The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 219 Yan Bugui fooled Yu Li to buy him a TV

Chapter 219 Yan Bugui fooled Yu Li to buy him a TV

Yan Jiecheng saw Yu Li's expression and knew what she was thinking:
"It's not what you think. Hurry up and bring out the food. If you don't bring it out, I'm going to starve to death. You don't want me to starve to death and find a little boy."

"Damn it, what are you talking about." Yu Li rolled her eyes at Yan Jiecheng, then hurriedly turned around and went to the kitchen to bring out the leftovers from the evening.

After eating, Yan Xiecheng took the bag and handed it to Yu Li.

Yu Li took the bag, opened it, counted it, and asked Yan Jiecheng with some doubts, "Why do you have an extra 200 yuan in it?"

"It's earned, you don't think I'm helping in vain this big day, do you?"

"Then... will it be okay?"

Yu Li was a little worried. After all, 200 yuan was worth more than half a year's salary. If someone reported this, Yan Jiecheng would definitely be arrested.

"Don't worry, it's okay. If you don't tell me, no one will know." Yan Jiecheng comforted Yu Li while eating.

After hearing Yan Jiecheng's words, Yu Li felt relieved, and then said, "Yes, I understand, Dad came to see you once tonight."

"What's the matter with him?" Yan Jiecheng picked up the steamed bun and was about to eat it when he heard Yu Li say that Yan Pugui asked him in a daze.

"It's not because of the TV. The second uncle brought back a TV after get off work in the evening."

"Now the three uncles in the yard have no fathers, and even Xu Damao's father has a TV to watch. Do you think he can be in a hurry?"

Yu Li looked at Yan Jiecheng with some reproach, you said it's okay, you insisted on buying some kind of TV set, and you can compare all the TV sets in this courtyard.

"Then dad means..."

"What's the point? Let us pay. Dad, let's say, let's pay one hundred with Jiefang's family. Jie Kuang and Xie Di won't let them go out if they are not married." Yu Li said angrily .

"Wu Juan can agree? They don't have a TV at home, can they chip in to buy it for their parents?" Yan Jiecheng asked with some doubts, and Wu Juan could give 100 yuan to Wu Juan who wanted to spend every penny in half. Buy a TV for Yan Bugui.

"Don't tell me, I don't know how Dad discussed it with their family. They really agreed."

Yu Li was also a little surprised about this matter. Although she didn't have much contact with Wu Juan, she also knew that he was stingy and she would definitely not do anything that was not beneficial.

"You said whether our family should pay the money. Why do I feel that there is a ghost in it? If you say that Dad paid for their family to buy a TV, I believe it, and let her pay for it. Hehe, anyway, I don't believe it."

"Tomorrow, I'll go to Jiefang to inquire. If their family really wants to pay, it's not appropriate for our family to stay out." Yan Xiecheng thought for a while and said.

He didn't believe this either, but it was better to ask, in case Wu Juan changed her temper or lost her mind and insisted on paying.


the next morning.

Yan Jiecheng came to the office to arrange work for them, and stopped Yan Jiefang who was about to go out.

"Liberation, wait a minute, I have something to ask you."

Yan Jiefang was stunned and replied unnaturally: "What's the matter?"

"I heard that your daughter-in-law will pay for a TV set for her parents?" Yan Jiecheng stared at Yan Jiefang.

"Cough, cough, you should ask my wife about this, I don't know too well."

Yan Jiefang faltered and faltered when he spoke, and it was obvious that he was lying.

"Be honest, hurry up, you don't want to stay in the factory after get off work, do you?"

"This...Brother, if I want to tell you, Dad should blame me again."

Yan Jiefang had a bitter face, he was not easy to offend on both sides, if he said it, he might kneel on the washboard again, let alone, his brother made him unable to get off work.

"Stop talking nonsense and hurry up. Don't you know who I am, your brother? I will definitely not sell you."

"Then I told you, don't reveal your secrets." Yan Jiefang said hesitantly.

"hurry up."

