The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 157 Go to Zuojiazhuang again

Chapter 157 Go to Zuojiazhuang again

A few days later, it was Sunday, and Yan Jiecheng got up early today, planning to go to Zuojiazhuang to buy two old hens from his cousin.

Kid Wan and the others eat eggs every day, but it's okay to say now, when there will be turmoil in a few months, the rations of Yan Jiecheng and Yu Li will not be able to supply even one child, let alone two children.

If two old hens are raised, how can they lay an egg a day? Adding in their family's ration, I dare not say that it is no problem to feed them an egg a day.

Yan Jiecheng rode his bicycle and ran towards Zuojiazhuang. An hour later, he arrived at the entrance of Zuojiazhuang village. After thinking about it, he took out two bottles of Erguotou from the space.

"Cousin open the door, I'll explain." Yan Jiecheng shouted standing outside his cousin's house.

"Ah! Xie Cheng, why are you here?" Uncle Biao asked in bewilderment, he really didn't know what Yan Jiecheng was doing here this year.

"You open the door first, let's go in and talk."

After his cousin opened the door, Yan Jiecheng followed into the room.

"Cousin, last time I saw that many people in our village raised chickens. This time I came here, I wanted to buy two to raise and lay eggs at home." Yan Xiecheng went into the house and put the wine he brought on the table, and he didn't fix the chickens. Xu said directly.

"If you want to eat eggs, you can just buy ready-made ones. There is no need to raise them. Besides, your family has no place to raise chickens."

He had been to Yan Bugui's house before. There were more than 20 families living in one compound.This raised chicken tastes great, can other residents agree?Don't fight about it any other time.

"That was before, but it's different now. In the past few years, our family has bought a few more houses. Half of the houses in the front yard belong to our family. It's not easy to find a place to raise chickens." Yan Xiecheng knew that his cousin might have misunderstood Quickly explained.

"I haven't been there for a few years. It seems that your family is doing well. I still remember that a few years ago, your family didn't have enough to eat. Your father asked you and Jiefang to come over to exchange for sweet potatoes. I didn't expect it to be just a few years. , Your family is getting up this day." The uncle said with some emotion, it really is a turn of events, a family that was so poor at the beginning became rich in a few years.

"Why don't I have to thank you, if it weren't for your help to change the sweet potatoes, our family would have survived." Yan Jiecheng thanked him sincerely. After all, he has helped in times of difficulty. If the people in the courtyard It's fine if you don't step on your foot.

"Hey, what's the matter? How many years has it been? In the blink of an eye, both of you brothers are so old, time really doesn't forgive people." The cousin looked at Yan Jiecheng and said with emotion.

"By the way, I didn't go to Jiefang's marriage either. How is his wife?"

"It's not bad. I also work in the factory." Yan Jiecheng didn't say much, and he didn't know much about this new sibling.

"That's good, the life of dual-career is easier." My cousin said enviously.

Seeing that it was getting late, Yan Jiecheng said to his cousin, "You better find me an old hen quickly, I will leave later."

"Don't, wait until after dinner."

The reason why Yan Jiecheng came so early today was because he didn't want to eat at his house. After all, no one's family had much food at this time, and if Yan Jiecheng ate more, his family would eat less.

"Cousin, don't be too busy. You really have to go later. I have something to do in the afternoon."

"Really? Don't fool me. Although my cousin's house doesn't have much food, it's enough for you to eat." My cousin looked at Yan Jiecheng in disbelief and said.

"Really, you, let's go quickly. By the way, last time I saw that the captain's house had a litter of puppies, you go and ask for one for me, and I'll pay for it." Yan Jiecheng took out two yuan and handed it to him. Cousin, he is too embarrassed to ask for it for nothing. After all, rural dogs are also good things. If you are really hungry, you can kill them and eat them.

"Why are you thinking about raising a dog when you're fine?" My cousin asked puzzled.

"I've wanted to raise it for a long time. It's not that the child is small. Now that the child is older, it happens that a puppy can play with him, and when he grows up, he can watch the house." There are two big thieves living in the courtyard. A dog is still necessary.

"Okay, just wait, I'll go right away." After speaking, the cousin went out to help Yan Jiecheng find an old hen and buy a puppy.

Yan Jiecheng sat on a chair and waited.

After waiting for more than 20 minutes, my cousin came back with two old hens and a puppy.

"Xie Cheng, what do you think of this little white dog? I bought it for you just for looking at the spirit." The uncle said with a proud face.

Yan Jiecheng looked at it, but he didn't notice the lack of energy, but it was really pretty, with a snow-white body without any hairs.

"That's right, thank you cousin."

"Hey, why are you being polite to me? I'll give you the money, but the old captain will not accept it." As he spoke, the uncle handed over the two yuan that Yan Jiecheng had given him.

"Is it inappropriate?"

"Hey, what's the point? You don't want it. Their family will have to give it away in a few days. With so many puppies, a family can support them. That's fine, you take it." After finishing speaking, it didn't matter whether Yan Xiecheng wanted to give it away He stuffed it in his pocket.

"Here, okay. If that's the case, I'll take it." Yan Jiecheng looked at the evasion, but had no choice but to take back the money, thinking that when he came next time, he would bring two bottles of wine to the old captain, so he would have to return the favor. .

"Oh, that's right. I brought you the chicken too, let's see how it goes." The uncle said and put the old hen in his hand on the ground.

Yan Jiecheng looked at the old hen flopping on the ground, but he couldn't understand this either.So he said: "Since my uncle has read it, it must be fine. That's fine, uncle, I won't stay any longer. I have something to do later, so I'll go first."

After speaking, Yan Xiecheng hung the two old hens on the handlebars and put the puppy in the basket.Pushing the bicycle and about to leave, my cousin didn't stop Yan Jiecheng when he heard that he had something to do in the afternoon, and even helped Yan Jiecheng open the door.

When I got back to the courtyard, it was just in time for lunch. Since Yan Jiecheng was not at home, I had to cook lunch with Yu Li.

The kid pouted, and didn't even cook, he just disliked Yu Li's cooking.

"Do you want to eat or not? If you don't eat, go down quickly. I'll see you feel uncomfortable." Yu Li shouted at Ziwan, this little guy dared to despise his cooking as unpalatable, you can do it yourself if you have the ability.

"Go down and go down, and I will sue you when Dad comes back." After getting off the table, the kid Wan still didn't forget to threaten Yu Li.

"Hey, tell your dad if you can. I will take care of your dad. If you have the ability, you can sue." Yu Lixiao was annoyed by Xiao Ziwan's words, and she opened her mouth and said.

"What's the matter?" While talking, Yan Xiecheng pushed the door open and walked in.

"No, your daughter dislikes my cooking, and she wants to sue you to clean me up." Yu Li said with a malicious face.

"Cough, cough, Ziwan, this is your fault. How can you dislike the bad cooking of your mother? Do you still want to buy candy? You must know that your mother is in charge of our family's money , if you make her unhappy, can she still buy you sweets?"

"Oh, I forgot." Xiao Ziwan said angrily, rubbing her head.

(End of this chapter)

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