Chapter 258

Yan Bugui looked at Liu Haizhong and didn't know what kind of medicine was in his gourd. He was still sneering at him yesterday, why did he suddenly change his attitude today.

But no matter what, things still have to be sold, so I called the third mother and asked her to put the peanuts in the pot for a while. As for frying, it is definitely impossible. After all, it is my own business and I have to consider cost accounting.

When the peanuts were ready, Yan Bugui moved over to a small table, brought two wine glasses, and sat down with Liu Haizhong.

"Old Liu, what's going on with you today? Isn't it like your previous style of doing things?" Yan Bugui got up and poured a glass of wine for Liu Haizhong, then asked.

"Old Yan, you don't understand this. You can't always look at people with the same eyes as you did in the past. How can I say that I am a businessman like you now, so I should support each other." The second uncle took a sip of wine and then Said meaningfully.

"Why, old Liu, you also went to sea to do business?" Yan Pugui was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Liu Haizhong would go to sea to start business today after he contradicted him yesterday.

"This is what I said, just allow you to do what I do? I went back from you yesterday and thought about it seriously.

Since the state supports it, we should start an uprising, no, look at me, that’s called conforming to the trend of the times, yes, it means conforming to the trend of the times, come on, let’s toast to the trend. "Speaking, the second uncle raised his wine glass to touch Yan Bugui and drank it down.

Yan Bugui took a sip, put down his wine glass and asked, "By the way, Lao Liu, what are you going to do? Let's cooperate if we have a chance."

Liu Haizhong wanted to cooperate with me as a vegetable seller, and he didn't think about his own weight, but he couldn't say it directly, so Yan Bugui was the only old man in the courtyard who could compete with him.

He didn't pay attention to people like Yi Zhonghai. Although Yi Zhonghai used to overwhelm him in everything, no matter in the factory or in the courtyard, but now it is no different. Now that the reform and opening up, whoever can earn money will have the ability.

"I went to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau to register a company, intending to do business." Liu Haizhong raised his head and said, with a smug expression on his face, and his voice unconsciously became louder.

"Hey, old Liu, you can do it, have you registered the company?" Yan Bugui was a little surprised when he thought about it, he didn't expect Liu Haizhong to make such a big deal, and he registered the company as soon as he came up. You must know that he was the first to do business in the compound. Xu Damao is just a self-employed person, and even a self-employed person like him does not need to register.

"What is this? To do business, you have to be willing to invest money. How can you make money if you are not willing to invest money, right? This is what you get if you are willing." Liu Haizhong boasted to Yan Pugui after drinking some wine , Those who don’t know think how big his business is.

"Yes, yes, that's the truth. By the way, Lao Liu, what kind of goods do you trade in?" Yan Bugui asked curiously. It's definitely not worth registering a special one for such a small-scale à la carte seller like him. company.

"Our company's main business is steel. Do you know rebar? It's used for building houses. Our company specializes in selling rebar. If you want to use it, contact me and I'll give you a cheaper price."

"This...isn't this planned by the state to be purchased and sold by the state? Can private individuals sell it?" Yan Bugui was taken aback. You must know that all steel producers are state-owned enterprises, and they are all purchased and sold by the state. It is privately tradeable.

Liu Haizhong glanced at Yan Pugui contemptuously, and said, "What do you know, of course the planned production cannot be sold, but there are unplanned ones. There is too much production in the factory, so the extra part can be sold. Well."

"It's still like this, it's really a lot of knowledge. Then your relationship is strong enough, you can even get something as tight as steel."

"You don't understand after saying that, Xie Cheng should know that the director of the third branch of their factory, Lan, is my apprentice. I taught him by hand, and I even paid for the tuition for college. You Say, is my relationship strong enough?" Liu Haizhong threw his wine glass on the table and asked Yan Pugui.

"Hey, Lao Liu, this book is hidden deep enough, why haven't I heard you say it before." Yan Bugui was a little surprised, he didn't expect that a person like Liu Haizhong would be willing to pay for his apprentice to go to college, this must be blind The cat ran into a dead mouse, he couldn't believe Liu Haizhong's vision was so good.

"You have to accumulate virtue to be a human being. I am a good person who will be rewarded. That's fine. I'm almost drunk and I have to go back. I have to hold a meeting with them to explain the tasks later." Said bangs dangling He got up and walked towards the backyard.

"Don't look, let's calculate how much money we earned today." The third mother said while clearing the table.

"What's the rush? Put away the unfinished wine and peanuts, and sell them tomorrow." Yan Bugui pointed to the unfinished wine and peanuts on the table.

Liu Haizhong bought more than four catties of wine and three catties of peanuts, and he didn't even eat half of it. Yan Bugui thought about putting it away and selling him again tomorrow when Liu Haizhong came, although Yan Pugui was not very good at doing business. The same, but he is still good at saving costs.

After clearing the table, the third mom took out the money from today's sale, and counted one by one with Yan Bugui.

"I have seventeen here, how many do you have?" The third mother looked at Yan Bugui and asked aloud.

"It's 18 yuan and 29 cents here. Today, I spent a total of [-] yuan and earned [-] yuan and [-] cents. You can do the math again." Yan Bugui handed the notebook to the third mother and said.

The third mother took out the abacus and crackled it for a while. "That's right, six dollars and sixty-seven cents."

"Today's first sale is a bit small, and I will definitely earn more tomorrow if I buy more." Yan Bugui smiled happily. He can earn his one month's pension in a few days, and he is close to home. Not tired yet.

"Well, it's too easy to break if you put in a little less eggs. Today, the ten catties of eggs didn't make any money." The third mother couldn't help complaining. I don't buy food from them anymore.

"Don't worry, I have a solution. I'll ask them to boil the eggs in the village tomorrow, so they won't break." Yan Bugui said with a proud face, so that each egg can get a penny more, and There is no loss during transportation.

"But why do people want to buy raw eggs?" The third mother said hesitantly. After all, not everyone likes to eat boiled eggs.

"Where are so many requests coming from? Tell them that eggs are only for cooking, and other ways of eating are not nutritious, so you can just do as I said, and hang a sign at the door tomorrow. By the way, when I come back tomorrow, you will put Grab some peanuts, and bring out a few jars of pickled vegetables from home."

Yan Bugui thought that when the time came, he would set up two tables in the front yard, just like Liu Haizhong did today, serving some drinks, peanuts, boiled eggs and some pickles. Isn't this just an open-air tavern.

When Liu Haizhong earns money from doing business, he still doesn’t come to spend every day. He is complimenting him, and maybe he can come to the whole place to pay for the whole shop, and my Master Liu will pay for it. Yan Pugui laughed unconsciously when he thought of this.

"Hey, hey, Lao Yan, what are you thinking? Our sign hasn't been put away yet." The third mom couldn't help interrupting Yan Pugui when she saw the wicked smile on her face.

"Oh, oh, I'm going to put it away now." Yan Bugui wiped the water from the corner of his mouth, got up and went outside to take the store's sign back into the house. If it was stolen at night, he would not Distressed.

(End of this chapter)

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