The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 256 Attacking Liu Haizhong

Chapter 256 Attacking Liu Haizhong
The second aunt saw that the second uncle had just gone out and came back with a Maza, she looked at him puzzled and asked, "I said, Lao Liu, didn't you go to the front yard to play chess with Yan Pugui? Why are you back again?"

"What else can it do, it must be that my dad is very angry when he sees that the third uncle is going to open a vegetable shop." Liu Guangtian walked over with a teacup and said to the second aunt.

Their repair shop is not doing very well recently. They have started to work two shifts in the past few days, with one day off and one day off. Although they are free, they can only get half of their wages.

The job of repairing electrical appliances in partnership with Yan Jiefang is not very good now, mainly because there are too many people doing it, so he wonders if there are other ways to make money.

Some time ago, Yan Jiecheng asked him to get some steel approval strips from Liu Haizhong.

Thinking of this, he had an idea in his mind, thinking that with his father, the big Buddha, what kind of work would he do and what electrical appliances would he be repairing?

The last time he helped Yan Jiecheng make more than 300 yuan for the ton of rebar, which was more than his annual salary. Not much to say, this kind of business makes two or three payments a month for that year’s income. It's over ten thousand.

Although the idea is very good, how to fool his father is a problem. After all, it is his father's relationship. Once or twice is fine, if there are too many times, his father will definitely notice it.

"How do you know, no, why didn't you tell me that Lao Yan's family opened a vegetable shop?" The second uncle almost said what he was thinking with a bald mouth.

"What's the use of telling you this? Now that the national policy has changed and businesses are everywhere, how can you stop them? You have to think about what our family will do in the future."

"What will our family do in the future?" The second uncle looked at Liu Guangtian suspiciously.

Liu Guangtian patted his face: "Hey, did I tell you what I just said?"

"Guangtian, if you have something to say, why are you slapping yourself?" The second aunt saw Liu Guangtian talking and slapped her ear, and hurried over to stop her.

"I want to talk about it, but my dad won't listen."

The second uncle rolled his eyes at Liu Guangtian and said angrily, "You didn't make it clear what I was listening to when you spoke?"

"I said you have to think about what will happen to our family in the future. You see, our factory is in a recession now, and we can only earn half of the wages. However, Haitang and his factory have not raised wages for several years, and earn more than 20 yuan a month.

The current prices are so high that our family doesn't have enough money to spend. Even if you don't think about us, you still have to think about your precious grandson, right? "

"I said Guangtian, you can't make plans for your father's pension. Your father and I only have this little money, and this will give you how we can live." The second aunt thought that Liu Guangtian said so much just to tell them The two want money.

Liu Guangtian was also speechless, these two people were not on the same channel as him at all, so what he said was in vain.

"Mom, don't worry, I don't even want my dad's pension. What I'm talking about is for the future of our family. My dad has to stand up and lead me to a career."

The second uncle understood now, what Liu Guangtian meant was that he wanted him to go to sea to do business like Yan Pugui.But then he frowned again. Their house was in the backyard and didn't face the street. He didn't have a place to do business even if he wanted to?

Humph, you can't let him carry a pole to sell on the street, then he can't afford to lose face.

Liu Guangtian saw that his father still didn't talk about Taoism after talking for a long time, so he could only make his words clearer.

"Dad, isn't Director Lan of the rolling mill branch your apprentice? The rebar produced by their factory is a fast-selling product. You only need to ask him for a few tons of steel indicators every month, and you can earn more money in a month than you do in a year." There are many pensions." Liu Guangtian walked up to Liu Haizhong and said in a low voice.

Liu Haizhong's eyes lit up when he heard this: "Really?"

"By the way, did you sell the one-ton rebar index you asked for from me a while ago? How much did you sell it for?" Liu Haizhong thought that Liu Guangtian asked him for steel index some time ago, saying that he asked for it for a friend. It was sold, but the most annoying thing is that I didn't give myself a penny.

"Cough, cough, Dad, let's talk about doing business in the future. The previous things are over and we can't talk about it." Liu Guangtian knew that what he did was indeed a bit dishonest, but the money that was in his pocket must not be taken again. come out.

"You don't tell me what happened before, and I won't tell you what happened after that, get out of here." Then he started to drive people out, anyway, he already knew how to make money, it didn't matter if he had Liu Guangtian or not.

"Dad, you can't do this. I came up with this idea. It's not like you want to get rid of me and go it alone."

"Old Liu, grandson, grandson." Seeing that Liu Haizhong was going to drive Liu Guangtian out, the second aunt hurriedly winked at him and wanted to tell him that he still had a grandson, so he couldn't do anything wrong.

After receiving the hint from the second aunt, the second uncle calmed down and said:
"It's okay if you don't want me to leave you, but you have to tell me how much money you earned last time, and give me my share."

With a bitter face, Liu Guangtian took out 150 yuan from his pocket and handed it to Liu Haizhong: "Dad, I earned 300 yuan last time, and this one hundred and fifty is for you."

"Hey, can earn so much by throwing away a ton of approval notes?" The second aunt picked up the money on the table and said inconceivably, it was equivalent to two months' pension in Liu Haizhong, and this was only the last time he earned money. half of the money.

"What is this? As long as my father and Director Lan maintain a good relationship, I dare not say anything else. In a year, no, in half a year, our family can earn at least a ten thousand yuan household." Liu Guangtian promised, patted his chest.

"Okay, you can go back first, I have to think carefully about how to deal with this matter." Liu Haizhong saw that the second aunt put away the money and waved at Liu Guangtian.

"Don't, Dad, let's talk about the shares first, and how to divide the money after we earn it. Don't make money and talk about it."

Liu Guangtian can't just take all the money out, after all, he must register a company for large-scale shipments, and the matter of the shares must be agreed in advance, otherwise his busy work will be in vain.

"What is there to say, we will pay half and half of the capital, I will hold 90.00% of the shares, and you will hold [-]%." Liu Haizhong said without giving Liu Guangtian a chance to speak.

"No, no, I came up with this idea. We have to share half of the shares, not to mention I will pay half of the money." Liu Guangtian was dissatisfied immediately after hearing what the second uncle said. He wanted to pay half of the money but only gave himself a hundred. Ten percent of the shares, this is too bullying.

"I'll give you 20.00% at most, and if you don't agree, get out." The second uncle turned his head away and didn't look at Liu Guangtian after he finished speaking. No matter what, it was his own way, and it was right to take up more shares.

(End of this chapter)

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