"Dad told my daughter-in-law to buy a TV set, half of our family will use it for half a month."

Damn, so that's the case, I said why Wu Juan agreed so easily, this is our family being taken advantage of.At first, I thought Wu Juan had changed her temper, but I didn't expect it to be the same Wu Juan.

Yan Jiecheng waved at Yan Jiefang: "Okay, let's go to work."

"Brother, remember not to reveal your secrets." Yan Jiefang turned around to remind him a little worried.

"Understood." After Yan Jiecheng dealt with Yan Jiefang, he hurriedly sent him away.

Now that he knows the inside story of this matter, he must not agree. Although it is not short of money, this problem cannot be indulged in him.As far as Yan Bugui is concerned, he is one of the people who climbs up every step of the way. If he can do the trick this time, he will have to do the trick next time.

When he got home from get off work, Yan Bugui came looking for Yan Jiecheng just as he sat down and before he had time to eat.

"Xie Cheng, did Yu Li tell you about the TV yesterday?"

"I said, I don't agree."

Yan Bugui was stunned when he heard Yan Jiecheng's answer. He used to belong to the eldest son who was filial, so why didn't he disagree? You must know that in order to explain Yan Jiecheng, he even did Wu Juan's work well, and even sacrificed for it. owned half of the TV sets.

"This... of the three uncles in the yard, your dad and I don't have a TV, so you just have the heart to watch your first uncle and second uncle compare me to each other."

"Dad, this is not right. When did my uncle buy a TV? Isn't that stupid? Besides, it's not like our family doesn't have one. You can watch TV if you want, and I can stop you."

" about you move the TV to our house." Yan Bugui looked at Yan Jiecheng with bright eyes. This is a good idea. Others' TVs are all nine inches, and the largest is twelve inches. Yan Xiecheng's this one But fourteen.If you put it in the house, it will be more face-saving, and the most important thing is that it doesn't cost money.

"Dad, you think too much. If you want to watch it, you can watch it in our room. I didn't say to give you the TV."

Yan Jiecheng was a little speechless, this old man is really good at calculating, even dare to think about the big TV, maybe he is still dreaming.

"Then you guys can buy one for me. You don't know that the TV set of Shazhu's family has been moved to the old man's house. Now the three old men, I don't have a TV in the house. If other people see it, you little ones won't lose face."

"No, I don't agree, I still want to watch it." Before Yan Jiecheng could speak, Ziwan quit. She hasn't watched enough of this TV, how can she move it away, even her grandfather can't do it.

"What's the matter with you? If you want to see it, will it be different when you go to grandpa's house in the future?"

The kid thought for a while and then shook his head. "No, it's better to leave it at our house. I can watch whatever I want, and I don't need to be robbed."

"You child, why don't you know how to respect the old and love the young?" Yan Bugui said this in a bit of a hurry without even thinking about it.

Xiao Ziwan looked at Yan Bugui, pointed at herself and said with a smile: "Grandpa, I am a puppet, you are too old, let me go."

Yan Jiecheng wanted to laugh when he saw Lao Cai's deflated look. "Dad, you said you can buy a TV if you want, it's not that you don't have money, why do you let us pay for it?"

"Xie Cheng, I'm not talking about you, your siblings agree, why are you even worse than an outsider like her?"

"Dad, you are wrong. She is not an outsider. If Jiefang hears this, you don't want to live anymore." Yan Jiecheng said unhurriedly. If you let him calculate, you have to be angry with him.

"Okay, if you don't come out, you don't go out. Without you, I will still buy the TV." Yan Bugui left Yan Jiecheng's house angrily, without even closing the door.

"Dad is okay, don't get mad at him anymore." Yu Li looked at Yan Bugui's back and said to Yan Jiecheng worriedly.

"It's okay, it will be fine in two days, or you still want to move our big TV to his house."

"That's not it."

"That's terrible, hurry up and eat, don't worry about him."

Yan Jiecheng didn't intend to tell Yu Li about Yan Pugui and Wu Juan plotting their family.

(End of this chapter)

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