The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 26 Follow-up to the General Assembly

Chapter 26 Follow-up to the General Assembly
Silly Zhu asked with a puzzled face, "What's your family doing?"

"Our family bought these two chickens for [-] yuan, one is [-] cents, right?"

Silly Zhu: "Yes!"

"Then our family raised it for three months after we bought it, that is, [-] days. The chicken feeding and cleaning of the chicken coop were done by Jie Kuang and Xie Xie in our family. The two of them worked for [-] days. Is it too much for one person to give four yuan? The chicken we bought for four yuan was transferred to the uncle. The uncle just gave our family the wages of raising chickens for [-] days. The average day is less than five cents, why is our house dark?"

Silly Zhu said anxiously, "Then your family raises chickens and still lays eggs, why don't your family give the eggs to the uncle."

"You're still pooping in the toilet, why don't you let the toilet digger transport your poop to your home."

Everyone laughed for a while, and Xu Damao who was sitting below also booed.

Sha Zhu said angrily: "The uncle paid the wages, so why can't the eggs be given to the uncle?"

Yan Xiecheng looked at Shazhu like a fool: "The food for the chickens, raising chickens takes up our house, how is this counted?"

Silly Zhu: "Then you go to buy pork, and they ask you for money for raising pigs?"

Yan Xiecheng was speechless: "When I buy pork, I buy one catty and it is one catty. It can't be changed to two catties, right? But how old our chicken was when we bought it, and how old it was when we sold it to the uncle. Others don't know but you don't know. Did you see it when I brought it back, you killed the chicken again, why are you pretending to be stupid with me?"

Sha Zhu was about to play a rogue: "Then who knows, I haven't weighed it before."

"A chicken was about three catties when I bought it, and it was about five catties when the uncle took it away. If you buy ten catties of pork and give someone six catties of pork, you will be able to do business?"

The elder brother said with a blank expression: "Okay, this matter is Sha Zhu's fault, so there is no need to discuss it. Sha Zhu, hurry up and apologize to your third master."

"He didn't need to apologize, he didn't do anything wrong."

Everyone in the audience was talking about it, this is not wrong, this is stealing the wheels of the car...

Yan Jiecheng hurriedly said: "Isn't a thief just stealing? For normal people, stealing is wrong, but for a thief, stealing is a normal thing. Shazhu is a thief. Stealing It's a normal thing for him."

Qin Huairu wanted to speak for Sha Zhu, but was stopped by Jia Zhang, and said in a low voice, "It doesn't matter about our family, what are you worrying about, take care of yourself."

The uncle saw the discussion below, and no one spoke for Shazhu, so he hurriedly said: "Don't say that, Shazhu is just stupid, he didn't think about it, he got into a dead end, what is a thief or not, spread it to our compound Bad influence."

Xu Damao finally saw that Shazhu was deflated, and this old man wanted to make love again, so he hurriedly said: "Whatever affects our compound, we are us, Shazhu is Shazhu, and the one who steals is Shazhu and not us."

Silly Zhu saw that Xu Damao also came out to hate himself: "Xu Damao, are you looking for a beating?" He said and wanted to beat Xu Damao.

The uncle hurriedly stood up and grabbed the silly Zhu: "Zhu Zi, don't do anything, you are there as well as Xu Damao, please sit down for me."

"Okay, don't talk about it, silly Zhu stole your car wheel, didn't I already pay you a new bicycle? What else do you want?" The old man turned his head and said to Yan Xiecheng.

"He stole my car wheel, so he should pay me compensation. What we are talking about now is the theft of silly Zhu. Shouldn't stealing be punished?"

The second uncle looked upright: "Then punish Silly Zhu to sweep the yard for a month."

Sha Zhu's face was full of anger, "Why! I paid him all of this."

"Just because of you stealing things, because you have ruined the atmosphere of our compound, our courtyard has been in for many years, and we have never lost a single needle," the second uncle said while knocking hard with a tea mug. Get off the table.

"Okay, I'll punish this idiot to sweep the yard for a month. This is the first and last time." After saying that, the old man turned around and went back to the house.

"It's all gone, take care of your family and children when you go back, and don't gossip around." After saying that, the second uncle also left.

Yan Bugui: "Don't look, let's go back too." He said and took the lead to go home.

"Thief, you stealing thief, bah, bah, bah," Xu Damao saw Sha Zhu approaching, and hurried home, followed by Lou Xiaoe.

Silly Zhu said fiercely: "Xu Damao, I will deal with you sooner or later, just wait for me."

Back home, Yan Bugui sat at the table and drank tea: "Xie Cheng! You are so disrespectful to silly Zhu today, be careful that he trips you up, he is not stingy, what do you do? Regardless."

"What kind of stumbling block can he make for me, at most he can shake a spoon and make me angry, so I will report it to him." Yan Jiefang said confidently.

"What are you reporting him for? The most you can do is bring some leftovers. Then your leaders will take care of it?"

"What leftovers, you all heard what he said, didn't you open the lunch box and see?"

Yan Bugui was full of doubts: "Isn't it?"

"Which cook will bring leftovers? They are all just out of the pot. The leader entertains guests. A whole stewed chicken has just been out of the pot. He can cut it into thirds and put it in a lunch box. Do you think this is leftovers?"

"Then your leaders don't care?"

"Hey! Who will pay attention to whether it is a whole one, and no one looks through it! Isn't that a shame?"

"Then the old Jia's food is better than ours?" Yan Bugui looked disbelieving.

"What do you think, if you don't say anything, a cook can't be starved to death in any world, especially a good cook."

"That's right, let's not talk about him. Jiefang will graduate this year. What do you think it would be better for him to do? Why don't you go to your factory as an apprentice?"

Yan Xiecheng thought about it for a while: "The salary of an apprentice is too low, and he has to work for three years before he can become a full-time worker. Why don't you let him learn how to show movies? He can learn it after a few months, and the work is easy."

"The job of a projectionist is fine, but he doesn't know how to do it! There is only one projectionist in your factory, Xu Damao, but he certainly doesn't know how to teach apprentices." Yan Fugui said while drinking a few sips of tea.

"Let's see when the time comes, there are still a few months."

At Shazhu's house in the middle courtyard, Shazhu is drinking wine and eating peanuts, Qin Huairu is standing aside and looking at Shazhu
"Now everyone in the factory knows that you are stealing things. This morning, Xu Damao was yelling everywhere just after work."

Silly Zhu glanced at Qin Huairu: "Don't worry, there will be a bad day for him, just wait and see."

"You are still like this, and you have forgotten the lesson just now." Qin Huairu said helplessly.

"Don't worry, I won't steal his things, I have a way to cure him."

(End of this chapter)

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