Chapter 290

After Sha Zhu finished the meal, the big leader also helped him get the shop done. The price was still [-]. Because of the face of the big leader, they agreed to let Sha Zhu pay half of the rent first, and the rest can be paid for half a year. After giving.

Tomorrow, just take the money and sign the contract. Although the price is not discounted, it's not bad. They can spend more money on decoration.

Shazhu also learned to be smart this time, and he didn't tell Qin Huairu about it when he came back, but just discussed it with Bang Geng.

The next day, I followed Qin Huairu to the bank to withdraw the money from the family, and then went to the street office to sign the rental contract. The previous restaurant also posted a transfer message on the door, but I couldn't find it for a while. suitable tenants.

When Yan Jiecheng knew about it, he just smiled knowingly and didn't care, because off-season vegetables and membership cards were launched one after another, the business of the restaurant was too hot, and he was too busy with his own affairs, and he didn't have time to talk to others.

However, the people in the compound were a little surprised when they knew that Shazhu was going to transfer the restaurant, thinking that their family would not be able to continue the business after losing money, so Xu Damao happily drank a few more glasses of wine because of this.


Time passed quickly, and it was the end of the year in a blink of an eye. Yan Jiecheng also gave the store employees a holiday two days in advance, and each returned a 50 yuan red envelope. After all, the store was very busy during this time. Followed by getting tired.

On the 28th day of the twelfth lunar month.

Early in the morning, Yan Jiecheng and Yu Li got up early to pack their things. Today they planned to visit Yu Li's parents at the old man's house. Since their restaurant opened in the second half of the year, they have been busy until now and have no time to go.

After packing up their things, the family of five rode four bicycles and rode towards Lao Yu's house after leaving the compound.

"Grandma, grandpa, I'm here." Arriving at Lao Yu's compound, Yan Jiecheng took Zi Hao off the back seat of his bicycle, and the little guy shouted before he could trot all the way into the house.

Hearing the voice, Yu Haitao came out of the house, followed by a woman. Seeing Yan Jiecheng, he greeted him and hugged the little guy, jokingly said: "Call me old uncle, don't call me old uncle? Let you in."

"Old uncle, old uncle, where is my grandma?"

"Your grandma went shopping for groceries, sister and brother-in-law, hurry up and get in the house, it's quite cold outside, come in if you have something to say." Yu Haitao opened the curtain to let Yan Xiecheng and the others enter the house.

"Uncle, uncle, who is this? Is it my aunt?" Xiao Ziwan asked curiously from behind.

"Yeah, Haitao, who is this? You didn't introduce it either." Yu Li also asked with a smile. Her parents were worried about Yu Haitao's marriage. Before, Yu Haitao felt that he was too young to be in a hurry. Later, I was admitted to university again, and I am almost thirty and still not married.

"My classmate, Qi Sijia." Yu Haitao introduced with some embarrassment, blushing, then pointed to Yan Jiecheng and Yu Li and said to Qi Sijia, "This is my eldest sister and my eldest brother-in-law."

"Hello, big sister, big brother-in-law." Qi Sijia called out to Yan Jiecheng and Yu Li in a low voice, and then stood aside, she didn't know what to say when they met for the first time.

Seeing this, Yu Li walked over and pulled Qi Sijia to sit down, then took the initiative to talk to her, and inquired about the situation of her home.

"Brother-in-law, drink water." Yu Haitao handed Yan Jiecheng a cup of tea, and then sat down next to Yan Jiecheng.

"When are you two going to get married?" Yan Jiecheng looked at the girl. She had a melon-shaped face, big eyes, and a ponytail. She was wearing a red dress. Although her skin was not very white, she was healthy. No wonder she was able to impress Yu Haitao, a steel veteran. Virgin, really long good.

"We are thinking of getting married at the end of next year, so we have to graduate and start working anyway. By the way, brother-in-law, I heard that your restaurant is doing well. I have a classmate who wanted to book a box for his birthday but couldn't get one."

"It's okay, there are a few bad ones in business now. You are about to graduate, what are your plans then? Return to the original unit?" Yu Haitao didn't resign from the factory when he was admitted to university, and he didn't know what he would do after graduation. Will not be reallocated.

"I don't know yet. The notice will come down after a year. If there is no accident, it should return to the original factory."

"Uncle, turn on the TV, I want to watch TV." Xiao Zihao turned around the room a few times, a little bored, and shouted to Yu Haitao. When he was in the courtyard, at least he had a younger sister to play with him. There was even a child here. None, and Ziwan and the others are too old to play with him.

