Chapter 300 Taking Back the Store
Hearing Yan Jiecheng's words, Sha Zhu was not happy at the moment. He was a good-looking person, how could Yan Jiecheng say that, how could he meet people when he went out, so he said:

"Ah, ah, I said Yan Jiecheng, what are you talking about, what is cheating money, our new restaurant is not where it used to be."

"That's right, Xie Cheng, the new restaurant opened by Shazhu's family is on Meishi Street. It's a small two-story building. Shazhu, your family really hides its secrets. Before, everyone thought that your restaurant couldn't survive losing money. I didn't expect that the shop was closed just now, but I didn't expect it to expand the scale." Yan Bugui said aloud because he was afraid that Yan Xiecheng would misunderstand.

Yan Bugui was also a little surprised when he first heard the news, he didn't expect that Shazhu's family would do such a big business quietly.Moreover, Xu Damao often mocked their family before, and their family did not come out to explain.

"Ai, ai, I said Third Master, you are using the wrong word, what is called hiding, isn't this turning a corner and calling our family a bum? There are bad people here." Silly Zhu said and looked in the direction of Xu Damao's house in the backyard.

"Okay, silly Zhu, it seems that everyone read it wrong before, come on, I don't have to pay for it when I go there tomorrow, I'll give you a pair of couplets." Yan Jiecheng said with a smile, thinking of a couplet It was very suitable for Sha Zhu's family, so I couldn't help but joked.

"What couplets? Let me tell you first, the couplets you send must satisfy our family." Hearing that Yan Xiecheng wanted to give them couplets, Sha Zhu was taken aback for a moment and then said.

"I lay on the beach for three and a half months, and today the waves beat me to my feet. Hengbiao - to bathe in the spring breeze. How about silly pillars, this couplet is not expensive for a meal, right?"

Hearing the couplets Yan Jiecheng said, Sha Zhu silently recited them several times in his heart. He felt that the couplets were very similar to their family’s situation. The previous restaurant had been closed for three and a half months, and now it reopened. Just turn around.And Hengpi is also good, now it is February, it is spring, their family chose to open at this time, isn't it just to bathe in the spring breeze.

"What about Silly Zhu, is it okay? Tell me a good word, if not, I'll take the money." Yan Jiecheng couldn't help but ask when he saw Shazhu shaking his head.

"Okay, why not, let the third master write it for me tomorrow, and I will post it on the gate of our new store."

"Zhuzi, you see, I can't write this for nothing, right?" Yan Bugui rubbed his fingers to ask Silly Zhu to give him money.

"Okay, okay, okay, I can see it, don't you just want me to save the money? In this way, you can write the couplet and paste it for me tomorrow, so that your family doesn't have to follow the money. This way the head office will be fine." Right?" Silly Zhu said a little speechlessly, thinking that it was indeed Yan Laojiao, and the neighbors asked him to help and wanted money.

"Okay, that's great, don't worry about Zhuzi, I will definitely arrange the couplet for you tomorrow, and post it up early in the morning, so that everyone can see it when they go."

"Okay, third master, I'll leave if I have nothing else to do, and there are still several companies that have not been notified." Saying that, Sha Zhu turned around and was about to leave.

"Wait, silly Zhu, I have something to tell you." Yan Xiecheng quickly stopped him when he saw that he was about to leave. Shazhu didn't know about his purchase of a store, so he had to tell them.

"What's the matter?" Sha Zhu turned around and looked at Yan Jiecheng with some doubts.

"I have already bought the store that your family rented before, let's talk about the refund of the lease for your family." Yan Jiecheng said unhurriedly.

"What? Which store did you buy?"

Seeing that Sha Zhu didn't believe it, Yan Jiecheng took out the house book from his bag and handed it over.

"I just finished the formalities today, so let's talk about the lease cancellation."

Silly Zhu had a surprised expression on his face after reading the house book. He didn't expect Yan Jiecheng to buy the house directly with a rent of 200 yuan. It seems that their restaurant really made a lot of money.

You must know that this is more than 6 yuan. He also asked the price at the beginning, but he was scared away when he heard the price.Don't talk about their family, even if the uncle is included in their family, they can't afford it.

Seeing that Silly Zhu was silent, Yan Jiecheng said, "When you rented your house, you paid a year's rent, which was [-] yuan in total. Calculated on a monthly basis, it is [-] yuan a month. Now there are seven month's lease.

That's one thousand and fifty, right?In this way, everyone is a neighbor, I will make up for you, and I will refund you 100 yuan. "

Hearing this number, Shazhu's face became a little ugly. During the Chinese New Year, Yan Jiecheng went to his house and said he would give him two thousand yuan. It took only half a month to lose 900 yuan. How could he accept this in his heart.So he said:

"The market outside is not this price? If you want to give one thousand and one, our family will not refund it."

"Silly Zhu, we are all neighbors, so I advise you to quit, anyway, I will not renew the lease with you when the contract expires, and there are seven months left, even if you want to rent it out, no one will want it.

