The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 334; Inspection Results

Chapter 334; Inspection Results

After Qin Huairu and Shazhu left, Yan Jiecheng also greeted everyone and said he was going to the toilet, and then came to the dean's office alone.

Yan Jiecheng looked up at the nameplate at the door, and it was indeed the dean's office, so he reached out and knocked on the door.

"Who is it, come in."

Hearing the voice from inside the room, Yan Jiecheng pushed the door and walked in.

"You are?" the dean looked at Yan Jiecheng and asked in confusion, not knowing why he came to find him.

"Hello, my name is Yan Jiecheng. I'm here to complain. There is a doctor in your hospital who issued a false certificate." Yan Jiecheng shook hands with the director and said.

"Comrade, you can't talk nonsense with empty teeth. What evidence do you have to prove that the doctor in our hospital issued a false certificate?" The dean was stunned for a moment when he heard Yan Jiecheng's words, and then said.

No matter what Yan Jiecheng said is true or not, he can't admit it. This kind of matter can only be resolved within them. If outsiders know this, it will not hurt the prestige of their hospital. Who will dare to come to their hospital to see a doctor in the future.

"I'm not talking nonsense. A man from our compound came to our hospital for a physical examination. The doctor in your hospital told people that he was suffering from infertility, but he didn't have such a disease at all."

" do you know he doesn't have this disease?"

"We went to other hospitals. There were five hospitals in total. Four of them said he didn't have this disease. Only your hospital said he had it. Isn't it your hospital's problem?" Seeing that the director didn't believe him, Yan Jiecheng started Make it up.

"It's... It's also possible that the inspection report was mixed up. It's also possible. How can you say that the doctors in our hospital deliberately issued false certificates?"

"That's why we brought people over for an inspection today. You'll know if it's intentional." Yan Xiecheng said confidently.

Seeing Yan Jiecheng's appearance, the dean began to feel a little guilty. He was not sure whether there were such people in the doctors in their hospital. After all, he was not sure that the doctors in their hospital were all people of high moral character.

Even if such a person appeared, he still hoped to control the situation, and he must not make troubles in the city, otherwise his position as the dean would be considered exhausted.

So the dean's attitude softened and he asked, "Comrade, what do you want to do?"

"Your hospital can handle it as you like. We just want the real test results."

"Okay, okay, don't worry, if this kind of thing really happens, our hospital will definitely not let it go. I don't know your friend's name, I will send someone to watch it later." Seeing that Yan Xiecheng's request was so low, the director agreed wholeheartedly.

"He Yuzhu, Qin Huairu. When the results come out, you can just take them and we will wait in the lobby." After speaking, Yan Jiecheng exited the dean's office and walked back to the lobby.

"Yan Jiecheng, why did you go there? Could it be because of kidney deficiency that you went for a checkup?" Sha Zhu said sarcastically.

Just now Yan Jiecheng stayed in the dean's office for a long time, and Sha Zhu and Qin Huairu have returned after the examination, and now they are waiting for the results.

Yan Jiecheng smiled and didn't speak, let Shazhu be stunned for a while, and then he will cry, I don't know what expression he will have when he knows that Qin Huairu has lied to him for more than 20 years and deliberately refused to give him a child.

Seeing that Yan Jiecheng didn't speak, Silly Zhu got more and more energetic and kept running on Yan Jiecheng.

"Silly Zhu, don't talk about me, you should still care about yourself, no matter what I say, people with three children are different from you.

As the old saying goes, there are three ways to be unfilial and to have no descendants is the biggest. You are so close to five people that you have no face to criticize me. "

Yan Jiecheng glanced at Shazhu contemptuously. This person lived a failure. The best 20 years of his life were held by the uncle and Qin Huairu. Qin Huairu parted ways.

"What's so great about children, there are three in your family, and there are three in our family."

"Our three children have my surname, and the blood of our old Yan family is flowing on them. How about your three children?" Yan Jiecheng looked at Sha Zhu with some disdain. In everyone's eyes, Sha Zhu is a clown. Only he doesn't know it.

