The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 230 Liu Guangtian Chapter 4 Courtyard

Chapter 230 Liu Guangtian Returns to the Courtyard

Since Yan Jiecheng couldn't help Yu Li, he didn't say anything, picked up the crabs on the table and went to the kitchen to steam them.

After Yu Haitang returned from Yan Jiecheng's house, he and Liu Guangtian began to look for a house everywhere, but now the housing was already tight, and the two of them couldn't find it for a while.

The two of them now regretted selling the courtyard house to Yan Jiecheng, so that now they have no house to live in.

Yu Haitang asked Liu Guangtian anxiously. "What should we do now? The factory will let our family move out tomorrow."

"No, let's go back to the courtyard. Didn't my dad buy another house in the backyard, and let Guangfu and my parents share the same room for the two of us to live in?"

Liu Guangtian thought for a while and said, there is only one way now, Yan Jiecheng had an empty house before, but now Heizi lives in it.

"Can your parents agree?"

Yu Haitang was a little hesitant. After they got married, they hadn't been in contact with Liu Haizhong and his wife. From the outside, they looked like two families. She was a little worried about moving back suddenly.

"Don't worry, it shouldn't be a problem. My dad is retired now, and someone will take care of him in the future. Now they want us to go back to live.

Besides, what else can we do if we don't move back?We can't find a house now, so we can't live on the street.

Your younger brother is getting married now, and your family has no room for us to live in.

That's it, tomorrow morning, we packed up our things and moved back. "

Yu Haitang asked with some uncertainty: "Do you need to tell your parents in advance?"

"No, just move tomorrow, I don't believe they can kick us out." Liu Guangtian said confidently.

Not to mention anything else, even Liu Ben of his family had to let them live in. This is the only boy in the old Liu family. There are two girls left in his elder brother's family. His younger brother is not married yet. The only grandson can drive them out.


The next day is Sunday off.

Yan Jiecheng was sleeping late at home when he heard some noise outside.

"What's the matter outside? What's the noise in the early morning?"

This is not a good thing about the inverted house. It is next to the street, and the sound from the outside can come in if it is a little louder, especially their house has a few windows on the back wall.

"Hurry up, Haitang Guangtian has moved back."

Hearing Yu Li's words, Yan Jiecheng sat up at once, and while putting on a pair of clothes, he asked Yu Li:
"Why did they come back?"

"It's not about the house. Your factory will take back the house they live in now. Where else can they go if they don't move back?"

"That's right, I forgot about that, but there's no place for the two of them to move."

"Where else can I go? Go back to the second uncle's house. Didn't the second uncle buy a house in the backyard?"

Hearing this, Yan Jiecheng put on his clothes and went straight to the backyard. He couldn't miss this excitement.

As soon as they arrived at the backyard, they saw Liu Guangfu standing in front of the house, while Liu Guangtian and Yu Haitang were holding luggage in their hands, and the second aunt was holding little Liu Ben and standing with the second uncle.

"Mom and Dad, you are too eccentric. You agreed to give me the house. Now that my second brother is back, you will go back on your word." Liu Guangfu said a little angrily.

Liu Guangtian helped him when he went to the countryside before, and he was very grateful, but he couldn't give up the house.He is going to get married soon, so he can't still live in the same house with his parents.

"Guangfu, your brother and I are in trouble now, so you can't help me.

Dad gave you all the work, so what happened to letting us live in this house?Besides, we don't live permanently, we will move out when we find a house. "Liu Guangtian intends to fool Guangfu to live in it first, and then he will talk about finding a house and moving out later.

"Don't make such useless things. I don't believe what you say. At the beginning you said that you would not see your parents after we separated. Why are you back now?" Liu Guangfu said with some disdain.

Liu Guangtian became anxious immediately when he heard this: "Guangfu, you can't say that. It was then, and now is now. Dad used to be in good health and could still go to work to earn money. Now he is old and retired. We come back just in time. able to take care of them.”

Liu Guangfu realized that he couldn't say enough about Liu Guangtian, so he turned his head to the second uncle and asked, "Dad, let me ask you, is this house for my second brother or for me?"

The second uncle stood there faltering and didn't know what to say, after all, he gave the house to Guangfu at the beginning, and now he can't say that he is going back to Guangtian.After all, he is also the second uncle in the courtyard, so he still has to have face.

But the second aunt can't control so much, she is happy holding her eldest grandson, if this throws Guangtian and his wife out, she won't be able to hold her eldest grandson.

"Guangfu, why don't you give up the house to your brother and sister-in-law first, and return it to you when they find the house." The second aunt said with some confusion, or she would not have the grandson here. can speak.

At this time, Silly Zhu, who was watching the fun, couldn't help but said: "Second aunt, this is not right, this is too partial, you bought a house for Guangtian before, it was my sister's, you will not forget Alright.

Oh, Guangtian sold the house and had no place to live, and then came back to snatch Guangfu's house, isn't it justified?Anyway, I can't see it. "

Silly Zhu said this just to sow discord. When the second uncle bought his sister's house, the two of them had a fight. Just hate panic.

"Silly, are you free? You are everywhere. This is our family's business. Our family has the final say on what to do. You can take care of it." Seeing that his parents didn't say anything, Liu Guangtian said nothing. Just stood up and made irresponsible remarks, and some shouted at him angrily.

"Grandson, who are you talking to? You can call Sha Zhu." Saying that, Sha Zhu was about to hit Liu Guangtian with his fists.

Seeing that, the uncle hurriedly pulled him back, and said with some headaches: "Okay, pillar, if you have something to say, don't do it."

Then he turned his head and said to the second uncle: "Old Liu, I didn't blame you. This matter is really unethical. The palms and backs of the hands are full of flesh, so you can't be too partial."Since this house was given to Guangfu, how could it be taken back to Guangtian.Aren't you forcing the two brothers to have a conflict? "

The words of the first uncle imply that the second uncle is a bit embarrassing. He didn't say to take back the house to Guangtian just now, but just lent it to Guangtian for a temporary stay.

"Old man, you see, the second man does things like this, no wonder his children are at odds with him. If you want me to say, Liu Guangtian should go to Yan Jiecheng and get back the sold house." Silly Zhu didn't think it was a big deal when he watched the excitement, He also wanted to drag Yan Xiecheng into it.

(End of this chapter)

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