The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 171 Going to the Countryside in 1971

Chapter 171

The Jia family in the middle school.

"I don't care. Stick can't be an educated youth, let Xiao Dang go."

"Mom, don't you think how old Xiao Danggang is? Besides, she still has to go to school."

Faced with Jia Zhang's unreasonable troubles, Qin Huairu also had a headache, no matter what the old woman said, she just wouldn't listen.If I had my way, I wouldn't let Bang Geng go to the countryside to become an educated youth.

The uncle also persuaded from the side: "Old sister-in-law, don't make trouble with Huairu. It's not just your family who goes alone, there are still a few in our courtyard."

"Don't talk sarcastic about me. They can compare with my family. Our family has only one boy. If he goes to the countryside, our family will not even have a family leader in the future." He won't reply directly to save face.

"Bang Giao is going to the countryside to be an educated youth, and it's not like he won't come back. Besides, what can you do if you don't agree? Everyone in the street has issued a notice and will apply for the spot in two days. Don't even think about letting Xiao She's not old enough to be a replacement stick."

The old man helplessly explained to Jia Zhang, if he hadn't pointed Qin Huairu to provide for him in the old age, he wouldn't want to talk to this old hag.

"Who are you fooling, and can you come back? Who are the so many educated youths who went to the countryside to come back? It doesn't matter if Xiao Dang is not allowed to go, then you can arrange a job for the stick. I heard that as long as there is a job You don’t have to go.”

"Aren't you embarrassing us? It's already this time, where can we find him a job?"

While talking to Jia Zhang, Qin Huairu glanced at the uncle with both eyes.Although I can't find a job, I can take over. Anyway, the uncle should retire in a few years, so it's better to give up the job to the stick a few years in advance.

The uncle knew what Qin Huairu was thinking by looking at Qin Huairu's eyes, and it was impossible for him to give up the job to Bang Geng.

I have been here for so many years, and I will retire in a few years. If he goes through the early retirement, he will not even have a pension at that time. What will he do when he gets old?

At most, Qin Huairu would only take care of herself, and if she wanted her to spend money on her, the sun would have to come out from the west.

When Qin Huairu saw that the old man didn't answer, there was nothing he could do about it.She can give up her own job to BangGong, but she is reluctant.

She is now a regular worker in the factory and earns more than 30 yuan a month.If you want to succeed, you can only start as an apprentice, and it costs more than ten yuan a month.She herself will also lose her pension due to early retirement.

"Zhuzi, why don't you ask the big leader for help?"

Qin Huairu didn't want to retreat early when he saw that the old man was not up to the task, so he could only put his mind on the big leader.Although she didn't know the position of the big leader that Sha Zhu knew, it was definitely not low, otherwise the factory manager wouldn't have arranged for a cook to cook for him.

"The big leader is fine, but he went to the south for inspection, and he won't be back for a while." Silly Zhu said unhurriedly, he has no objection to sticking out to the countryside to be an educated youth, anyway, it's not him The child did not change his surname to He.Among the three children, he cares about Sophora japonica now. After all, it is his surname, and he will inherit the incense of their old He family in the future.

"Then think of a way to get the stick to your back kitchen and let him learn to cook from you."

Since the big leader can't be counted on, then only silly pillars are left.Shazhu also talked softly to Liu Lan after Liu Haizhong stepped down a few years ago, and then he returned to the kitchen and continued to be his cook.In the past few years, I have become more stable, and I am not so aggressive in talking in the back kitchen. I also know how to curry favor with Liu Lan, and I don’t eat the leftovers from the small stove by myself, and my popularity has improved a lot.

"No, no, our family's cooking skills are passed down from generation to generation. Although it is passed on from male to female, but there is only one girl in my next generation, Huaihua, and I can pass it on to Huaihua. But stick stems are absolutely not allowed, unless he changes his surname what."

Hearing that Qin Huairu asked Bang Geng to learn how to cook from him, Sha Zhu's eyes lit up, and he just took this opportunity to change Bang Geng's surname.

"Silly Zhu, don't even think about beating the stick. The stick is a child of our old Jia's family. Even if I die, I won't agree to let the stick take your surname." Before Qin Huairu could speak, Jia Zhang charged He came over and squirted at Shazhu.

Qin Huairu originally wanted to agree to come down and fool Shazhu away, and the matter of changing her surname will be discussed later, but she was destroyed by Jia Zhang before she could speak.

She feels tired right now, and wonders if this old woman is usually very smart, and when she handles herself, she is like playing with herself, how could Shazhu be so impulsive.

"Okay, stop arguing, I'll go to the countryside to be an educated youth." Bang Geng gritted his teeth and said, his father Jia Dongxu didn't have time to remember things, now that Sha Zhu asked him to change his surname, wouldn't it be an insult to him.No matter how you put it, he is also a person with a head and face, and he must not do this thing of admitting a thief as his father, otherwise how can he go out to hang around in the future, and he must not be called a three-surname house slave, no, he is a two-surname house slave, then he still It's better to go to the countryside.

"Banggan, you have to think about it. Farming in the countryside is not easy to do. At that time, no one who is not familiar with the place can help you. You should stay in the city. No way, let your mother give up the job. Here it is, this is the job of our old Jia's family." Seeing the resolute expression on BangGong's face, Mrs. Jia Zhang continued to persuade.

"Grandma, stop talking, I'm an adult now and can take care of myself."


Yan Bugui's family in the front yard is also discussing about going to the countryside. Both Yan Jiekuang and Yan Jiedi of his family meet the conditions for going to the countryside as educated youths, but you can choose one yourself.

Yan Jiefang saw that everyone was silent, so he said: "I think it's better to let Jie Kuang go. After all, he is also a boy, and he is still an older brother. The countryside is not suitable for girls. If the younger sister goes, if something happens We can't get enough of that."

Yan Jiekuang said dissatisfiedly: "Second brother, listen to what you mean, don't worry if something happens to me."

"Hey, that's not what I mean, don't talk nonsense. Besides, what can happen to you as a big man?"

"Jiangfang, please stop saying a few words to me, let's listen to what my parents and elder brother mean." Wu Juan didn't want to get involved in their family's affairs. If you want to say stop him quickly.

Yan Bugui couldn't decide to pay attention, the palms and backs of his hands were full of flesh, the key was that he was also afraid that he would be hated by his children if he said it, so he turned his attention to Yan Jiecheng.

"Xie Cheng, you are their eldest brother, you have to talk about it."

Yan Jiecheng was speechless about Yan Pugui's behavior of throwing the blame.He can't help but say, who made him the big brother.

"I also think Liberation is right. If you go to the countryside, you have to go to the countryside."

Seeing that Yan Jiekuang was about to speak again, he quickly stopped him:
"Don't worry, I haven't said anything yet. We won't let you go alone. How about it, we will give you six yuan a month. If you do some work in the country, your life will not be hard. Wait a few minutes I'll help you find a job and transfer you back in [-], what do you think?"

Yan Jiekuang felt good when he heard what Yan Jiecheng said. Anyway, it's hard to find a job now, so he can stay at home, and he can still get money when he goes to the countryside. He doesn't have to worry about work when he comes back in a few years.

"That's fine, for our little sister, let me go, who told me to be my brother. But, since my elder brother has to give me money and promised to find a job for me, then I have to suffer, who told him to be my elder brother Woolen cloth."

Yan Jiefang: "Get out, you, I think you just fell in love with the conditions that your elder brother said, why not for my little sister. Why didn't you listen to my suggestion just now."

"Second brother, it's not that I don't listen, the key is that you don't have the strength. If you have half the courage of big brother, I have already agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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