Chapter 251 One Nine 1980
Ever since Xu Damao finished the school entrance banquet for Dahu, the time has passed to 1980 in a flash. During this period, many things happened, the most serious thing is that Shazhu was fired from the factory.

There was a lot of commotion about this incident at the time. Although the factory manager Yang wanted to keep Shazhu, the workers had great opinions. Seeing that the matter was about to become a big one, in the end he had no choice but to ask Shazhu to pay for the ingredients in the factory. After returning, and then expelling him from the factory, the matter was considered to have calmed down.

Although Shazhu has lost his job, his income has not decreased. With the reform and opening up of the country, the number of weddings and banquets has gradually increased.

But Sha Zhu relied on his own craftsmanship, and the nearby residents and factory workers would come to him whenever there was a wedding or funeral.

Although they lost their status as a worker and were looked down upon by others, the quality of life in their family has been greatly improved. Every time Shazhu finished cooking for others, he would bring back a few dishes. Everyone is envious to death.

Yan Jiecheng went to Dashilan that day. The yard he bought here before has completely changed, and the side near the street has directly turned into a small three-story building.

In order to build this house, Yan Xiecheng spent a lot of effort. It took several months just to go through the formalities, and he also gave a lot of gifts to make a lot of favors, especially the reinforced concrete. Although it can be sold to private individuals now, it must have Approvals.

But no matter what, the house was finally built, Yan Jiecheng looked at the building in front of him, no matter how he looked at it, he felt comfortable, although his family spent almost all their savings to build this house.

But everything is worth it, because the first private restaurant in China has appeared.

Yan Jiecheng also thought about whether to be the number one before, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it. The number one is too attractive and the second is the best, so he can cross the river by feeling the number one.

It doesn't make any difference to him that it's all about making money anyway, it's better to keep a low profile.

I heard that it took half a year for the restaurant to go through the formalities, but Yan Jiecheng only took a week to complete it. This is the advantage of following behind. Just follow behind and do what he did before.

After seeing the house and returning to the courtyard, as soon as I entered the courtyard, I saw Shazhu carrying a few lunch boxes and talking with Yan Bugui at the door, while the first uncle and the second uncle were playing chess next to them.

"Dad, what are you and Sha Zhu talking about here?" Yan Jiecheng walked over curiously and asked.

"What else, isn't Xu Damao opened a movie screening room? You said that the grandson opened it, but you didn't say that everyone should go to a movie."

When Sha Zhu talked about this, he complained endlessly about Xu Damao. Although there was no direct evidence of being expelled from the factory at the beginning, but after thinking about it, most likely it was Xu Damao who did it. He always wanted to find an opportunity to clean up Xu Damao. But the grandson was too slippery and never let him catch it.

"He opened a movie theater? When did it happen?" Yan Jiecheng asked in surprise. He has been busy building a house recently, and he didn't pay much attention to the things in the courtyard.

"It's a bit exaggerated to say that the movie theater is a room of more than 30 square meters, with a projector inside. It just opened today. I went to have a look and there were quite a few people. Erhu is a bit too busy by himself."

Seeing that Yan Jiecheng had misunderstood Yan Bugui, he quickly stood up and explained that the only person in this courtyard who could talk to Xu Damao was Yan Bugui. , so Xu Damao always asks Yan Bugui for help with anything, and usually does not give Yan Bugui less benefits.

"That's all right, but he's doing so well in the rolling mill, why did he even think of doing this?"

"It's not that Erhu and Xiaohu don't have jobs. Xu Damao saw that it's okay for someone to open a restaurant, so he wanted to find something for Erhu and the others to do." Yan Bugui explained to Yan Jiecheng, then turned to look at the silly Zhu beside him:

"Silly Zhu, if you want me to say that your craft is not bad and you don't have a job right now, why don't you think about opening a restaurant yourself?"

"This... I'm fine now, I don't have this idea for the time being, let's talk about it later."

Silly Zhu said perfunctorily, he was not unmoved when he saw other people opening a restaurant, and the big boss also persuaded him, and even picked a place for him, but he has no capital.

All the money he earned was handed over to Qin Huairu, and Qin Huairu could only enter but not exit, it would be more difficult to ask her to pay for Shazhu to open a restaurant, otherwise Shazhu would not be so downcast in the TV series and run away Going to work for Yan Jiecheng and Yu Li, if it weren't for Lou Xiaoe, he would never be able to make a fortune in his life.

"Okay, old Yan, don't try to persuade Zhuzi. It's good to have food and drink now. Is it so easy to do business? What if you lose money." The old man stood up and said.

He was afraid that Shazhu would be moved by Yan Pugui, if Qin Huairu really opened the restaurant and Qin Huairu didn't pay, then Shazhu would definitely have to borrow it from him, it doesn't matter if he earns money or loses money.

If he earns money, his position in Sha Zhu's family is not so important, and if he loses money, he is too embarrassed to ask Sha Zhu to pay it back. After much deliberation, it is best for him to let Sha Zhu maintain the current situation of.

"How can this be a loss? Shazhu has his own skills and doesn't need to hire a chef. At most, he can rent a house and buy some tables, chairs and benches."

It was inconceivable for Yan Bugui to see that the old man stood up and objected, and wanted to continue talking with him, but the old man ignored him at all, and directly called Shazhu back to the front yard.

Originally, Yan Bugui wanted to give Sha Zhu an idea, to see if he could take a few lunch boxes from him back to try, but now he was disturbed by the uncle.

"Dad, you stay here, I'm going back first. Yan Jiecheng saw that Sha Zhu and the uncle had left, so there was no point in staying here and turned around and went home.

In the room, Yu Li was coaxing Xiao Zihao to eat. Seeing that Yan Jiecheng came back, he put the bowl directly in front of Xiao Zihao for him to eat, and then asked Yan Jiecheng.

The matter of opening a restaurant had already been discussed with Yu Li before, and she even went through a special suspension of work for this matter. At that time, many colleagues looked at her as if they were fools.

After all, the sportsmen at this time are all jobless refugees without jobs, and there are really few people who really have jobs and resign to go to sea.

"How about the business license?"

"It's done. After a few days, when the furniture is ready, we can open for business."

As he spoke, Yan Jiecheng took out the business license from his bag and put it on the table.In order to make this restaurant look different from others, not only the structure of the house was specially designed by him, but also the furniture inside was custom-made by Yan Xiecheng according to the style of later generations.

"Yeah, we don't have a chef yet, how about looking for Shazhu?" Yu Li said to Yan Jiecheng while picking up the business license.

"Don't you, you can't look for Shazhu." Yan Jiecheng heard that Yu Li wanted to find Shazhu as a cook, and he spit out a mouthful of tea, and he didn't know what she thought.

"Why? We're so close and know everything, it's better than finding an outsider. Besides, we don't know any other cooks." Yu Li asked puzzled.

You have to know that Shazhu's craftsmanship is second in this area, no one dares to be the first. If you want to open a restaurant, you have to find a cook with good craftsmanship. Although Yan Jiecheng is good at cooking, he still has to go to work, he can't Both of them should resign. If there is a change in the policy, then their family will be over.

(End of this chapter)

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