The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 192 Yan Jiefang's House Originally Wrote the Name of Yan Bugui

Chapter 192 Yan Jiefang's House Originally Wrote the Name of Yan Bugui

This Sunday, Yan Bugui went fishing early in the morning, and Yan Jiecheng didn't tell Yan Bugui that he was going to build a pavilion in the front yard. When Yan Bugui came back, he saw a lot of people in the front yard busy.

Seeing Yan Jiefang in the crowd, he hurried over to hold him back, then pointed to a large group of workers and asked, "Second brother, what's going on, what are you going to do?"

Hearing Yan Bugui's question, Yan Jiefang looked at the bucket Yan Bugui was carrying and said, "Dad, you've gained a lot! I'll give you two later."

Yan Bugui rolled his eyes at him: "Is that what I asked? Let me ask you, what are they doing?"

"Hey, isn't my brother going to build a gazebo in the yard? He said it was for you and my mother. When it's hot in summer, there will be a place to move around, and you can play chess with others in it. Say, my brother is still filial." Yan Jiefang gave a thumbs up while talking.

Yan Bugui curled his lips, he didn't believe it at all, if Yan Jiecheng was filial to Thaksin, but he didn't believe it anyway, because Yan Xiecheng was filial to Thaksin, but he built a pavilion for the old couple, it was more credible for the boy Wan than for the two of them.

"By the way, Jiefang, why don't you let Ziming sleep in our room these days?"

"This... this...cough, cough, the child asked Wu Juan to send him to his grandma's house, isn't it because we both work and don't have time to look at it, it's not appropriate to bother my mother all the time." Yan Jiefang rubbed his head a little said embarrassingly.

The reason why Wu Juan sent the child to her natal family was actually to get revenge on Yan Bugui for abducting the child on New Year's Eve, but Yan Jiefang definitely couldn't say that, so he could only talk to a beautiful place Said, otherwise the big guys would have to say that he was unfilial, and spit on the stars and still spray him to death.He also persuaded him about this matter, but Wu Juan didn't listen to him at all and wanted to do this, and he couldn't help it.

"Don't be sloppy with me, you guys just want to fool me with this little trick. I have eaten more salt than you have traveled. Don't talk nonsense, let Wu Juan bring the child back quickly. The child of our old Yan family , How can you let outsiders raise it? There is no reason for this. If you say it, it won’t make people laugh. And you, a big man can’t even control his daughter-in-law. Why do you think I gave birth to you, a soft bastard? .”

Yan Bugui looked around and saw that Wu Juan was not here, so he yelled at Yan Jiefang.

He was already dissatisfied with Yan Jiefang, and he listened to his wife in everything. His wife's words were more effective than his father's. If his wife told him to go east, he would never dare to go west.

If this continues, it will be a serious threat to his status as the head of the family, even though he is the head of the family himself.

"Dad, you should tell my wife about this. I can't make the decision. My wife is in charge of everything at home, and I'm in charge of outside affairs." Yan Jiefang listened to what Yan Bugui said. Now, I don’t want to be a wolf with a big tail anymore, just lie flat and love whatever, anyway, he is not the only one in the family, let alone him, his father Yan Bugui is also like this, and his brother Yan Jiecheng is also like this.

Besides, it wasn't caused by his father, Yan Pugui. If his father hadn't hid the children on New Year's Eve and prevented them from taking them to the old man's house, his wife wouldn't have been able to do the same.

"You... you... okay, you two just do this, go back and tell your wife, you two don't regret it in the future."

Yan Bugui parked his bicycle as he said, and angrily took the bucket and went home to look at Yan Jiefang.

Seeing Yan Bugui go back, thinking about what his father said just now, Yan Jiefang wondered for a while, could his father still have something to do with them.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong, so he stopped helping Yan Jiecheng and went back to the house in a hurry. He had to go back and discuss with Wu Juan to see what his father was holding. Father took advantage of the problem to punish them.


Wu Juan watched Yan Jiefang push the door and walked in with a worried look on her face and asked in puzzlement, "What's the matter, what are you?"

Yan Jiefang turned back and closed the door, then repeated what Yan Bugui had said to him just now, and then said, "I always feel like my dad has some confidence when he says this."

When Wu Juan heard Yan Jiefang's words, she thought about it for a long time but couldn't figure out why.She thought that Yan Bugui was blowing them up just to scare them both, so she took the child back from her natal home.

"Don't be afraid, your father must be bluffing to scare us."

Yan Jiefang frowned, just now Yan Pugui's expression didn't show any bluff, but he looked serious: "I don't look like it, you should think about it carefully."

Wu Juan suddenly seemed to think of something and her heart chilled, and she hurriedly said to Yan Jiefang: "House, house, our house, is your name written in the house book?"

Yan Jiefang was also dumbfounded. The three brothers used to live in this house together when they were young. Since Yan Jiecheng and Yan Jiekuang moved out, he has always lived in this house.So strictly speaking, this house is still his father Yan Pugui's house, and his father Yan Pugui's name is also written in the house book, which has not been changed.

Unlike his elder brother Yan Jiecheng and his younger brother Yan Jiekuang, the house was bought later, and their own names were directly listed on the transfer.

Who is he going to reason with, he still doesn't have a house after arguing for a long time.No, I have to talk to his father about this matter, why his brothers have their own houses but he doesn't.

Wu Juan watched Yan Jiefang's face change and was about to go out without saying a word.Stop him quickly. "This house, is your name written on it? You said it!"

Yan Jiefang had a bitter face: "The three of us lived in this house when we were young, and the ownership has never been transferred. What do you think?"

"Ah, so this is your father's house!"

"I'm going to talk to my dad right now." Yan Jiefang said and was about to go out.

Wu Juan hurriedly stopped him: "Wait, you'd better not go, and then I will anger your father and drive us out. Or, first bring Ziming back to let your father calm down, and then Let's talk about the house."

Wu Juan couldn't help it, as her natal family didn't have a house for them to live in.If there was, she would take Yan Jiefang directly to her natal family without saying a word, saving her from dealing with her father-in-law all day long.

Yan Jiefang thought about it, right now, it's better not to mess with his father now, to stabilize his father first, and wait until the name of the house is changed.

"Then let's go to your mother's house and bring Ziming back."

"Okay, let's go right away." After finishing speaking, Yan Jiefang and Wu Juan went straight out to pick up the child at his father-in-law's house.


When it was dark, Yan Xiecheng and the others built the pavilion.Yu Li went outside to buy some cooked food and steamed buns for everyone to eat at his house.During the meal, Yan Jiecheng searched for Yan Jiefang for a long time, but finally someone told him that Yan Jiefang and his wife had gone out, so he gave up.

(End of this chapter)

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