Master Wang and the others cleaned up Yan Jiecheng's three-way courtyard for a few days before renting them out.

There are four inverted rooms in the front yard, five back-covered rooms in the back yard, one main room, two side rooms and two wing rooms in the middle courtyard, and a dozen or so earthquake shelters were built in the courtyard.

The annual rent of 24 houses is less than 5000 yuan. If the cost is recovered by the current rent, it will take at least several decades.

Xiao Ziwan and Xiao Ziyang moved to a new residence, because it was closer to the restaurant, and they didn't cook. When they were hungry, they went to the restaurant to find Yu Li, or they went to Yan Pugui.

As for paying the bill, Yu Li couldn't have said anything, she could open it at home, but Yan Bugui refused, even though it was her own grandson and granddaughter.But one yard is one yard, and you have to pay for meals. The two children are chicken thieves and ask Yan Bugui to keep the account and settle it together at the end of the month.


This day, Yan Jiecheng went to the restaurant for a tour, and when he returned to the courtyard, he was stopped by Liu Guangtian and Yu Haitang when he was about to enter the house.

"Brother-in-law, wait a moment."

Yan Jiecheng saw that the two were full of joy, and it seemed that the business of the store was settled.

"What? Did you buy the store? Where is the location?" Yan Jiecheng asked curiously. You must know that houses are not easy to buy now, especially stores. Many people know that Beijing will become better and better. There are only so many stores. Needless to say, store with good location.

"Wangfujing is right next to the Capital Theatre. The two houses total more than 50 square meters." Liu Guangtian said excitedly. For these two houses, they put all their money into it.

He was a little surprised to hear Liu Guangtian say that the location was in Wang Fulin and Yan Xiecheng. You must know that Wangfujing Commercial Street is very famous, let alone the present.

Now that they can buy the house over there, they must have made a profit. Even if they want to demolish it in the future, they must at least compensate them for a shop of the same area. I just don’t know how their house was bought, and it’s hard to ask this kind of question.

"Okay, since the store is bought, I will find someone to decorate it tomorrow. You two prepare the money. Also, in two days, you two will go to my dad's place to learn how to do it."

"Brother-in-law, this..."

"What's the matter? If you have something to say, don't hesitate." Seeing Liu Guangtian's embarrassed expression, Yan Jiecheng asked.

"Our family is out of money, can you borrow some from us, and pay you back when the store opens and earns money."

"No, how much did your family spend on buying that store? All the money you earned from rebar was spent?"

"Don't mention it. Although this shop is small in size, the unit price is high. At the beginning, the person charged 600 yuan per square meter. I managed to find a few friends I knew, and then I bargained to 3 yuan. Just buy this shop. Our family spent [-] yuan."

Liu Guangtian's distressed expression, if not for Yan Jiecheng's persuasion.Even if he was killed, he wouldn't spend so much money to buy a shop, so there's nothing wrong with doing something with this money.

"Okay, I'll lend you 5000 yuan first, and I'll pay it back when the store opens." Yan Xiecheng thought that he didn't have much money anyway and that the two families were relatives, so he wasn't afraid that they would run away with the money.


A month later, Yu Haitang's new store opened.

For this reason, Yan Jiecheng came over to take a look. The business is not bad, and the shops near here are more crowded and have a lot of traffic.

I am very curious to see a different store. Although the price is expensive, it is inevitable to go in and try something new.

On the first day, the turnover reached seven or eight hundred yuan, and Lilan also had two or three hundred yuan.The two of them were so happy that they didn't know what else to say. Although it was not as easy as doing business to make money before, they were satisfied.

Yan Jiecheng also persuaded the two of them, if it doesn't work, they can recruit them, and don't make yourself too tired.


After a busy day, Yan Jiecheng returned to the courtyard, and was shocked by the scene in front of him as soon as he entered the courtyard.

The second uncle brought Liu Guangqi and Liu Guangfu to block Shazhu's family in the front yard, and the fat man stood aside, surrounded by neighbors in the compound.

"Mom, what's going on here?" Yan Jiecheng couldn't help but asked when he saw that the third mother was also watching.

"I don't know, anyway, according to your second uncle, it seems that Sha Zhu and Qin Huairu cheated their family money, so your second uncle blocked them here to explain, and I don't know if this is true or not .”

The third mom looked back and saw that it was Yan Jiecheng, so she told what happened, but the third mom didn't know what the cause was, after all, it wasn't a good thing, and the second uncle didn't say it before.

At this time, seeing that the two parties were arguing a little bit, the first uncle became a peacemaker, but the second uncle didn't seem to give the first uncle any face.

"Yi Zhonghai, you still have the face to say that you were the one who asked me to invest in Qin Huairu's family back then. But now? Is this how their family repays me?"

As he said that, the second uncle took out 360 yuan from his pocket and threw it directly on the face of the first uncle.

The 360 ​​yuan was the dividend that Qin Huairu gave him at the beginning, but the second uncle didn't move a cent, thinking that this money was used by Qin Huairu to humiliate him.

