Chapter 267 Paying Salary

After hearing what Yan Jiecheng said, Yu Li thought about it, and it's still a little early to say these things. Anyway, Shazhu's restaurant has also opened, and she will know after a few days.

When there were fewer guests in the hall, Yan Jiecheng saw that it was useless to go to his place, so he took last month's account book and went to the upstairs office to check.

Their restaurant opened on August 18th, and now it is October [-]rd, and it has been open for a month and a half. At the beginning, not many people knew that the business was not very good.

Since last month, the number of customers coming to their restaurant has gradually increased, and now it is basically full every day, and they have to be busy until after ten o'clock in the evening to get off work.

Yan Xiecheng went through the ledger and calculated it. After excluding all expenses, his net income last month was 600 yuan.

Although this income is nothing to future generations, it is still good in this era. After all, their restaurant has only opened for less than two months, and there is still room for growth in the future.

When it was time to get off work in the evening, Yan Jiecheng called all the employees over and planned to pay the wages of the previous month. After all, he did not intend to suppress the wages of the employees when he opened a restaurant. Alright.

"Zhao Xiaohu, your basic salary last month was 120 plus bonus [-], which is a total of [-] yuan. Come here and sign the salary slip to receive the money." Yan Xiecheng called a chef by name and asked him to come and collect the salary. .

"Did I hear you right, did he earn so much last month?" A waitress said in surprise.

"Yeah, if you say it's our boss, if it's another boss, you won't be willing to give it."

"I just don't know how much salary we can get later." Another waiter named Li Nan said nervously, holding his fingers.

"Don't worry, you must earn more than your father, but you don't know the expression on my mother's face when I handed over my salary last month."

"What expression? Did your mother stare out her eyes?"

Li Nan jokingly said to her that the two are neighbors in the same hospital, and they went to the countryside together for two years before. When they were looking for a job, they were arranged by the street to work as a waiter in a restaurant. I work in a cake factory, but I was given a job quota somehow, and then I was arranged to work with Li Nan in a private restaurant inexplicably.

"Zheng Hua, you said that the person who took your job back then would regret it if he knew we were treated so well?"

"She deserves it, who made her so shameless." Zheng Hua panicked when she thought of this matter. Although her current job is very good, she still feels a little angry.

"Do you know who replaced you?"

"It's not clear. Just go to the factory and check it out. After all, there were only three places in our street at that factory."

"Who is it?" Li Nan asked curiously.

"Who else is the daughter of the deputy head of the grain station in our street." Zheng Hua felt uneasy when he thought of this. It is great to have a father who is the deputy head of the family. He can bully people casually and use such indecent way.

"Oh, oh, it's Zhu Bajie's daughter."

"Yes, it's her. My dad personally went to the factory to ask about it. The three of them added her name last."

Yan Jiecheng didn't care that they were chatting outside and paid their wages one by one, and they arrived at Li Nan and the others after a while.

"Li Nan, last month's basic salary of 520 and performance bonus was [-], a total of [-]. Come here and sign the salary slip." He counted out the money and handed it over.

"Thank you, boss." Li Nan happily signed and ran out happily with the money.

"Zheng Hua, last month's basic salary of 660 performance bonuses was [-] yuan, a total of [-] yuan, and I signed the salary slip to receive the money." Finally, the salary was paid, and Yan Xiecheng took a sip of water. Signed and handed over the money.

"Thank you boss." Zheng Hua happily took the money and thanked Yan Jiecheng.

"Don't tell me this thank you from now on. You deserve all the money. As long as you work hard in the future, you will definitely earn more than today. Okay, it's getting late, everyone go back to rest and have to go to work tomorrow." What?" Yan Jiecheng stood up and stretched, and walked out of the restaurant with Yu Li towards the courtyard. The two of them didn't ride bicycles today, and they planned to go back on their legs as exercise, anyway, they were not too far away.

"Xie Cheng, why do we send them so much money?" Yu Li was a little puzzled. The chefs of these nearby restaurants only paid a few hundred yuan a month at most, but their family paid twice as much.

"Don't look at our family giving more money to employees than they do. We earn more money than them. How much the employees earn is up to them, as long as we earn the right amount." Yan Jiecheng turned to Yu Li Said persuasively.

"Well, what you said is right, I can't tell you, you can figure it out. By the way, there are a few Japanese who came to our restaurant today." Thinking of this matter, Yu Li hurriedly said to Yan Jiecheng.

"Well, what's the matter? Are they looking for something?" Yan Jiecheng was not surprised that Little Japan came to their restaurant for dinner. After all, since the reform and opening up in China, it has become common for foreigners to come to China. Although there are not as many people in later generations, But there are quite a few people who come to Beijing, and most of them are here for tourism. After all, the country has been closed for such a long time, and the outside world is also very curious about China's development.

"That's not true, but that translator is quite annoying. He has to use our country's money to settle the bill." Yu Li became angry when she thought of this person. If it was put in the Anti-Japanese War era, she would have given him a mid-part haircut. Proper big traitor.

"What's going on? Didn't we write a sign at the door?" Yan Xiecheng was a little curious. Could it be that this man is blind, he can't see such big characters.

"No, I feel that that person just kicked himself up for foreign exchange. I think the two Japanese gave foreign money at the time, but the translator gave RMB when they checked out.

I told him that there is a rule in our restaurant that foreigners have to settle their bills in foreign currency when they come here to eat, but he insisted that the meal was for him as a treat. It's not easy to entangle with him. "

After listening to Yu Li's words, Yan Jiecheng felt that this person was a little out of character. If you want to earn foreign exchange, you should rely on your own ability.

"Don't worry, I feel they will come tomorrow. When they come to check out, you ask the waiter to come and call me, and I will go to clean up. This kind of person has to let him have a long memory, and he cannot be used to him."

(End of this chapter)

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