"Okay, okay, stop screaming, I'll turn it on for you right now." Yu Haitao waved his hands at the little guy helplessly, got up and went to turn on the TV, but for some reason there was a snowflake on the screen that he couldn't even see the figure clearly. Yu Haitao opened the window and turned the antenna a few times, but it still didn't work.

Yan Jiecheng walked over and patted the TV case hard a few times. The snowflakes on the screen disappeared and a figure appeared, but there was still some jumping.

"No, turn it off and don't look at it. It's not good for your eyes. Go out and play with your brothers and sisters, and let them take you to set off firecrackers."

"I don't play with them, it's not interesting at all, I want to go back to find Xiao Ziyun." Said Xiao Zihao opened the door and ran out, going back to the courtyard to find Xiao Ziyun to play, usually the two of them together, suddenly left I'm a little uncomfortable.

"Hey, who is this? He doesn't know how to look at people when he walks." When Yu Haitang came in, he bumped into Xiao Zihao without looking at anyone.

"Who else, your eldest nephew." Liu Guangtian grabbed Zi Hao who was about to run away, and said to Yu Haitang.

"Why are you running? When you came here, you still said you missed grandma. You have to go back before you see grandma." Yu Li walked over and twisted Xiao Zihao's ear and said.

"No one is playing with me here, I'm going back to find Xiao Ziyun."

"Why is no one playing with you? Isn't your cousin here? Let him play with you." Yu Haitang got up and patted the dirt on her body and said to Xiao Zihao.

"Liu Ben, take Zihao out to buy toys, buy more, and buy whatever you want." Yu Haitang said generously, taking out a wad of money from her bag and handing it to Liu Ben.

"What about the rest?"

"The rest will be given to you, and it will be your pocket money." Yu Haitang waved his hand and said indifferently. Their family is not short of money now. Although they don't earn as much as before, they still have two or three thousand yuan a month. In terms of money profit, their family has saved more than 3000 yuan since starting the business, which is more than what they earned from working in the factory for ten years.

"Sister, did your family get rich?" Yu Haitao looked at the money that Yu Haitang popped out. Although he didn't count the money in detail, it was at least more than 100 by visual estimation, and Everbright United saw several.

"Hey, what does it matter if you earn money or not? It's just for food. By the way, Mom and Dad, why didn't you see it?"

"Mom and Dad went shopping for groceries. They have been there for more than an hour, and they should be back soon."

"Ziwan, Ziyang, come here, this is a red envelope from my aunt."

"Thank you, auntie."

"Okay, you two go out to play with Liu Ben, and if you see something you like, let your cousin buy it."

Seeing Yu Haitang's nouveau riche expression, Liu Guangtian was taken aback for a moment, and he couldn't figure out why he was so stingy to himself when he was so generous to outsiders, giving more money to his children than to him.

"Haitang, even if you have money, you can't spend it like this. Besides, the two of them are not short of money, and your brother-in-law usually doesn't give too much." Yu Li frowned and couldn't get used to Haitang's extravagance. It just floated away.

"I feel bad if I don't spend money. By the way, who is this? We have relatives here?" Yu Haitang didn't care about Yu Li's words, and asked Yu Haitao curiously.

"This is Haitao's object. He came to our house to play."

"Hello, Second Sister."

Qi Sijia heard from Yu Haitao before that he had two older sisters, and when he met Yu Li just now, he called her the eldest sister, so this must be Yu Haitao's second sister.

"Ah... Haitao is looking for a girlfriend? Why didn't I know."

"I said Second Sister, you are my sister and not my mother, I will report everything to you."

"You kid, why are you talking to your second sister?" Yu Li patted Yu Haitao's head from behind and said dissatisfied.

"Come on, brother and sister, I don't have anything to give away when we meet for the first time. You take this money and save it to buy two clothes for yourself." Yu Haitang didn't care about Yu Haitao's words. She is used to it.

"This..." Qi Sijia was a little at a loss. It was the first time she met her to give money when they met, and she stood there in a daze with the money, not knowing what to do.

"Take it. Since you are Haitao's partner, we are a family. There is nothing to be embarrassed about. Besides, you called me second sister just now. I can't let you call me for nothing."

Qi Sijia looked at Yu Haitao at the side, wanting to ask him what to do.

"Take it, the second sister's family has money, but if you don't take it, you don't take it for nothing."

After hearing Yu Haitao's words, Qi Sijia put the money in his pocket.

Yan Jiecheng and Yu Li looked at each other, Yu Haitang gave the money, it would be a bit inappropriate if their family didn't give it, after all, Qi Sijia also asked them to come.

