Chapter 165 Da Mao Comes Out
Liu Haizhong took Xu Damao to the factory and locked him in a room in the security department.He didn't intend to interrogate Xu Damao either, anyway, with the dozen or so letters as evidence, no one would be able to save him.

Section Chief Li watched Liu Haizhong go away, and then quietly came to the room: "Da Mao, don't blame brother, I can't help it, Liu Haizhong insisted on pulling me over, and you also know that my position is not right. I can't even go."

"Brother Li, I don't blame you. But the letter is really not mine, it must have been put by Liu Haizhong to frame me."

"Da Mao, even if Liu Haizhong framed you, I can't help you. After all, your relationship with Lou's family is here. Even if the letter is fake, no one will believe it."

Xu Damao felt a little cold when he heard Section Chief Li's words. He had been divorced from Lou Xiao'e for several years, and he didn't expect Liu Haizhong to use it to punish him.


Wang Dani watched Xu Damao being taken away by Liu Haizhong, and didn't care about cooking for the children, so she rode a bicycle and came to Xu Damao's parents' house.

"Dad, Mom, open the door quickly, Da Mao has been taken away." Wang Dani stood outside the door and shouted inside.

Xu's father heard the movement and came out. "What do you think happened to Da Mao?"

"Da Mao was taken to the factory by Liu Haizhong." Wang Dani said out of breath.

"Why?" Xu's father frowned and asked puzzledly, their family had nothing against Liu Haizhong.Besides, Da Mao lived in the same hospital with him.

"I don't know either. When we got home from get off work just now, Liu Haizhong led someone to find a few letters at our house saying that Da Mao had a problem, so he was arrested."

"Okay, leave this matter to me. You go back and look after the child first, and I'll go to the factory to ask."

Xu's father is going to ask Director Li about it. He also knows about Xu Damao taking Li Huaide's path to become an official.Besides, he used to work in the rolling mill but later gave up the position to Xu Damao, and he also knew many people in the factory.

I went to the area of ​​the rolling mill and asked someone about it, and found out where Li Huaide lived.

"You are?" Director Li looked at Xu's father and asked politely, mainly because he didn't know Xu Damao's father, and when he came, Xu's father had already given up the position to Xu Damao.Li Huaide is quite cautious about people who don't know the origin of the other party.

"Ao, Ao, I am the father of Xu Damao from your factory."

When Li Huaide heard that the other party was Xu Damao's father, he immediately stood up and said in a serious tone: "Then why are you looking for me so late?"

"I'm really sorry to bother you so late. I can't help it. My Da Mao was arrested by Liu Haizhong, the team leader of your factory."

"Because of what?" Li Huaide frowned and said, he didn't know about this matter, Xu Damao was the deputy team leader he had just promoted, so he didn't report the arrest of Liu Haizhong to him.Liu Haizhong has become an official and started to drift. It seems that I have to give him a good look and let him know who is the boss in this factory.

"I don't know very well. I heard from my daughter-in-law that when she got off work, Liu Haizhong led someone to search Da Mao's room to find a few letters, and then people took Da Mao away."

As he spoke, Father Xu took out two gold bars from his clothes and stuffed them to Li Huaide. "You think of a way. My family, Da Mao, has definitely been wronged. The letter cannot be from Da Mao. We only have one son, Da Mao. If something happens to him, our family will break up. I beg you. "

Li Huaide held the gold bar in his hand and pretended to push off with Xu's father a few times before putting it away.

"Don't worry, the organization will not wrong a good person or let a bad person go. Comrade Xu Damao is a good comrade. I believe that the organization will clear up his grievances. Just wait for the news."

Xu's father was also relieved when he heard this, since Li Huaide also returned the gold bars after saying so, then the matter will be settled.

"Then you rest, I'll go back and wait for news." After speaking, Father Xu got on his bicycle and left Li Huaide's house.

Li Huaide watched Father Xu's back bumping the gold bar in his hand, and happily entered the house.

Early the next morning, as soon as Liu Haizhong came to the rolling mill, he couldn't wait to bring those letters to Director Li's office.

"Director, there must be something wrong with Xu Damao. You see, this is the evidence. The Lou family is a big capitalist, and his ex-wife, Lou Xiao'e, lives abroad now." Liu Haizhong put the letter on the table and pushed it to Director Li.

Director Li took the letter and threw it aside without reading it.

"You don't need to worry about this matter, let Xu Damao go later when you go back."

"Director, Xu Damao is in contact with big foreign capitalists." Liu Haizhong thought that Director Li hadn't heard clearly and said it again.

"I said you don't have to deal with this matter, can't you hear clearly?" Director Li said, staring at Liu Haizhong with a serious expression.

Liu Haizhong didn't expect Director Li to change his face when he said that he changed his face, so that he broke out in a cold sweat, and hurriedly said: "I heard it clearly, I heard it clearly, I will go back and let Xu Damao go."

"By the way, you tell Xu Damao to let him go back and show the movie properly. As for the work of the picket team, don't do it." Director Li thought for a while and said, he was also afraid that if Xu Damao really had a problem, he would be involved. After all, he was the one who gave the job mobilized.

"Okay, okay, I'll go back and tell him."

Xu Damao was released that night. Although the work of the investigation team was gone, the position of projectionist was retained anyway.

"Da Mao, you scared me to death. If something really happened to you, how would you tell us to live." Wang Dani said when she saw Xu Damao came back safe and sound.

"I'm fine."

"Don't even think about being an official in the future, because your ex-wife will definitely cause trouble."

"I know, I just didn't expect that I would be brought up by them to talk about it after I divorced Lou Xiaoe for several years."

"And Liu Haizhong, I was careless. I didn't expect him to be so ruthless that he would kill me. Just watch, I will kill him sooner or later." Xu Damao said ruthlessly. Will be fooled by fools who have been looking down on him.

Yan Xie married in the front yard.

Yan Bugui saw that Xu Damao was fine and came back, so he hurried to find Yan Jiecheng to discuss countermeasures, he was afraid that Xu Damao would get revenge on him if he knew he wrote the letter.

"Otherwise, I'll go to Xu Damao and clarify the matter. I don't think he will make things difficult for you. After all, you were also deceived by Liu Haizhong. He will go to Liu Haizhong even if he wants revenge." Yan Jiecheng comforted Yan Bu with a voice. Gui, I really would rather offend a gentleman than a villain. Everyone in this courtyard is afraid that Xu Damao will be retaliated against if they offend him.

"Can this work?"

"Don't worry, it's okay, but Xu Damao wants to take revenge on you if he doesn't open his eyes, isn't there still a few of us."

"Then you go, I'll wait here."

Yan Jiecheng went out the door and walked towards the backyard. He planned to tell Xu Damao about the matter and let Xu Damao go bite the dog with Liu Haizhong. Anyway, the two of them are not good friends.

(End of this chapter)

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