The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 265 Just Eat This For Us

Chapter 265 Just Eat This For Us

Seeing Xu Damao's appearance, the second uncle showed a complacent expression.

"You don't know yet. Although Yan Xiecheng didn't open a company, he has a big business. When you came here, did you see a big restaurant in "Floating Fragrance Pavilion"? It was opened by Xie Cheng."

"Piaoxiang Pavilion was opened by Yan Jiecheng's family?" Xu Damao was hit hard. He thought he was the biggest business in the courtyard, but he didn't expect that to be the case at all. There are so many predators hidden in the courtyard.

He also knows the restaurant Piaoxiangge. It has been open for more than a month and it is full every day and the price is extremely expensive. He also goes there occasionally for a meal or two. Not to mention the taste is really good, just a spicy rabbit head makes him drool DC.

"Da Mao, keep your eyes open in the future. Don't feel how great you are because of a little achievement. You must know that there are people outside the mountain. You must know how to be humble, so that you can go far." Liu Haizhong Seeing Xu Damao deflated, he couldn't help but lecture him a few more words.

"Yes, yes, yes, the second uncle is right, my vision is narrow, and I will drink a few more glasses to compensate you later." Xu Damao said to Liu Haizhong with a smile, and turned to look at Yan Jiecheng .

"Brother, you are not mean, why didn't you tell me about such a big thing as opening a restaurant, if I knew, I would have to go and take a share of the money.

In this way, when I go back after dinner, I will make up for you. It's a deal, you can't take it, or you will look down on me. "

"No, you weren't the only one when our restaurant opened. No one called in the compound, so we invited a few relatives over, just for fear of causing trouble to everyone."

After Yan Jiecheng finished speaking, he quickly changed the subject and chatted with Xu Damao about other things. After a while, people in the courtyard came one after another. When everyone was full, the uncle and Qin Huairu came in through the door.

"Huairu, why don't you say a few words?" The uncle sat on the seat and glanced around, then said to Qin Huairu who was beside him.

"Grandpa, you should come. Without you, our restaurant wouldn't be able to open. Besides, I don't know much Chinese and I don't know what to say."

Qin Huairu thought that it would be fine to take the benefits by herself, and let the old man do the limelight, no matter what, he paid so much money.

"Okay, then I'll just say a few words." After Qin Huairu finished speaking, the elder stood up and coughed politely. Seeing that everyone had calmed down, he opened his mouth:
"Today is the opening day of Zhuzi and Huairu Restaurant. Zhuzi is busy behind the scenes, so let me say a few words for him. Today I invite people from our hospital to have this meal, mainly to repay everyone.

Everyone knows how the Qin family has spent so many years in our courtyard. People in our courtyard have also helped the Qin family a lot, especially the second and third masters. The Qin family is not the kind of ungrateful person. Taking advantage of the opening of the Qin Family Restaurant, I invited everyone over. "

"Master, what you said is wrong. Isn't this the old He's restaurant? How did it become the Qin family's?" Xu Damao stood up and challenged before the elder finished speaking.

"Qin Huairu and Zhuzi are husband and wife. There is no need to divide yours and mine between this couple. Zhuzi's is naturally Huairu's. What's wrong with what I said?" On this occasion, he wanted to drive Xu Damao out, but this man didn't wink at all, and even invited him over for dinner with good intentions, and wanted to disrupt the situation.

"That's not right, my lord. According to what you said, why didn't Jia Geng change his name to He Geng and Qin Geng? Why did he just call him Jia Geng? It wasn't because he was from the old Jia's family, so you must make it clear what his surname is. , you can’t change it casually, don’t you think?”

"Xu Damao is right. I made a slip of the tongue. This is the old He's restaurant. I won't say more, Huairu, tell Xiaodang to let her serve." The old man sat down, Although he was angry, he couldn't throw Xu Damao out in front of so many people.

"Oh, I'll go right away." Qin Huairu agreed and got up and walked towards the back kitchen.

"I said Xu Damao, you won't be afraid of being kicked out if you say this?"

"Hmph, it's just right to throw me out, and I can save some money. I just can't understand the hypocrisy of the uncle, who is he?"

While talking, Xiao Dang, Qin Huairu and Jia Zhang started to serve food on the table, but everyone turned their faces down when they saw the food.

At this moment, the uncle didn't know what to say, so he got up and walked towards the back kitchen.After seeing Shazhu, he gritted his teeth and said:
"Zhuzi, what did you do? Why are all vegetarian dishes, not a single meat dish?"

"You have to ask Banggen about it. You can't tell me. I just focus on cooking. Qin Huairu and Banggen arrange everything else." Silly Zhu said with an innocent face. He also wanted to fry some meat dishes but It's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice, no matter how good his craft is, he can't cook without ingredients.

Hearing what Shazhu said, the uncle turned and looked at the stick beside him: "Bang, what's the matter with you? Aren't you sincerely making us feel ashamed in front of the neighbors in the compound?"

"It's useless for you to tell me. It's good to open a restaurant with such a small amount of money. If you still want to treat guests, it's good to be able to eat this." Bang Gan said plausibly, and he couldn't blame him for it. On the body, he was opposed to inviting everyone to dinner, and besides, his mother didn't give him more money, so it would be good to open the restaurant with such a small amount of money.

"Didn't I give you 3000 yuan? Your mother will give you at least [-] yuan, right? How can this not be enough?" the uncle asked loudly.As far as the size of this restaurant is concerned, although the uncle doesn't know how much money he spent, he certainly didn't spend four thousand. He thought that the stick had embezzled the money.

The stick is also speechless, hey, he can't say that his mother gave him 3000 yuan, isn't this selling his mother.

Seeing that the stick didn't speak, the uncle confirmed his guess. He regretted it to death now. He knew that he shouldn't have invested this money.

But now it's too late to regret it, so I can only spend 100 yuan to let Xiaodang go to the vegetable market to buy the meat back.

At this time, there was also an explosion in the hall, and there was a lot of noise.

"I said this silly pillar is okay, please come over for the opening and serve this to everyone?"

"Don't say it, although there is no oil or water, it still tastes good."

"Hey, I used to say that the third master is stingy, but I think this idiot is even more stingy than the third master."

"It's a waste of my money. If I knew I would eat this, I wouldn't come."

Listening to everyone's discussion, Qin Huairu's expression changed. She didn't know that she bought vegetables and didn't buy meat at all. If she knew, she would have to spend the money even if she was saving money.

(End of this chapter)

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