The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 214 1 Uncle's Forced Style

Chapter 214 The Big Master's Forceful Style (Subscribe for the fourth watch)

Silly Zhu saw that the second uncle didn't hang him, so he opened his mouth to anger him deliberately: "Second uncle, why are you hurrying away, come here and let me have a good chat, I tell you, you, if you want to let your grandchildren go to your house If you want to play, you have to buy a big TV, don’t be reluctant to spend money, if you don’t spend the money, you want to keep it for someone else.”

"Okay Zhuzi, don't say a few words, hurry up and go back with the TV, Huaihua and Xiaodang are waiting." The old man heard the movement in the front yard and came out, just in time to see this scene, and yelled at Silly Zhu road.

"Okay, let me tell you, young and old, make way. I'm so tired of holding such a big thing. I like to watch it. Let you all see it when I get home." Silly Zhu finished. After everyone gave way, they hugged the TV and went home directly, followed by a large group of people.

"Pillar, slow down."

The uncle watched Sha Zhu running so fast from behind and was afraid that he would fall, so he reminded him.The main reason was that Sha Zhu would break the TV. After all, he paid for it, just to prevent the old Xu's family from showing off in the courtyard.

In the past few days, Father Xu's popularity in the courtyard has grown too fast. He donated things to build roads, and moved the TV out for everyone to watch. .

Although he was responsible for the construction of the road, Xu's father didn't say that. He said it was voluntary and wanted to make some contributions to the courtyard.

The one who forced Guerra was quite high, and he was short of doing it for the whole society and all mankind. He felt a little bit like cursing his mother when he heard it.

So when Sha Zhu proposed to buy a TV, he hesitated and agreed.

Yan Jiecheng watched the big guys follow Shazhu to the middle court, shook his head and went home. Anyway, this matter has nothing to do with him. They have only been in Dese for two or three years, and they are busy after the reform and opening up. To make money, who has time to talk to them.

"Xie Cheng, what happened just now? I heard the noise in the yard." Yu Li looked at Yan Jiecheng curiously while putting the dishes in her hand on the table.

"It's nothing, even Shazhu also bought a [-]-inch TV, and everyone watched the excitement."

Seeing that Yu Li had finished the meal, Xie Cheng walked to the door and yelled twice at the side room.

"Sister Qin is willing to give up. You can buy a [-]-inch TV if you want. It must cost a lot of money."

Yu Li thought it was Qin Huairu who gave Shazhu the money for him to buy it. She not only admired her courage, but she would not be willing to change it for herself anyway, that is, what Yan Jiecheng bought was a second-hand one that didn't cost much. Otherwise, she would definitely ask Yan Jiecheng to return the TV.

"Well, Shazhu didn't say anything, but it's estimated to cost 600 yuan. Look, the middle courtyard is quite lively at night."

"How to say?"

"Look, yesterday Xu Damao's newly bought TV set was moved to the courtyard for everyone to watch for a day. Tell me, Shazhu, who has been against Xu Damao for so many years, can he show weakness?" Yan Xiecheng sat on a chair while eating While talking to Yu Li.

"Then do we need to move our TV to the courtyard for everyone to watch?"

Yu Li felt that everyone who bought a TV set in the courtyard did this, and if her own family didn't do it, it would be a bit... How should I put it, it means a bit out of group.

"No, they are them, we don't care about it. If someone says it, you can say that ours is a second-hand one that is faulty and cannot be moved back and forth." Yan Jiecheng replied while eating, anyway, it doesn't matter if they believe it or not, as long as you believe it That's fine.

"Ah! Is something wrong?"

Yan Jiecheng was a little speechless: "I said, can you tell the good words, but you can't understand the excuses I made."

"Cough, cough, I thought there was something wrong with the seriousness you said."

Yan Jiecheng gave her a blank look: "If I don't say seriously, can others believe it? If you don't believe it yourself, how can others believe it, so lying also has a certain technical content."

"Dad, you actually taught my mother to lie."

When Yan Jiecheng heard Xiao Ziwan's words, he tapped her small head with his hand and said, "What do you know, little girl, go back and read more books, reading books can make people grow their brains."

"Sister, Dad said you have no brains."

Yan Xiecheng flicked his brains on Xiao Ziyang's forehead: "You have no brains, let your mother buy you some walnuts next time, and make up for you."

Seeing his younger brother being slapped, Ziwan laughed, "I deserve it for telling you to call me out."

Looking at the boy with a bitter face, "I'll give your sister the books in my study and move them to your room later."

Now it was Zi Wan with a bitter face: "Dad, why don't I eat walnuts and let Zi Yang read."

"Hey, you two are still bargaining, don't worry, everyone has a share, anyway, your dad has a lot of books in his study."

"Mom, you are trying to kill us both. Are you planning to have another baby with my father?" Xiao Ziyang said in despair.

When Yu Li heard Xiao Ziyang's words, she picked up her chopsticks and hit him on the head. "It's just you who talk too much."

Seeing his mother's actions, Xiao Ziwan swallowed what he was about to say.She didn't want her parents to give her a mixed doubles.That is to say, her younger brother's brain is not smart and always makes parents angry.

After dinner, the two of them wanted to stay in the house and watch TV, so Yan Jiecheng coaxed them back. Before leaving, they stuffed several books into their arms.

After waiting for a while, the middle court turned on the lights as Yan Xiecheng guessed. The old man helped Sha Zhu move the TV out of the house, and placed a few long stools in the yard, and packed a lot of them on pallets. Peanuts and melon seeds.

This treatment directly exceeded the configuration of Xu Damao's house yesterday. Not only did everyone watch TV for free, but they also invited everyone to eat peanuts and melon seeds.Whoever comes here has to give the uncle and Sha Zhu a thumbs up and say something grand.

This made Xu Damao so angry that everyone ran to the middle courtyard. He played TV in the backyard and didn't watch anyone. Even the second uncle and second aunt who were closed in the backyard were invited by Qin Huairu.

The second uncle didn't want to go at first, but he had conflicts with Sha Zhu several times before, but Qin Huairu begged him in a low voice, and was moved by Qin Huairu in the end, so he followed Qin Huairu to the middle courtyard with a straight face, It was also arranged to share a stool with the uncle.

The first uncle smiled happily and called the second uncle to sit down, then took out a plate of dried fruits and placed it in front of the second uncle.

"Old Liu, let the past go. After today, the grievances between you and Zhuzi will be over. How about giving me face? We are getting older, and we can't be as competitive as before. This man Ah, there will always be a time when we are old, we have to obey the old."

The second uncle saw that the sincerity said by the first uncle did not seem to be a lie, so he agreed after thinking about it. Anyway, they didn't have any deep hatred, and he would not think about revenge on silly Zhu or anything.

(End of this chapter)

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