The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 194 Help Yan Jiefang to solve the house problem

Chapter 194 Help Yan Jiefang to solve the house problem

Although Yan Jiecheng is now the team leader of the electrician team, even if he goes a little late, no one cares about him.

But he still arrives at the factory on time every day, even if he has nothing to do, he still reads books and newspapers in the office.After all, once a habit is formed, it can't be changed even if you want to, just like Yan Pugui.

When they came to the office, everyone was present, and the tasks for today were arranged. After they all went out, Yan Xiecheng took out a few books from his bag and read them.

Yan Jiecheng doesn't have to leave the workshop now, he just drinks tea and reads in the office every day, very leisurely.They only trouble themselves when they encounter problems that they cannot solve by themselves.

"Brother, can I discuss something with you?" Yan Jiefang waited for the others to leave and then came back, intending to talk to his brother about the house.

"You didn't go to the workshop to check the wiring, why did you come back?" Yan Jiecheng asked in bewilderment looking at Yan Jiefang who had returned.

"Cough, cough, I have something to do with you, tell me."

"Speak up if you have something to say, and go to work as soon as you finish, don't waste your time here." Yan Jiecheng looked at Yan Jiefang's hesitant expression, and wondered what he could ask of himself.

"Isn't this about the house? Look, my house is still written in my father's name. I don't even have this house. Can you help me tell the superiors that the family building will also be divided into me?" .”

Yan Jiefang and Wu Juan originally planned to take the child back to ease the relationship with Yan Portui, and then change the house to their own names.

But after thinking about it, this one-story house is not as comfortable as a building, and even Yu Haitang, who entered the factory later than him, can be allocated a house, so why can't he.

He also thought that Yu Haitang's assignment to the house was due to his brother Yan Xiecheng's efforts. After all, Yu Haitang was the announcer in the factory, and he didn't think Yu Haitang had anything to do with being in the factory.

He had a house to live in before, so he didn't think much about it.But now he suddenly discovered that the house he had lived in all his life belonged to his father.

It's not that I don't have the conditions to allocate a house, even if my working experience is higher than that of Yu Haitang, even she can be allocated a house. If I ask my elder brother for help, I might be able to allocate a house.

So as soon as I went to work today, Yan Jiefang came back when he left.After all, it is disgraceful to go through the back door, and it is not good for others to see.

"Don't think about the family building. As for the few houses built by our factory, it won't be your turn to divide them. You should go to work with peace of mind."

Yan Jiecheng didn't say that nonsense, the factory hasn't built a house since [-].Only these few rooms were started before the turmoil broke out, and they stopped and worked one after another. It took several years to complete.

"Come on, Yu Haitang came to the factory later than I did, so why did she get assigned? Besides, she still had a house before." Yan Jiefang was dissatisfied with Yan Jiecheng's perfunctory manner, and said with a bit of displeasure.

Yan Jiecheng was not angry either, this kid must have misunderstood, thinking that Yu Haitang's house was built by himself.Thinking that I only help my sister-in-law and not my brother.

"I didn't help build Yu Haitang's house, and I don't have such great ability. Don't think about it, I'm just the team leader of the electrician team. For such a big matter as house allocation, even the leaders won't call me for negotiation. I If I really have such a great ability, why don't I make a difference." Yan Jiecheng gave Yan Jiefang an angry look, he must have heard what Wu Juan said again, otherwise, after several years, why would he think about the room division again? up.

"Ah, big brother, don't lie to me. If it wasn't for your help, it would depend on Haitang herself, would she be able to get the house?"

Yan Jiefang still didn't believe it. The main reason was that since he got married and had children, he didn't care about the things in the factory. He didn't know what Yu Haitang was doing now, and he thought Yu Haitang was just an ordinary announcer.

"Okay, believe it or not, there is nothing else to do and go to work."

Yan Jiecheng did not intend to continue explaining to him after speaking.Maybe, this idiot thought that making a fuss would divide the house, and the fools would follow suit.This kid can do it.

"Brother, brother, don't worry, I believe it's okay. Since it's not my turn to divide the house, then go home and tell Dad to transfer the house we live in to my name."

Yan Jiefang saw that the matter of dividing the family building was in vain, although he didn't know whether what his brother said was true or not.I can only pay attention to the courtyard house again, and first transfer the ownership of the current house to his name.

"What? Did Dad drive you out?" Yan Jiecheng didn't know that Yan Pugui had separated Yan Jiefang because of his grandson, but he knew that they had a conflict on New Year's Eve.

"Cough, cough... It's not a child's business. We had a conflict with my father last year on the [-]th. Then Wu Juan let Ziming go to his grandma's house. After that, my father came to me and told me After a while, we brought the child back again."

Yan Jiefang also blames Wu Juan a little bit now, it was all caused by their family.If she hadn't been angry, this matter would have passed.But she insisted on making trouble for Yan Pugui and taking the child to her natal family.Now it's all right, he still has to humbly beg for help.

Yan Jiecheng was thinking about their three brothers. He and Yan Jiekuang both had their own houses, so Yan Jiefang's house still had Yan Pugui's name written on it, which was really inappropriate.

I didn't pay attention to it before, but now that Yan Jiefang has spoken out, this matter has to be resolved, otherwise there will definitely be conflicts.So he said:

"Okay, when I go back, I'll talk to my dad and ask him to transfer the ownership of the house to you. You're already married and have children, so it's really inappropriate to write the house with your dad's name on it."

Yan Jiefang was a little surprised to see that Yan Jiecheng agreed. He thought he would have to spend a lot of time talking to Yan Jiecheng, but he didn't expect Yan Jiecheng to agree just now.

"Okay, don't be dazed, go out and work quickly."

"Oh, oh, I'll go right away." Saying that, Yan Jiefang walked out of the office carrying the tool bag.


After Yan Jiecheng came back from get off work, he first went to Yan Bugui and told Yan Jiefang about transferring the house.

Yan Bugui was still reluctant at first, but when Wu Juan let the child go to her mother's house, he even used the house to control the couple.

Finally, under Yan Jiecheng's persuasion, Yan Bugui agreed to transfer Yan Jiefang's house to Yan Jiefang's name, but Yan Jiefang and his wife wanted to subsidize him with 100 yuan.It is also necessary to ensure that the child cannot be raised by Wu Juan's family in the future.

Yan Jiefang was fine, but Wu Juan was unwilling. 100 yuan was her salary for several months. Why?

In the end, it was Yan Jiefang who told her that his elder brother bought the house himself, and that his brother would also give the money to his father after buying the house.It was a good idea for them to pay only 100 yuan, so Wu Juan reluctantly agreed to pay.

(End of this chapter)

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