"Comrade policeman, Qin Huairu's family is not honest at all. I have evidence here. These two books belong to her restaurant. One is the real purchase bill and the other is a fake one. And there is their family's stick in it." Sign." Said the second uncle handed the account book in his hand to the policeman.

"Who is the stick?" The policeman shouted to the crowd after taking the account book and flipping through it.

"I am, I am."

"Look, did you write the signature on this ledger?"

"This..." Bang Geng was a little dazed after taking the account book and reading it. He didn't understand why his family's account book got into the hands of the second uncle.

"You said it was your signature?"

"I signed it." Although I don't want Ai to admit it, the evidence is here. Even if he says he didn't sign it, they can find it out by comparison.

"Since this is the case, you can go back with us to investigate. By the way, there are a few of you." The police pointed to Qin Huairu's family, the fat man and the second uncle.

"Comrade policeman, I don't need to go. I'm just giving evidence to Liu Guangqi's family." The fat man said with some fear, as if he was afraid that the police would arrest him.

"You must go as a witness, that's enough, hurry up, it's late, don't let everyone have a rest." The police comrade said impatiently, this case is a bit complicated. They haven't encountered any work before. You have to ask your superiors for instructions, but you have to take it home and ask for clarification first.

"Comrade police, even if our family remembers wrongly and pay the second uncle money, there is no need to go to the police station, right?" Qin Huairu is only now getting scared. After all, people are the most important thing for money. What's the point of keeping money when people go in? No, if she knew it was so serious, she would have admitted her mistake to the second uncle just now.

"Okay, let's hurry up. It's not to arrest you, just to learn some things and make a record."

Hearing this, Qin Huairu was relieved, and then the family, the second uncle and the fat man followed the police to the police station.

In front of the police, Shazhu and Banggen didn't dare to stab them, and followed obediently.

"Okay, let's leave, don't worry, Huai Ru and Lao Liu just went to the police station to make a record and they will be back tomorrow." Although he was a little worried, he still pretended to be calm.

"Grandpa, you can pull it down. This is 7000 yuan. Such a big case is not just for fun. If you come back, they will just wait to be jailed." Xu Damao said with a look of disdain, in his heart I was so happy that I thought that this time Shazhu finally got unlucky and let him fight against me.

And there is nothing to be afraid of without silly Zhu Yi Zhonghai, he is just a retired old man and he doesn't have to look at his face.

"Xu Damao! You are a shit-stirring stick, how could there be someone like you in our hospital."

"Grandpa, don't talk about me, we are each other, you are not a good thing. Don't think I don't know about the calculation in your heart, don't you just want to let Sha Zhu and Qin Huairu take care of you? This time when the two of them go in, I'll see what you do next, hum." As he spoke, Xu Damao turned his head, shook his hands, and swaggered home.

"Old Yi, Xu Damao is such a person, don't get angry with him, it's not worth it." Seeing that Yi Zhonghai was so angry with Xu Damao, Yan Bugui hurriedly persuaded,

I'm afraid that the uncle will fall in the front yard and rely on their family. After all, the entire front yard belongs to their family now, and he can't ignore it if someone falls down.

"It's okay, Lao Yan. I was made angry by Xu Damao. This kid is too shameful. He doesn't know how to respect the old and love the young. He just makes sarcastic remarks when he has something to do. It's not a big deal to watch the excitement. He is a rat shit. He made us big The atmosphere in the courtyard has been ruined."

The uncle just complained to Yan Bugui, and Yan Bugui was listening. Anyway, Xu Damao didn't mess with him, and it wasn't his turn to take care of him.

"Okay, Lao Yi, you should go back early, but I have to remind you, what will you do if something happens to Shazhu and Qin Huairu, you have to plan early."

"What can happen, isn't it just that Lao Liu and his family have misunderstood a little, just give him the money. The same is true for Lao Liu. They are all from the same hospital, so why do things so badly?"

The old man didn't listen to Yan Bugui's persuasion at all, and he blamed Liu Haizhong in his heart for being petty, and he didn't have much money to make such a fuss.

Even if Qin Huairu made a false account of 7000 yuan, Liu Haizhong's 1000% stake would only be more than [-] yuan.

