The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 347 Construction Site Completion

Chapter 347 Construction Site Completion
Seeing that Yi Zhonghai agreed, He Daqing took Li Hong back to his hometown the next day, and brought him over to meet the uncle.

He Daqing had already told him about the woman's conditions before, and the uncle was very satisfied after seeing her. The only ones who hesitated were the four children in the woman's family.

It's okay to say one or two, four children, all brought here, and his house doesn't even have a place to live.

Finally, after discussion, the older children stayed in the village and were raised by the uncle, and the youngest son was brought to live with them.

After thinking about it, the old man could only do this. Anyway, it only costs a few tens of dollars a month, which is not too much for him.

So within a few days, news spread in the compound that the uncle was going to get married, and the other party was a widow in her 30s.

This shocked the people in the compound for a while. I didn't expect the old man to be so old and have such thoughts.

The main thing is that the character set up by the uncle for everyone was too good. The first mother cannot have children. Such a big problem, the uncle did not choose to divorce the first mother. He has never left the first mother for decades.

How did this kind of thing happen again in the end? The people in the compound don't quite understand what the uncle did.

But they couldn't change their minds. The uncle still married Li Mei, and the two didn't have any wedding. They just went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get a marriage certificate, and then distributed a circle of wedding candies in the courtyard.

The only thing that has changed is that there are two more people in the compound. Li Mei brought her five-year-old son to live in the compound, which brought some talking points to the neighbors in the compound.

But this has no effect on Yan Jiecheng, and he doesn't pay much attention to the uncle's finding a new wife.

He still runs around two o'clock every day, going to restaurants and construction sites in the morning, reading at home in the afternoon, and going to night school in the evening.


In this way, the time came to the end of the year without knowing it, and the project came to an end.

"Boss Yan, how is it? Are you satisfied with the progress?" Master Wang pointed to the renovated three-story building in front of him and said to Yan Jiecheng who was beside him.

The tone of the speech is full of pride. After all, such a large building only took more than five months to build and decorate, and this is because they built a building of this shape for the first time. If they do it again, they will definitely be able to faster.

Hearing Master Wang's words and looking at the workers dismantling the scaffolding in front of him, Yan Xiecheng nodded.

"Master Wang, clean up the construction site today, and I'll come over tomorrow to give you the final payment."

"Don't worry, even if we work until midnight, we will finish the work today, and we will definitely not hold you back." Hearing Yan Jiecheng's words, Master Wang assured him, patting his chest.

"Okay, let the workers pay attention to safety, I will go back if there is nothing wrong."

Master Wang laughed. Although he knew that Yan Jiecheng would not lose their money after dealing with them several times, he couldn't help being happy when he heard the exact time.So he said:

"Don't worry, nothing will happen if I'm watching here."

The next time Yan Jiecheng gave some advice, he rode his bicycle home.

The house has been furnished and the next step is to move the furniture in so it can be put into use.

During the renovation period, other things were not delayed. The business of the fried chicken shop has been distributed to 34 of the 26 provincial agencies across the country.

The two bosses Huang, who were the first agents of the fried chicken shop before, have also developed several franchise stores. They are basically relatives and friends. It is estimated that the total number of franchise stores will reach about [-] by the end of the year.

Although the franchise fee for one hundred franchise stores is only more than 2000 yuan per year, Yan Jiecheng believes that this is just the beginning. There are more than 2000 county-level administrative regions in the country. Even if there is only one store in each county, there are more than [-]. There are big cities like Beijing and Shanghai.

Yan Jiecheng's goal is to develop "Old Man Yan's Fried Chicken Burger" into a chain brand with more than [-] franchise stores before [-].

In this way, the franchise fee received each year will exceed 500 million.

But the most important thing now is to find a supervisor for the main store. When the house was being built before, Yan Xiecheng rented a store in another place, and asked Yan Jiedi and his wife to move there.

This made it difficult for anyone to manage the new store when it opened. The waiters could say that they could transfer a few from other stores, but those in charge must know the basics.

Yan Jiecheng thought for a long time, and felt that it was appropriate for Yu Li to come over to manage the main store.

As for the restaurant, if it doesn't work, let Heizi take care of it, and then promote a waiter to be the lobby manager.

As long as the back kitchen and the front desk are not connected in series, there is no way to make false accounts. After all, the back kitchen knows how many dishes are served in the store every day. After counting the menu, you can know the turnover of the day. As long as you get off work every day Just go and collect the money once.

So when Yu Li came back at night, Yan Jiecheng expressed his thoughts.

"What, you want me to be the manager of a fried chicken restaurant? What about the restaurant? I don't feel at ease leaving the restaurant to someone else." Yu Li said excitedly just after hearing Yan Jiecheng's words.

