Chapter 285
"Brother, you don't have to worry about it. Anyway, the money you should earn will not be less. What I buy it for is my business. It has nothing to do with you whether you make a loss or make a profit. Think about it, is it this reason?"

Liu Guangqi's daughter-in-law's eyes lit up when she heard Xu Damao's words, she stretched out her hand and tugged on Liu Guangqi's sleeve, trying to get him to agree. After all, they hadn't done business before they moved back, so even if they got the quota, how would they sell it and at what price? They don't understand either.

It's better to transfer it directly to Xu Damao, so that they can make money after a single pass, and they don't have to worry about it.

Liu Guangqi thought for a while, although he was curious to know what Xu Damao's idea was, but Xu Damao would definitely not tell him, even if it was probably a lie, he didn't intend to ask anyway, he would not suffer anyway, so he nodded and agreed. .

Seeing this, Xu Damao was also very happy, and he settled Liu Guangqi without any fuss, picked up the wine bottle and filled it up for Liu Guangqi.

"Guangqi, come, my brother respects you, I wish you a fortune in the future, and your siblings and niece, you two can't drink, Erhu, go, ask the waiter to serve a jug of juice, and ask for the strawberry."

Xu Damao raised his wine glass and bumped it with Liu Guangqi, thinking that there were still two lesbians here, so he asked Erhu next to him to go downstairs and call for a jug of juice.

Although the price of strawberry juice is not cheap, but such a big business has been negotiated, Xu Damao doesn't care about spending more money, since he invites people to dinner, it will be comfortable to eat.

After a while, the two tigers came up with a pot of strawberry juice. Xu Damao took it and poured a glass for Liu Guangqi's daughter-in-law and daughter, and then put the pot next to them.

"Siblings and nieces, you two, try it and see if it tastes good. It's a novelty in the city, and it's only available in this restaurant, and you can't buy it anywhere else."

"Isn't this thing ripen in summer? Why is it also in winter? Could it be shipped from the south?" Liu Guangqi couldn't help asking curiously while watching his wife and daughter drinking bright red strawberry juice.

"I heard that they are grown in greenhouses. Anyway, we don't know much about it, but if we want to say that the city of Beijing is better, the capital, we have to supply all good things first."

"That's true. By the way, Brother Da Mao, do you know anyone in the school? Your eldest niece didn't pass the college entrance examination this year. I want to find a better high school for her to review and take the exam next year."

Liu Guangqi remembered the main thing. Their family returned to Beijing this time not only for money, but also for his daughter's studies. After all, Beijing is the capital, and the educational resources here are incomparable to other places.

Moreover, there is only one daughter in their family, and he also hopes that his daughter can be admitted to university.

"This is a bit tricky, as you know, I was a projectionist before and I have no connection with the education system. But you can ask the third master for this matter. Although the third master is only a primary school teacher, after all, maybe after so many years of teaching Know a few people."

After Xu Damao finished speaking, he looked at Liu Guangqi with some hesitation. He thought that it must be because of yesterday's incident that he was afraid that Yan Bugui would not help, so he continued:

"Bring more things when you go. Don't be reluctant. You don't know the third master. He has no other problems but is a bit greedy. Besides, the third master has no conflicts with you. For the sake of things, he has to help.

Moreover, his eldest grandson and granddaughter are both in high school, and the school is not bad. Maybe your daughter can go to the same school as her. "

After hearing Xu Damao's words, Liu Guangqi couldn't help asking, "Then how many things should I take?"

Hearing this, Xu Damao couldn't help but rolled his eyes, thinking that this man is really a stick, he is so grown up and doesn't know a little bit about the world, but since he asked himself, he couldn't help but tell.

"In this way, you can buy things for 100 yuan, and send them all the good things. Don't buy those high-end goods."

"Is this... a bit much?" Liu Guangqi's daughter-in-law interrupted, but Liu Guangqi didn't stop him, but looked at Xu Damao.

Hearing this, Xu Damao was also speechless. These two couples wanted to ask someone to do something but they were reluctant to spend money. If they were not your own father, why would they help you? If it wasn't for Liu Guangqi's request, he really wanted to leave.

"Is it more important for my eldest niece's studies or money? You can earn money even if you run out of money. Getting into college is a lifetime thing. Think about it yourself."

"It's still important to go to university. I'll find the third master when I go back next time."


At this time, in Sha Zhu's restaurant, several people gathered together to discuss things.

"How? Have you found the reason?" Silly Zhu asked the stick beside him.

During this period of time, the business of their family has been worsening day by day, especially since Yan Jiecheng launched a membership card again. Although the number of customers who came to eat at their house has decreased due to the out-of-season vegetables, it has not reached this level. Well, most people can't afford it either.

At most, I eat it a few times when I invite guests, and I usually care about economical benefits.

But since the issuance of the membership card, it’s different. Although the ordinary membership card can only offer a [-]% discount, as long as you apply for the membership card, you will subconsciously think of going to the restaurant of Yan Jiecheng’s family. If you don’t go, you will feel like eating deficit.

"I found out. I heard that their restaurant can supply off-season vegetables. What kind of membership card is there?"

Silly Zhu was at a loss, he understood vegetables, but he didn't know what off-season vegetables were, and he had never heard of membership cards in other places before, so he looked at Sophora japonica, thinking about Sophora japonica. College students should be able to know how to say flowers.

"I know off-season vegetables. Our school's experimental field has this. It is to build a shed to grow vegetables in it. Because of the high temperature, vegetables that can only mature in summer and autumn can be grown in winter. But I don't know what the membership card is. I don’t know, you know, I went to an agricultural university, and this is not taught in the school.”

"That's right, as expected of the person with the highest education in our family, this book is not in vain." Silly Zhu praised Sophora japonica with a thumbs up, and then asked: "Then where can I buy this off-season vegetable?" ?”

"I can't buy it, because the input cost is high, and we haven't promoted it on a large scale. I heard that there are a lot of plants in the Northeast, but it is impossible for people to transport them so far."

"If you can't buy it, where did Yan Xiecheng get it from their restaurant?"

At this time, the fat man stood up and said: "Master, I know that there is an aunt in our courtyard whose hometown is Zuojiazhuang. I heard from her that Zuojiazhuang has built several greenhouses and can grow cucumbers and tomatoes in winter. I didn't believe it before. It now appears to be true."

"By the way, Dad, the vegetable store opened by the third uncle sells them, but they rarely sell thirty catties a day. Yesterday, my grandma bought a few cucumbers, and I ate one. I didn't care about it and didn't think much about it at the time." When I heard them talking about cucumbers, I remembered what happened yesterday and said it.

(End of this chapter)

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