Moreover, I was also dissatisfied with Qin Huairu's greed in my heart. As for the more than 1000 yuan, their family did not lack this amount of money, and they couldn't earn it back if they honestly did a good job in the business.

So much so that Liu Haizhong was offended for more than 1000 yuan, and his character was damaged in the courtyard, and he might have to eat corn bread.

The uncle was worried about how to get the man out, while thinking about how to go back and explain to Jia Zhang, and Sophora japonica, Sophora japonica was at school and didn't know what happened at home.

Besides, Shazhu and the others can't come out for a while, so what to do with the restaurant is also a matter, so they can't just close the door.

When everyone in the compound dispersed, Yan Jiecheng was stopped by Yan Bugui just as he was about to go home.

Yan Jiecheng looked at Yan Pugui with some puzzlement: "Dad, what's the matter? Do you have something else to do?"

"Your children have eaten in our restaurant for a month, you can buy it." Yan Bugui took out a piece of paper and handed it to Yan Jiecheng.

"I said Dad, you are really successful. Your grandson and granddaughter are going to eat, and you can just buy the bill. Why do you want me?"

Yan Jiecheng took the bill and looked at it. Unexpectedly, the two children can eat well. They eat more than 200 yuan a month, which is more than a month's salary of many people. Next time, I have to talk about the two of them.

I'm not afraid of eating, but it's not like there's no restaurant at home, so why eat fried chicken all the time? What's so delicious about it?

"Okay Dad, I get it, deduct it from my dividend, but next time the two of them go, they won't be able to keep accounts." Yan Xiecheng was a little speechless, Yan Pugui did business with his grandson.

"It's enough with your words, you think I'm willing to let them keep the accounts, if it's not for your face, you want to eat without paying, grandma." Yan Bugui took out a bag and handed it to him while talking. Give it to Yan Jiecheng.

"What is this?"

"Dividends, this is your share, a total of seven thousand and two, and there is some change left in the store."

"You earned so much in the first month?" Yan Jiecheng asked in surprise.

You must know that he only holds 6000% of the shares in the new store. He invested a total of [-] yuan at the beginning, but he did not expect to recover the investment and earn so much money in one month.

"You don't want to see who is in charge." Yan Pugui gave Yan Jiecheng a supercilious look. He vomited blood because of this store. He was reluctant to hire anyone in order to save money. He did all the dirty work. Doing it alone, Yan Xieya and his wife are in charge of the back kitchen.

"Okay, I know that you have worked hard, and I will invite you to our restaurant for dinner when I am not busy another day."

"That's what you said, I remember it. Yes, you said that nothing really happened to Qin Huairu's family, right?" Yan Bugui asked curiously, mainly because he didn't touch this kind of thing. I don't know if there will be a sentence.

"It's not sure, it depends on who is in charge. Our country doesn't have a specific standard now. If you encounter severe cases, you can be sentenced to one or two years. If you are easy to talk about, maybe you can persuade them to pay some money and apologize."

"That's it."

"Well, what else do you want? Go back to sleep if you have nothing to do, and you have to get up early tomorrow. By the way, Dad, the store is also making money now. If it doesn't work, you can hire two people. Don't exhaust the three of you. And Too busy, Xie Yan and the others don't have time to take care of the children." Yan Jiecheng thought for a while and said,
In the past few days, he went to see it, and it was Xiao Ziwan and the others who helped take the little girl. They were originally asked to move there to study hard, so it would be better not to move there.

"This..., okay, I'll discuss it with them tomorrow and hire two people for the store." Yan Bugui said reluctantly, this is just to make money, otherwise he wouldn't want to.


The second uncle and the fat man were released that night, but now the next uncle was in a hurry, so he went to the steel rolling mill's subordinate building overnight to find Director Yang. Among the people he knew was Director Yang, and he didn't know anyone else.

In the next few days, Xiaodang Shazhu and Qin Huairu were released one after another, but the stick did not come out.

He was sentenced to two years in prison for falsifying the accounts, and now Qin Huairu's family and the second uncle are really feuding.

The reason why the stick was awarded was because all the projects were signed by the stick.

Qin Huairu and Shazhu were fine because someone had told them in advance, and asked them to put all the charges on BangGong. After all, BangGong would definitely not get out, so it would be better to let him take all the responsibility.

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