The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 306 Old Man Yan Fried Chicken Burger

Yan Jiecheng found a good construction team, or Master Wang and Master Sun whom he had contacted before, and they were the ones who helped with the decoration of their house before.

Some time ago, the two formed a construction team. Yan Jiecheng felt that they were both acquaintances with good craftsmanship, so he went to find them.

Yan Jiecheng brought the two of them to the store to measure the area, and then told them about the decoration requirements.

The ground needs to be covered with white floor tiles and the walls have to be repainted, mainly for the position of the gate. The door frame has to be removed and rebuilt to install two gates.

The roof also had to be re-hanged, and the tables, chairs and benches had to be re-made. It took about ten days to complete the whole set.

The rest were kitchen utensils and signboards. Yan Jiecheng took Liu Guangtian and the two to study for a few days, and made a set of electric stove, oven and a juicer.

As for the signature Yan Jiecheng, he has been thinking about it for several days, but he has not come up with a suitable one. If it is called McDonald's or KFC, he is afraid that others will say that he is plagiarizing.

Yan Bugui suggested simply calling it "Old Yan's Fried Chicken Burger". Yan Jiecheng and Yan Jiedi were fine with the name, but Chen Dong was unwilling.

After all, their family also owns shares, and the name sounds like it was owned by Lao Yan's family, and it has nothing to do with him.

Yan Jiecheng thought it would be better to call it "Old Man Yan's Fried Chicken Burger", and then put Yan Bugui's head on the stop sign.

As for Chen Dong's reluctance, Yan Bugui waved his hand and said, "Don't do it if you don't want to. I'll just pay another 3000 yuan." Had to agree.

In order to solve the problem of food supply, Yan Jiecheng asked his uncle to take him to several nearby villages, and signed a contract with the village chiefs. The village is responsible for raising chickens, and Yan Jiecheng directly buys them when they are raised.

Moreover, white-feathered chickens are all raised uniformly. The breeding cycle of this breed is as short as 40 days or so before they can be slaughtered. It takes more than half a year to breed native chickens. For this reason, Yan Xiecheng specially asked someone to go to the south to introduce white-feathered chickens.

Half a month passed in a flash, and this morning, Yan Jiecheng hung the signboard that he had ordered on the gate, and the new store officially opened.

Yan Bugui, Yan Jiedi, and Chen Dong were standing at the gate of the new store wearing Yan Jiecheng's custom-made overalls. Yan Jiecheng took a camera and yelled "eggplant" and took a few photos.

"Okay, let's go in, everyone, and taste the food in our new store." Yan Xiecheng took the lead and walked in. The new store opened today. Chengdu did not notify.

At this time, there were many people around the gate of the store, but they didn't know what the store was selling, but they didn't dare to go in for a while because they looked at the high-end decoration inside through the glass.

Seeing this situation, Yan Jiecheng asked Chen Dong to hang up the sign that he had written. The price of each food was written on the sign, and there was a line of small words below it: "[-]% off for the opening of the new store."

Although the price is still not cheap, there are always some curious people who want to try something new, so everyone follows in.

"Give me a copy of this fried chicken family bucket." Someone said that he was not short of money, and then took out ten yuan from his pocket and gave it to Yan Bugui.

"Okay, okay, please sit over there, and I'll send it to you when I'm done." Yan Bugui took the money and said with a smile on his face.


At this time, the backyard of the courtyard house.

"Dad, it's not good. Director Lan said that we can't give our family the quota for this month." Liu Guangqi ran into the house in a panic and shouted at the second uncle.

"What's the matter? You didn't ask him why he didn't give it to us?" The second uncle immediately stood up when he heard that there was a problem with the indicator.

There has been no problem in the past month, and the second uncle has forgotten what happened at the Shazhu Hotel last time.

"He didn't say that, why don't you call Director Lan and ask." Liu Guangqi felt that Director Lan was also his father's apprentice, and he had to give face to his father if he didn't give him face.

Hearing Liu Guangqi's words, the second uncle went to the living room and picked up the phone to call Director Lan.

When the call was connected, the person opposite said a few words to the second uncle and then hung up.

Seeing this, Liu Guangqi, who was standing by, hurried up and asked, "Dad, how are you doing? What's going on?"

"The higher authorities have issued new regulations, and the products of state-owned enterprises must implement a dual-track price system." The second uncle said with a frown.

"What does the dual-track system have to do with our family?"

"It means that the planned indicators in the factory are priced according to the state, and the unplanned indicators are sold at market prices. Do you think it has anything to do with our family?"

"How will our family earn money after this? By the way, I remembered that last month when we participated in the opening of the Shazhu Restaurant, we went to a leader surnamed Luo. Could it be his fault?"

"Well, it's possible." Hearing Liu Guangqi's words, the second uncle nodded, thinking that it couldn't be such a coincidence. Just a month after this incident, there was a problem with their family's business. This incident must have something to do with that surnamed Luo .

"I'm going to find Sha Zhu right now." Said Liu Guangqi was about to go out.

"You come back first." Seeing that Liu Guangqi was going to find the second uncle Shazhu, he quickly stopped him.

"Dad, he has ruined our family's business, and we can still remain indifferent."

"You can solve the problem by looking over there? Can you be a bit smarter in doing things." The second uncle looked at Liu Guangqi angrily.

"Dad, what do you think we should do? You can't let it go like this, can you?" Liu Guangqi stared

"Wait a minute, there are still a few days until the dividend payment day. Anyway, our family's business has also failed, and we have to think of other ways out in the future. It is not wise to fall out with Sha Zhu now."

The second uncle thought that he still had 20.00% of the shares in Shazhu's Restaurant, so it's not worth falling out with him now.

"What about Guangtian? He doesn't know yet."

"I'll let him know when I come back at night. By the way, Guangqi, you've been in Baocheng before, do you know where He Daqing is?"

"Who?" Liu Guangqi didn't remember who He Daqing was for a moment, after all, Sha Zhu's father had been away for more than [-] years and never came back.

"It's Shazhu's father, He Daqing. He Daqing abandoned Shazhu and Yushui and went to Baocheng with a widow before. Didn't you stay in Baocheng for more than ten years? Do you know where He Daqing is?"

"How do I know this? If you want to know, I will ask my former colleagues. But why are you asking He Daqing? You still want to ask Shazhu to bring his father back?" Liu Guangqi was a little puzzled that Shazhu took their family home. He was so miserable that his father wanted to help him.

"Okay, don't ask if you shouldn't ask, ask your former colleagues, and tell me if you find it." The second uncle thought that if Sha Zhu dared to play tricks with him, he would invite He Daqing back to disgust him to death.

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