So Yu Li also took out a wad of money from her bag, counted it and handed it to Qi Sijia.

"Sijia, take it, this is from the eldest sister."

"This..." Qi Sijia was a little undecided, looked at Yu Haitao,
I was a little shocked in my heart. I don't know what the two sisters Yu Haitao do in their families. Why is one more generous than the other? Although she didn't count the money that Yu Haitao's second sister gave just now, it seems that it will not be less than 100 yuan. This time, Yu Haitao's eldest sister It's even too much to hand over a stack directly, and it looks like there are two or three hundred yuan.

"Don't look at Yu Haitao, big sister gave it to you, just take it, I can't let you call big sister for nothing, do you think so?" Yu Li said pretending to be generous, she didn't think about giving money at first, This was all forced by Yu Haitang not to give. Originally, there was no rule of giving money when meeting, but Yu Haitang gave money. As the eldest sister, she had to give it, and she couldn't give less than Yu Haitang. It doesn't matter if the family is poor, but their family is not only not poor but also very rich, so they must give more than Haitang.

"Take it, the eldest sister and the second sister's family are not short of money, so they will be robbing the rich and helping the poor." Yu Haitao joked with a smile.

"By the way, Guangtian, what have you two been up to lately? I haven't seen you two for several days. I wanted to call you two when I came here today, but you two are not at home." Yan Jiecheng was a little curious. Asked, since Liu Guangqi came back and divided the business of the second uncle, the two of them have nothing to do with the [-]% index. They are so free every day, but they don’t know what to do these days, and they can’t see them all the time. figure.

"Isn't it because my dad didn't do business for us before? Haitang and I can't always take it with us at home. We just want to do some other business."

"What are you two planning to do better?" Yan Jiecheng asked curiously.

"Haitang used to have a colleague who worked in the customs department of Jin City. Didn't you hear that the two of us made money and wanted to do business with us?"

"Who? Li Huaide?" Yan Xiecheng was stunned, and the first thing he thought of was Director Li in the previous factory. It seemed that he had gone to Jin City after leaving the rolling mill. This old boy is quite discerning. If the situation was wrong, he was transferred away in advance, so he was not liquidated. Otherwise, although he would not be executed for the things he did, he would definitely have to suffer for several years.

"Who is Li Huaide?"

"It's Director Li from our factory before? Isn't he the one who wants to do business with you?" Yan Jiecheng looked at Yu Haitang again in puzzlement.

"It's not Li Huaide, it's Wang Liang, the chief of our publicity department." Yu Haitang replied after hearing Yan Jiecheng's question.

"What business are you going to do?"

"This..." Yu Haitang was thinking about whether to say it or not. Although they were relatives, it was better for people to know less about business matters.

"Let me tell you, there are some businesses that cannot be done? Break the law, you know, if there is trouble, you have to go in and eat corn bread."

"Brother-in-law, don't scare me."

"Why am I scaring you? It's up to you whether you listen or not. If you don't want to say it, forget it. Don't blame me for not reminding you when you go in."

"Wang Liang wants to partner with the two of us to resell electrical appliances. They have a batch of seized TV sets in the customs. He said that he can take them out at a low price. We will pay and he will make contacts. When the time comes, we will sell them for fifty-five cents."

"Aren't you two stupid?" Yan Xiecheng said with some resentment.

"Brother-in-law, if you have something to say, why are you swearing? Why are we so stupid?" Yu Haitang said dissatisfied.

"The TV is a monopoly of the national mechanical and electrical department, and you actually want to resell it. You two are really not afraid of death."

"What's the matter? Steel is still a national monopoly, and it's still sold as it is. It won't be a problem for such a long time." Yu Haitang asked in confusion. She couldn't figure out why reselling rebar could be reselling TV but not. The TV set came out of customs.

"The steel you sell is not planned by others, and the factory can decide by itself, but what about the TV? If you get the goods from the TV factory, there must be no problem, but you bought it from the customs, so there must be no problem. Even if there is a formality, it is still a fake, if someone finds out about it, check it out and be sure."

"Ah, how can this be fake? I saw it, and it has an official seal on it."

"Official seals can also be faked. Think about it carefully. Why do they sell it to you at a low price? If there is no problem, why don't they sell it themselves? You must know that TV sets are in short supply right now, so you don't have to worry about selling them." Yan Jiecheng said earnestly, If it weren't for the fact that they were relatives, he wouldn't bother to care about them.

(End of this chapter)

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