Chapter 274
She didn't say anything about Li Muge's stubborn mouth, but just ate quietly with her head down.


At this time, the quadrangle courtyard is in the middle courtyard.

The uncle and Mrs. Jia sat in the yard, looking at the dishes on the table that Qin Huairu brought back from the restaurant, the uncle kept a straight face and did not move his chopsticks, while Mrs. Jia's face also turned down, staring at a pair of triangular eyes He looked at Qin Huairu motionlessly.

"Mom, you and the uncle hurry up and eat or it will be cold later, I'll go back to the restaurant and I'm still busy." Qin Huairu was a little terrified by Jia Zhangshi's look, then turned his head and was about to go out.

"and many more."

"What's the matter, Mom, what else do you need?" Qin Huairu stopped when he heard the voice and turned to look at Jia Zhangshi.

"Take all this food away for me. If you still have this kind of food in the future, don't bring it home." Jia Zhang looked at Qin Huairu and said with a gloomy face.

If you say that the restaurant doesn't make money, you can eat a few meals, but today when the uncle was chatting with her, he told her about the situation in the restaurant.

"Mom, do you think that the food I brought back is not oily? You have to bear with it. Our restaurant has just opened and business has not yet started. When the business is good, we will definitely improve the food for you and the uncle."

"Don't mention the future to me. It's hard to say if I'm still here or not. I want it now, right now, right now. Don't even try to play tricks on me. Believe it or not, I messed up the restaurant."

Jia Zhang also went all out, because she knew that Qin Huairu would not compromise if you didn't treat her a little harshly.

She wasn't joking about the messy restaurant, anyway, she wouldn't get any benefits from opening a restaurant, and when Sha Zhu didn't open a restaurant before, she could bring some meat and vegetables back from time to time to improve the food.

Originally, I thought about opening a restaurant at home, so I could eat whatever I wanted, but I didn't expect that to be the case at all.

Radishes and vegetables every day are not nutritious at all, and she is exhausted from eating. The food is worse than when Sha Zhu was in the rolling mill.

The most important thing is that the way the neighbors look at her has changed. They were full of envy when they saw their family eating.

But now it has turned into pity, yes it is pity, she can still bear it, and with the big man on the side, she is more restrained if she doesn't rush up to slap Qin Huairu a few times.

"This...Mom, why don't you and the uncle make up for today's meal, and tomorrow, tomorrow I will ask Shazhu to cook some good dishes to improve your meal. What do you think?" Qin Huairu smiled at Jia Zhang Said.

She was also afraid that Mrs. Jia would go to the restaurant to make trouble regardless. Although she felt a little distressed, she had to agree to Mrs. Jia's request.

To deal with Qin Huairu, you have to be a shameless person like Jia Zhang, and Jia Zhang is Qin Huairu's mother-in-law. No matter what you do, others can't say anything, but he can't do it himself. To others, he is just an outsider.

"No, today's meal has to be changed."

"Mom, why can't you be considerate of us, the restaurant is busy now, and I don't have time to go back and forth." Qin Huairu said to Jia Zhangshi with a bitter face.

"I don't care, anyway, you have to replace me with meat dishes for today's meal. If you don't, I will go to the restaurant to make trouble."

Qin Huairu had no choice but to look at the old man beside Jia Zhang, wanting him to help her persuade Jia Zhang.

"Old sister-in-law, why don't we just order today? Didn't Qin Huairu say that we will improve the food tomorrow?" The uncle saw Qin Huairu look over, although he didn't want to, he had to speak a few words of persuasion.

"No, it's not easy to say, I have to eat meat today, or I'll make trouble." Jia Zhang is determined to get rid of Qin Huairu's small thoughts today, otherwise she won't treat herself as her own in the future. one thing.

"Huairu, look." The old man spread his hands to express that there was nothing he could do.

"But I really don't have time to go there again. You don't know, the restaurant is busy now. If I don't go back, they will be too busy."

Qin Huairu looked at the old man with helplessness on his face. Today, because of Yan Jiecheng's price increase, there were a lot of people coming to their restaurant to eat. It was not easy for her to find time to bring dinner back to the old man and the two of them. She will have to catch up later go back.

"Huairu, how about this, the few big roosters brought into your third uncle's house in the front yard today must not be sold out, why don't you buy one and let your third mother stew it." Although he also had money in his hand, the money It must not be out, otherwise there will be a second time for the first time, and Qin Huairu's virtue will not allow him to keep his money.

Jia Zhang's eyes lit up when she heard the uncle's proposal. The last time she ate chicken was two months ago, and she had forgotten what it tasted like.So he nodded excitedly and said:

"Well, that's a good idea. You don't have time. Let your third mother stew it. You can pay for it when it's done."

"I..., I don't have any money with me!" Qin Huairu made an excuse, thinking that, like Yan Pugui, if he invites their family to stew chicken, it is estimated that the price of a restaurant will be charged for the stewed chicken. Knowing this, I don't want to send silly Zhu to stew.

"It's easy to handle, I owe it first, and I will send it to his house when I come back at night. I think Lao Yan will definitely agree."

"This... well, I'll go over and talk to the third master." Qin Huairu turned around and walked towards the front yard.

"I'll go with you." Jia Zhang got up and followed, fearing that Qin Huairu would slip away just because of tricks, so the uncle got up and followed after seeing this.


"Old Yi, are you three here?" Yan Bugui asked when he saw Qin Huairu and the three of them coming in while he was stacking goods.

"Old Yan, it's like this. The old sister-in-law wants to eat chicken. Didn't your family buy several chickens today? Sell one to us and ask her third mother to stew it. You can figure out how much it is and let Huai eat it in the evening." Ru sent it to you." The uncle opened his mouth before Qin Huairu opened his mouth, and as soon as he spoke, he pushed the matter to Jia Zhang.

"That's it, let's give it eight yuan." Yan Bugui thought about it in his mind, and the labor cost of five or six yuan for a chicken would have to be increased by two yuan, so it can't be done for nothing.

"Third Lord, your price is too expensive. It's almost catching up with the price of the restaurant. A dish of stewed chicken with mushrooms in our restaurant is only [-] yuan." Qin Huairu couldn't help it when he heard the price Yan Bugui said. .

"I said Qin Huairu, you can't say that. Just don't think I don't know about the stewed chicken and mushrooms made by your Shazhu. Is there a chicken in it?"

Yan Bugui rolled his eyes. It's not that he doesn't know the virtues of cooking. Otherwise, when he was working in the rolling mill, where did the meals come from a few lunch boxes every day? Where did the leftovers come from when he couldn't eat enough? .

Although the current restaurant is opened by Shazhu himself, he believes that the country is easy to change and the nature is hard to change. Even if he doesn’t bring it home, he can make two chickens and three stewed chicken with mushrooms. Did not make four.

"Third Master, you can't talk nonsense about this. You can't deliberately blackmail our house just because Yan Jiecheng also opened a restaurant." Qin Huairu looked around and found no one, so he patted his heart and said, this matter must not be allowed to outsiders I know, otherwise their restaurant would not be able to open, and being short of money is a taboo in business.

"Is it because you know in your heart that it's only eight yuan anyway, if you want to pull it down. Yan Bugui glanced at Qin Huairu angrily. He didn't even bother to talk about it. He was afraid that people would know that you don't do it, just do it. I'm afraid people will say it.

(End of this chapter)

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