Chapter 302

"Yes, yes, there is nothing wrong with what Xie Cheng said, that's the truth." The second uncle said with some embarrassment.


back kitchen.

Silly Zhu and Fatty were busy cooking sticks to help them both, when Qin Huairu came in from the outside.

"Zhuzi, when will the big leader come? Do you want to go out and greet him?"

"No, you can pick it up, as long as I have a relationship with the big leader, I won't argue. What time is it?" Silly Zhu asked Qin Huairu while concentrating on cooking.

"It's eleven o'clock." Qin Huairu went out to ask Huaihua, then came back and said to Shazhu.

"The big leader should be here soon, you go and wait outside, just let Xiao Dang come over and serve the food."

"Okay, but is this really okay?" Qin Huairu was a little hesitant, after all, with such a big leader, if she broke up with her because of their family's slow treatment, she would not regret it.

"It's okay, don't worry, I don't know what a big leader is like, I hate the kind of people who deliberately cater to me the most. Just say that I cook for him in the kitchen, it must be fine."

"Then I'll go." Saying that, Qin Huairu walked out of the back kitchen and came to the entrance of the restaurant, waiting for the big leader to arrive.

After a while, a black red flag car drove in slowly and stopped at the entrance of the hotel. The leader and his wife got out of the car.

"Qin Huairu, why are you alone? Where's the pillar?" The big leader couldn't help asking when he saw that Qin Huairu was waiting for him alone at the door.

"Silly Zhu is cooking for you in the kitchen, let's go in first." Qin Huairu wanted to go to help the big leader, but the big leader hid him and frowned: "Don't help me, I'm not old enough to be myself Walk."

"Huairu, don't pay attention to him, he just talks like this, I'm used to it, don't mind."

"No, it's great that the leader is in good health. Let's go in," he said, leading the way in, and then walked towards the box on the second floor.

The big leader and his wife followed behind, and couldn't help nodding while watching.

"Qin Huairu, I didn't expect your family to know a lot. The decoration of this restaurant is not bad, and it makes people feel comfortable. Not bad, not bad." The big leader said with a smile.

"Hey, you can do whatever you like, sometimes you come here often, and I'll ask Zhuzi to cook something delicious for you."

"What's the matter, that won't make your family poor, no, no." The big leader was very happy to see the restaurant opened by Sha Zhu, and even joked with Qin Huairu.

Qin Huairu led the big leader to a separate private room, not wanting the big leader to come into contact with the people in the courtyard.

"I said Qin Huairu, why is there no one here?" The big leader entered the room and looked a little dissatisfied.

"Hey, Zhuzi and I invite you alone today. You and your aunt are alone in this room. There are many people who are afraid of disturbing your meal."

"No, I won't eat here. You should arrange the two of us in a crowded place. I'm not afraid of being disturbed. Besides, how can I be separated from the people after I have fought for the revolution all my life?"

The big leader was obviously a little unhappy with a stern face, and Qin Huairu was also in a dilemma. Today, there were only two tables of guests, one of which was the neighbors in the courtyard, and the other was the big leader.

She was afraid that if the big leader and the people in the courtyard were arranged together, someone would say bad things about their family.

"If you want to make things difficult, then I won't eat, let's go back." With that said, the big leader got up and was about to leave.

"No, the leader is not embarrassing at all, I will take you there right away." Qin Huairu had no choice but to bring the leader to Yan Jiecheng's box.


"I said Qin Huairu, who is this person? Your relative?" The second uncle saw Qin Huairu leading another person in, but he didn't know him yet, so he couldn't help asking.

And Xu Damao was stunned at this time, he had seen the big leader before, and he had been to the big leader's house, but he didn't stay for long before he was kicked out.

"A relative from my hometown, come, let's make room for my uncle and my aunt to sit down."

Hearing this, Xu Damao stood up subconsciously, and at the same time pulled Liu Guangqi up beside him.

"I said Xu Damao, are you sick, why are you dragging me?" Liu Guangqi said with some dissatisfaction, you must know that this is a restaurant invested by their family, and he is the owner here.

Xu Damao kept winking at Liu Guangqi, but Liu Guangqi acted as if he didn't hear it, so Xu Damao could only say: "Didn't I hear Sister Qin say let us let the two positions come out."

"Then I can't let me let it go, why don't they let it go." Liu Guangqi pointed to Yan Jiecheng and Yan Jiefang while speaking.

"Okay, you two stop arguing, let's, come on, Lao Yan, you lean to the side and let the two seats come out. The young people nowadays really don't know how to respect the old and love the young." The old man looked at Liu Guangqi Said with a frown.

Yan Bugui listened to the old man's words and moved closer to Liu Haizhong, giving up two seats for the big leader and his wife to sit down.

"It's a shameful thing, let's go." The second uncle said to Liu Guangqi with an ugly face, feeling that Liu Guangqi had lost his face, Yi Zhonghai's words meant that their family was not strict in discipline.

"It's okay, it's okay, young people, everyone can understand." The big leader smiled. He didn't care when he saw a lot of people like this. He gave up his seat, but it felt fake.

"What's your name?" Yan Bugui looked at the big leader and asked. Although he didn't know what this person did, he felt that this person was not simple, and his whole body revealed a kind of majesty. .

"My surname is Luo. You can call me Lao Luo. This is my wife's surname Wang."

"My surname is Yan, and I am the third uncle of our hospital. This is Yi Zhonghai, the first uncle of our hospital, and this is Liu Haizhong, the second uncle of our hospital. The young man opposite is my eldest son Yan Jiecheng, who also owns a restaurant. Shazhu's family is a colleague."

"Could it be that your son is also a cook?" The leader looked at Yan Jiecheng and asked in disbelief. The key point was that he didn't look like a cook at all, and he didn't have that kind of body with a big shoulder and a thick waist.

"No, our eldest son is an electrician, a seventh-level electrician. He used to work in the same factory as Sha Zhu, which is a rolling mill. You should have heard of it."

"I've heard that the factory is not small, why don't you work in the factory, and want to open a restaurant." Mentioning that the big boss of the rolling mill came and asked curiously, you must know that the salary of a seventh-level electrician is not low, so there is no need Ordinary people will not leave a good official worker undeservedly running out into the sea.

"You don't understand this. Now that the country is reforming and opening up, and working in a factory can earn a little money, young people have to learn to do business." The second uncle said proudly.

"Is it very profitable to do business now?"

"It's better than working in a factory. If you are interested, come and find me. I will take you to do business, and I will earn more than your retirement pension." The second uncle took out his business card and handed it to the senior leader.

The big leader took the business card, looked at it, and asked, "May I ask, what does your company do?"

"Do you know rebar? Our company is in the rebar business." The second uncle showed off very stinkingly.

"Isn't this steel business only available to the state?"

"You don't understand that, the state manages the planned steel, and what I do is to sell the excess steel produced in the factory, and then earn some difference." The second uncle tried his best to make himself reasonable I talked to the big leaders about making money legally.

(End of this chapter)

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