"Okay, Zhuzi, stop arguing with Yan Jiecheng, and wait for the result with peace of mind." The old man persuaded from the side.

At this time, Qin Huairu was a little anxious. The last time he and Sha Zhu came for the examination, the results came out not long after, but today I don’t know what happened. After waiting for a long time, the examination results still haven’t come out. What accident happened, Qin Huairu secretly thought.

"He Yuzhu, Qin Huairu, the test results for you two are out."

While Qin Huairu was waiting anxiously, a nurse came over with two inspection reports.

"Doctor, how is it? Is there anything wrong with my son's health?" He Daqing asked the nurse with a dead fish face, and he only asked about Sha Zhu's situation, and he didn't even mention Qin Huairu.

"Is He Yuzhu your son? His physical indicators are all healthy and there is nothing wrong with him, but your daughter-in-law's health is not good. She had some infections when she wore the birth control ring last time. Although there is nothing serious about it, I'm afraid it will be serious in the future." I can’t have children anymore.” If it wasn’t for the dean’s instructions, she wouldn’t tell anyone about such a private matter, and usually she would tell the patient herself.

Hearing what the nurse said, Qin Huairu froze in place as if she had been hit by five thunderbolts. This was different from what she had thought before. Didn't Dr. Wang promise her to push the problem to Sha Zhu, so why did he change his mind.

Hearing the nurse's words, not only Qin Huairu was stunned, but everyone in the courtyard was also stunned except for a small number of people.

They never thought that it was not because of Shazhu's inability to have children, but because of Qin Huairu's fault. Qin Huairu had already been in the ring before.

Qin Huairu wanted to completely wipe out the old He's family. The reason why he married Shazhu was because he wanted Shazhu to raise children for their family.

"Yi Zhonghai, what else do you have to say?" He Daqing stared at the uncle with a blank expression and said, if it wasn't for the murder and crime, he would have wanted to kill this thing right now.

"Old He, don't get excited. There may be some misunderstanding here. Comrade nurse, did you get the wrong inspection report?" The old man was a little caught off guard by He Daqing's question, and he didn't know what to say, so he turned his head and responded. Looking at the nurse at the side, she still blamed Qin Huairu for not handling the matter well. Didn't she say that there are acquaintances in this hospital, how can there be an accident.

"Our dean took it personally. How could there be a mistake. If you are worried, you can go to another hospital for another check." The nurse gave the old man a bad look and left angrily.

"This..." The uncle was completely speechless now.

"Uncle He, why don't we take Qin Huairu and Sha Zhuru to another hospital for another examination?" Yan Jiecheng asked Qin Huairu not to give up, but no one in other hospitals dared to open Qin Huairu's face false proof.

"Zhuzi, what do you think?" He Daqing turned his head and asked the silly Zhu who heard Yan Jiecheng's words.

At this time, Silly Zhu didn't know whether it was happiness or pain in his heart. He always thought that it was his fault that he couldn't have a child, but in the end he found out that it was Qin Huairu who lied to him. He was able to have a child, but Qin Huairu couldn't. It's good to do it.

He is a bit unwilling to just live with Qin Huairu without a child, but let him divorce Qin Huairu and marry another, not to mention whether he can get married, but divorce Qin Huairu, he is not willing to, after all, the investment is so big , I haven't seen any return, and no one will be reconciled.

"You don't need to go, it's my own problem. If you have any problems, please come to me. I was afraid that Zhuzi would treat the sticks badly if he had his own children. That's why I got the ring. As for the previous inspection report, it's the same. I found someone to do it." Qin Huairu saw that she couldn't hide the matter, so she spoke out.Things have come to this point, even if she doesn't say anything, nothing can be changed.

"Uncle He, this is a hospital, let's go back and talk about what's going on." Yan Jiecheng suggested when everyone around looked at them.

"Yes, yes, this is not a place to talk, let's go back and talk, we have to hold an all-hands meeting for such a big matter, it happens that Lao He still has a lot of people in the courtyard when he comes back this time, so we can give Let me introduce you." The second uncle said with great interest with a big belly.

(End of this chapter)

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