The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 321 Wu Juan's Ambition

Chapter 321 Wu Juan's Ambition

After discussing the share ratio, Yan Bugui took Yan Jiefang out of the second uncle's house and planned to go home to raise money.

The two went all the way back to Yan Bugui's house, and Yan Jiefang called Wu Juan over along the way. After all, Wu Juan was in charge of his family's financial power, and Yan Jiefang would not get the money if he didn't tell Wu Juan.

When Wu Juan learned that several companies were going to jointly do an import trade, and the goods were such a tight commodity as TV sets, she was overjoyed, but then she felt a little disappointed.

After all, for the 6 yuan share of the goods, their family and Yan Bugui need to pay 3 yuan to share equally, which is not a small sum.

Although their family has earned some money in the past two years, it is still a bit difficult to take out so much money at once. If you say 3 to [-] yuan, you can take it out, but their family really doesn't have and can't get [-] yuan. come out.

So Wu Juan planned to discuss it with Yan Bugui, and asked Yan Bugui to help them with the mat, and then return the money to Yan Bugui after earning money.

But how could such a thug like Yan Pugui agree? If you want to borrow money, you have to pay interest, and the high interest rate is calculated on a daily basis.

If you borrow 3000 yuan, you will have to pay [-] yuan a day if you don’t count the interest on the principal. If you borrow it for a month, it will be [-] yuan in interest. Who will bear it?

Yan Bugui said, if it doesn't work, he can give up the share, he can take more, but how can Wu Juan be willing to give up such a good business.

So the two families broke up at once, Yan Jiefang discussed with Wu Juan, and if it didn't work, he would ask his brother to borrow it. Yan Jie's family must be rich, but Wu Juan disagreed, fearing that Yan Jiecheng would be jealous and want a piece of the pie.

"This doesn't work, that doesn't work, so what do you say?" Yan Jiefang said angrily,
Yan Jiefang didn't agree with Wu Juan's worries. How could his brother take this little money seriously? It might be a lot of money for them, but it was just a little rain for Yan Jiecheng. The restaurant's monthly turnover is more than this, but Wu Juan doesn't listen to his words at all.

"If it doesn't work, just take out our shop." Wu Juan gritted her teeth and said.

Yan Jiefang was taken aback when he heard Wu Juan's words, and then asked:

"Who is it worth? Even if our shop is sold out, it won't be worth much money? Besides, our house is an electrical repair shop. Who can do it without craftsmanship?"

"How about giving it to my brother? He has studied with you for a long time, and it is no problem to repair an electrical appliance, and he will definitely agree."


Yan Jiefang was a little hesitant. After all, he opened this store himself. Although he didn't make much money, he still had feelings. He was really reluctant to pay it out.

"Don't worry, it's just a refund. We'll redeem it when we earn money."

"But even if the store is sold out, it's still not enough. The store doesn't belong to our family, it just has some stocks in it, but those stocks can't be sold for a while."

"The shop will be transferred to my younger brother even with the inventory, but we can't transfer our house." Wu Juan gritted her teeth and said, thinking that whatever she wanted to do, she wanted to get the money out. The deal was decided by her family.

"This...isn't it too radical? What if I lose money?"

Yan Jiefang was a little scared. This was all their family's belongings. If they all went in with them, it would be impossible for their family to earn back if they didn't have more than ten years.

"How can it be possible to pay? This is a TV set? After completing this business, the money we earn can directly change our family to a detached house." Wu Juan said full of longing.

Wu Juan wanted to leave this hospital a long time ago, but Yan Jiefang has no ability to earn money, and their family can't afford a big house, so they can only live here aggrieved.

Their daughter is so old and they can only borrow Yan Jie to get married, and their son is still in the same room as the couple when he is more than ten years old.It's not that her family can't afford a house, it's that she doesn't like that kind of small house and plans to save money and buy a yard directly.

And this time is an opportunity, the goods worth 3 yuan can at least double the profit, that is [-] yuan, enough for their family to buy a small courtyard, which has been his dream for many years.

"Then do you want to tell Big Brother?" Yan Jiefang was still a little worried, after all, this is not a small sum, and if he loses it, it will be over.

"Where do you come from so much nonsense, I'll do as long as I say, don't ask your elder brother, a restaurant owner in his family knows what trade is."

"Okay, then I'll listen to you, and you can do whatever you want." Yan Jiefang had no choice but to deal with Wu Juan's stubbornness. He was used to letting Wu Juan make up her mind about family matters.

"Listen to me, you're right. I'll go back to my mother's house tomorrow to deal with the business of the store. When we come back, we'll mortgage the house and then go to the bank to get the money out of the house."


On Yan Bugui's side, the third mother is also persuading Yan Bugui, and the third mother is not worried about asking Yan Pugui to talk to Yan Jiecheng about such a large-scale transaction.

Although their family can scrape together the money without mortgaging the house, such a large amount of money still makes the third mother a little worried. After all, this is the pension money they have praised for decades.

To say that the old couple can praise such a large sum of money, the four children are indispensable.

Especially Yan Jiecheng, because the three mothers took care of their children, Yan Jiecheng not only gave them a sum of pension money every month, but also the family's food and clothing expenses were bought by Yan Jiecheng and Yu Li.

Even if their family made money from doing business later, Yan Jiecheng did not cut off the pension money given to them.

But Yan Bugui was afraid that Yan Jiecheng would create a rift with their family if he knew about it. After all, it felt a bit inappropriate to bring Yan Jiefang and not Yan Jiecheng. Don't tell Yan Jiecheng anymore.

Although Yan Bugui knew that even if Yan Jiecheng knew, he wouldn't be jealous, but he still felt a little awkward.

After talking about this matter with the third mother, the third mother no longer insisted. After all, one more thing is worse than one less thing, and it would be better if one less person knew about it.

So in the next few days, several families began to try various ways to raise money.

First of all, Xu Damao sold out a screening room in his home. Originally, two screening rooms had to be sold out, but because of Yan Bugui's reason, their family lost 1 yuan in goods, so they sold out a screening room. , 4 yuan was raised.

Yan Bugui didn't need to mortgage anything, he just went to the bank to withdraw the money.

And Yan Jiefang handed the store at home to his brother-in-law. Originally, the goods and the store could be worth at least 1 yuan, but his mother-in-law only gave him 7000 yuan, which was just enough for the price of the goods. , which is equivalent to a free gift from the store.

Yan Jiefang disagreed, but Wu Juan couldn't help persuading him from the sidelines. Anyway, he was not an outsider. Besides, it was just a mortgage. At worst, he would redeem the shop after earning money.

(End of this chapter)

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