If you keep it in your hand, your family will not get a penny at that time, and I will not lose anything if I wait another seven months, and I can save more than 1000 yuan.

You go back and think about whether you want to return the lease. "Yan Jiecheng said expressionlessly, making it hard to see whether he was in a hurry or not.

When Shazhu left, Yan Bugui pulled Yan Jiecheng and asked in disbelief: "I said boss, you really bought Shazhu's shop? Where did you get so much money?"

Thaksin said that Yan Jiecheng's restaurant made money, but he didn't believe it could make so much money, after all, it has not been half a year since the restaurant opened.

"Dad, that shop is not owned by Shazhu's family, it is rented by their family. And you have seen all the house books, how can it be fake? As for where the money came from, you don't need to worry about it." Yan Jiecheng said I like Yan Bugui's perfunctory way of asking questions.

"Hey, I'm your dad, what's the matter?"

"With this time, you should pay more attention to the vegetable shop. That's all right, you stay here. I have to go back." Yan Jiecheng turned and went back to the house, leaving Yan Bugui alone in the courtyard.

"Xie Cheng is right, don't worry about it, let's take care of ourselves. How is the business in the store? How much money did you make?" At this time, the third mother came out of the house and said.

"What else can I do? I only earned more than seven yuan a day." Yan Bugui was a little dissatisfied. After all, he was always earning 20 yuan a day for the past few months. He was used to making big money and he no longer looked down on such a small amount of money. up.

"It's not bad, it's more than 200 yuan a month." The third mother is very contented, which is much more than what Yan Bugui earned when he was teaching.


At this time, the home of Shazhu in the middle courtyard.

Qin Huairu saw that Silly Zhu was a little unhappy, so he asked, "What's the matter, Zhu Zi, who made you angry again?"

"Who else, Yan Xiecheng."

"What's wrong with him? Doesn't he want to go to our new store when it opens tomorrow?"

Qin Huairu thought that Yan Jiecheng didn't want to take the money with him, but he thought it was impossible, after all, the people in the compound went to Yan Jie to marry him on such a good condition that he wouldn't lose face for such a small amount of money.

"Yeah, silly dad, what happened to their family? Could it be that our family didn't rent out the store to him last time, so he was angry so he didn't go to our restaurant's opening?" Bang Geng asked curiously beside him.

"Yan Jiecheng bought that shop and asked our family to withdraw the lease." Silly Zhu told the whole story helplessly.

"What, their family bought the store? This... this... where did their family get so much money? Impossible?"

When Banggen heard this, his first reaction was to not believe it. After all, it was tens of thousands of dollars, and their restaurant would not be able to make so much money.

"No matter how their family got their money, anyway, the house book is real. I've read it just now."

"Then let's cancel the rent. Anyway, our family doesn't need two hundred less for that shop. Two hundred less, and 2000 yuan is not a lot."

Hearing Qin Huairu's words, Sha Zhu gave her a blank stare, and said angrily, "What are you thinking, if he really gives 2000 yuan, can I return this expression?"

Stick can't help but ask: "Then how much is their family going to give?"

"A thousand and one."

"What? One thousand one? No matter how much their family wants to eat, the shops outside don't have this price at all. Even if they don't give two thousand, they have to give one thousand and eight. If it's less than this price, I won't refund it. At worst, it's cheaper. Rent it to someone else." Bang Geng said with red eyes, this is too bullying, half a month ago I paid back [-], but the rent was reduced by half in just half a month.

"Yes, just do as my brother said, let's rent it to someone else." Xiao Dang also agreed with outrage.

"Lease it to someone else? Then someone has to be willing to rent it. Yan Jiecheng said that he won't renew the lease when the contract expires. How can others rent it for seven months?
Moreover, the refunded rent was also refunded according to the rent paid by Bang Geng before, and Yan Jiecheng also paid fifty more.If our family does not refund, we will not get a penny after seven months. "

"This..., why don't we go to Yan Jiecheng again and ask him to give me more?" Qin Huairu was a little unwilling. After all, it was several hundred dollars, and he couldn't earn so much in a year working in the factory.

"I don't think it's useless. It's useless to look for him. When Yan Jiecheng came to our house, you forgot how the price of the stick was temporarily raised?" Silly Zhu looked at the stick with some dissatisfaction. It costs 200 yuan, the shop has already been rented out by their family, and that’s what’s going on now.

"It can't be my fault. I didn't know that Yan Jiecheng would do such a trick and buy the shop for 200 yuan." The stick is also very hurt. If I knew it, he wouldn't ask for the 200 yuan. Look at this. Noisy.

"Dad, Mom, Big Brother, you haven't talked about the point for a long time." Seeing everyone looking at him, Huai Hua continued: "The reason why Yan Jiecheng was able to buy that shop, what does that mean? It means that opening a restaurant is really important." They make a lot of money. Then why is our family still struggling with this small amount of money? Hurry up and return the shop, and then run our restaurant well. When our family earns money, why don’t we just buy whatever we want? You say right?"

(End of this chapter)

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