shazhu a lot.

Xu Damao thought about it when he heard what the old man said, and he was so aggrieved that he was going to die. It's a bit early to celebrate, if he had known this, it would be better to wait a few days.

Seeing that Xu Damao didn't speak, the elder said, "Well, let Zhuzi accompany your family for five yuan, and the matter will be over. After all, the cause of this matter is also because of you."

Xu Damao originally wanted to take advantage of today's incident to blackmail Shazhu, but he was a little guilty when the uncle mentioned yesterday's incident. After all, Shazhu didn't provoke him yesterday.So he had no choice but to nod in agreement with the uncle's proposal.

Seeing that Xu Damao agreed, the first uncle turned his head to look at the second uncle: "Old Liu, see if you can save me face, let's forget about this time and treat it as my debt to you."

"I don't need to pursue this matter, but Shazhu must apologize to me, and then sweep the compound for a month." The second uncle thought for a while and said.

The second uncle also didn't want to make things big, after all, he would be ashamed if it got out.But he didn't want to let Shazhu go just like that, so he asked Shazhu to apologize to himself, and after sweeping for a month, he wanted to let everyone know that it was Shazhu who was wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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