Chapter 281
Liu Guangqi became impatient when he heard what Yan Bugui said. Didn't he come back with his wife and children all the way to compete for the family's property?

He managed to let his father agree to let him run the company, how could Yan Bugui ruin it.

"I said Third Master, even if your family is related to Liu Guangtian, you can't treat him like this. I think you should come down. It would be good for the Elder Master to preside over this conference."

"I think it's okay, third master, don't be dazed and come down quickly, come on, I'll make room for you." Silly Zhu said inappropriately, and moved to the side to make room for Yan Bugui.

"Old Yan, Guang Qi is right. The relationship between your family and Liu Guangtian is really not suitable for hosting this meeting. Look..." The uncle pointed to the position next to Sha Zhu, meaning that Yan Pugui and Liu Haizhong Go down and sit down.

"Old Yi, how can you say that, what I just said is the truth, so that's wrong?" Yan Pugui looked at Yi Zhonghai with some dissatisfaction.

"That's right, my dad holds [-]% of the company's shares. The reason why Liu Guangtian was allowed to manage it was because I didn't come back. Now that I'm back, Liu Guangtian should take the initiative to give up the company. If he had given up early, how could he have caused such trouble. "

"You fart, you want me to give you the company, don't even think about it, it's a big deal, I will quit the company."

Liu Guangqi's face was happy when he heard this, but before he was happy, Liu Guangtian continued: "But if I don't do it, you don't want to do it. I used my name when I registered the company. If you dare to sell it privately, I will do it. Let you go to prison and eat corn bread."

"This... Dad, is what Guangtian said true?" Liu Guangqi looked at the second uncle in disbelief and asked.

The second uncle nodded. When he first registered the company, he originally planned to write the names of the two of them, but the second uncle was afraid that he would be affected by changes in national policies or problems with the company, so he temporarily repented. The company registered only wrote Liu Guangtian and Yu Begonia's name.

"Guangtian, don't be impulsive. After all, we are also brothers. If we have something to say, we can talk about it. If we can't run the company together, what do you think?" Liu Guangqi saw the reversal of the situation, and his attitude softened immediately. Liu Guangtian begged.Although it is possible to re-register a company from scratch, it will take time, and they have no money, his father's money is in the company, if they fall out with Liu Guangtian, and Liu Guangtian insists on not taking out the money, they will have nothing to do.

"Bah, whoever is with you will feel disgusted when they see you. Don't mention any brother to me. You are the only one who doesn't deserve it." Liu Guangtian gritted his teeth and cursed at Liu Guangqi. Why didn't you mention your own brother when you beat yourself up, now that you are in control, you start talking nice things, what are you going to do.

Hearing Liu Guangtian's scolding, Liu Guangqi's face became stiff, and he wanted to leave, but he thought that his father's money was still with Liu Guangtian, so he could only compromise and say: "Then what do you say? Even if the elder brother is wrong, I will I apologize to you, you don't want that to hurt both sides, do you?"

"Yeah Guangtian, how can you say that you are also brothers, the bones are broken and the tendons are still connected, what can't be said properly, don't let outsiders see the joke." Seeing that Liu Guangqi had the upper hand, he stood up and persuaded Liu Guangtian.

"Okay, let me just say a few words. Since Comrade Liu Haizhong wants to give up the business to Liu Guangqi, I can't rely on him not to leave. The company can be divided, but no one can take away the part that belongs to me. In the future, every Yue wants to get the quota in the name of the company, and I will own [-]% of the quota when I get the quota, and your family can figure out the rest."

"Okay, let's do it, you can't go back on your word."

Liu Guangqi thought that Liu Guangtian would make some exorbitant demands, but he didn't expect it to be just this. If he knew that he would have agreed to it, why bother to make such a fuss.

"You ask Comrade Liu Haizhong to sign this agreement, and tomorrow I will take out the money from the company and send it to him." Liu Guangtian took out the written documents written in advance and handed them to Liu Guangqi.

"Okay, now that this matter is settled, let's leave if there is nothing else to do." The uncle said with some unsatisfactory intentions. After finally holding an all-hands meeting, the matter will be resolved before he exerts his strength. Yes, he corrected a little unwillingly.

The second uncle was sullen, and he didn't say a word from the beginning to the end of the meeting. He really didn't know what to say. Originally, this matter started because of him. Without his support, Liu Guangqi couldn't make trouble if he wanted to.

"Wait, grandpa, wait, I have something to say."

"I said Liu Guangfu, what's the matter with you? Could it be that you also want to separate from the second uncle, and call the second uncle Comrade Liu Haizhong?" Silly Zhu heard the first uncle said that the meeting was over and was about to go back when Liu Guangfu pulled him away. When he got down, he couldn't help opening his mouth to run.

"Guangfu, if you have anything to say, just say it, and I will solve it for you at this meeting." The old man sat down again and said to Liu Guangfu, and glanced at Shazhu as he spoke.

"Master, you have to make the decision for me. My elder brother and second brother both have shares in the company, and I don't have a cent. This is not acceptable."

"Then what do you think?"

"Didn't my dad own [-]% of the company's shares? My elder brother and I each have half and half, and I want [-]%. My second elder brother has split up, and my elder brother and I are the only two in the family. It's not too much, right?" I'm afraid everyone will misunderstand Liu Guangfu One last sentence was added.

"This...Old Liu, get up and say a few words. After all, this is your family's business, and what Guangfu said is very reasonable." The old man originally wrote to ask Liu Guangqi to come back because he wanted to see the excitement of Liu Haizhong's house, and he was eager for Liu Guangfu Come out to make trouble.

Liu Guangqi was a little surprised. Before Liu Guangfu stood aside and said nothing, he jumped out to fight with Liu Guangtian after he settled Liu Guangtian. Didn't this make it clear that he was using himself as a gunman?

Still wanting to reap the benefits of being a fisherman, this is intolerable.So he said sarcastically: "I said Guangfu, Dad is not dead yet, isn't it a little unreasonable for you to be so anxious to fight for the family property?"

"Hey, it's true, the children of this old Liu's family are different from those of other families. I hope that the second uncle and the second aunt will die soon."

"You don't need to say, you don't look at how the second uncle usually educates children. I'm not surprised that he can teach a few of them."

"Don't say that. What Guangfu said is quite right. Why does Guangtian and Guangqi have it, but he doesn't?"

"Liu Guangtian got [-]% of the shares with money. Didn't you hear that Liu Guangtian paid half of the money when he registered the company? Half of the money was given to [-]% of the shares. Is that more?" Everyone discussed. Some people speak for Liu Guangqi Fu, some speak for Liu Guangtian, as for Liu Guangqi, no one cares about him except for the uncle.

(End of this chapter)

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