Chapter 236 It's Done

The man laughed happily when he heard that Xu Damao would give him ten yuan after his work was done: "Your name is Xu Damao, right?"

"Yes, yes, my name is Xu Damao." Xu Damao responded with a voice.

"Okay, I'll remember. You go back and wait for the letter. I don't think it's a big problem. I'll let you know when I get down."

"Okay, okay, then you are busy, I will go back and wait for the good news." After speaking, Xu Damao returned to his residence with the ordered meals.

"Da Mao, why did you go there for so long for a meal?" Xu's father said with some dissatisfaction, he had known that Da Hu and the others would follow, and he had almost finished eating at Sha Zhu's side, so he came back.

Xu Damao leaned into Father Xu's ear and whispered, "Dad, it's a good thing. I just met a nobleman when I went out. You can change me to an easier job."

Xu's father hesitated when he heard Xu Damao's words. They had never been to this ghostly place before. Where did Xu Damao know the nobleman? This kid is not making excuses for being late.

Xu Damao saw that Xu's father didn't believe him, so he told what happened just now, and he didn't hide anything, even the matter of giving money.

"It's a good job. Although it cost money, you can save a month of suffering. See if you can move around and find us a lighter job." Father Xu's eyes lit up after hearing this, Since money can be used to solve the problem, what are you waiting for? The last thing their family lacks is money.

Xu Damao pondered for a while and then said: "I feel bad enough. There are only a few easy jobs on this construction site. We can't do anything else except show movies. Why don't we give the leader some money so that he can help us when we are lazy? Open one eye and close one eye."

"Okay, let's do it like this. It's a little easier to relax, and it's worth spending some money."

After Xu's father finished speaking, he hurriedly greeted Dahu and the others to eat quickly. When they got to the construction site and no one was paying attention, Xu Damao gave the team leader ten yuan and asked the team leader to take care of them.

The team leader happily accepted the money and agreed to it. Anyway, there are so many people working, so there are not many of them short.

At noon, Sha Zhu cooked a table of meals, which was appreciated by the leaders without incident, and was assigned to work as a cook in the canteen of the construction site.

And Xu Damao’s money was not in vain, the leaders thought about it, it’s really a problem that there is no entertainment at all, and now there are only a few kinds of entertainment, no one would want to show movies before, but now there are projectionists , and agreed with the trend.

I went to a movie theater in the city and rented a projector, as well as more than a dozen film reels, and asked Xu Damao to show a movie every night after the workers got off work.

The uncle and Bang Geng worked for a day, and when they returned to their residence, they happened to meet Sha Zhu who came back with two lunch boxes.

"Zhuzi, where have you been? Why didn't I see you this afternoon." The uncle couldn't help asking, he was still working with Shazhu in the morning, but he disappeared in the afternoon, and he thought that something happened to Shazhu Woolen cloth.

"Master, what do you think this is?" Sha Zhu did not answer the question of the elder, but raised the lunch box in his hand and said to the elder.

The uncle asked with some doubts: "Where did you come from?"

"Let's go in and talk while we eat."

Silly Zhu took the lead back to the house after finishing speaking, sat on the wooden board and opened the lunch box. What he brought back today was the small stove for the leaders to eat, and he made it himself. Compared with the previous meals, it was completely different. Oil, and there are a lot of meat slices in it.

"Silly dad, this... you made it?" Sticky asked with staring eyes, he often eats Shazhu's dishes, and it smells like Shazhu's cooking, but he is a little unsure.

"It's not me, who else, hurry up and eat."

"Pillar, you are..."

"Oh, by the way, sir, I changed jobs, and now I'm in charge of cooking in the cafeteria..." As he spoke, Shazhu told the elder brother and Bang Geng about what happened in the morning. I don't know if that person is reliable or not.

The uncle looked at Shazhu with some envy, this craftsman is different, he is popular everywhere he goes.That's right, the reason why he asked Shazhu to support him in the first place was because of his skills, especially in the industry of chefs, no matter what time of day he would never be hungry.

Shazhu is in charge of supporting the family, and Qin Huairu is in charge of taking care of her and cleaning him up, which is the best of both worlds.

"Silly dad, can you arrange an easy job for me, let me help you in the kitchen." Bang Geng said with glowing eyes, he really didn't want to work on the construction site anymore, the key point was not to mention being tired. Someone deliberately made trouble for him, but he didn't dare to fight back when there were too many people. This place is different from a courtyard house, and no one is used to him.

"Don't think about it, you'd better eat more, there is no shortage of helpers in the kitchen, anyway, it's only a month, and it will be over."

Hearing Silly Zhu's hanging stick, he was silent, thinking that you are standing and talking without pain in your back, why did you go to the kitchen if you could get through this, but he couldn't say that, so he could only bow his head ruthlessly I ate two bites of food.

At this time, I heard someone yelling with a loudspeaker outside, saying that a movie will be shown in half an hour, and the location is in the open space in front of the cafeteria.

After the uncle heard it, he subconsciously looked in the room, but he didn't find Xu Damao.

"Don't look at the old man, even Xu Damao, I don't know what method this bastard used to persuade the leaders on the construction site to let him play a movie on the construction site, and he and the leaders ate at the same table at night meal."

Speaking of this matter, Shazhu felt depressed. He was quite happy to change his work to the kitchen, but he met Xu Damao in a single room in the kitchen within a long time.

The uncle is really envious now, but he is a fitter, so he has no use here.

"Hurry up and eat, let's go to the movies after eating."

"If there's anything good to watch, just Xu Damao's movie, no matter how good it is, I don't care too much to watch it." Silly Zhu said with his lips curled up.

Bang Geng was a little speechless, originally he wanted to see it, but after Jin Sha Zhu said so, he didn't know whether he should go or not.

"Okay the pillars, Xu Damao is Xu Damao, and movies are movies, and they cannot be confused.

It's okay, let's go together later, I just want to watch a movie, but I don't know what movie Xu Damao is showing this time, and I didn't mention it just now. "

The uncle wanted to go to the movies after watching the stick, so he said that he mainly wanted to see if he could find a chance to reconcile with Xu Damao and his family. Some things were hard to say in front of Shazhu.

Silly Zhu saw that the old man also wanted to go to the movies, although he felt unhappy but didn't say anything.


In the open space in front of the cafeteria.

Xu Damao asked people to hang up the curtain, then turned on the projector and began to adjust the projector.

"What about Damao, is there a problem?" Zheng San asked worriedly, Xu Damao was recommended by him to the leader, if something goes wrong, he won't let it go.

(End of this chapter)

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