After all, their family's main income now comes from restaurants. As for the fried chicken restaurant, in Yu Li's eyes, it's just a small business.

Compared with fried chicken restaurants, the income of restaurants is the real daily income, otherwise their family would not be able to build such a good fried chicken head office.

Seeing that Yu Li disagreed, Yan Jiecheng had no choice but to persuade her patiently.

The reason why their restaurant's business is so good is just a time difference. After all, there are not many restaurants open at this time, especially a restaurant as big as theirs, and the service in state-run restaurants is not good.

But with the continuous development of reform and opening up, more and more restaurants will be opened in the future, and their business will not always be so profitable, especially when the number of foreigners decreases.

A large part of the income of his restaurant comes from the current foreign exchange system. If they cannot receive foreign exchange, the income is actually not that high, and the net profit is only 3 to [-] yuan per month.

But fried chicken shops are different. The main income comes from franchise stores and agents. The purpose of the main store is not to make a lot of money every day, but mainly to use it as a facade and train employees for franchise stores.

Yan Jiecheng made up his mind that next year the three-entry courtyard will not forget to rent out, pack it up, and use it as a dormitory for the employees of the franchise store who come to the main store in Beijing for training.

Anyway, he can't get much rent for a year, and this little money is dispensable to him. The reason why he rented it out at the beginning was to make the yard more popular.

"Then who should I hand over the restaurant to? Heizi stays in the back kitchen all day and is not familiar with restaurant management, so don't worry about handing it over to him, but I'm afraid he won't be able to manage it well."

After hearing Yan Jiecheng's explanation, Yu Li was relieved, but she still had opinions on who should manage the restaurant.

"The back kitchen is separated from the front desk, let Heizi manage the back kitchen, and then choose one of the waiters to be the manager of the lobby.

As for the candidate, you think Li Nan or Zheng Hua is suitable. They are both old employees in the store and started working with us last year. There should be no problems in terms of character and ability. "Yan Jiecheng thought for a while and said.

"Then let Li Nan be the manager of the lobby. As for Zheng Hua, why not let her follow me to the fried chicken head office."

Yu Li felt that the two of them came to the restaurant together, and now one of them is the manager and the other is still an employee, and she must feel uncomfortable. It would be better to transfer her away, so that it would be easier for Li Nan to manage.

"Okay, this way, you also arrange a position in charge for Zheng Hua, let her be the foreman in the fried chicken head office."

Yan Xiecheng thinks that the main store has three floors, each floor is more than 350 square meters, and there will be five or six waiters on each floor, so it is definitely not possible to manage it by one person.

A foreman has to be arranged on each floor, and a set of intercom equipment has to be purchased, so that there is no need to run back and forth for anything.

By the way, there is also a telephone, and a telephone must be installed in the store. Now private individuals can press the telephone. The second uncle installed one when he was doing business, but the telephone has been abandoned since the business died down. After all, at this time Phone calls can be expensive.

Generally, even if some people have a telephone installed, it is locked in a cabinet, for fear of being misused by the children at home.

There are also computers and printers, which have to be bought. If you buy them, you can buy them all at once.

Just in August this year, lbm launched the pc5150 personal computer. Yan Jiecheng planned to buy two sets and put them in the main store.

If it wasn't for the absence of a paging station, Yan Jiecheng would have even wanted to buy a bp machine.

"Okay, I'll listen to you, but when will your new head office open? Has all the equipment in it been installed?"

"Not yet. I just finished the decoration today. I will start installing equipment and furniture tomorrow. It should be almost there in two or three days. I will try to open on Saturday." Hearing Yu Li's words, Yan Xiecheng recovered from his thoughts and said back and forth.

"Is it too late?"

"I'm in a hurry. Just transfer a few people from Xie Di and Haitang's shop. You don't need to worry about this. I will arrange it. Go to bed quickly."


Early the next morning.

After Yan Xiecheng got up, he went to the furniture factory first, and asked them to arrange to transport the custom-made furniture, tables and chairs to the store.

Then I went to Yu Haitang and Yan Jie to see where they were, and asked them to second some workers to go to the main store to work on Saturday.

After arranging everything, Yan Jiecheng went to Zuojiazhuang again, talked to the old captain, and recruited a few young men in the village.

Ask them to work as security guards in the main store. After all, how can such a big store do without a security guard. There were not many people in the small store before, and there was nothing valuable in the store.

But it's different now, not to mention the equipment inside, the layer of toughened glass on the outside alone cost more than [-] yuan.

Based on two security guards on each floor, there are only six people in total.

The waiters can be recruited less, and those who are sent by the branch to receive training are not in vain, and Yan Xiecheng does not need to pay extra wages anyway.

(End of this chapter)

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