The old man's face was livid and he was speechless, and he also knew that Qin Huairu did something wrong.

"I said Liu Haizhong, if you have the ability, you come to me, what kind of force do you have with Mr. Ren. Yes, our family took 5000 yuan from you back then, but we returned it to you. Not only that, our family also gave you 300 yuan more. How much money. What else are you not satisfied with?"

Silly Zhu saw that his godfather had been wronged and quit immediately, and rushed forward to fight with Liu Haizhong, but was held back by a few young guys at the side.

"Bah, you have the nerve to say that what we were talking about at the beginning was a shareholding. I hold [-]% of the shares in your restaurant. When did it become a loan to your family?"

After listening to Sha Zhu's words, the second uncle spit out a mouthful of old phlegm on Sha Zhu's face, making Sha Zhu disgusting.

"Second uncle, what you said is unreasonable. Don't you think that the dividends are too small to withdraw the shares? The money has been refunded to you, and you still want to find a later account? If you want to do this, we have to talk about it."

"You still have to tell me that your family made fake accounts to force me to withdraw the shares, is it reasonable? I told Qin Huairu that I'm not easy to mess with Liu Haizhong. It's okay if you give me the money your family embezzled privately. Otherwise, I'll make you look good." The second uncle said confidently.

Hearing what the second uncle said, Yan Jiecheng became interested. Since the second uncle said so, there must be evidence, and the appearance of the second uncle does not seem to be fake.

Although the law-blind people in Siheyuan don't understand it, Yan Xiecheng understands that if the amount of fraudulent accounts reaches a certain amount, they will be jailed.

It's different from the things that happened in the compound before. They used to be beating people, cursing, or petty theft. Even if they call the police, the police won't take care of them. At most, they will criticize and educate them.

The last time Silly Zhu and Xu Damao got into a fight, they were taken to dig sand for a month. Director Wang even specially asked someone to educate the people in the compound about the law. It seems that Qin Huairu and his family didn't take it seriously.

If this is the case, don't blame me. Yan Jiecheng wanted to teach their family some lessons. After all, their family danced so happily during this period of time, and they dared to copy their own restaurant. It seems that it is necessary to give their family a hard time. .

Thinking of this, Yan Jiecheng reminded:

"Second uncle, you can't talk nonsense without evidence. You will be jailed for making false accounts, and if the amount is huge, it will take at least ten years to start. How could the silly Zhu family do such a thing."

Hearing Yan Jiecheng's words, the second uncle was taken aback for a moment. He never thought that doing such a thing could lead to imprisonment, so he just wanted to find evidence and get the money back.

"Yan Jiecheng, what you said is true? Can you really send someone to jail?" The second uncle asked uncertainly, after all, he had never understood such a professional question.

"I can still lie to you, but only if you have evidence, otherwise it is a false accusation."

"Then does this count as evidence?" The second uncle took out two books from his clothes and handed them to Yan Jiecheng. "By the way, I still have a witness here. Fatty is here, it's your turn to play."

Qin Huairu and Sha Zhu were a little dizzy seeing the fat man appearing here. They were busy arguing with the second uncle before, and didn't look carefully. They didn't expect that there was a fat man hiding in the crowd, and hearing what the second uncle said, the fat man still came over to him witnesses.

Yan Jiecheng took over the two books and looked at them. The more he looked, the more he was surprised. He didn't expect Qin Huairu to be so ruthless. This was a difference of 3000 yuan.In later generations, it was nothing more than a month's wages of an ordinary worker, but now it's different. Many families can't earn that much a year, and this is the sum of four or five members of the family.

"For 3000 yuan, it can be sentenced to one or two years." Yan Jiecheng read the account book and returned it to the second uncle, and then said another sentence.

"Not only these, but also the wages of the employees. Their family also made false accounts. It was written in the account book that the fat man was paid 120 yuan, but in fact the fat man was paid 4000 yuan. There are also five members of their family. Their wages were all faked, and at least [-] yuan was embezzled by their family."

The second uncle threw another blockbuster, and looked at the fat man after speaking, asking him to tell the truth again.

"That's right, my master gave me a salary of one hundred and two, but it was written in the account book as one thousand and five."

"This is a difference of more than 7000 yuan. If it is confirmed, it can be sentenced to four or five years." Yan Jiecheng said in an astonishing tone from the side.

"Hey, I didn't expect Qin Huairu's family to be so dark and make false accounts so blatantly. This is 7000 yuan, and our family's savings for more than ten years have not been so much."

"Let's not talk about you, there are only a few families in our hospital who take advantage of so much money, except for Yan Xiecheng and the others who are in business."

"I've seen Qin Huairu not be a thing for a long time. I used to spend all day crying in the courtyard. I even borrowed eggs from our family. The family is so rich that they don't know how to pay them back."

"What are a few eggs from your family? She even borrowed meat from our family. This meat was more than ten years ago. At that time, the monthly ration was only so small, and they all took it away."

Qin Huairu froze in place, listening to everyone's discussion, thinking of countermeasures.

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