Chapter 228 Mutual help
"Dad, why don't we go to the backyard and have a look." Yan Jiecheng said to Yan Pugui, looking at the uncle's back, he didn't want to meddle in his own business, but simply wanted to see the excitement.

Yan Bugui thought about it, he is also the third master in the courtyard, since Yi Zhonghai has gone, it would be inappropriate for him not to go.

Although he didn't want anyone to take care of the front yard, he was quite willing to take care of other yards.

"Okay, then let's go and have a look. Liberation, you don't go, you stay here and watch, if something happens, you can take care of it."

After speaking, Yan Bugui led the way out of the pavilion, followed by Yan Jiecheng and Heizi.

The three of them came to the backyard together with the uncle and Sha Zhu.

A large group of people stood in the yard in the backyard, just in a daze, and the second uncle didn't organize people to build an earthquake shelter.

The first uncle frowned and went over to talk to the second uncle.

"Old Yi, it's not that I don't want to build it, but our house has no wood, not only wood, but also plastic sheeting." The second uncle said with some embarrassment. He didn't know that there would be an earthquake, so how could he prepare so many things in advance.

Their family doesn't have one, but Xu Damao's family does.Hearing what the old man said about aftershocks and heavy rain, Xu's father hurriedly asked Xu Damao to take Dahu and the others to build an earthquake shelter.

But the second uncle's family didn't deal with Xu Damao, and it was impossible to live in their earthquake shelter.

Just when the second uncle was struggling and didn't know what to do, Yan Jiecheng stood up and said:

"Second uncle, although we don't have extra wood in our house, we still have a piece of plastic sheeting. If you want to use it, I'll bring it for you."

"In this way, we can still get some wood out of our middle courtyard. Let Guangfu bring it over later, and quickly build the shed. The rain may come at any time." The elder gave Yan Xiecheng a satisfied look and said. .

"Old Yi, Xie Cheng, I don't even know what to say. When the earthquake is over, I'll set up a table at home and invite you to drink." Step up and give him a hand.Especially Yi Zhonghai, he had many conflicts with him in order to earn the position of uncle.

"Second uncle, you can remember, don't forget it later."

"Go, go, what's the matter with you, and I didn't say please." The second uncle gave Silly a look angrily, this silly Zhu really made him unhappy.

"You are really successful. Thanks to my kindness, I came here to have a look."

"That's the pillar, don't say a few words. Let's go back and set up the shed. The rain will come soon." The old man looked at the gloomy sky and said, and he didn't know how he saw it.

"Second uncle, let Guangfu give it to us, let's go back and get the plastic sheet."

After Yan Jiecheng finished speaking, he took Guangfu back to the front yard, handed him the plastic sheet, and asked him to take good care of Mrs. Li.Originally, he wanted to bring Mrs. Li to the front yard, but there were already a lot of people in the front yard, so it was better to be in the back yard. After all, apart from Xu Damao's house, the shed built by the second uncle was only used by the three of them and Mrs. Li. , four people use an earthquake shelter to look more spacious.

After Liu Guangfu left, Yu Li couldn't help asking: "I don't know what happened to my parents. I'll go back and have a look at dawn."

"Don't worry, it's definitely fine. When digging the air-raid shelter, didn't your younger brother follow Liberation and follow them back with a lot of wood. And when I came back with plastic sheets a few days ago, I also gave Haitao a piece." Yan Xiecheng Persuaded, he not only sent a plastic sheet, but also sent a lot of food, which must be enough for the three of them.

"Xie Cheng, our food is still in the house, do you want to take it out?"

"Dad, it's better not to take it. We have it in the cellar. Let's eat ours first." Yan Xiecheng came to the cellar with a flashlight, took out the food, and took a lot of vegetables and meat. He prepared it in advance, and reinforced it with wood when he built the gazebo in the cellar, so he wasn't afraid of danger.

Their family also has a kitchen in the yard, which is also made of wood, and it is not afraid of rain if it is covered with a shrink cloth.

After moving the food and vegetables to the kitchen, when Yan Xiecheng returned to the gazebo, he saw Yan Bugui took out a radio from somewhere and was listening to the broadcast.

"Dad, you are really giving up your life and money, and you don't forget to bring the radio when you run out." Yan Jiecheng was a little speechless. But a lot of tiles fell, and even the walls of the front yard and the middle yard collapsed.

"What do you know? If we don't have a radio, how would we know the outside news? Do you know the magnitude of the earthquake and where is the epicenter?" Yan Bugui had an inscrutable expression on his face, and those who didn't know thought he was Where did the worldly master come from?

"It was broadcast on the radio?" Yan Jiecheng was a little surprised, it was broadcast on the radio just after the earthquake happened.

"What are you thinking? How could it be so fast? You have to wait until dawn to find out." Yan Bugui gave Yan Xiecheng a white look.

At this time, there was another shaking on the ground, and everyone quickly sat down and grasped the railing tightly.

When the ground calmed down, Yan Xiecheng quickly pulled down the electric switch in the front yard. It was going to rain soon, and if there was a leakage, it might shock someone.

When it was dawn, Yan Jiecheng called Yu Li and Sanma to start cooking for everyone.

Just as the meal was ready, there was another violent shaking on the ground, followed by heavy rain.No matter how the middle courtyard and the backyard are, the front yard is quite good, and everyone can have hot meals.

Yan Bugui walked over from the middle courtyard wearing a poncho and returned to the pavilion.Opened the mouth and said:

"Not to mention, among the three courtyards, our front yard is the only one in good condition. Didn't you see that the earthquake shelter built by Xu Damao's house leaked from the rain, drenching them completely."

"Where are the first and second uncles?"

"Lao Yi and Lao Liu are alright, the shed is quite solid and there is no water leakage, but their food is not as good as ours."

"It goes without saying that this isn't my brother. If it wasn't for my brother, we would have eaten this." Yan Jiefang picked up a large piece of meat with his chopsticks and said, needless to say, even now, even in normal times, their family would not be willing to eat this every day what.

"That's right, it's about this time, it's good to have something hot." The third mother agreed while eating.

"Xu Damao's earthquake shed leaked, so what should I do?" Yan Jiecheng couldn't help asking curiously.

"What else can I do? Go to the middle courtyard and squeeze with your first uncle. They want to go to your second uncle, but your second uncle disagrees."

The third mother couldn't help but said: "What does Lao Liu disagree with? There are only four people in their shed, and it's not that there is no room."

"It's not that you don't know the relationship between their two families. Seeing that Xu Damao's family is unlucky, it's too late for Lao Liu to be happy, and he can extend his hand."

Yan Jiefang: "Then silly Zhu can agree with Xu Damao to squeeze in with their family?"

"With your uncle here, what else can he do if he doesn't agree?"

"In this way, Lao Yi can do things well, and even Xu Damao's family can take him in." The third mother couldn't help admiring.

"What do you know, he wasn't trying to curry favor with the street, but there were people on the street just now.

Tell the three of us that in the face of a catastrophe, the courtyard should be united and help each other.

Otherwise, he would definitely not care about the relationship between Shazhu and Xu Damao. "Yan Bugui couldn't help but said looking at the three mothers.

 Today after the third watch, there is one that has been reviewed and is waiting to be released.
(End of this chapter)

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